03 January 2023 18:32
Super rapide un samedi matin si tu as tous tes papiers! Il demande le formulaire rempli qu’il t’envoie par courriel, d’aller sur ton site d’uni pour le formulaire Opus et carte d’identité.
01 January 2023 10:43
I went to renew my STM bus and metro public transport card at 1 p.m. On a Wednesday and they were empty, they attended me quickly and were very kind
26 September 2022 7:33
Long long queue here but they are serving fast so far as possible. It didn`t took that long to get the card. Staffs are helpful.
03 January 2022 3:44
Zero to NO complaints. As long you schedule an appropriate time and date for your opus picture as well as come 15 to 30 minutes before the appointment. There's no need to worry. And don't forget your QR code or your passcode
02 February 2021 11:35
At first they told me I could stay eventhough I don't have an appointment then after waiting for an hour and a half in the cold and was finally my turn they told me to go back and come back the next day since I don't have an appointment. WORST EXPERIENCE EVER!
29 January 2021 17:24
I was there because I needed to have my OPUS for students and I was afraid to go at the beginning because of Covid. However, I realized that they're pretty good organized and my errand was quick and efficient. Staff was friendly and helpful, they speak English or French.

If you're doing the same, don't forget to grab some cash to pay the fees, also they're going to give the opportunity to take a new photo if you want, if not, you could keep the old one of it's not your first time there. Good luck!
13 January 2021 1:03
Impossible! 1000 people there every time and takes about 2 hours to make an opus card. I guess that's very interesting.
10 January 2021 22:14
You tell me to be there at 8: 45 sharp, but you don’t open shop till 9: 00? !? That is really disrespectful of your customers time -> you created an inherent 15 min wait time for all customers, while you could have simply taken reservations from 9: 00! Come on!
31 December 2020 3:22
À titre d'étudiant, il faut s'armer de patience lorsqu'on décide de se procurer une photo pour sa carte OPUS. Le système est toutefois bien rodé dans ce studio photo et il y a très peu de perte de temps malgré les longues files d'attente. Service essentiel pour étudiant.
10 December 2020 19:30
[10/24/20] At the time I went, appointments were required and the waits were minimal. Since the STM websites have been down, no appointments are required.
24 November 2020 0:09
Personnel souriant, mais pas de moyen de payer avec crédit, donc n'oubliez pas de l'argent ou votre carte débit!
24 November 2019 14:14
Pire service à la clientèle, le pire! Cela fait trois fois qu'on se présente et il y a toujours un problème avec leurs employées. Honnêtement j'espère que vous changiez au complet votre staff ou tout simplement vous allez fermé la place.
22 November 2019 17:24
Le service que j'ai reçu a toujours été bon, le problème est le système et le peu d'espace qu'il y a pour les gens quand s'approche le temps pour que tous les étudiants changent leur carte Opus. J'ai fait une file de 1h sous la pluie car il y avait tellement de gens que ça sortait du studio. CONSEIL POUR LES ÉTUDIANTS AVEC UN COMPTE OMNIVOX: commandez la carte par internet. Ça va être mieux pour ceux qui doivent vrm aller au studio et c'est plus facile pour vous. Juste faites le au moins 3 semaine en avance.
27 May 2019 13:15
When I was there it was the time when all children (and not only children) should create new STM Opus card. There was huge amount of people, but everything was organized very good, and we pass it very quickly.
12 May 2019 13:27
If you guys need more workers then hire instead of having maximum 4 everyday and make everyone stand up for a couple of hours waiting for his turn. Although things should be easier in 2019!
07 April 2019 2:58
File d'attente interminable.service médiocre (pas de sourire et aucune explication). Pire service à la clientèle et mauvaise disposition de l'endroit. Nous devons attendre à l'extérieur.
02 April 2019 3:18
In a remote room some distance from berry-uqam, but need to be accessed only once a year, so it's ok that it's as "well" organized as the stm itself.
26 March 2019 22:45
Si vous choisissez bien votre heure il n'y aura personne sinon vous risquez d'attendre un bon bout de temps

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