11 January 2024 20:21
You spend time & energy to pick everything you need and when you go to the cashier to pay, they force you buy a $10 membership card. This is unprofessional and feels like extortion.

If membership is mandatory, you HAVE TO check the membership cards at the entrance, so people are not surprised at the end when checking out.

I will not return. Avoid this store.
13 December 2023 15:57
They forcefully sold a 10 dollar card and it is worthless and can only be used in this branch.
09 November 2023 5:39
J'étais à Montréal, j'ai fait un petit tour pour acheter des fruits. Il y a beaucoup de produit que je ne trouve pas ailleurs. Les prix sont excellents. J'aurais bien aimé qu'ils ouvrent un point de vente à Drummondville.
27 October 2023 0:14
J’ai toujours fais mes achats chez Sami avec ma famille et ce week-end spécialement nous avons été servi par une caissière super arrogante et qui n’arrêtait pas de nous bouder, carrément du profilage racial, si la limite n’était pas permis au Canada, je crois qu’elle nous aurait carrément insulté ou frappé, on a remarqué son attitude on lui pose la question elle se fâche et lance même l’argent, elle dit être malade, nous ne sommes pas contre le fait qu’elle soit malade, elle pouvait demander son off pour pas nous faire subir ses émotions (elle a parlé dans sa langue et qui sait si elle nous a vraiment insulté) pitoyable comme service
14 August 2023 5:47
Les fruits et légumes sont de bonne qualité, mais les noix ne sont pas dans des conditions hygiène optimales et c'est un gros problème.
12 July 2023 10:49
Sure, some of the prices for fruits and veggies is cheap, but it's very old style. No barcodes, prices entered at register is whatever the cashier remembers the price and when you go it would be nice if they had some signs that it now requires $10 membership to buy from here now? Had to leave all my shopping behind because I am not giving any information to these people.
25 January 2022 10:05
C'est un endroit correct pour acheter ses fruits et légumes à bon marché. Il faut surveiller le caissier, car aucun détail autre que des prix sur la facture, alors impossible de savoir s'ils ont chargé le prix affiché.
Depuis l'automne, ils exigent une carte de membre de la "Coopérative de consommateurs de biens et services à la famille du Québec" (CBSFQ). C'est quoi ce truc? Ça ressemble à un tour de passe passe pour ne pas payer d'impôt!
05 January 2022 1:38
It has nice selection of fruits and vegetables fir a cheap price, but if u dont eat them immediately they will spoil, really fast
17 December 2021 0:54
The worst place ever to buy groceries
The staff is bad and the quality of products is worse
I would nevee recommend it to anyone of you
04 December 2021 9:54
Mon premier magasin que j'ai utilisé lorsque j'ai arrivé au canada
ils sont des super prix avec des bon produit
merci Sami fruits
bon courage pour l'équipe qui travaille la dessus
14 September 2021 7:39
Mon oncle Sami n'a pas toujours les produits frais, 98% du temps ils viennent de sortir du congelateur et une fois arrivee a la maison il faut verifier si ils sont bon ou pas a l'interieur et il faut consommer rapidement 2-3jours gros max, les prix sont correctes pour certains items, le prix des oeufs par exemple ne cessent d'augmenter en 6 mois le prix a explosee.
11 September 2021 2:51
Great prices for veggies and fruits but crowded parking and you can not take the shopping cart to the parking to unload your stuff
09 September 2021 3:17
Affreux. Aucun respect des mesures sanitaires. Les employés refusent carrément de porter le masque sous le regard complice du gérant qui ne fait rien à ce sujet. Casier pris avec une toux violente qui enlève son masque pour mieux tousser.sur les clients derrière lui! Masques tellement sales ou usés que les employés font peut être mieux de ne pas les porter! Arrogance dans les réponses. Dans quelle planète ils vivent?
27 August 2021 12:48
EDIT: I changed to one star, zero if I could. Recently they've changed the shopping at SAMI to an exclusive club. You must have a membership to shop there. There was no indication of this on the website even as of today (july 1 2021). This is definitely a cash grab. It maybe only $10 now, I bet you it will be higher in the near future. This is because they can control what the membership fee be by charging more from the customer, but cannot really increase the retail price of the goods. Yes, the items are cheaper than at national grocery chains. But, there are plenty places in and around Montreal that does carry the same items for same price of less. Exclusivity only means, only rich can shop there. Poor person cannot afford even $10, because that could be milk and eggs for the children. Why spend money to be in an exclusive club when you can spend that money to buy actually what you need.
My previous review from 3 years ago:
Lots of Great produce for a fraction of the price at regular grocery stores
04 August 2021 14:38
C, est vrai vous devez avoir une carte de membre pour entrer dans ce magasin seulement dans ce sami fruits mais pas dans les autres
04 August 2021 0:13
Beautiful and fresh Fruits, and More interesting, kind staff
شکرا یا سیدتی مریم. Thanks to Ms. Maryam, Always you help customers. God gives her dignity in her life.
01 August 2021 16:41
Not bad place for fruits and vegetables, just be careful to pay extra 10$ to get the membership card now.
21 July 2021 0:05
Mauvaise qualité, plus de la moitié jeté. Les fruits et legumes sont très refroidie alors dès qu' elles spnt à la temperature ambiante on voit qu'elles sont pourris. Je ne recommande pas car ils sont des tricheurs
05 July 2021 0:41
Chez Sami, a part la qualite de lesgumes et fruits, tu as toujours l'impression que tu prends ta course gratuitement quand tu passes a la caisse avec le comportement froid des caissiers! Et c'est partout ou il y a un Sami, je ne comprends pas pourquoi!
04 July 2021 19:20
Very low hygiene standards.it's specially disturbing during Covid times. Many employees wear their masks under their nose. Needless to say there's no sanitization.
As for the produce, the fruits usually smell and taste like a chemical.bleach maybe. I would not recommend buying your edibles from this place.
02 July 2021 10:21
Humm attention à votre facture. Moi je ne leur fait plus trop confiance (balance- tarification).
Produits pas toujours frais.
Rarement, on y trouvera des produits locaux (venant du Québec, Canada).
Avantage: plusieurs types de fruits et légumes au même endroit. Et d'autre tubercules, produits exotiques. (Selon les saisons)
23 May 2021 16:44
Prices are good but most fruits and vegetables do not have the same life span as if you bought them somewhere else so must be consumed fast. You may also find more variety here than the typical supermarket. Compared to other sami locations this place is better organized and less crowded.
20 May 2021 4:08
Attention les légumes qui se trouvent en bas du sac, l prix est plus bas que d’autres super marché mais la qualité est vraiment mauvaise
11 April 2021 9:27
I just don't like this place but I visit to find some stuff I don't find elsewhere.what I don't like is the Hygiene and the way staff deals with COVID, some don't wear masks or just put it on their chin. You get to see some of the staff having a fruity meal on site. Cheap but not worth the risk
18 November 2020 11:25
Today (23.10.2020) I went to sami fruit and experienced a rude behaviour person at the cash counter. When we ask him anything, he is not properly answering. Some items were mentioned 2 for 5$, 3 for 5$ (fruits and freezer items). Charged for individual item prices.
11 November 2020 14:44
Nobody wears mask properly and when you ask them they make fun of you. Way too many people at once no control, the public health should come inspect this place a smell a lot of violations.
07 November 2020 19:08
Best prices for vegetables and fruits. They also have a separated place for nuts and now they sell different kinds of cheese. Love this place and this particular location (Jules Poitras).
28 October 2020 15:26
Fruits and veggies were great and well priced however not a single employee was actually wearing the mask. Which makes me question what other sanitary norms they disregard
19 October 2020 4:33
Prix abordable, qualitees des produits plutôt moyen de bonne économies à faire par contre il faut bien choisir les fruit et legumes car ils deperissent vite
08 October 2020 12:24
If you're looking for cheap prices you can visit this market. I always buy vegetables and fruits from there.
22 September 2020 6:49
Overall good prices but not hygienic while the pandemic is out there and the families' health must be the first priority.
07 September 2020 13:07
Organized and clean. Good variety of fruits and vegetables. Nuts also and some dairy products. Good prices, free parking available.
02 September 2020 11:01
Wide selection of fresh vegetables and fruits. Would always shop there. Yhe crew are so nice too
26 April 2020 22:45
A huge variety of fruits and legumes in very big quantities. You may even find various quality levels for some same fruits or legumes. You can find asian species, Mediterranean, African, European, American and Latino. Prices are very reasonable, you don't pay a fortune even for a full cart load. Ideal for families and restaurants. They have a whole section for dried and roasted nuts and fruits in bulk. Stuff are friendly. Store accessible to wheelchairs. Parking is reasonable. I always find a spot to park my car. If this review was helpful please don't forget to like it. Thank you and enjoy!
16 April 2020 8:15
Sami Fruits in and of itself is a great place. They have a large variety of produce at very reasonable prices and the staff is polite enough. The problem is the clientele. Most of the people that to there are rude and will shove you and your cart to get through as if they own the place. The staff needs to work on making sure this doesn't happen and people stay respectful.
10 April 2020 22:25
THE Best place in St Laurent for fresh produce. Go on Wednesday afternoons for fresh stock. Avoid Sundays.
22 March 2020 2:17
Caissières impoli, froide, personnels qui oublient être au Canada. Pire endroit au monde. Fruits et légumes pourris comme les caissières qui critiquent les clients dans leurs langues en pensant que tout le monde ne comprends pas. Hygiène des caissières laisse à désirer.
28 February 2020 22:38
J'étais draguer plusieurs fois par un employé je ne veux plus retourner chez eux et je déconseille les gens d'aller là-bas

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