12 September 2023 13:07
Pire Starbucks au monde Aucun respect envers les clients. Ils ont pas de décaféiné et ils vont vous charger americano à plein prix. Et rendu à la maison, ils m’ont donner une americano régulier même pas décaféiné. Pire service à la clientèle. Stay away from this place if you don’t want to ruin your day.
13 August 2023 22:39
This barista made my day. I was overly tired, 3 days of driving with 4 kids, I just needed a coffee break and it was taking so long to order cuz of the kids and me being tired! But he was kind and patient and even made small talk to make me feel better. I didn’t even care at this point that most of my order were missing and had to order something else cuz he just gave me the best service!
05 February 2023 21:48
This Starbucks is the only one I know that I can always find a place to sit and work a little bit.
The staff are very polite and professional.
It also has drive though which is very handy when in rush.
04 February 2023 21:37
Nice place. I go there all the time. My only request is: please have matcha powder. They run out of it way too often…
02 February 2023 7:17
Le staff au service au volant était trop trop sympathique, super service clientèle.
Love them?
10 January 2023 0:52
Loved the place, spacious, there is a parking and also a drive-in if you want order while sitting in your car. For the quality, it is your every day Starbuck
07 November 2022 13:19
J'adore les boissons starbucks, j'y vais souvent et les baristas sont très gentilles souriantes, mais il y a une barista qui a été désagréable avec moi la dernière fois car j'ai dit que j'avais commandé un frapuchino sans café pour ma fille de 4ans et elle lui en a mis! J'ai dû repayer pour avoir un autre sans café: -/
14 October 2022 15:30
The line up and the location are kinda bad but the people who work here make up for it entirely! I've rarely had such friendly, fun and professional service. A big shoot out to the employees and the guy who picks em. You guys are awesome!
26 September 2022 15:37
I was having a coffee with some girl friends and there were a few others in the cafe and at 10pm (closing time) they just shut off all the lights in the store without giving anyone a warning ahead of time. Very rude and disrespectful to shut off the lights on severely clients.
12 June 2022 19:07
C'était mon anniversaire 2 jours avant. Comme avec Sushi Shop, j'ai reçu une offre par courriel. Sushi shop me donnait 2 jours pour en profiter. Naïvement, je crois que c'est la même chose pour Starbucks. Et bien non. Je me présente à la succursale la plus près de chez moi, soit 15 km de la maison, je commande et indique que j'ai une offre d'anniversaire.et bien, non. Je ne peux pas profiter de l'offre. C'était la journée même ou rien.
Aucune empathie, aucune compréhension, et donc, aucune exception possible. Je suis repartie déçue et les mains vides. Je comprends qu'il y ait des politiques à respecter. Mais une cliente heureuse, ça n'a pas de prix.
17 February 2022 19:32
J’y vais au moin 3 fois par semaine et il y a toujours une erreur.on constate que les employés ne savent pas ce qu’ils font. COVID-19 ou pas il faut investir sur la formation, d’autant plus que les boissons sont super cher… vous éviterez du gaspillage.
02 February 2022 23:40
Le magasin est supposé fermer à 22: 00 et à 21: 35 la porte est barré et il ne veulent pas répondre au téléphone ni à la porte après m’avoir vu dans l’entrée….
01 February 2022 2:38
This Starbucks is actually the worst I’ve even been to. I just moved to the area a month ago and this is the closest Starbucks to my house, it seems every time I come the service is getting slower and slower. Waiting 1/2 hr- 40 minutes in the morning for a cup of coffee is ridicules.
30 January 2022 10:55
Il y a un employer en particulier qui est exellent au service auto. Son service sa voie.il merite une augmentation d'apres les commentaires lu. Mais c'est que lui puis ce que quand j'y suis retourner il manquais du service.
Agreable aller a ce starbucks.
17 January 2022 0:32
Hour says they opened at 6: 30, I get there at 6: 45, door is unlocked, proceed to walk in, cashier glare at me.says there no open. No coffee.

Other than that it's the dirtiest starbucks I've ever been too, and the milk in my latte is always burned somehow!

Overall, I give it the "Will not return" Award
06 January 2022 10:35
Délais d'attente interminable, c'est horriblement long avant d'avoir 2 cafés trop chers. La musique est tellement forte, avec les plexis et les masques on comprends rien quand le staff nous parle.
03 January 2022 1:29
Le service à la clientèle est très agréable, ce n'est pas la première fois que j'ai le droit a un employé ultra sympatique et enjouée et j'adore cela! De plus, j'avais envie de changement et il me conseille toujours extrêmement bien!
17 December 2021 11:18
Okay little slow but great service. Store is always being cleaned at least that's a good thing and the staff are always friendly. You have to pay attention to your order do when thru call your name you get it because sometimes they don't say your name properly so just give them a colour to call like say Purple or Orange.you get what I'm saying because 1 time they were mispronouncing my name but that's OK it happens right.
15 December 2021 11:30
Fermé a ceux qui ne sont pas en voiture! Oubliez-ca passer par là à vélo ou en attendant l'autobus. C'est porte barrée.

Une seconde fois, en voiture, on a attendu 25 minutes en file (tous ont le moteur qui roule, pas très écofriendly comme approche, mais pas le choix vu le contexte) et une erreur dans notre commande (sans lactose, mais on nous met de la crème fouettée) qu'on ne peut pas changer sans réattendre toute la file. Vraiment plate comme expériences.
C'est fini pour nous: - (
28 November 2021 14:14
Un grand merci à Sandra et Delphine l'équipe du matin. Toujours aussi attentionné et gentil. Certainement un des meilleurs employés de Starbucks Vimont! Continuez ce bon travail!
24 November 2021 14:22
Worst customer service ever. No empathy for people. My wife walked 30 minutes with my 4 month old, only to get refused service due to staff shortages meanwhile drive thru was open with nobody in line. A stranger who saw all this play out offered to purchase the item for my wife. Shame on you Starbucks. You should be more empathetic towards your customers because without them you would still be a local coffee shop in Seattle.

A very unsatisfied customer
01 November 2021 5:38
Ils ferment le café (portes verrouillées par manque de personnel), et ne laisse que le service au volant mais ils refusent de servir les gens qui ne sont pas en voiture. Donc a pied ou en vélo, interdiction de nous servir. Ca sonne discriminatoire un peu!
03 September 2021 4:53
À chaque fois que j'y vais les employés sont TELLEMENT gentils
Clairement ils aiment ce qu'ils font
On va revenir 100%!
25 April 2021 22:55

I went through the drive-thru and approached the intercom, the woman who came over the speaker greeted me and asked me what my order would be. I was halfway through my order before I was interrupted by the same woman, she advised me that the drive-thru was closed and I would need to come inside to place my order. I asked why the drive-thru was closed as I was already in the middle of placing my order, she advised me that there was a sign placed in the drive-thru and that I should have read it as it stated that the drive-thru was closed.

I advised her that there was no sign, she then accused me of running over the sign and ignoring it. Up until this point the entire exchange was in French, until she accused me of running over the sign and started speaking to me in a very rude tone, I began to speak English as I am not completely fluent in French and felt more comfortable in English to get my point across. I then asked what I was supposed to do as there was a truck blocking me from exiting the drive-thru and another car in back of me waiting to order, so I was stuck. She then, very rudely, said that she would no longer serve me because I was speaking English.

The passenger in my car, who happened to be fluent in French then replied and asked for her name as well as her manager’s, the woman then replied in a mocking tone “my name is Frederick and my manager’s name is Matthieu, if you want to file a complaint go right ahead”. I happened to catch this part of the exchange on video.

She then stated that she was no longer willing to serve us and closed the intercom, I asked how I was supposed to get out of the drive-thru, and there was no response. As we backed out, we noticed an employee exiting the store and went to place a sign in the drive-thru. At this point I was extremely furious as this same employee had just accused me of running over and ignoring the sign, but it was never placed there to begin with. Clearly, the employees of this location cannot be left without a manager or supervisor present as they are incapable of delivering the bare minimum when it comes to customer service.

The store hours indicate a closing time of 6: 30pm, what is the point in advertising these business hours if they are not being respected? It’s quite ironic that for these employees, whose priority is customer service, they seem to be so inconvenienced by customers themselves. I don’t believe that someone who is so bigoted towards Anglophones should be allowed to represent your company especially when one of your company values is supposedly about ‘creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome”. Clearly, this employee has no regard for the values that she is supposed to be upholding. As I stated above, I frequent this location very often as it is closest to me and after this experience, I do not feel comfortable returning. These employees are creating a very hostile environment for your customers.

I do not believe that this particular employee reflects your company values and therefore should not hold a position that involves interacting with the public if she is so obviously ignorant to the fact that she holds a service job in bilingual country.

And the response from the store manager Mathieu in all of this was that she may have just been having an off day; sorry to hear, but we all have an off day but none of them involve ignorance and discrimination.
04 February 2021 0:50
Très bon service au Starbucks Vimont, demandez pour James si vous y aller a cette succursale et vous ne serez pas déçu! Il est très accueillant, poli & souriant a chaque fois que j'y vais. Il n'y a pas d'erreur dans ma commande quand il est en succursale. Bon succès James!
01 January 2021 16:38
J'ai simplement demandé un café filtre. Le café n'avait pas terminé d'infuser. Jusqu'à ce moment c'est correct. Cependant, une fois terminé de couler. J'ai continué à attendre durant de nombreuses minutes. Pour finalement me faire servir un café froid!
27 December 2020 13:59
J’ai demander un petit café glacé 2 sucres et on m’a fait confirmer petit 2 fois avant d’arriver a la fenêtre (ce qui arrive pratiquement a tout les jours) et rendu a la fenêtre on ma donner un moyen (je surveille ma caféine) je garde le moyen tout les jours parce que je suis pressé et la journée ou j’ai dit “non desoler j’ai demander un petit” la madame a la fenêtre c’est facher pour me le re faire et a du ce faire calmer par un autre employé. Bravo!
21 April 2020 2:34
Je vous doit un café! Très bon accueil et bon service;), je vais pour mes rencontres d’affaires et c’est parfait!
06 April 2020 18:13
J'aime beaucoup cette place, un petit coin joviale, tout en étant intimiste. Le chocolat chaud est excellent, surtout avec la petite touche de chantilly
13 February 2020 17:45
Le personnel est incroyable. J'ai rarement vu un service à la clientèle d'une telle qualité! Les employés sont de bonne humeur et font transparaître leur passion à travers leur service ainsi que leurs recommandations. Toute mon admiration au gérant qui sait motiver ses employés! Je ne suis pas du coin, mais je compte y retourner. Le détour en vaut la peine.
14 January 2020 8:02
Pour sortir de l'ordinaire j'adore aller au Starbucks pour me prendre un café cappuccino ou un latte
01 October 2019 23:01
Pas eu le temps de goûter à mon café. Le verre c'est littéralement défait dans ma main alors que je le mettais dans le porte-goblet de mon camion.

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