08 November 2022 7:26
This is the best place to live in Montreal. The management company genuinely cares for their tenants, the building is so well maintained, the amenities are incredible, the location is prime, and the units are perfect. I truly couldn’t have asked for a better place to call home when I was living in Montreal.
05 November 2022 20:09
This building is one of the best homes you can find in MTL. The people are very kind and always willing to help, and the building management (shoutout Rabih!) is extremely kind, considerate, and helpful. Would highly recommend:)
14 August 2022 1:03
I would like to rate this place 4.5 stars, as I feel it's significantly better than 4 but not perfect. Since that's not an option I'll go with 5. I lived here from 2019 to 2020, and the same staff is there even if the name has changed. Rabih is great, and maintenance is always so on top of things. The community within the building is neat, people are nice and compassionate and really came together during COVID. There's even a Facebook group for residents which I am still a part of to this day. The two biggest downsides to living here however is package theft and the faulty fire alarm. I would like to believe it's been solved since I moved out but I know that to be false. Other buildings in the area implemented doormen to assist with the package theft problem and I think this would be a good choice for this building. And the fire alarm goes off so often, sometimes in the middle of the night, which isn't a great thing. Overall however, I would live here again in the future if paths align.
25 July 2022 7:32
Aucune flexibilité de la part des gestionnaires. Ils s’attendent que vous libérez votre appartement le 30 juin et que vous avez à votre disposition un camion pour laisser vos choses la nuit pour déménager le lendemain, car votre bail termine le 30 juin…. Surtout quand votre appartement actuel n’est pas loué (après quelques échanges, me laisserait déménager à la première heure le 1er juillet SI l’appartement reste vacant) et avec menace d’éviction à la première heure le 1er juillet si l’appartement est loué… le 1er juillet est anxiogène pour tous, mais que les locataires se croisent en déménagement est pratique courante cette journée. La raison qu’ils donnent est qu’ils ne peuvent peinturer/réparer si on ne quitte pas le 30. Pourant, il est écrit dans le bail que la peinture et réparations peuvent s’effectuer dans les premiers jours après l’arrivée du locataire.

Aucun respect et professionnalisme dans les échanges. Surtout après y avoir logé 3 ans (et 2 ans avec cette compagnie donc environ 40k de mon argent en loyer).

Plusieurs problèmes dans le bloc, dont l’alarme à feu qui sonne aux 2 mois et l’écran d’appel qui manque une fois aux 2-3 semaines. Il y a tellement de nouvelles constructions aux alentours avec de bien meilleurs prix. Sauvez-vous des soucis.
05 February 2022 19:10
I've been liking the place quite a bit. Favorite apartment as of yet.

Great bang for your buck
Well managed
Feels safe and homey
Basically soundproof between apartments
A 2 minute walk from the new IGA

Lots of buildings getting built around, so expect a relatively noisy outside.

Anyways, I remember looking at reviews and not being too sure how legit the reviews were. Hopefully my input helps.
02 February 2022 5:34
From the minute I stepped into the building to meet with Julie for the first time, I had the impression that no other condo can offer in Cité du Multimédia. Starting with the fully furnished lobby on the main level, you have a sizeable gas-fired chimney with a modern set of furniture pieces that surround it. Julie also occupies her office in the lobby during business hours, and she is very welcoming to all the residents. Not to mention the building is pet friendly and always kept clean on each floor.

The staff are friendly, and they all work together as a family. It’s no doubt that William Square has everything to offer for a young professional looking to move to the old port. I genuinely feel at home with everyone living in the building, and I hope you will too.
15 November 2021 16:47
I’ve been here for a year and honestly it really feels like home. So grateful for the neighbors and some of them become friends what is amazing.

Amazing for the team that works for our well being. From Rabih the manager that is always on top of everything, to the wonderful Julie that makes sure that you have all that you need and obviously the maintenance team: Victor and Hamlet that don’t miss a thing and are always there to help with almost anything you need in your apartment.

I’m really happy here and I feel safe.
14 November 2021 14:35
As a current tenant of square William, I can honestly acknowledge that this is one of the best rental buildings I've lived in. Everything from my neighbors (whom I now consider friends) to the building management (shout out to Rabih, and Julie), the in house concierge, the building amenities, and the actual apartments themselves are A1. Living here has definitely been one of my smarter moves. If you are looking to move in the old Montreal area, this is definitely a great place to be. Not to mention there's the best coffee shop right across the street!
13 November 2021 18:21
Great place to live in the Old Port. The neighbors are great and friendly, the neighborhood has plenty of restaurants and cafes. The management team here is absolutely fantastic. Never had any issues with their team. Julie is amazing and she’ll go above and beyond what is expected to make sure her tenants feel at home here. The establishment is very clean and well maintained. I definitely recommend living here.
11 June 2021 12:02
Enjoyed living here for two years.

Rabih, the building manager, is very nice and responsive to emails and sends people to help with any issues immediately.

They also made a good effort to keep study spaces, pool and gyms open during covid when many other building's facilities were closed.

Building quality and facilities also top notch.

Rent could be high but you know that when you sign the lease. Year over year rent increases could be high sometimes also.
12 May 2020 23:51
La rue est très bruyante. Nous avons été gênés une bonne partie de l'année à cause des travaux environnants (immeubles à côtés et voirie).
L'alarme incendie a sonné plusieurs fois dans l'année sans raison apparente.
Nous nous somme fait voler un colis il y a quelques mois.
Puis pour couronner le tout on nous a collé une belle augmentation loyer de 10%. Nous sommes outrés.
On met une étoile grâce à la bonne gestion de l'immeuble.
25 April 2019 0:46
On habite dans leur nouvelle construction depuis le mois de juillet. On a reçu plus de 15 visites dans notre condo, 25 courriels de la part de leur employé et plus de 10 problèmes dans le condo. Leur service est inefficace et très lent. Leur employé non formé et nouvellement ajouté dans l'équipe, est au dépourvu de les multiples problèmes causé par les contracteurs et le délai de la construction. Les supérieurs sont trop occupé avec d'autre établissement à problème "plus grave".

All in all, worse experience I had to endure and constant stress to see if things will be fixed after months of promises. The door is always left unlocked by the employees that does visits when we are not present. We didn't have essential services during the 3 first months. You are literally living in their mercy and can't do anything else them formally complain for the situations that doesn't change. Every amenities that was promised to be completed before moving in is unavailable. The elevators are constantly broken or fully occupied by the contractors. There is constantly construction on every floor and in the lobby. Living here is like working in a construction field. Dirty floors and carpets all the times. Dusty and stained walls and windows.

To resume the experience that is still on going after almost 6 months
1. We apologize for the 6 am construction noise (next morning and months, same thing)
2. We are looking into it (3 months later they come to your condo, and you have no choice but to let them alone in your condo every time)
3. We think we found the problem, ah ah ah! We were wrong we think we know it this time. (5 trials for the same problem and they have been asking an "expert")
4. Coming home for the weekend, no hot water.
5. We could go on until number 30. Don't move in to their new phases. For the old ones we can't relate.

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