30 October 2023 6:01
The store displays are nice. The products are OK but not the best quality. Most of the furniture I've bought in the last 10 years is broken. The salespeople are a bit cold with an attitude.
09 October 2023 6:20
Easily accessible and welcoming staff. They are also present for any information you need on any item displayed there and provide professional help when needed.
01 August 2023 13:24
J’ai fait une commande des meubles sur cette boutique j’ai reçu un lit avec une pièce qui manque c’est à dire une erreur j’ai appelé plusieurs fois pour avoir des réponses sur deux questions si la pièce elle est disponible et quand je vais la recevoir sachant que cela m’a fait un retard de mon déménagement que j’ai pas pu placé mon lit et je dors sur terre et j’ai pas pu me rendre dans l’odte dans ma maison à cause de ça j’ai juste demandé des date quand je vais le recevoir pour chercher ou je dors et trouver une solution le gérant il m’a répondu juste de patienter sinon on viens récupérer le lit que j’ai commandé ça fait 3 mois que j’attends

Sachant que ma commande c’est un lit et matelas et aussi sofa et table 4 chaise il m’a juste dis de récupérer le lit sans prendre en considération que je suis dans le besoin de l’utiliser j’ai répondu que si vous allez récupérer le Matlas je veux annuler ma commande il m’a juste dis que t’es entrain de me menacer sachant que c’est loin de ça je veux juste avoir des réponses et des dates précises
16 June 2023 6:06
The sofa is great after 3 weeks, and price is competitive to other brands. But After-sales policy is quite weak compared to others (return policy/price matching adjustment time frame is shorter). I had a small issue about price adjustment but it comes happily in the end. Overall, It’s worth to look over Structube when you want some new furnitures. I will visit again if I need something to decorate my place.
22 April 2023 5:20
Very rude
Very disrespectful
Very agressif
I never go back there again
I rather go another branch but not st catrin
16 April 2023 8:22
Cotes service à la clientèle c super
Mais les livreur ou la compagnie de livraison
Un vrai zéro
Ils m’ont laisser 15 grosses boites pas comme les autres compagnie, les ramasser
Ça m’a pris une heure pour couper en morceaux et j’ai pas de place pour les mettre

Les boites étais très sales et ont tout sali ma maison
Il me donne pas une boites à la fois pour je puisse les placer, ils font juste débarrasser vite les boite et partir.no. Professionel
Le pire un des livreur a mis une bottes sur mon escalier et attacher ses lassets
Plein neige et boue sur mon escalier
01 April 2023 21:11
Achat d'un canapé lit chez Structube rue Sainte-Catherine à Montréal. Le modèle qui nous plait est en rupture de stock et nous devons attendre 4 mois pour qu'il soit à nouveau disponible. Nous aimons tellement le modèle que nous sommes prêts à patienter. 4 mois plus tard nous sommes enfin contactés pour nous aviser que le canapé est disponible et peut-être livré chez nous. Moyennant des frais de 50$, nous payons pour le service de livraison dans le domicile car nous sommes au 3e étage et ne voulons pas nous embêter à le monter. J'avise Structube que nous sommes au 3e et le responsable me dit que les livreurs ont l'habitude et qu'il n'y a pas de problème. Je ne m'inquiète pas car nous avions déjà fait livrer par Germain Larivière un canapé sectionnel plus gros qui avait été livré avec succès chez nous.
Le jour de la livraison arrive, les livreurs mentionnent à mon chum que le canapé ne rentre pas et qu'ils ne peuvent pas le monter. Ils lui proposent de le laisser en bas de chez nous dehors et qu'il se débrouille pour le monter lui-même, chose qu'il refuse. Il leur mentionne que nous avons un escalier de secours à l'arrière duquel il sera peut-être plus facile d'accéder et monter le canapé. Les livreurs refusent d'aller voir et décident de repartir avec le canapé sans l'avoir sorti du camion.
J'appelle le magasin pour faire un suivi et me plaindre. Le gérant me fait limite comprendre que c'est de ma faute si ça ne rentre pas et qu'il n'habite pas chez moi donc ne peut pas savoir en avance si le canapé rentre ou non. Il me dit je vous rembourse sans aucune autre compensation.
Donc après 4 mois à attendre mon canapé, avoir revendu mon ancien pour accueillir le jour de la livraison le nouveau, ben je me retrouve aujourd'hui sans canapé et avec aucun support de Structube!
Il est certain qu'ils ne me reverront plus dans leur boutique!
27 December 2022 6:13
Livraison gratuite mais excecra le monsieur le laisse devant le l'assanseur premier et dernier fois que je magasine à cette endroit?
22 May 2022 16:44
I bought an L-shape sofa (the Gibson model) last year in spring (2021). After only 6 months, two of the buttons fell off. The store agreed that it was part of the 1 year warranty, and exchanged the pillow; I offered to give them the buttons and have them just reattach them, but they said changing the pillow was easier (3 extra trips during working hours).
About two weeks ago (before the one year anniversaryof my first new sofa), a third button fell off! HOWEVER, they refused to fix the problem, because they're only liable for 1 of those fixes a year. And since 1 year has passed as of March 16th, I now have an almost new/damaged/1000$ sofa here in my student apartment, and I can't even hide the problem because it's on the face!
After sending an email and not getting any response for two days, and because I was afraid the 1 year warranty would pass, I drove back to the store with the pillow (an hour drive to and from) to show them the issue. The clerk was very rude and basically told me that it's not their problem and to take my pillow and leave! When I asked him where I can get it fixed and that it was the persian new year where we gather more, he told me it wasn't their policy to fix more than 1 button. After asking to talk to a manager that would know more, he asked me to leave.
Basically I am very disappointed in their policies and customer service.
It's been over a week, and no response!
10 November 2021 22:51
After Structube sent a damaged item two times, I requested a return for the item. They accepted the return request. The delivery company was supposed to pick up the item on July 31st, but they didn’t come to pick it up. Structube blamed the delivery company. The delivery company contacted me after my complaint and informed me that Structube didn’t arrange a pickup date from the beginning. I spent my day off waiting for a FAKE delivery schedule. After many phone calls and complaints, they arranged a new pick up day, July 28th. When I didn’t receive a confirmation message from the delivery company on July 27th, I called them, and they told me there is no arranged pickup date for your name, so again a Structube gave me a FAKE pickup date. The delivery company told me they will not pick up the items since there is no request from Structube. I called Structube immediately, and they told me to wait when I was explaining the situation. I spent another day off waiting for my FAKE delivery schedule. I have been dealing with Structube for two months now. This is extremely unprofessional and unacceptable.

Online Purchase - I purchased an armchair from Structube. The item had manufacturing damage on the fabric, so I requested an exchange. The delivery company didn’t come in the scheduled delivery period. I had to call customer service, and they told me they cannot do anything about it because they cannot contact the delivery company. The delivery company arrived almost 6 hours late, and when they came, they didn’t say anything, not even a word. They looked annoyed. They put the box in front of the apartment, took the previous damaged item, and they left. They didn’t carry the item upstairs, I was expecting them to carry the item, but they just left without saying anything. I stand in front of the apartment with a huge box, calling my friend to help me. The new item came with the same manufacturing damage on the fabric, and it was squeezed in a box that was different than the first packaging. The wrapping material was torn as well. I informed customer service, and because I like the design of the chair, I requested another exchange. However, they rejected my request and offered a return that was annoying since it was a preorder item that I had to wait almost a month. I had to accept the return offer. They scheduled pick up, and the delivery company had supposed to call the day before. Of course, they didn’t. I had to call customer service, and again they told me they cannot do anything, and I have to wait the whole day because they were sure that they would pick up the items on the scheduled day. I spent my day off waiting for the delivery company, and they didn’t come. The worst shopping experience so far.
20 October 2021 17:56
Au magasin, super service, bonne recommandation, bonne connaissance de leurs produits qui sont d'ailleurs très variés et de bonne qualité pour le prix payé. Mes deux livraisons se sont fait exactement comme prévue avec un appel automatisé 24 heures avant et un coup de téléphone 5-15 minutes d'avance. Recommande chaudement!
19 October 2021 16:34
I don’t recommend this place at allllll! The quality of the products is super bad. I got a sofa bed (called Megan) and after only a year and a half it’s falling apart. The back doesn’t hold anymore, the springs where you sit are detached and are tearing the material. I called the customer service to ask for a return or if they can fix it at least. The agent said they cannot do anything sorry because the warranty is 1 year only. They only have a 1 year warranty because they know their products are bad and will wear out after 1 year.
10 October 2021 10:42
You want headache
You want to suffer
You want to get angry
You want to waste your time
You want stress
Simply just deal with this company and to be sure you get all the above just call the AMAZING customer service
Good luck
20 September 2021 9:40
Horrible service!
I ordered a sofa in this store and when I received after 4 days, the cloth was scratched so I called the store and they told that they are going to exchange it, and I had to wait for another 4 days for the exchange, but on the day that they supposed to do the exchange they just came to pickup the item without giving me a new one, then I called the store again to see why and they had no idea of what's going on and they didn't even said sorry! So I decided to ask for a refund and they told me that I have to call them only on Monday to Friday (While the stores working hours supposed to be everyday as they advertised) and on Monday, I called them again and finally they told that I have to go their store in person to receive the refund and they can't do a refund to my card over the phone!
So I don't recommend them at all, you will end up wasting you money and time!
04 September 2021 6:13
Hi Structube:
I bought two chairs in April 2020, one is still in good condition, the other one is completed broken. I have been waiting for a response from the customer service in the past months to find a solution, but apparently nobody contacted me back. So can someone contact me on this issue? Please!
06 August 2021 3:41
One of the worst customer experiences. They’ll ask you for a reservation and they’ll tell you “you can just call us If you like to cancel or modify your order” then they don’t answer their phone. I keep calling and put on hold for the past 5 days and at the end they hang up! Soo bad I can’t trust them anymore.
28 July 2021 6:54
My couch arrived 2 months after (very long time), I decided to returned and their employee were always nice and one the guys help me with every detail of the exchange, always fast and clear the attention.
21 July 2021 8:52
The most of furnitures there are good and cheap, but on three of my seven visits, the manager was in the store (an older man) and three times I was treated rudely by him.
The second time I took the initiative to say hello and smile. He gave me a fierce roll of the eye? It was unprovoked, The furniture can be good and cheap, but on three of my seven visits the manager was in the store (an older man) and three times I was treated rudely by him. The second time I took the initiative to say hello and smile. He gave me a fierce roll of the eye. It was unprovoked, I was scared.something I've never seen in any other store. Maybe he has bad mood every day, but it really affects the customer's mood. I only will be there if The next time I know in advance that he is not in the store
19 July 2021 11:37
Zoellie. I apologize for misspelling your name, Structube in Ville LaSalle 1st time ever in the store, Zoellie made me feel reassured that my ordered was coming on due date even though I called her a couple of times before, I bought a sofa bed loveseat and I was surprised how easy it was to assemble it, it's not the kind of sofa you sink into but I open the sofa bed and adjusted my head rest, added some accent pillows to complement the ones that came with the sofa and I love it, definitely going back. I have my eye on 2 coffee tables and some accent pieces, affordable prices no doubt.see you soon!
18 July 2021 21:22
Great Furnitures at a very affordable price. However availability can be challenging. Not everything is available at this time.
30 May 2021 1:13
Worst customer service ever. Can't even talk to someone that is capable of resolving your issue. They basically take your money for out of stock items and never replenish, you end up having to ask for a refund. Not even worth a one star.
14 April 2021 13:24
J'ai reçu un très mauvais service de la part de l'une des vendeuse qui était à la caisse aujourd'hui. En plus d'avoir patienté longtemps, il m'a été reproché d'avoir tardé avant de venir récupérer ma commande, or, je n'avais jamais été avisé que ma commande était prête: aucune excuses de sa part. Sans m'adresser la parole, cette même personne décide de prendre ses coups de téléphone me laissant patienter comme un c**! Quand je le fais remarquer à sa collègue, elle se permet d'interrompre son appel pour me CRIER dessus pour me dire que "mon gars est parti te chercher ca!: comment aurais je pu le savoir? Revoyez vos notions de ce qu'est le respect et le service à la clientèle! Un client très fâché (et qui ne reviendra plus se faire traiter de la sorte!)
28 November 2020 2:10
"Fairly good. The furniture is beautiful and good quality. The service can improve A LOT! ". I am giving these 3 stars for the furniture only, because it is beautiful, but I can buy it in any Structube, and I will do that next time, because the service is not friendly and not helpful at all. No warm fuzzy feeling from the staff when entering the store or even when we buy something and contact with manager to ask about guarantee and quality service.
Just respond: “no guarantee “
No makes sense for using dining chair less than 1 year and then broken!
27 November 2020 17:15
Très mauvais service client.
Commande passée il y a 2 mois, toujours aucune nouvelle pour la date de livraison. Chaque semaine lorsque j'appelle, on m'informe que mes articles seront disponibles d'ici "1 à 2 semaines". Et chaque semaine, l'échéance est repoussée. Le patron est un menteur qui ne s'intéresse pas aux plaintes de ses clients. A fuir.
13 October 2020 10:11
I got way too many pieces of furniture from Structube over the last 6 months to be able to write an honest, full review. The furniture is really good, sturdy and aesthetically pleasant for the price. Only trouble is, if you're assembling them yourself, and rely on the instruction manual, you might be in for a long tedious day. The manuals are sometimes completely incorrect in parts and sometimes extremely confusing. Most of the times I felt as if playing a giant lego puzzle because the instructions weren't clear. I'm taking off one star, because Structube really needs to work on their instruction manuals a lot to make it easier for inexperienced assemblers like me. And please, if possible, upload youtube videos of how to assemble some of the complicated furniture pieces like the Sidy office desk and beds. Thank you.
09 October 2020 7:30
Every single time I attempted to buy furniture from Structube and went to this location in particular, I wanted to leave as fast as possible as the sales people (especially the older guy) don't treat you nicely. Just the way they look at you is so intimidating that you can't even dare to try out and walk around the store comfortably.
My advice to Structube: choose your sales people wisely, at the end of the day, those are the ones that will either put you on a path of success or bankruptcy. With this type of sales people, you are loosing thousands in revenue every day.
13 March 2020 19:39
Literally came here before 5PM to pick up my order yet was locked outside the door. The woman with straight bangs told me it’s too late when it’s not even 5PM and there are still dozens of customers inside. I wasn’t there to look around and shop. Was only there for a pickup. Horrible service. Don’t come here.
09 February 2020 14:21
Un structube comme un autre. Ne vous arrêtez pas au côté un peu austère du gérant, au fond il est en fait plutôt sympathique. Sortez-le de sa routine et parlez-lui, vous verrez ;-)
31 January 2020 12:19
I'm glad there are other Structube locations, IKEA, Mobilia, etc.
I totally avoid this branch as it's run by a team of arrogant, selfish & inefficient individuals. From the moment you walk in, they start looking at you like you're interrupting their pleasant day and they try to get rid of you to go back to their own chattier business.
If I hadn't been to to their other locations, I would assume it's the standard culture at Structube, however, even this one-off is hard to accept from a company that considers itself a leading retailer of modern home furniture!
13 January 2020 18:58
This place has gotten way too much money from me this year: design, five stars, on line experience, 3.
09 January 2020 8:17
Walked in and they looked at me like I was gonna rob the place. Asked for help and they just walked away. Can't believe this is third Structube I go to in Montreal and they treated me the same way.
09 December 2019 6:46
Un magasin assez grand (plus que celui du Mont Royal en comparaison), il est donc plus facile de voir un meuble repéré sur Internet au préalable. Personnels serviables, agréables et aidants.
18 October 2019 18:05
Great funirure, honest prices, and a very helpful staff! I only live about 6 blocks away, but the couch I bought was too big and heavy to carry on my own or to convince an Uber driver to take me. They lent me a two wheel hand truck without even having to ask. I was home and back to return it in about 20 minutes. I don't know what I would have done without their help.
01 October 2019 3:32
Beautiful furniture but worst customer service ever not helpful at all. The sales persons are Usually really good in other stores but the one here gave us an awful service as if she wanted us to leave to store! Really disappointing if you want to buy at stuctube don’t come to that store!
07 August 2019 22:07
They have some good stuff but.
We bought chaires from them. 2 of therm came with the wrong colour. I dont know why they can’t just be accurate with the order. Was it the problem with the store or warehouse im not sure but its a mistake from this company and thats why i cant give them more than 3 stars. Please pay more attention!
20 July 2019 6:23
The presentation of the store is great. Sellers are helpful but the price quality of products is absolutely horrible.
The warranty is one year as opposed to 10 years of ikea. The products decompose after a year of normal use. I would not recommend buying structube.
16 June 2019 10:00
We had seen a simple table on at a friend's place and thought we'd stop in to pick it up since we had parked nearby. I can honestly say some stores deserve to go bankrupt. How do you find so many nonchalant staff and pay them to look at customers with disdain in their eyes is beyond me. These kinds are stores are the reason Amazon is taking over retail, they deserve to be put down.
25 May 2019 21:52
Walked in,
Showed the guy a picture of what I was looking for,
He went to get it, I walked around, lots beautiful stuff, modern yet cozy
In 5 minutes I was out! Quick and courteous. Honestly, nothing to complain about
25 May 2019 7:21
Had a really good service shopping my sofa, otherwise I give one star because of the manager lady who was impolite and unprofessional towards my card being refused for no particular reason. Paid cash instead.
24 May 2019 11:26
I will NEVER deal with Structube again. Long story short, after purchasing a carpet on March 9th, and then returning it shortly thereafter according to THEIR instructions, I am still without any refund as of April 18th. They are SCAMMERS, LIARS and THIEVES. Customer service is VERY unhelpful, saying I'm the one that didn't schedule return (false), constantly saying someone will be in touch (false), and will NOT allow me to speak to any supervisor or anyone higher up than whomever is answering at their call center. Buyers beware!
23 May 2019 6:17
Le service à la clientèle est INADMISSIBLE. C'est une honte d'attendre sa livraison pendant plus de 7h. Jai appele le magasin rue st Catherine qui na pas manque de se dedouaner de tout respobsabilite. Une fois la marchandise livre, Je nai meme pas eu le droit de la verifier. Le livreurs était deja parti. Je deconseil fortement!
22 May 2019 10:31
Poor clientele services and attitude from senior sales rep or (manager)

Stopped in Friday evening to buy the couch that’s I’ve been eyeing for $1200, my salesperson couldn’t get their card machine to accept my card; we tried a couple of times and it declined before I even entered my pin; he asked the senior sales/manager to help and she bluntly asked “ is there even money I. Your card? ”

. WOW! Totally taken back by her comment, and I replied “yes, there is! ”. The issue wasn’t fixed and I ended up paying cash so I can’t leave and go on with my day.

In the future, I will take my business elsewhere.
09 May 2019 4:20
Very poor quality
So difficult to contact them
Each store has its own stuff and if you buy something from that place you have to always check anything with them
Other stores don’t service you!
I bought a couch and after 2 weeks it starts being fluffy. They didn’t refund my money and force me to buy something else instead!
01 May 2019 8:45
Je suis déçu par ce magasin est cela pour plusieurs raisons. Premièrement, entendre un vendeur critiquer des clients cela ne donne pas l'envie d'acheter chez vous et de l'entendre dire que cela fait deux ans qui travaille là donc cela me parait qui prend les clients pour des idiots. Cela montre que la gestion du magasin est exécrable et que le (la) superviseur (se) ne prend aucunement soin de ses magasins et aussi que le (la) gérant (e) laisse ses choses passées je suis énormément choqué. Pour un magasin proche de chez moi je suis obligé d'aller loin de là parce que le magasin est catastrophique. Par ailleurs, que le magasin soit petit donne un gout amer surtout pour un magasin dans le centre ville. Le seul bon coté est que certain conseiller nous sont aidés de nos choix comme par exemple l'assistant gérant un gros merci et à quelques-uns de ses collègue. Donc peut être cette avis va prendre la porte cela fait juste démontrer que structube est bon de l'extérieur, mais exécrable de l'intérieur.
23 April 2019 8:41
I totally agree with the comments from Francisco below -> "Fairly good. The furniture is beautiful and good quality. The service can improve A LOT! ". I am giving these 3 stars for the furniture only, because as Francisco mentioned is beautiful, but I can buy it in any Structube, and I will do that next time, because the service is not friendly and not helpful at all. No warm fuzzy feeling from the staff when entering the store or even when we buy something.
01 April 2019 1:04
Worst online order client services experience.
Ordered and paid for 4 pieces of furniture 1 came broken in half. Still sitting in a box at my front door. Called costumer services and they said it still under investigation? It came to my house broken! I asked to speak to a manager he said there was no one higher than him I could speak to and that I should go online.
22 March 2019 10:59
Boutique avec du mobilier moderne et a prix raisonnable. Service médiocre dans cette boutique en particulier. Personne ne nous a accueilli ou dit bonjour, même après être passé à côté d'eux. Dommage.
20 March 2019 20:37
Une employée du magasin m’appelles la semaine dernière pour me dire que mes meubles sont arrivés à l’entrepôt. Elle m’explique que je dois tout simplement rappelé le magasin pour avertir quand je vais chercher mes meubles à un minimum de 24h à l’avance.

J’appelle le magasin cet après-midi (vers 15h le 19 octobre 2019) pour leur laisser savoir que je vais passer à l’entrepôt le dimanche.

Un employé absolument exécrable répond et me dit que j’appelle pour absolument rien, que ce n’est pas sa job d’avertir l’entrepôt quand je vais chercher les meubles et que je dois juste me rendre. Je lui explique que c’est sa collègue qui m’a téléphoné et expliquer que je devais rappeler pour avertir. Il soupire sans cesse et me coupe la parole en répètant que ça n’a rien avoir avec lui. Je lui demande si il peux confirmer avec sa collègue, car je ne comprends pas pourquoi sa collègue m’aurait dit n’importe quoi. Il refuse catégoriquement d’aller confirmer avec ses collègues et me dit qu’il travaille à ce magasin depuis 2 ans et me répète que ce que je dis ne fait pas de sens en démontrant clairement que je le dérange.

Finalement, après avoir été arrogant et désagréable avec moi pendant cinq minutes, il vérifie mon profil avec mon numéro et me laisse savoir que l’entrepôt est averti et que je peux aller chercher mes meubles dimanche jusqu’à 16h.

Un mot: W O W. Toute cette attitude pour finalement faire exactement ce que sa collègue m’avait expliqué. J’ai appeler immédiatement le service a la clientèle et fait une plainte. Je ne remets plus jamais les pieds dans ce magasin. Je m’en tiendrais qu’au site web dorénavant. Au moins là, on a pas de frustré de la vie qui se défoule sur les clients pour simplement avoir osé suivre les instructions du magasin.

Clairement le service a la clientèle est la chose la moins importante pour eux, si un employé comme ça travaille là depuis 2 ans. Et en voyant tout les autres commentaires qui dénoncent le service a la clientèle pourri de ce magasin, je réalise que je suis loin d’être la seule.

Je tiens a spécifier que c’était un homme et j’ose espérer qu’il y aura un suivi car une telle personne devrait travailler loin du public.

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