07 November 2023 2:55
You’re forced to make an appointment but wait outside. You’re seen over an hour after your appointment time. The “security” guard is the most unhelpful rude person ever and should not be dealing with the public!
03 November 2023 3:37
Very satisfied with their service and professionalism. I highly recommend SAAQ Dorval for the practical test!
03 September 2023 14:05
Worst customer service. If you have an appointment you stand in one line which I understand. But the line is empty and they make you stand in a line that’s for people that’s not for appointment. Again I understand this, what I don’t understand is when the appointment line is empty they don’t even serve the people they make you wait. When you ask questions no one can tell you why they make you wait. Makes no sense
02 September 2023 6:47
Une attente de 5h pour un renouvellement de permis en sachant que j’avais un rdv société du gouvernement qui se moque de ces citoyens bravo
29 August 2023 3:05
No English signs. Rude security guard.
We're sold Québec as a friendly place to learn French. Now french is turning out to be a daily life problem. We can't wait to leave Québec.
10 August 2023 9:58
Worst service ever - i tried to make an appointment via phone and online to no avail. Went anyway to see if they can make exception to transfer ownership of my vehicle. Security did not provide any useful information. AVOID THIS PLACE. SAAQ is a prime example of what horrible customer service is all about. I ended up going to Marcel Laurin outlet. I was in and out in 30 minutes.
08 August 2023 11:23
Discrimination is alive and well at this location. On Monday, June 12th around noon I was served by an older african american lady who refused to speak any english to me.yet to the customer right before me spoke to them in perfect english without an issue. She must've known the person or took a liking.not sure but, this was disgusting and should be dealt with. I gave no reason to be disrespected and can speak french but, to just play politics when you feel like it with who you feel like it is wrong. I will make sure to let everyone I know about this location. Also, a big sign saying " On parle seulement francais" I guess goes along with their attitude. They should keep in mind. Dorval area has a lot of an english community so I'm sure this isn't/won't be the first time of a bad situation like this.
26 July 2023 8:52
In and out in 1 hour flat with no appointment. I think i should go buy a loto ticket. Good work employees at SAAQ Dorval!
19 June 2023 8:28
Si ils vous demande « Êtes-vous alaise d’avoir un deuxième instructeur dans le véhicule » dite Non croyez moi
16 June 2023 15:57
L’agent de sécurité à la porte, répond à la clientèle avec mépris! Mais après l’avoir menacé de parlé au directeur de l’établissement il s’est vite calmé! Ne vous laissez pas marcher sur les pieds!
04 February 2023 19:38
I didn't think it was possible but service is much worse than before. There used to be two lines outside; a short one with appointment and a LONG line for no appointment. Now there's a single LOOONG
line outside in the cold, appointment or not.
45 minutes wait outside, and then another 30 minutes wait inside. Unpleasant and frustrating experience.
01 February 2023 14:21
Les employés sont lâches et se trainent les pieds à ce bureau. On dirait qu’ils sont pris dans la mélasse. Je vous recommande fortement de l’éviter et de visiter plutôt un mandataire qui saura vous servir correctement.
30 January 2023 4:35
Après 2: 30 dans la ligne à l'extérieur dans le froid, ils m'ont dit on peut rien faire c'est 16: 30 on ferme
24 January 2023 4:34
If you don't have an appointment, you are a third class citizen, even if you are first in line at 830 in the morning, there is a good chance you don't get seen.
20 January 2023 6:13
THE Worst place I've ever seen in my whole life!
Irresponsible, rude and unprofessional staff. The line takes forever! Please book and appointment and Don't go there wasting your time
05 December 2022 0:38
It is not clearly marked outside which line you are supposed to take if you have an appointment. So I waited at the door which was marked “with appointment”. Saw that the door was locked and the only door that was opened was the one without appointment. Decided after a few minutes to bypass the no apt like and went in. Told the security guard that signs were unclear and he kept telling me very rudely how I should know just to come inside. I kept telling him that the signage should be changed but he kept telling me how I should’ve known. For reference this was on November 3rd at 1130am.

In times like these how are we supposed to know that we should be bypassing the line and just be coming in when there are two different doors. If I was wrong I’m sure I would’ve gotten yelled at for doing so.
04 December 2022 9:44
Very poor service and understaffed. Line up out and around the building. The security guard suggested making an appointment, which I tried but the soonest appointment was December 1st.

This is unacceptable in 2022.98% of these transactions can and should be done online. Quebec government and the SAAQ need to do better than this. They can't keep using covid as an excuse for terrible service and wait times.
28 November 2022 12:31
Typical government 'service'. Super slow 'service' starting from security a the way to the counter.
22 November 2022 11:09
Its fine if you make an appointment, but expect to spend at least an extra 20-30 mins past appointment time, way better then walk-ins, but the guard security staff on the day I went acted very condescending when I asked a simple question when he could have given a straight forward answer. Regular staff service is fine, the security has trash customer service though.
18 November 2022 4:37
Ok here it is. Now in lachine. It is closed. Permanant. I was forced to go at sourse. Boul and hymus. I waited 2 hr. In line before to get in for a small. Transaction that just to xfer. A plate. To.my used vehicle i just baught. 2 dam hr. Ok parking was well. Wait time. Verry bad they need more staft i didnwit 2 hr to pass and lucky. Me i was the second last. In the day after a 2 hr wait time outside. Now here us this. Evoid here if u can. And was recomended. To go at a caa. Center? What. A caa. Il need to find more in it. But i am upset because that only place was open in saturday. Was in lachine and in hymus place. Is big lack. Of staft. But service was pro. So il hive 50% in this. Sorr i cant give more. Aint there. Fault. They do as they can with what they got. Thx. All folower. To read this.
08 November 2022 6:03
Insatisfait totalement, 3 heures d'attente pour passer au guichet après la dame au guichet semble fâchée puis elle accepte pas les fichiers en format pdf
29 October 2022 20:06
As much as this place is understaffed and usually very busy, the security guard was super sweet. I came in without an appointment at 1: 30pm and asked the security guard how long the wait would be. He told me honestly that he believes there’s a slim chance I’ll be seen before they close at 4: 30. He was very sweet and told me he’d prefer to be honest with me rather than having me wait for hours and not be seen. I appreciated his honesty and how nice he was.
20 August 2022 7:25
Security is nice, the people on the counter are really helpful and nice, not much waiting time,
I had a road test, the instructor was really good.
23 June 2022 1:36

I Would rate 0 stars if I could. I got there at around 10am and left 5 hours later. It makes no sense at all why it should be this long. The staff were tired and rude on top of that.
09 June 2022 23:40
It s' a bad service for road test exam, I'm waiting an extra time about
< one hour> more over my appointment / Road Test / due to a new hired lady mistaken to enter the correct information during my registration for Road test.
Second bad service /inspector/ he was unfair. Generally in Quebec Saaq system, it needs to update about waiting time to booking your next exam, 28 days, extremely horrible.
25 May 2022 18:51
I just wanted to leave a review for the driving instructor I had for my practical test today: Tino was extremely patient and very clear, kept me calm and laughing throughout the experience! (listen to them! - they want you to succeed!). Don't go to any SAAQ without an appointment. Cheers!
21 May 2022 6:33
Terrible service, surly security. They say they accept customers with no appointment and then just don't let you in, leave you wait outside in the cold. For Hours. Would leave 0 stars if possible. Go elsewhere
16 May 2022 13:53
If you don't have an appointment you should be prepared to wait a little, but all the staff are kind and they try to help everyone with all the different demands.

I did my practical test there and the instructor was patient, gentle and let me calm for the test. If I had strong issues, for sure he will not let me pass, but once I did my job, take the license wasn't that hard.
21 April 2022 1:49
Le garde de sécurité est super impatient et te menace de mort si tu oublies de laver tes mains. De plus, les employés sont extrêmement pressés et ils émettent une ambiance très stressante. À éviter.
14 April 2022 13:19
Agent de sécurité/salué par un agent très impoli
J'ai fait la queue à l'extérieur dans le froid pendant plus d'une heure pour qu'on me dise que c'est uniquement sur rendez-vous, même si c'est pour un paiement rapide. Prendre un rendez-vous par téléphone n'a pas fonctionné, on m'a raccroché au nez 3 fois et le portail du site web n'a tout simplement pas fonctionné sur plusieurs appareils à plusieurs reprises.
La SAAQ est pire que le système de soins de santé au Québec.
04 April 2022 9:15
Superbe service les 2 fois que j'y étais!
Les gens mécontents devraient prendre leur rdv d'avance au lieu de blamer la SAAQ.
20 March 2022 17:47
L’attitude de l’agent sécurité à l’entrée ne devrait pas être toléré! Manque de courtoisie, pointe du doigt, lève le ton et tout ça avec moins de 10 personnes en ligne et sans raison valable. 01/02/2022 10: 50
12 February 2022 22:26
The worst service. Worst peopleon earth! They make u wait inline and give u false hopes. They are arrogant. If u argue to them because of their fault they will say they will call the police. Discrimination 100% coz they only accept canadian citizens
20 January 2022 5:48
First time: didn't have appointment so waited outside under freezing rain for almost 2 hours before getting a ride home. Never got in, but did get sick. I go try again. 2nd time: had SAAQ appointment, got in, at my service counter, I was asked to check off any driving hindrances listed (meds with drowsiness, psychiatric disorders, etc) I said my anxiety meds may cause drowsiness. Big mistake. They sent me home with a form for my doctor to complete to tell them it wouldn't hinder my driving, so I had to meet with my doc & paid my fee to my doc just for the form completion. Doc wrote that any "hindrance" I had was in fact so small that it was negligible, and that driving should not be deferred, not even for a routine eye check up. 3rd time's the charm?: had SAAQ appointment, got in, took 40 mins for service counter to fax my form to their medical department (they said it would take 5-30 mins). Finally they call me up, they give me a new form for an optometrist to fill out, even though my doc said no need to defer my driving. They tell me come back with this new form and then I can get my permit. I point out what my doc said. They basically said sorry, no, see your optometrist too then come back. (I dont wear glasses). I am on the verge of tears, knowing another form fee would be too expensive for me. I ask if there's any guarantee that they won't send me home with another surprise form when I return, and if it's possible to review my doc form again. They said, and I quote "Look, we can stand here and argue all day. "? , and no I still haven't been able to get the permit.
12 January 2022 22:03
Its may not be as new or as big as some other centers but i found that they were professional and courteous. That's all I ask for.
08 January 2022 7:48
It is clearly written on their website that the service is offered with and without appointment, the security who works there is the dumbest person I have ever seen, even when there is room for people without appointments, he does not let them in. I waited for 3 hours outside in the cold, I asked to speak to their supervisor, he didn’t call her for me then I asked another person working there, she came outside and she was so nice, she checked then right away asked him to let 2 people with no appointments enter, this is after complaining, a senior showed up while I was waiting, he told him that he was 84 yr old and cannot book an appointment, he did not let him in and told him not his problem. Although I went in I asked everyone if I could pass before them to pay my registration and leave as I had an emergency case, this after waiting 3hrs in cold for a 30 seconds service, the people sitting there were so nice, they told me go ahead, the employee refused to serve me, she was having a bad day and was going to cry, if you don’t like your job, then quit and let competent people do it. Most of the clients were unsatisfied, pls avoid this place and go to another SAAQ, I usually go to DT and they are so professional. Just to mention, their manager is a nice lady and asked her to serve me. Paying your registration with no appointment could take you 4hrs.
06 January 2022 5:19
Pour photo ramq, site web dit ne pas prendre de rv. Attendu dès 11 am à l’extérieur pour nous faire retourner de bord à 12: 40 et nous faire dire qu’il ne prenait pas personnes sans rv pour la journée.
01 January 2022 15:33
You would think after 2 years that the saaq would adapt, but instead you wait 2 hours in line outside in the cold and get told to come back. You can't take an appointment because the phone lines are always busy. Disappointing to see senior citizens outside waiting In cold weather and not even let inside.
21 December 2021 4:30
Although I have fond memories at this location before, it has everything for a saaq office, they do driving exam, medicard, taking photo, transfer ownership, lots of stuffs, but this time, they are really bad. It was cold and windy day, there was long line for people without appointment under the sign "Line without appointment ", also there was a short line for people with appointment. After 40 minutes waiting in the line, a warmly dressed lady came to the line asking people questions, like what's the purpose, etc, while suggesting there are appointment spot available a few days later, but after be told the time availability issue, she pointed that you can wait in the line. Waiting, waiting, waiting, while witness people at the other side being ashered in but no single allowed in our side, after someone argued with the doorman for several times, the doorman finally came to outside, and pointed to a sign behind the window which says "on service today, come tomorrow or make online appointment ". WHO knows there is sign there if the first person in line doesn't move away, people just stay in the line. Why telling people the fact, and why the lady instructed me to stay in the line, while there is a sign there? After 2 hours waiting in the cold, wind, I left. The attitude of the doorman was so bad toward people without appointment. People, make online appointment, much easier comparing waiting outside, cold.
05 December 2021 8:21
They make you wait outside in the cold like an animal - appointment or not.
They aren't exactly in a rush to serve anyone either.
20 November 2021 19:40
Temps d'attente démesuré, 3h! Nous étions la bas à 8H20 pour la délivrance d'un permis probatoire, on a pu rentrer à 11h30, (À ce rythme cela devrait être obligatoire de prendre un RDV)
20 November 2021 0:37
Le pire service au monde, malgré un rendez vous plus d’une heure d’attentes, manque de personnel. SVP remplacer la saaq par de bon service en ligne
05 October 2021 20:10
Very unprofessional people, I had an appointment and they made me wait 1 hour 45 outside. Don’t waste your time taking an appointment might as well just walk in. What a waste of an entire day
29 September 2021 1:45
DON’T go there without appointment it takes 2 hours.there is another SAAQ in pointe-claire, they are faster and it’s first come first serve.
30 August 2021 1:22
Terrible, if you don't have an appointment the wait will be minimum 2hrs 30 mins. You could be first in line, and you watch appointment people just go in while you wait about 45 mins.
08 August 2021 22:13
Un service excellent, je remercie par l'occasion Mr Rossi, un ingénieur de valeur qui m'a donné beaucoup de conseils de sécurité routière.
02 July 2021 15:31
Honestly. The rate people are allowed as walk in, is 1 hour a person. All the online numbers are either busy or non existent and when you use the website the options you need are not there. The time it takes to waste attempting is endless and I literally need 5 minutes with an agent inside. The government should be penalized for this tragic service. By all means it reflects really poorly on the employees who actually work hard. Its a scam.
20 February 2021 19:54
Guy doing the door is unpleasant and thinks too much of his position. Girl at counter was extremely helpful, pleasant, and answered my questions.
15 February 2021 1:09
Very organized with limited seating all arranged by appointment. However there is still a delay as always and you are forced to wait. VERY proactive with prompt counter cleaning between people. Highly applaud them!
28 January 2021 21:16
C est la covid et pas capable de payer mes immatriculation.
C est le temps d avoir plus de service en ligne, reveillez vous. Pas juste le paiment complet a la banque!
Pourquoi je ne peut payer en ligne quand il y a des changement a effectuer.

Tres decevant
17 January 2021 17:53
With an appointment, still had to wait 1/2 hour. Strange numbering system. Instead of A14, A15, etc. It's a10, t3, b9. So you can't read a book to pass the time; you have to pay attention. Parking was ok.
12 January 2021 6:25
Quit from work earlier to reach place at 4: 15, they open until 4: 30 but security guard didn’t let me in. Next day I came 4: 00, they started arguing with me about working hours!
02 January 2021 18:13
Impossible to reach during the pandemic, if you have to renew your lisence during this time and need to contact them I feel sorry because it is actually a nightmare.
24 December 2020 17:32
I've seen alot of bad reviews of this place, but I had quite the opposite experience! The security guard did his job really well, he didn't let someone who cut the line to go through! I showed up at 7am without an appointment and I was out of there at 9: 20am. The workers were really polite and helpful! I guess it really depends on the day
17 December 2020 23:24
L'attente à l'extérieur pour les sans rendez-vous pourrait être fait en prenant le numéro de téléphone des gens et ilspourraient attendre dans leur voiture
01 December 2020 19:21
Terrible. The line is so long if you haven’t made an appointment and they don’t even let anyone in from this line. I ended up having to miss my class for school because I came in the morning and it took so long I was here all day. This place sucks go to another saaq
27 November 2020 13:26
Quick, efficient and friendly. Because of COVID-19 and the social distancing, I must say that they had everything under control. Impressed. Keep up the good job. For the few appointments I had there I have never had any problems. Thank you!
16 November 2020 22:15
People are polite and it's organized but takes forever. If you show up late for your appointment it is cancelled but somehow it's okay for them to be an hour late for your scheduled time. In Quebec we pay 5 times as much as other provinces for our licenses and somehow this translates into poorer service and no respect for our time.
07 November 2020 10:18
Had appointment went 40 mins early got in line waited exchanged my out of province liecense and was all done within an hour better then non covid lol
07 November 2020 9:28
Its 8: 45 and these people are still not open like seriously just put the time of when you exactly open that door of yours! Horrible update im still outside 9: 30 am
21 October 2020 21:28
J’attend en ligne depuis 2 here et j’ai avancé à peine. Le garde de sécurité est extrêmement bête et me dit de prendre rdv en ligne lorsqu’il n’y a pas de lien (telephone). De plus, il n’y a pas de place avant 1 semaine d’attente. Enfin, il n’alterne pas dans les clients en ligne (fait entrer la ligne des clients avec rdv et la ligne sans rdv aucun.) Il mérite de perdre sa job.
24 September 2020 20:02
Bien organisé pas trop d'attente
Gardien a la porte bon parking
Boite de nuit a coté
3 places pour endiquaper
Un coin très achalender
Prévoir 5 minutes de plus pour la lumiere de circulation

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