11 June 2023 22:08
The ATM was available on the weekend, it's accessible through the world trade center.
21 April 2023 22:54
I had a good experience with an advisor Regine Tshisekedi, she really cares about her customers and wants to help as much as she can. She knows what she’s doing and gives great advice! She really left a good impression on me, and made my day.
Thank you! I’m glad that there are good workers in Scotiabank that care about their clients, it’s very much appreciated!
25 November 2022 3:29
Encaisse des paiements un dimanche en date du lundi. Ne son pas en mesure de faire les dépôts dans les délais requis. Bref une bien mauvaise gestion. Après plus de 20 ans avec eu, ils viennent de perdre un client.
21 November 2022 19:01
I was attended by Isabelle, very good service, friendly and helped me in everything I needed. I recommend this branch
01 November 2022 21:34
Bien reçu lorsqu'il fallait que j'ouvre un compte REEE il y a qq années mais, maintenant que j'ai besoin d'y faire des retraits, je ne suis pas capable de parler à qq'un qui en comprend les rouages après 7 semaines. >: - (
À chaque tentative je me retrouve soit bredouille (des infos dont j'ai besoin) soit carrément ignoré i.e. Pas de réponse.
07 October 2022 17:48
Banque nulle de chez nulle. Impossible d'avoir quelqu'un au téléphone en mois de 40min, quand ils ne raccrochent pas avant.ils sous-traitent beaucoup de choses, comme les chèques. J'ai eu besoin de chèques, impossible. C'est une société tierce qui s'en charge et c'est a nous de les contacter pour avoir des chèques. Bien sur la société tierce ne répond pas au téléphone.et on est bloqué!
Une honte que ce soit au client de faire le travaille de la banque!

Compliquer aussi pour envoyer de l'argent. Par contre pour en recevoir sur notre compte scotia, là y a pas de problème.
C'est une banque cheap, avec un service très médiocre, et des employés qui ne font que lire une procédure devant eux.
Plus que décevant.
17 January 2022 5:27
Only one counter open, The other staff just standing there and keep watching, doing nothing. And you have to wait
16 January 2022 9:11
I walked in the other day and dealt with a young woman with curly hair. During casual conversation, I mentioned that I worked nearby for a major corporation, to which she proceeded to loudly exclaim "oh yes, XX is my client, I know them very well". Everyone around me heard.

I know for a fact that this corporation is NOT Scotiabank's client, because everyone that works there knows what bank we do business with. I found this to be very unprofessional and shows a complete lack of concern for privacy. It felt almost like she was trying to brag but doesn't even know who her clients are.
05 January 2022 14:07
This bank is just shi* when i call customer respresenttaive they always say diffrent view to go and get help by near branch but when i go they say no we cant do this that bla bla this is the procedure customer support has diffrent knowledge and they have diifrent never open your account in this small bank go with rbc td but not with this and also the guys sitting there talk so rud* no assense very stupid bank and its stafff
25 September 2021 18:40
The worst financial institution I've ever used. They took my money from my account (ups sorry- it was a mistake) - money returned after a month of calling. They don't answer emails. They don't show up on the appointments (scheduled by CS a day before) Run as fast as you can and never come back. Put your money somewhere else if you care.
16 September 2021 7:36
Tres mauvais service: vous etes juste un numero: Aucun appel de votre conseiller (la directrice change les conseillers tout les 2 mois. Aucun suivit, conseil, offres. AVOID THIS BRANCH.
27 February 2020 16:26
Attente en ligne téléphonique qui dure une éternité. Ensuite, il raccroche sans répondre. Tu fais affaire avec eux en français et ils t’envoient la documentation en anglais uniquement. Tu veux recevoir la documentation en français, tu appelles, attends une éternité et la ligne coupe sans que tu aies eu la possibilité de parler à quelqu’un. La qualité du service est très décevant.
13 February 2020 12:48
Pathetic staffs. Atm and other facilities are good. They are well known for delays for unorganised work
21 July 2019 16:25
Unlike the competitor's branch across the street with a non-existent ATM, this bank actually has two ATMs that are available even outside branch hours, like you would expect.
10 December 2018 1:56
I made a campsite booking on my credit card with the government of Hawaii 8 months in advance for $132 USD. When we arrived, the campsite was closed due to a landslide. I tried a lot to contact their offices for our refund, but apparently they are hard to get ahold of, and refunds take 6 months or more.

Scotiabank says they cannot allow a transaction dispute, as it must be made within 120 days of the transaction. In this case the service that failed to be rendered was 150 days after the transaction, so I couldn't dispute it earlier.

This should be the bread and butter of what transaction disputes are all about. This is a significant failing of their customer service policies. I'm going to switch to Amex as much as possible now, because I understand that they are a lot better on consumer protection policies.

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