07 April 2023 21:36
Worst bank to do any business with be it personal or otherwise, they are incompetent and you have to resolve any errors they have caused on your time and dime with no reimbursements for any but they know how to collect fees
31 January 2023 10:17
Pire banque au monde! Pas un tbk qui parle français pie le guichet est tjr vide en plus quelle criss de banque qui ont seulement un seul guichet de nous jour!
10 January 2023 16:42
Terrible service, not professional staff. Go to another branch, you spend your time here for nothing.
30 October 2022 12:51
The rudest lady picked up the phone, she hung up on me (I assumed it was a mistake so I called back). Then she told me to speak french and refused to serve me unless I spoke french to her.
Unbelievably disappointed and disgusted.
24 September 2022 9:43
Since I moved to Lachine from BC, Scotia Bank on Provost Lachine held my mortgage for 5 years. Scotia is not my favorite bank, I do not have a favorite bank.haha.but their staff was always good to me. I would recommend this branch.
05 October 2021 14:58
Stepping into this place is like entering a wormhole to 1992, probably the last time it was ever 'renovated'. But the staff tries and are courteous.
18 September 2021 11:50
If I was ask this last month or 2 months it would have been 5. At times it reminds me of a training center for banks cause they just love to say that's the rules I've only been with them for 6 months and it's a pleasant bank as long as you don't have to deal with anyone cause if you do get ready to be told about the rules no matter what it's the rules. And it's to bad because they really don't know how to think out of the box and beyond that and yes there are foundation for the rules maybe yes maybe your allowed to think past the rules and really help someone without singing the rules song to them.
26 March 2021 2:05
The service is very bad.
1- they have a very bag schedule open/close
2-i had a appointment and the representative never show
3-the cashier don't know how to resolve issues,
I call the costumer service and they say next time call instead to present you in person on this succursale.
09 March 2021 13:18
Comme toujours un mauvais service a la clientele.je me suis rendu en succursale ce Lundi afin de connaitre le taux en vigueur pour les pret REER.on m'a dit sur place que personne etait disponible pour me parler mais qu'on allait me contacter par téléphone le lendemain. Puis juste avant mon depart le commis a la caisse ma dit que quelqu'un allait m'appeler dans 15 20 minutes.la confusion totale.donc je n'ai jamais recu le fameu appel! J'attend toujours de savoir le taux car sur internet on m'a dit de me deplacer en succursale. J'habite lachine et j'ai changer de succursale il y a deja quelques annes car le directeur de Lachine n'est pas fiable! Il fait attendre ses clients plusieurs semaines avant de retourner les appels. Je vous conseille ville St-Laurent car Lachine doit etre la pire succursale que j'ai vue.ca en fait pitié! De vrai inccapables! Je donne 1 etoile mais je donnerait 0 si c'était possible
29 January 2021 12:26
Stepping into this place is like entering a wormhole to 1992, probably the last time it was ever 'renovated'. But the staff tries and are courteous.
29 November 2020 22:52
If I was ask this last month or 2 months it would have been 5. At times it reminds me of a training center for banks cause they just love to say that's the rules I've only been with them for 6 months and it's a pleasant bank as long as you don't have to deal with anyone cause if you do get ready to be told about the rules no matter what it's the rules. And it's to bad because they really don't know how to think out of the box and beyond that and yes there are foundation for the rules maybe yes maybe your allowed to think past the rules and really help someone without singing the rules song to them.
09 October 2020 4:57
Very poor service and very incompetent personnel that work there I have no choice to deal with this bank it's within walking distance to where I live. But I would gladly go to an
other Scoria Bank if I could. From a very unsatisfied customer
30 September 2020 6:12
Very poor service and very incompetent personnel that work there I have no choice to deal with this bank it's within walking distance to where I live. But I would gladly go to an
other Scoria Bank if I could. From a very unsatisfied customer
13 May 2019 5:25
De Mémoire d’homme je n’ai jamais attendu parler d’une maison de fou comme cela. N’importe qui d’un peu sensé en perdrait tout ses moyens. Des employés donnant des informations contradictoires et erronés. Des promesses de rappelle qui ne viennent pas. Difficulté à avoir un rendez-vous en succursale, annulation de rendez vous en succursale, difficulté à se faire comprendre en français, difficulté à compléter une demande de carte de crédit par internet, demande de documents à plus finir et quand ils les reçoivent ils disent que c’est trop de documents pour traiter la demande. Et tout ça pour une limite de 5000$ Pour une visa infinite de la banque Scotia RIDICULE comme institution financière. À éviter à tout prix

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