17 January 2024 7:00
The best place ever to find cheap food, everything that is not meet, the veggies are fresh, the only thing is the meet don't look very good. And there Is always bussy
08 January 2024 12:49
Iconic Montreal staple for cheap groceries in a chaotic space. You need to be mentally prepared to shop here especially during the busy hours, the aisles are tight and items can be hard to find. But you can’t beat the prices, especially on fruits and veggies—items can be half the price from a bigger store.
15 September 2023 6:32
Les meilleurs prix en ville pour votre épicerie! Les mêmes articles que chez la concurrence avec 2 $ et plus.en moins sur chaque article!
06 September 2023 22:45
Produits frais et meilleur marché qu’ailleurs
C’est vrai que le personnel ne cherche pas à être aimable. Dommage.
04 September 2023 18:28
I really really really would like it 5 stars but the struggle to navigate through the ils is hard. Having said that, the prices are excellent and there are multiple rumors or how they achieve that but all the brand's are of good quality. They do home delivery and they support the community like no other commercial store I have heard of. There is a small store to go in and out but don't think for a minute it is small. The fun challenge is to find what you are looking since they are very creative as to where to find a spot to put something. So, don't try to rely too much in logic. I am sure when you are at the cashier you will wonder were the person next to you found X or Y.
06 August 2023 0:49
This local legend has a great selection and the best prices on––or anywhere near––the Plateau. You will save anywhere from 10-30% on almost everything. For these reasons, I give it four stars.

At times it can be "delightfully chaotic" as another reviewer put it. But at other times, it can be very frustrating. The employees are generally quite rude and nasty; it's crowded; sometimes it's a bit untidy. They seem to take pleasure in bumping into you in the aisles and love to order customers around as if it were a prison commissary.

All that being said, I'm grateful for its existence. The low prices make it possible to keep the fridge stocked during this time of hyperinflation. Best to strategically plan your visits and go during the week as early as possible.
30 July 2023 17:15
Delightfully chaotic. If you approach your shopping experience with a sense of humour you’ll get a chuckle out of it. Good prices, and lots of vegan options which is nice!
24 July 2023 23:39
The prices are excellent. It's chaotic, so be prepared if you show up late afternoon on a work day, but that's part of the charm
16 July 2023 7:11
Everything is cheap because everything is a day and a half away from the best before. You get what you pay for.
05 February 2022 9:57
The first time I wocked into segals I thought it was a tropical bird! Silly me I was so silly but they did sell birds (chikens)! Lololololololololololololol hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahahaahhahaha also good granola
28 January 2022 11:34
Toujours stressant d'aller au Segal à cause du nombres de personnes dans un si petit espace, ceci dit tu trouves toujours des bons prix. Alors j'y retourne tout le temps.
14 January 2022 8:36
Segal vous vole! Vérifier vos factures avant de sortir du magasin. J'ai été facturé en double pour deux items, pour un total de 7$ de trop. J'ai vérifié ma facture seulement chez moi, donc, trop tard. Soyez vigilants!
12 January 2022 5:31
My favorite market in Montreal. A market that offers cheaper prices for some items (mainly vegetables and fruits and some types of cheese and bread) with more reasonable prices for some other items compare to other shops in Montreal. It is very good and appreciated in such difficult economic situation. However, one has to be careful with pricing signs and tags here as some may be misleading or unclear. For instance, I got from a pricing sign on the shelf that a ready to cook pack of falafel was around $2 while it was really over $ 4! Likewise, the price of unpacked beans or peaches were quite higher than tags (the cashiers might had entered a wrong or higher prices when did not have barcodes to scan on the unpacked/ bulky items? !). Meat products are pricy here as well. The choices of sanitary items such as toilet papers are low. However, the supply of Persian dates, walnuts and honey is great. I wish this market expands supply of more food products from Iran like tea, cube sugar, dry yogurt or whey.
11 January 2022 6:03
Moving away from Segal has made me realise how amazing this place is. Their prices are unbeatable and the quality of the products is second to none.
01 January 2022 23:39
Endroit insalubre
Hygiène zéro
La moitié des produits périmés, quand ils sont pas périmés ils sont pourris quand même, ils laissent les produits laitiers à l’extérieur des frigos sans le moindre respect de la chaîne de froid, bref le meilleur endroit pour shopper une intoxication alimentaire
12 December 2021 2:37
Best deals in town for grocery shopping! Especially dried staples (grains, beans, nut butters, flours, cans, granolas, nuts&seeds etc.). Really worth it! A lot of organic products WAY cheaper than ANY other store.
10 December 2021 7:05
Service is horrible but then again I wouldn't expect anyone to be in a friendly or helpful mood working in such an environment all day.
The other customers tend to be rude too bumping into you and looking at you like you're in their way when you're getting items. Most stuff is only marginally cheaper than your average store but a few things I buy are at a good price here so 2 stars for that.
09 December 2021 10:30
If the Plateau is an affordable food desert (it is) Segal's is a tropical oasis. Great product at great prices, Segal's is a genuine community grocery store.

Also, lots of people talk about it being "chaotic. " Ermm.that "chaos" is part of Segal's indefatigable charm.
30 November 2021 12:43
Vérifiez votre facture, les articles sont souvent facturé en double! Impossible de se faire rembourser leur erreur! Vérifiez aussi la date d'expiration des produits! Autrement c'est beaucoup moins cher qu''ailleurs
21 November 2021 1:14
Très déçu, certe les prix sont bas mais j'ai acheté une fois par erreur des produits périmé d'un an et la j'ai acheté un yahourt censé se périmé en décembre mais moisi. Bye
10 November 2021 8:02
Sort of a throw-back to the 1950's five-&-dime stores. No sign, looks all boarded up. But when you walk in, you find great quality produce, innovative merchandising, super nice staff and a focus on a small inventory of great products. It's kind of like Aldi but done local. Apparently it has been around a long time. Bought some Iranian dates, broccoli, chips and wow, the quality was A+. Please don't change anything! Go!
09 November 2021 18:55
Pas cher, mais il y a toujours une drole d'odeur. Il y a Beaucoup de choix pour les intolérants au gluten/lactose.
05 October 2021 10:34
I have visited many supermarkets all over the world and this was the most diverse supermarket I have ever visited! The prices wonderful and the quality of fresh produce exceptional!

To everyone, local or visitor I would highly recommend shopping here. It's not a fancy, shiny place and you honestly don't need that. It's open plan, well stocked and full of gems!

If your vegan, gluten free, have food intolerances, organic eating, low waste/ living sustainably, looking for international and culture specific foods, there are all the things you need here and more! Lots of fresh/ raw ingredients and seasonings!

I wish I had a place like this in the city i live in!

Happy shopping.also the outside I'd bet low key, just a simple door, abit like Narnia
29 September 2021 19:41
I've moved so many times within the city yet I still go here to buy so many products. They have a lot of European (especially Portuguese and East/Central European) products that I can't even find elsewhere or are 3-5x the price if I buy elsewhere. They also have really good deals that are a hit or miss (usually dairy, cold cuts, or frozen products) and I will forever be a fan.

I do notice that a few of their student workers can be quite rude (rolling their eyes at you, just staring at you and/or sighing when you ask for help or ask to verify a price, not respond when you ask how their day is going or wish them a good day when you're done cashing out). A few of them, I guess mostly folks from the US or Toronto, also don't speak French and I've noticed that they will insist on speaking to whoever (even those elderly folk who don't feel comfortable speaking English) in English. Maybe this is normal within their social circles at McGill or normal wherever they're from, but it would be really nice if we (people who have been living here for years or since childhood) wouldn't have to feel uncomfortable shopping here.
11 August 2021 20:30
I hope they stay like this. The food is amazing and so cheap!

Edit: I have to take away 1 star because the tofu at Segal's has a 25% chance of being stale even within expiry date and because of the horrid fish smell in the back section.
08 August 2021 2:56
Bustling place at any time of the day with some of the cheapest prices for food in the city. I make the trip from Villeray at least monthly.
01 August 2021 16:10
This is a great place to shop where the prices are low. The female staff are all sweet but all the older male staff, all the fat ones (there are more than one) are all big aholes. That's a fact!
18 May 2021 23:59
Prices are clearly better than big stores and from local marchés too. But I have to say, it's not very clean and organized. So sometimes it gets a little bit difficult to find something. But then again if it were like other big stores, prices would be like them too.
02 May 2021 18:56
Seems to be more in the direction of a co-operative, even though I dont think it is, than a lot of places, and the consequence seems to be focusing on organizing the business such that prices are kept low. This might mean cosmetics arent the nicest, but who cares. You want good quality and cheap food, or shiny shelves? Anyway, seeing as I've never spoken to anyone there about this, the analysis itself might be entirely wrong. Suffice it to say the place is awesome. It's my favorite grocery store in the area.
22 March 2021 22:44
Un bordel organisé, des prix au top, des bons produits, des employés qui parlent englais et aussi français, aimables. Ils portent le masque et il y a du gel hydroalcoolique à l'entrée. Je vais tout le temps là bas sauf pour la viande. Petite anecdote: il y avait une erreur de facturation pour les 2 kg de noix que j'avais acheté (c'était noté "marrons" et le prix était plus cher). J'ai téléphoné et le lendemain sur présentation du ticket ils m'ont remboursé la différence. Prendre ses sacs, y compris pour le vrac.
16 March 2021 1:05
This place is revolting, everything is filthy, things are almost rotten and not handled properly. Even the tofu went bad with an extreme sulphuric taste. I would seriously avoid, aside from maybe some boxed products.

PS: I ended up with a stomach bug and vomiting for hours after eating that Tofu. Thanks Segal’s.
12 March 2021 21:46
I love Segal's! As a vegan it's really hard to find all my alternatives, but at Segal's the variety is so good I always find everything I need. The prices cannot be beat. The only thing that concerns me is their cleanliness during COVID. The store has always been pretty messy and crowded but I feel like that's magnified during COVID. When I went last weekend I was overwhelmed by the amount of people in the store and there wasn't anyone manning the front to make sure people sanitized their hands or stayed outside if it was too busy. I guess I should've gone on a weekday in the morning.
12 March 2021 7:47
Came here once because everyone raves about this place but I was sorely disappointed. Probably the dirtiest store I have ever been to. A man working there who I guess was the owner or manager is also very unprofessional. I came because it was supposed to be very cheap but the prices weren't any better than a walmart. It is sad that during a pandemic you allow your store to be crowded to the point that we are shoulder to shoulder and being pushed left and right in all the aisles.
09 March 2021 0:01
No frills grocery store which has good quality stuff (and good selection) for a fraction of the price!
21 February 2021 8:04
Not the prettiest grocery store but has good prices (especially for organic veggie/vegan food) and always has great specials on some yogurts, cheeses, deli meat and more.
09 June 2019 11:22
Is super cheap and they use the boxes of the products to remplace the plastic bags, that’s amazing.
06 June 2019 2:57
I came here for the low prices, understanding that it was not the best place to navigate. Had some confusion with where the check-out lanes started and ended up having the manager call me stupid to another customer. Not only was it insulting, but it also doesn't do anything to solve the mess that they have on their hands.
05 June 2019 8:25
Il est évident que le but de cette épicerie est vous offrir des produits que vous trouverez rarement ailleurs et des prix raisonnables.
28 May 2019 5:16
I would give segals a 5 star rating but the smell of fish permeates the back half of the store. Otherwise fresh produce is super cheap along with most other things. Staff is lovely. Hectic but awesome.
21 May 2019 17:40
La place date années 40 ça fait dure mais c'est frais et vraiment pas cher tu payes pas pour le look ça vaut le détour
21 May 2019 12:35
Segal's trades range, space and consistency of stock for the best prices in town. It has the most disposessing frontage, dim lighting, and is often rammed full on a Saturday, but it has many products available elsewhere, for less. Can't beat those prices!
08 May 2019 20:31
Surtout, ne pas se plaindre de l’apparence, les prix vont monter! Les produits bio se vendent à un prix imbattable! Meilleurs prix en ville! Ça vaut le détour.
07 May 2019 17:04
To have a non traumatic experience there, social wise: Keep a smile and, be patient as we move up and down through the busy aisles there.
Once you achieve that and find what you need, you'll be thrilled with the lowest costs in town. Great store for vegans!
30 April 2019 16:55
This place is wonderful, the employees are on top of things and they’re always friendly. Small and crowded but I wouldn’t find it charming if it wasn’t!
22 April 2019 12:16
Il ne faut pas se fier aux apparence. Produits écologiques. Aucun sac de plastique. Les prix les plus bas pour à peu près tout.
15 April 2019 16:41
Cheapest grocery store in Montreal. Great selection. It's worth it to shop there and get delivery even if you live in another neighborhood.
09 April 2019 12:05
Best supermarket in the Plateau area. Perfect balance quality / pricing. Not the easiest place to navigate when you don't know it or when it's busy. Nonetheless, the array of organic and diversified products, including fresh produce make it a go-to for grocery shopping in the area.
09 April 2019 6:25
The decor is rough but the prices are insane cheapest grocery store in montreal you will find something for everyone they also have a great organic choices the fruit and veggies are very nice and inexpensive. You can find some super sales on product that have 2 weeks to 3 week left but between us those product last much longer than the date suggest. This place is a gem they don't give bags or sell any, better bring your own and if you go after 4pm its gonna be crowded but overall this is a must go.
09 April 2019 5:04
Beaucoup de choix de produit en vrac (Légumineuses, Maïs à éclater, Maïs moulu, etc.). Morue salée en vrac aussi. Les prix sont bons. On est un peu à l'étroit par contre. J'y vais assez régulièrement.
08 April 2019 17:12
La place ne donne pas envie d'y rentrer mais ce serait une erreur, vous trouverez les meilleurs prix de Montréal, selon arrivage, et une grande diversité de produits végé.
31 March 2019 17:08
The 3 stars are for the prices, lowest I've seen in Montreal. But then there's the actual supermarket, super dirty, the back smells like rotten fish, and I won't even talk about the staff.still, very worth it for the prices.
26 March 2019 17:59
This place is sooooo expensive.
The price is just way to much.
I don’t understand how people think is cheap.
18 March 2019 21:12
Got over charged intentionally as I looked at the bill just now. They charged me for things I didn’t have. Example of that is 7 kiwis instead of 4. If it was 3 or 5 maybe he miscounted but when you charge me for 3 more, it’s intentional. Also, their blueberries and black berries were bad and some were off. Extremely disorganised and dirty. I guess you get what you pay for. The cashier was Ian so I appreciate it bud
18 March 2019 7:21
This is a unique grocery store in the plateau. Prices are amazing. I gave 3 stars because I am always shocked and disappointed to hear the employees just casually busting an f-bomb in front of customers. I know its low key no frills atmosphere but I would appreciate just basic common courtesy.

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