20 November 2023 13:12
Please please please fix the parking issue! Spent 45 min to not find any parking. Just went home:/
02 November 2023 14:07
The night shift very bad there only one nurse she should give me my medicine i was feeling so pain and i have itching she came after 1and half hour from the medicine appointment 1: 30 hour of pain and i have twins with c section imagine what happened to me
they didn’t respond to me even when i ask for help until icall the hospital to tell them i asking for help for 1 hour its my tome to take the med and no one came

and they didn’t give me a private room and it was very hard with twins
first day they didn’t get me food and the cafeteria was close at night
the nurse in the morning shift was very kind
14 October 2023 2:47
My surgery was last week. There is a polite administrator at the reception room #2324.
Nuclear med department:
The doctor is very careful, explains what she will do and what my body will feel, gently inserts the needle, slowly injects without pain, despite the sensitive area.
Operating room:
Everything is clean inside, sterile, comfortable table, caring doctors, they put soft pillows under the head and arms, covering the body with a warm sheet, very warm atmosphere. They communicate kindly, as if they were your family, and joke, which helps relieve anxiety. Special thanks to the anesthesiologist Dr. Greenberg: pleasant conversation before the surgery, gives full information about what will happen, answers all questions if you have, an injection into the vein is easier than a mosquito bite, gentle and neat, after inserting the tube my throat did not hurt and there was no soreness, it is a very pleasant feeling! (Before the surgery I've heard some stories and was worried about it). Special thanks to my surgeon Dr. Brabant and the whole team!
Recovery room and day center: Inna, Joylin, Irine thank you very much for your after surgery care, for extra painkillers that helped a lot and your attention to the details!
I appreciate your care and I hope I will not see you again!
08 October 2023 9:58
Tore a tendon on quad muscle and was taken to emergency
Unbelievable service, from receptionist to nurses to doctors
Was told I need surgery and was performed within 5 days
Cannot say enough about great staff and their helpful attitude
Thank you!
24 August 2023 11:00
Even though sometimes it’s long, at least they acknowledge you for a person and stay kind, the maternity ward is amazing, I gave birth too two kids, thank you for everything you guys do
23 August 2023 5:48
The hospital staff in the Orthopaedic surgery department were truly exceptional! Everyone that I had contact with were not only professional but they had so much compassion as they helped me through a difficult situation and as I watched them interact with others. From the nurses, the anesthesiologist, the person who brought me to surgery, and Dr. Adriana Martinez who is not only an excellent surgeon but also empathetic towards her patients. Truly grateful to all of you who supported me and helped me stay positive and left with a wonderful experience.
22 August 2023 16:28
My wife delivered her baby there. Such horrible services from nursing and doctors. They need 5 to 6 attempts to create a canola in the hand. Nurses are very rude and not caring about patients. Proper hygiene is not maintained. My wife developed bed sore just after staying there for 1 night. Bathrooms are not cleaned regularly and same for bed linens. Not recommended for baby delivery if you have other options.
08 August 2023 6:02
Maternity ward has horrible employees. If youe overwhelmed stop taking it out on people. Nurses are rude and lie so much.giving limits to have family visitors.when a women is giving birth or gave birth.your job is to comfort them and your system fails. Shame on the hospital.not thr 1st time. I remember even once when I registered my daughter when icwas pregnant the Asian guy was so rude to every patient their.so inappropriate.whoever owns hospital need to do investigation on the employees.
07 August 2023 17:34
On me transfère au laboratoire pour une question concernant un test à effectuer et après un long discours automatisé, la communication coupe. Aucune possibilité de parler à quelqu'un pour savoir si le test prescrit par mon médecin se fait dans cet hôpital.
08 July 2023 23:12
I have had to use the ER a few times for injuries. I am beyond blown away by the care and speed of service.

When Laval tells me a day to two days, they see me inside 12 hours. As in triage, checked out, x-rays, ultrasound, and here is treatment. 6-7 hours last time.

I am English, and never once given stink eye for speaking it.

It might be small, but they punch above thier weight class.
28 June 2023 22:17
Disorganized, disrespectful, overwhelmed staff
Wait times are ridiculous, and not just for the ER! Simple things like drawing blood takes hours. Ultrasound and medical imagery? Sit down it’s going to take a couple more hours…
Procedures are not clear, the staff is not knowledgeable on the hospital’s own procedures.
I’m really doubting our choice now since wife will be giving birth here.
Parking is atrocious, facilities are not up to par, the ER is a joke where it seems that only two people are working at a time, while almost 100 patients wait, registration takes longer to pass through than seeing an actual triage nurse. Need to come back after an exam? Good luck! You’ll need to go through the whole process all over again: take a number, wait for hours to see a triage nurse, wait some more hours to go through registration again, wait some more hours to see a doctor and you better hope to find a place to sit down.
Most of the reviews I write are tellings of my negative experiences, but I’ve never wanted to downvote a place this bad before.
10 June 2023 11:36
J’ai passé aujourd’hui pour un prélèvement du sang le personnel en accueil dans la salle d’attente est mal poli elle ma manqué le respect et parlais avec moi avec méchanceté, comment je peux faire une réclamation contre cette personne?
08 June 2023 21:31
My mom had a total knee replacement with Dr Dimentberg in June. Surgery and staff were great. She also mentioned that she really appreciated when Elena (from Calgary?) took her for a (walker) walk in corridor.
31 May 2023 0:24
I have suffered from allergy for 6 months. I got a referral to see a specialist but no where I can obtain an appointment in the next three months. My situation is getting worse. Therefore yesterday I went to the emergency at this hospital. The triage person just considered my condition at the moment I saw him so he put it down as stable instead of worse. It seemed I should be punished because my going to the ER was subsequent to my operation in the day surgery centre. I ended up leaving without seeing any ER doctor after 10 hours in that hospital on an empty stomach for 24 hours. Disgusted!
26 May 2023 23:40
NEVER GO To THE ER THERE. My husband had a critical condition and we needed help asap as we are from the USA. When we got there the staff and receptionist was extremely nice and did everything for him to be comfortable. After talking to a other nurse about how his condition was getting worst and needed an IV Asap ; a doctor (Mrs VETERE) pass by, looked at him and said word for word " he is not dying, he is fine "! We traveled 12 hours that day, his stomach was in major pain and his stool was straight blood. After insisting a doctor saw us and started taking care of him. The same doctor came back (Mrs. Vetere Phyllis) walks into the examination room and told our doctor to not take us because we are international! She was screaming at me and him " do you like to work and not get paid? No so you need to pay 200$ right now! You don't wanna pay then leave. " Keep in mind 3 hours before that I had went to business office and they said that I can be bill for the emergency room but any test will have to be paid right away, which I signed a paper an agreed too. However Mrs. Vetere Phyllis would not even see him without getting a random 200$. When I asked to talk to someone else she refused and shut the door in my face! AVOID MRS VETERE AT ALL COST. YOU GUYS SHOULD BE ASHAMED HAVING AN EMERGENCY DOCTOR CARING MORE ABOUT MONEY IN HER POCKET THAN THE HEALTH OF HER PATIENT!
20 May 2023 9:16
Due to an emergency, I found myself in the pregnancy ward, where I received excellent care. The nurses were kind and, in particular, Nurse Jessica on the fourth floor stood out for her exceptional warmth and compassion.
12 February 2023 6:24
Le personnel est très gentil et c'est des temps d'attente raisonnable pour l'urgence!
05 February 2023 10:18
Some staff are really nice and helpful, but some have very bad attitude most especially the reception ladies who work at the blood test department. I had to wait 3 months for my appointment and even with the appointment, you still have to wait in queue for a long period of time before your blood test. It’s a must you have/confirm the date and time of your appointment before coming, bring your medicare card and don’t forget to come with a note from your doctor or the original copy of your prescription form a doctor. However, if you don’t have these things listed above the receptionist would not take it likely and would send you back.

NOTE: it’s really hard to get quick appointments at this hospital so if you get one make sure to come prepare to avoid loosing it.
07 January 2023 5:49
Thank you to everyone who tried to help my girlfriend Rong C. In the hospital st mary.about her pain in the right eye. This morning we found her in the garage, hanging by a rope around her neck with no pulse. We trusted the medical system to get help but no one could nor wanted to make follow ups.

Shame on the Quebec's medical system for leaving people behind!
31 December 2022 20:39
The most unsatisfied hospital had an appointment at 8h30 in the morning got there at 8h00 had to wait because they wanted us to fill out forms. First they forgot to give me the forms when it came to my turn the staff told me to fill them out. Because of all this process I got to see the secretary of my doctor at 9h00 and she told me because you are late you can no longer see your doctor make another appointment to come. Not so happy about it because I had to wait 2 months to begin with to get an appointment.
25 December 2022 21:51
Parking is horribly bad there! If you have an urgent thing, good luck parking!
Also, the parking booth to get a ticket is so far behind these concrete poles that I ended up scratching my car trying to reach the button! Super angry!
I plan to follow up on that with the hospital.
17 December 2022 19:03
Agent sécurité à lavant africain te un criss de sauvage qui sait pas vivre impolies urgence sans commentaire une vrai jungle
01 December 2022 16:55
It's very sad to see this level of incompetence in a hospital. How come poor patients wait more than 7 hours in ER just to see a doctor? If you are short staffed please hire more doctors and have mercy on people. What are u doing with our taxes if you dont take care even of basic services?
24 November 2022 22:36
I have been waiting for 8 hours to see a doctor and they called to the room another 45 min of waiting, they don’t care about people they think they are busy and we have nothing to do in life! Poor service!
10 November 2022 6:10
WoW today I visited for mom’s surgery process.
G300 all members are amazing and helpful. It was really nice experience.
I also tried to pay bill of parking but It was the first time so I was in trouble and a lady behind me kept speaking bad words behind me then a front desk? Lady came to me she did kindly teach me. Anyway appreciate all of hospital employee including a security guard who helped car move for me quickly.
08 October 2022 6:08
Personnel du secteur des prélèvements peu expérimenté. Je suis venue pour des prises de sang, ils m’ont blessé de partout. Je peine à bouger mon bras. J’ai perdu beaucoup de sang. J’ai eu à faire plusieurs prélèvements dans d’autres structures de santé et c’est la première fois que celà m’arrive.
26 September 2022 6:47
I've been at this hospital for almost 2 years now and I went to make an appointment today cause I called a month ago and no one responded. The recepetion at cardio department laugh straight at my face and told me they have a book of phone call and couldn't find mine. Yes somehow they think that I made that up. And so I told her forget abou the phone call and just tell me what should I do to make an appointment. Somehow that triggers her and she calls the security. IF YOU DID YOUR JOB RIGHT NEITHER OF US SHOULD BE WASTING TIME ON A SIMPLE APPOINTMENT
24 September 2022 22:03
J’ai toujours étais bien servie et rapide le personnel agréable et très coopératifs si je me rappelle bien de Dr Marie Eve c’est un super médecin intelligent et elle sais ou aller chercher le problème faites lui confiance elle est vraiment humaine c’est un exemple pour tout le monde sa façon de travailler j’étais juste un patient passager et elle m’a traité comme un membre de famille le personnel et super doué doue et généreux accueil chaleureux de la part des agents de sécurité parking disponible pas chère et sa vaut la peine c’est la 1 et fois ou j’avais pas besoin de mon oreiller et couverture service est rapide si tout le monde est patient et coopératif merci
22 September 2022 14:01
Le pris hôpital que j'ai essayé, négligence totale de la part des infirmières quand tu les appelle elles restent 1h temps pour répondre à vous besoin, même les médecins de garde sont tjs en retard et long est ne donne jamais une explication claire du ton cas, les chambres catastrophique avec la chaleur, alors les repas tjs des erreurs, même si tu montionne que tu es végétarien
24 August 2022 22:55
Writing this from the hospital I got here at 735am it's now 809 AM I've already seen a nurse for my pre op (extremely kind) went to another room did a blood test (again the person who gave my waiting number and the tech who took my blood both extremely kind) and now back to another room to see a doctor. All within 30 minutes and every person I spoke with warm and kind. Really great staff.
20 August 2022 16:14
Very incompetent and sad to see everyones hard earned tax dollars go to waste on such entitled & immature people who work at this low class "hospital". They are a talentless group with ZERO compassion or empathy for their patients and their families. They are insecure about their jobs and know they can't handle the demands of working in the medical field (or any field not funded by taxpayer money). Instead of these overpaid "workers" posing as nurses and caregivers, lets get some real nurses and caregivers in this hospital. For the staff that currently work there, get back to work and actually help your patients, do your job for once.
14 August 2022 4:02
What an amazing hospital! Best staff! From start to finish, I received top notch care. I feel truly lucky and fortunate to have been able to be treated at such an excellent hospital by the most superb staff of professionals. Thanks!
28 July 2022 10:44
So friendly.from the security guard to the staff. They are fast, efficient and really make sure you have nothing before letting you go.
07 July 2022 1:09
This hospital is amazing when it comes to an ultrasound its the worst, you have an appointment and they see you 2 or more hours later.what's the point of an appointment?
And the staff at the reception are the worst, very rude and don't even look at you in the face when speaking to you.
If you have an appointment make sure you have nothing plan for the rest of the day.
05 July 2022 20:55
Venu avec mon copain. 9h d'attente a l'urgence pour entendre qu'ils sont debordés et que personne nous vera. Presque la moitié de ce temps on était tout seul à la salle d'attente.
01 July 2022 4:19
Appointments went as scheduled, received excellent instructions on what to prepare for after surgery.
13 June 2022 11:13
My whole family including my son was treated very well on different occasions. I am sending my donation for the hospital foundation and will send more as soon as I get money to spare. Thanks for all the staff, nurses and doctors who are always very nice and patient.
06 June 2022 20:57
Trois RVs annulés un à la suite de l’autre! Un mois d’écart entre chacun… La réceptionniste plus froide qu’un frigo, aucune empathie. On m’a déjà blessée dans l’oreille en rentrant l’instrument trop profond. On m’a déjà renvoyé plusieurs fois chez moi sans solution, médicament ou piste de réflexion. Débrouillez-vous! Je n’ai pas d’alternative ou d’options offertes. À qui peut-on s’adresser pour les plaintes!? Je songe carrément ne plus avoir de médecin de famille, ça fonctionnerait mieux, si j’engorgeais le système d’urgence.
10 May 2022 0:24
I'm a patient of St Mary's Oncology Day Center and I spent two weeks in their Oncology ward (5 Central) in December 2021. I cannot say enough about every single employee I have interacted with here. The common thread is kindness and patience. From my oncologist to the lady who makes the sandwiches in the cafeteria, they have all been fantastic to me.
I have been to several other Montreal hospitals since my diagnosis. None of them were bad but the people at St Mary's have something extra and whatever that is, it permeates the entire institution.

Parking is a nightmare. No way around it. Please, PLEASE, I beg you, do not give employees a hard time about your parking struggle. Employees have the same problem but they have it everyday. This hospital was built in the 20's and they didn't plan for our SUV's. I drive to the hospital most of the time and most of the time I find meter parking within a block or so. In two months of twice a week visits, I have never found a spot in their teeny tiny parking lot. The handicapped spaces are normally full as well. I don't even try any more. My strategy is to drive around the block from Jean Brilliant to Lacombe until I snag one of the meter spots on Lacombe. This works about 80% of the time for me.
09 May 2022 12:33
I’ve been here for different nerve tests and MRI scans and the staff are some of the coolest people I’ve ever met. The fastest hospital in terms of wait times as well.
06 May 2022 17:49
Yesterday I went to St. Mary's Hospital for my CT scan. The guy asked me to get a number since it's my 1st time in the hospital & was unfamiliar with the system. After being called he told me my appointment is for today March 8 at 7: 30am. Informed him that a lady called and she said I have a CT scan on March 7 at 7: 30. Told the guy so that means I have to wake up at 5am again. Then he said let me check if the radiologist can squeeze you in so you don't need to wake up that early anymore. Thank God the radiologist said yes. Waited for maybe 10 to 15 minutes and then I was called in. As usual the lady and the radiologist were both kind as well. Was done in like 15 minutes with putting my coat on and thanking both of them. While waiting for the elevator a lady who took down the laundry bin from somewhere and brought it to the floor where I was, ushered me to the elevator. Asked which floor I'm going and pressed ground for me. I was just amazed on how the staff in this hospital is so kind and helpful. I told her that and I truly appreciate such service with kindness. I commend the staff that I encountered in this hospital. Such awesome service, kindness and assistance given to patients. God bless you all
02 May 2022 9:00
I recently underwent an ACL reconstruction surgery at St. Mary's. The doctor, nurses, and everyone I interacted with were very kind and empathetic. The surgery went well, and now I am taking physiotherapy sessions. My physiotherapist, Sena Thomas, is highly competent and friendly. The team shares excellent camaraderie.
01 May 2022 16:13
I went To this hospital for the first time for my blood and urine test and the female at reception was nice but i was only there for a test and nobody in the beginning mentioned that I needed a Hospital card.
Finally i am with doctor for the Test and she asked why don’t have a Hospital card, i told her that after my Test i am going to room no 310 to make my card but she left her seat went back to the information counter with my Medical card to ask her again.

She was in a mood, the arm she took blood from, it was still on the table as it was just few seconds i gave blood, she opened my fist and kept the all bottles one by one in my palm.

I do understand that they see a lot of patients in a day but a doctor can always show atleast a bit of sensitivity and respect, even i belong to any race.

If you are going going here and expecting respect from everyone then you have to think again.
17 March 2022 2:46
Worst place ever. Inconsiderate personal. An awful experience. I had to carry my handicapped mother for Jean brilliant to Lacombe street 4 times. No handicapped parking. No wheelchairs available. Horrible horrible 3rd world country hospital
22 February 2022 7:27
Les personnes qui répondent au téléphone ne sont pas aimables du tout. C'est comme ça lorsqu'on n'a pas eu le choix que de se retrouver à travailler en santé! Il faut plus d'empathie et non des personnes qui vous crient là-dessus. N'IMPORTE QUOI!
22 February 2022 7:09
Je suis admis pour un sérieux problème de santé. J'ai attrapé le covid 19 à l'étage. Beaucoup de négligence et un sérieux problème de communication. Le service à l'unité Covid est terrible. Certaines infirmières sont inhumaines, et sans expérience. Je déconseille cet hôpital.
18 December 2021 3:22
From out of town, I had to go to the emergency. Staff was kind, professional and the physician I saw was caring.
17 December 2021 23:08
Tout le personnel de cet hôpital est très gentil, poli, attentionné, professionnel et de bonnes personnes.
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide, vos soins, votre attention et votre gentillesse.
09 December 2021 3:36
Great hospital, great staff with compassionate doctors and nurses. The wait time is average, but the care is great. Compared to the Jewish hospital, I recommend St-Mary's hands down!
28 November 2021 3:55
What a good care, what a good staff, what a clean place what a clean room, PERFECT and better than other hospital like sacre coeur or lakeshore.
25 November 2021 6:12
Thanks for the professional, thorough and kind consultation with Dr. Mcboyle at the Emergency room. Fortunately, I was seen, tested and discharged in less than 3 hours.
08 November 2021 22:25
I had surgery at this hospital and was sent back to the emergency by ambulance the same night on June 23rd 2021 as I had passed out once I got home. The evening shift/night shift nurses took such wonderful care of me! They deserve raise after raise after raise. Thank you!

The nurses I dealt with before surgery, the surgeon and his team are literally the best! Everyone was so patient, kind and nice:)
08 November 2021 18:41
Terrible place and horrible experience!
There is demolation going on right above the private room and they don't want to stop it our change our room! My newborn baby and my wife are Traumatized, and we couldn't rest at all!
It's everything but Healthcare for mom and baby!
31 October 2021 11:06
Great hospital - English always available. Clic-Santé sent me a message but it was only in French. So did not answer. However I know I have an appointment tomorrow at 11: 45 for blood tests.
24 September 2021 20:32
Very bad experience with this hospital.too much waiting time in the emergency even though the patient in pain as well aa he or she has personal issues. They dont understand anything. Very cheap service
25 April 2021 15:50
Centre radiologique très mal géré. Je souffre d'urgence urinaire et il fallait que je boive 2 grands verres d'eau une heure avant l'examen. 45 minutes après l'heure du rendez-vous et on m'a toujours pas appelé. Il va s'en dire que j'ai du allé à la toilette. Quelques minutes après on nomme finalement mon nom mais je dois reremplir ma vessie pour que l'examen soit concluant. On me dit de revenir directement dans la salle d'échographie. Quand je reviens la technicienne est occupée, on me dit qu'elle va venir me chercher. 30 minutes passée toujours pas de nouvelles. Vous devinez que j'ai du retourner à la toilette. Totalement inadapté à la réalité des patients! Je vais refaire une requête ailleurs.
01 April 2021 21:42
L’hôpital que j’ai accouchée trois et le service toujours impeccable. Un de mes hopitaux favoris!
31 March 2021 17:20
Nous voyons si souvent des histoires négatives des hôpitaux que je trouve important de souligner à quel point j’ai bien été servi à l’hôpital St mary. Ils ont un 5 étoiles de ma part, autant le personnel que le déroulement des procédures tout était A1.

Je vous remercie donc tout le personnel qui mon aider afin que je puisse enfin espérer revenir à ma vie d’avant!

13 March 2021 13:27
I really loved the experience that I had at this hospital. All staff were amazingly nice and treated people in the best way.
Service was pretty quick and wait time was not very long.
All staff communicated excellently in English and I didn't feel uncomfortable at all.
The Doctor was also very helpful and knowledgeable and dedicated a decent time to visit me.
All in all, I highly suggest going to this hospital in case of emergency.
11 March 2021 14:34
Fuyez la consultante en lactation. Pas à l'écoute, moralisatrice, n'a pas donné le bon diagnostique et ne parle pas bien français.
24 January 2021 11:32
My spouse waited for 14 hours in the ER with a spine injury, and when I called for updates on his status, I was repeatedly lied to, insulted, and hung up on by numerous hospital staff. It being "shift change" (for two hours straight) doesn't justify medical neglect and abuse.
20 January 2021 7:21
I would like to thank the staff in the Emergency room for their efficient work and care. A very special thank you to all the staff on the 6th floor who gave me the best care for the two weeks that I was there day and nite. Again thank you doctor Sophie McMullin and her staff. Happy Holidays!
19 January 2021 10:49
Nous ne comprenons pas. Nous venons des urgences car ma fille a eu un accident au travail en se tranchant le bout du doigt. Après être arrivé en ambulance, elle est passée au triage, il n'y avait pas beaucoup de monde et l'attente a été raisonnable. Par contre, le manque de sensibilité du docteure et le traitement de la blessure du doigt de ma fille ont été excécrables. Comment en 2020 peut-il encore exister des traitements faits de la sorte à des êtres humains. Je crois que les jugements de valeurs et le manque d'objectivité n'ont plus leur places dans notre réseau de la santé. Pour y travailler moi-même, ces situations me rendent très peu fière d'en faire partie. Ceci dit, une plainte officielle sera faite par ma fille avec tout mon appui.
19 December 2020 21:52
These guys give me an appointment at 6: 30. I get there and they tell me the nurses start at 7: 30. Here am I at almost 8: 00 still waiting for someone to say something.horrible planning.
11 December 2020 22:14
L’équipe clinique de la gestion de la douleur extrêmement compétant et l’approche est impeccable!

Stéphanie Lachance
29 November 2020 7:59
Pire hopital pour donner naissance! Je vous conseil de vraiment eviter! Surtout si vous avez des problemes apres accouchement!
22 November 2020 8:35
J’ai accouché de mon fils ici. Je donne 5 étoiles pour ce qui est du personnel en salle d’accouchement, au bloc opératoire (césarienne), anesthésiste, inhalo et personnel de soutien car tout ce monde était impeccable. C’est en post-partum que ça se gâte.les infirmières ont trop de patientes et certaines étaient en temps supplémentaires. J’ai eu beaucoup de douleur inutilement car il fallait sonner pour obtenir l’analgésie post-césarienne. Dans mon cas aussi le Tylenol et Naproxen était insuffisant ce qui a retardé ma guérison et compliqué grandement mon allaitement car j’étais incapable de me mobiliser pour allaiter mon garçon. Aussi, nous avons demandé de la formule pour le bébé qui nous a été refusée.même si aujourd’hui j’allaite encore mon bébé à 9 mois. Peut-être considérer d’implanter l’automédication pour les mamans qui le souhaitent? Et aussi respecter le choix de donner la formule si exprimé.
14 November 2020 16:48
Had surgery here. Every step of the process was given with professionalism. Everyone was kind and friendly. Always had a smile even with a mask. Special thanks to surgical team and staff on 6north. Thanks to the students of McGill. Keep up your good work and studies.
03 November 2020 18:54
Very convenient location if you get pistol whipped on cote-des-neiges and need emergency care, other then that severely underfunded
28 October 2020 8:35
Fantastic, friendly caring people working under a stressfull difficult situation, still give you their best.
25 October 2020 10:45
Best hopital ever. I gave birth there 19 years ago. Just went back this Saturday and i nvr received more attention like that as my usual Hospital as Jean-Talon. Ty for you hospitality and no i'll go there!
23 October 2020 3:28
My experience at the click was superb, the doctors are doing a great job. They really care for their client.
14 October 2020 22:22
My experience today at room B228 was horrible and disappointing. Both of the nurse technician's who did the test were asking me regular friendly questions to understand there patient which make sense, however they kept throwing words like if am here to do this test only to find excuse of not working, such ignorant pre-judging to others without knowing what they are coming from, for me this attitude was forbidding to com from a health staff, what a shame, really shame on those ladies especially the one called May.to educate you, please understand people seeking doctor advise or help because they need help, that's simple. When someone says he is in pain, that's mean he is in pain, stop judging do your work, be professional, no need to cause more damage to other people, they are already here in the clinic because something is wrong.again shame on you.if you want to say something say something good, or even give a medical advise or just please give the result to the doctors keep quite.and remember what comes from you will get back to you. From here I KINDLY ASK FROM THE HEAD MAAGER OF THE HOSPITAL TO GIVE HOSPITAL STAFF MORE TRAINING ON PROFESIONAL BEHAVIOR, ETHICS AND RESPECTFULL MANNERS TO THEIR VISITERS WHO ARE SEEKING MEDICAL ADVISE NOT HUMILUATION.
30 September 2020 21:19
It’s sooo hard for me to give one star.
I’m new to hospital emergency services in Canada, although I am in Canada since last 5years.

I was pregnant. I was soo excited and curious about every next appointments and everything about my pregnancy.

Suddenly in my 17weeks, I had bleeding around 4: 30am. I went to emergency at 5-00am to saint Mary’s hospital as my prior blood works and ultrasound everything was done in saint Mary’s hospital.

I had bleeding, although bleeding stopped, but there is unbearable pain in my lower abdomen. I was waiting for someone who can see my condition and take measures. After 45min nurse called and she filled the form. From then I have been waiting for 2 and half hours. My pain is becoming worse and bleeding started again. I was begging people to look into my condition as my condition is becoming worse. But the nurse she didn’t care of us at all. At 7: 30 am I couldn’t sit on that chair and even stand coz my pain has become worse and worse I was crying a lot, my husband was keep on going to nurse and updating my situation. But at 7: 30 they told us doctors won’t be available till 8: 00am.

After waiting for 2 and half hours, the worst thing we heard is doctors won’t be available till 8: 00am in emergencies.

And still not even single person cared about me, although I am sweating all over my body and crying and I couldn’t explain much about that night mare.

At 8: 15-8: 20 they called us inside. But, by then I saw my condition is worse. Nurse came and she wants to see baby’s heartbeat and she wants to take my blood.

But meanwhile as I said earlier, I want someone to look into my pain. As I am sweating a lot and my mouth went dry and I couldn’t explain any thing and hell lot of pain in my lower abodomen. My husband was shouting at nurse to let doctor know about my condition, but she was sooo heartless. She kept on saying “doctor has to come” I cannot help. We understand her but we expect her to let doctor know about my condition.

Then I urged to washroom. As there was no diaper or something I had to goto washroom in that worst condition. Then my water bag bursted I delivered my 17weeks baby in washroom. I was blank I was numb, my husband is in the washroom. We were shocked and there was nothing we could do.

We clicked on help button. Then everybody came, nurse doctor and soo on after seeing my condition.

From then, till now I am broken. He was my first baby. I am crying each and everyday for him. Everything reminds me about the baby. Coz, I was emotionally too much attached to him. Even today I am scared to go to washroom alone.

But, we explained everything to other doctors and reading news online. Atleast we could have a chance if there was someone who looked into my condition when I entered into hospital instead of leaving me in waiting hall just to sit on that chair, which made my situation worse.

After few hours, they brought my baby who is dead, then I came to know his gender. We broked into tears and felt very sorry that we couldn’t had a chance to save him.

Emergency means emergency 24hours care is required. We expect we as a patients that there would be someone available 24/7 to look into our conditions and problems. But emergency doctors only available at 8: 00am doesn’t even makes sense to me. And that too they informed us at 7: 30am.

I don’t know. We could have done anything to save our child. Atleast we could have a chance. May be after that, even if my baby is dead, then we could have understood the situation, everybody tried their best to save my child. But here, I felt sooo sorry and guilty that I couldn’t do anything to save my kid.

I hate Saint Mary’s Hospital Centre especially emergency care.

I don’t want other moms to take chances.

Even 5min before delivering I heard my kids heartbeat which was absolutely fine.
28 September 2020 15:21
I took blood test last Wednesday. The lady took my blood from inner elbow. When she took it, there is a spot at my wrist I felt pain like a needle goes in! After the test, it hurts when I did certain movement. Today, I feel it when I drive. I call the blood test center, the person said I have to go to the emergency! I asked her are they going to check or do anything, she said she has nothing to check me. First of all, the lady took blood did a terrible job! She should not do this job if she makes this kind of mistake! Secondary, the blood test center did not do anything for this. They just push me to the emergency, seems like they are not responsible for this, this is really irresponsible! I am going to sue them if they really make a big damage.
27 September 2020 13:24
My case was so complicated but my doctor performed very well. ST. MARY is the best hospital in Montreal.
20 September 2020 13:09
Thank you to all the E. R.staff that helped me today! I thought I was in serious trouble but they helped get answers and feel
better in no time.
18 September 2020 11:23
Overwhelmingly long wait time (7 hours on a quiet day) led to excellent service from knowledgeable professionals

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