15 October 2023 5:21
Since beginning studying here its been nothing but a pleasure being here with not only the care staff and the awesome teachers aka Mr. Eric, I have never felt so welcomed here however the only problem is parking.staff parking only and you get tickets easily here.
21 September 2023 17:48
I have studied at Saint Laurent Adult Education Center and have graduated June of 2023. My experienced was nothing short of amazing. The environment at Saint Laurent makes it a good place to study. The entire staff is attentive, hardworking and understanding. The principal and vice principal are caring and look out for the best interest of the students. The school staff works as a team and helps students the best of their ability to reach their gold. I would rate this school 5 out of 5 and would recommend it to anyone.
12 September 2023 12:00
I was formally studying at an adult education school downtown, but then I found this school on the internet and decided to study there since it’s closer. At first I was satisfied with my decision because I thought I’d not only complete my high schooling, but also my goal was to increase my independent skills, travelling from point A to point B using public transportation on my own. I was making new friends there. Despite my limitations, I fit in with my fellow classmates. Up until the end of the first semester, the most horrifying and disgusting incident occurred. One or more idiots came into the school just to steal my MacBook when I stepped out of the classroom to go on recess break. Of course my classmates who would stay in the classroom for break were idiots as well because they did not prevent the stealing from happening. Therefore, it was quite obvious to me that those classmates were associated with the thieves, had it all planned out behind their cell phones/computer screens and gave them the green light. It was also very stupid of the teachers allowing their classroom doors to stay opened during recess and lunch break, not considering the fact that we all have cell phones, laptops and expensive gadgets in general. Also very stupid to keep the main entrance doors opened during recess and lunch break as if they don’t give a damn if stupid people go in and out of the building. To further upset me, the school principal had advised me to go to the police station to report this stealing incident, but also getting the police to further investigate by checking the school’s security cameras. The police showed up and they were told by the principal that it’s illegal for them to check their security cameras. Even more obvious, this school intentionally hid all the evidence. I was ready to drop out of school from that point, however I had already paid almost $100 for the following semester and I highly doubted that they refund. So I completed the second semester with a lot of stress, no longer feeling motivated to study. At least I completed one English exam, which was also pushed a month later from when I was expecting it to be done because there were a lot of “she’s not ready to do the exam” from the teacher. I was basically going to school every day January and February, not learning anything new. I was watching different films and writing film reviews. During that semester the educator had spoken to me about the school getting me a laptop so that I'd have a computer for school purposes and to bring back and forth, however it’s my responsibility to get that loaned laptop repaired if anything happens? BS! So I was like forget it! I Finally when my exam was completed and that semester was over, I cleaned out my locker and dropped out of school silently. In conclusion of this review, I lost aso much trust and respect. I highly don’t recommend this school!
03 September 2023 4:32
Whoever picked my call at 9: 43 has to be the most unprofessional woman at work ever!
She just wanted to get rid of the phone call asap and doesn’t know anything about how the school works? Who even hired her! I’d love to come to this school soon and confront her with this attitude! A simple question do the teachers give the classes or does the student study himself? Her reply euhhhh I don’t know euhhh if you heard like that it’s like that! Like what? ! You’re working for this school without knowing the basic information?
19 March 2023 9:14
I have never been excluded or discriminated against since the day I came to Canada. It wasn't really nice especially when the officer talking to me on the phone said we don't accept refugees.
14 February 2023 5:14
Very bad service, I call then to ask if I can coming to do placement test. I leave message and I wait 1 week and 2 weeks, no body call me back. Today someone did call me back, lie say then call me leave 2 message, which is not true!

EMSB very need improve the service!
04 January 2023 21:36
SLAEC is a great school, the teachers are amazing. Though it is not a big school, it also gives students more confidence when asking questions, engaging in group activities and opportunities for one-on-one time with the teachers. Teachers are passionate about seeing their students succeed.
22 December 2022 15:10
This is my second semester so far and I would say this is a nice school. Both teachers and the administration are very good and supportive.
16 December 2022 17:51
This is my second semester here and i love it, there’s always teachers that are amazing and can help you with alot of things. And all of the staff is always so helpful and nice!
22 November 2022 1:58
Aside from the rude and incompetent staff this place escapes all regulation by not being a regulated school. Local schools boot out students to this place in order to evade bad student statistics infecting the already poor state of affairs of all high schools in this area. Take a look at the Fraser website that ranks schools sending it’s poor underperforming students here and you can see, meagre 4.5 out of 10 ship students to this woeful excuse for an education centre and tells it’s students to read a book as if they’re capable of self teaching and self time management. Avoid this place like the plague is a theme of most reports on this place and I’m afraid it’s true. Do not send / pull out any student attending this establishment. It’s a business, it’s a joke and it’s a hiding place for those that can’t cut it as a teacher. It’s abysmal and outside of it’s own fake marketing has no statistical evidence to back any claims that it’s a reputable organization and self reports fakery. All out for profit only, it’s hindering not helping any future and a force for bad in the education sector. I cannot convey enough in this short review post how much this place must be avoided if you have any hope of getting a good shot at an independent and bright future. Avoid at all costs.
11 November 2022 23:25
I want to share some information with you. I’m taking English course from Monday to Thursday. The school's name is St. Laurent Adult Center. You can take the bus 128 from the metro to get to the school. They have two classes, one in the morning and the other one in the afternoon from 5: 30 till 9: 30. For registration we need to pay $100.00 per session. We have good teachers here. My teacher Katy is the best. She is challenging us. We have a computer class. We have different activities. The best part is the school is not far from metro.

I hope this information helps you to join us.
03 November 2022 21:09
I am studying at St-Laurent adult center. The location is near to metro, 15 minutes away, and they have good teachers.

The school is clean, and it has free parking. They have morning classes from Monday to Friday (8.30to 12.30) or
Evening classes Monday to Thursday (5.30to 9.30).

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