30 December 2023 7:51
I’m giving 5 stars for the agent, Dan Ormsby, who I have been dealing with since moving into one of SM’s residences. Dan has been very helpful, straightforward and easy to deal with. He is quick and fair when I need something and when we negotiate, which I really appreciate! It’s been a big help to have him around, he’s the best agent I’ve ever dealt with.
22 July 2023 6:09
J'écris depuis le téléphone de ma mère car depuis mon téléphone je ne peux pas laisser de commentaire à la structure métropolitaine, il y a plus de 21 jours j'ai des problèmes dans ma maison avec le réfrigérateur et la cuisine, ils m'ont déjà envoyé 4 ouvriers pour analyser le problème le la quatrième personne pour l'analyse est venue ce matin et une dame nommée Katrina m'a appelé dans l'après-midi et m'a dit qu'un technicien viendra demain pour voir si le problème est un changement ou une réparation, c'est vraiment absurde, je pense que la solution est faire une réclamation ci-dessus car ils n'ont pas l'intention de résoudre la situation j'ai appelé environ 30 fois pour signaler le problème à la structure métropolitaine et au service 24/7 aussi personne ne fait rien. MON ADRESSE: 540 RUE LANDREVILLE
16 July 2023 5:17
I called several times for Emergency security follow up nobody answered nobody call me back. Under score i gave u if I could still write reviews. Just One word Unprofessional
15 June 2023 6:01
You guys have mouses in your apartment walls and ceilings, even going up to the 4th floor, i dont care for your copy paste answers you give to everyone, hire pest control.it's all your buildings on de gaspé.
06 June 2023 18:16
We've had many small "animals" in the Structures Metropolitaines' apartments since we first moved in 10 years ago - silverfishes, cockroaches, ants. All our doors are broken, no one door in the apartment works properly. I contact the maintenance regularly, but you have to wait sometime not only days, weeks or months - even YEARS (!) for issues like flooring, bathroom etc.for them to come and fix it. A week ago the light in our apartment stopped working (no light in the bathroom or any overhead light) - obvious electrical problems. I contacted the customer service - so far nobody appeared to fix it. We have to use candle lights in the bathroom.
25 May 2023 11:23
Worst service ever, they try to raise every year the maximum possible but they don't give service other then cleaning the building. When you have a problem $$$$ They are just waiting for you to leave so they can raise the next tenant!
15 May 2023 17:29
J'ai été visiter des logements avec Emmanuella et nous étions intéressés pour un logement sur Berlioz elle nous demande un dépôt pour garantir notre location et elle doit vérifier le crédit bon jusqu'à la tout va mais le lendemain je lui demande si il y a des problème d'insecte et la tout d'un coup quelqu'un d'autre loue le logement qui était supposé réserver avec mon dépôt bizarre
Et là elle me dit que je peut récupérer mon dépôt le mercredi au bureau de location se que l'on fait et surprise pas de chèque pour nous et elle ose me dire que elle devait m'appeler avant de passer ce qui est totalement faux il se défilé toujours la sa fait 2 semaine que j'attends mon dépôt ça n'a pas de sens traiter les gens comme ça
Compagnie a évité a tout prix
05 May 2023 22:49
Mouses / rats, whatever they are, theyre there, crawling through under our poorly made apartment doors with a huge gap underneath, good thing we have a cat, look down our corridor, everyones got towels underneath their doors blocking the entry, we did same. They're also in the walls, in our ceiling, spoke to neighbors, they all had some or have some, this is disturbing, can hardly sleep theres that many, they wake us up.
02 May 2023 0:34
Gare à vous si jamais vous voulez faire un transfert de bail. Ils vous en empêcheront en demandant au futur locataire de signer un nouveau contrat avec une augmentation de 500 $ de plus par mois sans vous avertir d'avance.

Watch out if ever you want to do a lease transfert. They will stop you by asking the future renter to sign a new contract with a raise of more than 500 $ more a month without notifying you in advance.

Ten cuidado si algún día quieres hacer una transferencia de alquiler. Les van a parar, pidiendole al futuro cliente firmar un nuevo contrato con un aumento de 500 $ más al mes y eso sin avisarte primero.
03 March 2023 12:03
The firemen broke the unit's door 6 months ago, and this company doesn't care about it.
09 February 2023 19:22
The service is so bad, it takes them so long to get back to you, I made a request for a dislocated window and it’s been more than two weeks now and no one showed up.
08 February 2023 7:21
Heaters stop working and you can't get an electrician to come by for two days.ridiculously understaffed.p. S. I cannot reply to the response from Boardwalk representative below, so will just add it here.first of all, coming with a thermometer and measuring the temperature does not qualify as "ensuring that the temperature is comfortable for my family". I did not realize the discomfort of my family needs to be proven, considering half the heaters in my apartment are not working.please be assured that we are very uncomfortable and will remain so until the issue is resolved.secondly, I find it very disappointing that my issue only became a "top priority" after I lost count of the calls I had to make to the Contact Center team. Every time I call, I have to explain the situation over and over. I have to sit by the phone the whole day, since no one found it necessary to call me back and at least let me know the electrician won't be coming early on in the day. That would still be disappointing, but at least I'd have some certainty.thirdly, this is not the first time heaters fail in my apartment.last year, the fire almost started in one of them, luckily, i was home at the time and turned it off promptly.heaters were replaced, thermostats were replaced and yet they still fail. I hope when the electrician finally comes, he will be able to offer some insight into why this keeps happening, and a solution will be found.and finally, i could write pages about other issues in my apartment.mold in the bathroom, paint peeling off the ceiling, water temperature jumping up and down, half the dryer units not working in the laundry room - just to name a few.
06 January 2023 23:31
Leur système de maintenance signalait la présence de souris lors du transfert de bail et je n'ai pas été informé de leur présence malgré le fait que 350$ ont été chargé à l'ancienne locataire pour les frais de transfert de bail. Les baux et cancellation de baux étaient assez différent de ceux suggérés par le TAL.

Je n'ai jamais vraiment vécu dans le logement, j'étais trop malade quand j'y étais. La principale solution que l'entreprise a trouvée a été de me suggérer que le problème venait probablement de moi et qu'il suffisait de faire un transfert de bail. La chute à vidange semblait communiquer directement à mon logement par un trou. Chaque fois que quelqu'un jetait ses ordures ça ne sentait pas bon "chez moi".

La seule raison pour laquelle mon affaire n'a pas été porté aux tribunaux est la lenteur du TAL à rendre ses verdicts et à cause de l'obligation de payer avant d'avoir un jugement de cour.

Mon avis? Je suis content d'avoir quitté ce lieu et de ne pas m'être jeté du haut du 6em étage. La paix d'esprit de ne pas avoir fait de transfert de bail au prix de plusieurs milliers dollars de pénalités de résiliation était salvatrice. J'aime parfois avoir l'espoir naïf que le logement a été rénové avec cet argent.
06 December 2022 19:26
Don't rent with this people, take 1 millon year for response your things. One year of lease it's not enough for your claims.
20 November 2022 18:36
A (almost) $400 fee for a lease transfer is ludicrous. I asked for proof of expenditures and was never provided with any.
20 November 2022 7:34
Man who was just here to do some work is a great employee. Boardwalk is lucky to have him.
24 September 2022 18:39
The buildings on nuns island 490 rue Abelard and others (similar) have a very old electrical system. One fuse connected to all rooms and living room. Very bad electrical wiring in all the building. They do not want to fix this and keep making excuses that it is just the way it is. We only put 1 AC and everything else closed and it still breaks the fuse. If I can give it -10 stars I will.
04 September 2022 23:32
Been a tenant for 4 months and so far, i am very happy with the service provided by the landlord! We had an issue with the shower's pressure and within 15 min, someone was taking of it. I took over someone's lease and there were a few things that needed to be checked and they did it all immediately. Very impressed! The fact that animals are accepted is the main reason i picked this place. The service, the building itself and the surrounding area are the reasons why I hope to stay awhile!
14 August 2022 18:55
Great neighborhood and big 2 bedroom units, but management does take a while to deal with pests. It took 2 weeks for a mouse problem to be dealt with and have been seeing cockroaches in my unit for over a week with me calling daily asking for it to be dealt with so that it doesn't spread to other units.
03 July 2022 6:43
Worst service I have ever received. My rental agent and treated me with absolutely no respect, huge manipulation and no regards for the interest of the tenant.
As a result of his incompetence, the company robbed me of nearly 2,500$ Do not rent with them.
12 June 2022 22:55
The building in general is clean, could have a lot of improvements with the help of the tenants that require education related to the garbage and the recycling. The time response for services requests had improved the last months, sometimes they missed some. I’m happy with the suite where i am even if i received it in really bad conditions.
08 June 2022 12:54




you will submit a request thinking it is getting taken care of and call bacl 2 weeks later for a follow up and find out there si no request submitted and the same thing will repeat over and over again until 45 days later the situation has yet to be taken into consideration or even rectified
04 June 2022 19:56
Très agréable de vous services
Intervention a temps en cas d'incidence, très heureux d'être membre de votre la communauté
19 May 2022 2:56
TERRIBLE AGENTS! They are very rude and inefficient. They never respond emails! Besides, they give discounts for some tenants and for others don’t. Totally unfair! I have been paying 4% rate increase while others pay 1%. They insist they are correct in acting this way.
19 February 2022 3:51
Avoid, they do have mouse and bugs in their rentals.yes they will come and clean it, but its just give you the idea of the state of their buildings.we had couple mousse found in our apartment
17 February 2022 21:32
Je suis impressionnée par le professionalisme, le service impeccable et la rapidité du service.
Merci encore à toute l'équipe!
13 February 2022 0:38
My fridge stopped working the day before Christmas they supposed to send a technician to fix it but they couldn’t reach to him they wanted to change it with new one cause they had already a new one but couldn’t find anybody to help I don’t know what they were doing but never be a helpful service and always our elevator is down in 100 de Gaspe, and heaters are not working properly so guys pls stay aways from boardwalk and specially 100 de gaspe, just a disaster place to live.
23 December 2021 15:55
They are very quick with responding to any requests. They are efficient and thorough when it come to any repairs. Sometimes things get missed also the outside of the building is unfortunately covered with spiders, but there always room for improvement. I am very happy here and would certainly recommend it to anyone!
04 December 2021 5:58
They stopped their services for more than one year with Covid-19 excuse and after that for every single problem, we should call 10 times maybe they would have come!
29 October 2021 9:10
Terrible customer service.
Buildings are not well maintained and issues take long time to be solved.
09 August 2021 23:26
Tres mauvaise, compagnie non responsable. Abuse des gens en imposant des frais et n hésite pas a te faire du tort pour avoir un gains supplémentaires. Les agents sont sans merci et profiteurs. Je ne recommande pas cet endroit.
23 March 2021 14:38
How is it that you do not find the case of Ms. Leila Hosseini, do you not find it to pursue a complaint but sign a new contract!?
you give this answer to all those who are dissatisfied with your service,
we are two big people with two children who live on N 145 rue Berlioz H3E 1G6 and we live in very bad conditions.
Can you live in this situation?
Why is the Metropolitan office open in terms of the crown and the signing of the contract, and there is a person, but due to the conditions of the crown, it is closed for repairs and there is no person? !
04 March 2021 9:12
Je suis locataire de cette entreprise depuis environ deux ans et le traitement était bon auparavant et malheureusement j'ai signé un contrat pour deux ans de plus. Cela empire de jour en jour depuis environ un an et ils ont différentes excuses pour s'occuper de mais aucune excuse n'est acceptée pour augmenter le loyer. Payer par mois! Je ne recommande cette entreprise à personne d'autre car ils ne s'en occupent pas comme avant et les maisons sont très vieilles et pleines de zéro problème et elles le font ne considère même pas les conditions du locataire et d'avoir des enfants et ne répond pas aux demandes des clients, mais pour obtenir mensuellement, nous devons être légaux
10 February 2021 6:22
No clean buildings! The cleaning supervisor he doesn’t care about maintenance and cleaning of the lobby! For the price we paid is disgusting how the have the cleaning!
22 January 2021 10:04
Problème avec les rongeurs!

Au 700 rue de Gaspé, des rats volent des colis!

Parmi les résidents, il y a soit un kleptomane, soit un voleur, soit un très nécessiteux qui vole constamment et régulièrement des colis. D'abord sur les étages, maintenant - sur le RC immédiatement après la Livraison. Nous pensons que de telles actions sont totalement inacceptables dans des maisons décentes!
Pourriez-vous svp installer des caméras vidéo dans le RC?
Ce n'est pas la première, et malheureusement, probablement pas la Dernière fois que 5 minutes après la Livraison, la boîte disparaît.
Je comprends que vous n'êtes pas responsable, mais de nombreux propriétaires seraient très reconnaissants si vous renforciez les mesures de sécurité dans les maisons!

Merci beaucoup pour votre compréhension!
02 January 2021 6:13
Terrible, just TERRIBLE, UNACCEPTABLE. You people DO NOT CARE AT ALL FOR US, THE TENANTS, HAVING LOUD CONSTRUCTION SINCE VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING, YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT OUR SLEEP, THERE IS MANY OF US WHO WORKS NIGHT SHIFT AND CANNOT SLEEP AT ALL. It is not the construction in Boulevard de l'ile des soeurs, it's just at the RC floor and we can hear it from floor 1 to 15. I have attempted to contact Structrures Metropolitaines SEVERAL TIMES, AND IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE AVAILABLE ONLY AT THE MOMENT OF PAYING THE RENT AND WHEN SIGNING THE CONTRACT TO COME IN, IT IS THE ONLY TIME WHEN STRUCTURES METROPOLITAINES WILL TREAT YOU LIKE A PERSON, BECAUSE THIS IS ONLY BUSINESS FOR THEM, THEY WILL NEVER ANSWER YOUR CALL WHEN IN PROBLEM, THEY WILL NEVER SHOW INTEREST IN THE TENANTS, NOT ONE BIT. I DEFINITELY WOULD NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE, read carefully, ANYONE TO MOVE IN HERE, THEY WILL TREAT YOU LIKE PIGS. Besides this inconvenient there are many more, however, THIS NOICE IS UNACCEPTABLE, THIS SHOULD BE PENALIZED BY THE POLICE OR SOMEONE. THIS WILL NOT END HERE, i AM THE ONLY ONE WHO TALKS, BUT I DO IT FOR ALL TENANTS ION THIS BUILDING. THIS IS ABUSIVE, DISRESPECTFUL. DO NOT MOVE IN THIS BUILDING. I just checked your AUTOMATED REPLY, you people are the worst below the worst. The contract IS NOT under my name, but I LIVE IN COROT 201, my girlfriend signed, it DOES NOT MEANS that I cannot complain, since I live here, I do it ON HER BEHALF, AND WE HAVE THE RIGHT.if you EVER answered your messages, we could have a talk person to person, so I can point out everything. Again, to ANYONE interested on dealing with this kind of people: be aware, almost EVERY NEIGHBOUR has complaints, this is ridiculous. Also, STRUCTURES METROPOLITAINES AGREED WITH US NEIGHBOURS ABOUT NOT RISING PRICES AND HAVING SPECIAL CONDITIONS BECAUSE OF THE PANDEMIC, BUT, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE? When the pandemic began, they ONLY addressed to us to indicate HOW TO MAKE PAYMENTS DURING THE PANDEMICS, not paying attention to absolutely ANY CLAIM NOR CALL, and now, on the first week of November 2.020, we have received a letter (because you people are like that, COWARDS, who cannot actually say it at people's face) ; in which we are being informed of a RISING IN OUR RENT OF OVER $300 WITH NO JUSTIFICATION, SINCE THE BUILDING IS NOT IN BETTER SHAPE, LOT OF APARTMENT'S PARTS ARE 50+ YEARS OLD, THEY HAVE NOT PAYED ATTENTION TO CLAIMS OF MAINTENANCE IN THE APARTMENTS, THIS IS THE WORST "REAL STATE COMPANY" we have EVER dealt with. Disgusting.
19 November 2020 4:43
They are the worst dealers. In case of emergency they don't corporate at all. I was moving out and i couldn't find a person to tranfer my lease and they put me penalty fees that is 3 month rent for that. And told me that if not paid they would ruin my credit history.
27 October 2020 4:01
Just a bunch of lies, empty promises, that's all you gonna have coming here. Don't deal with Laura Joya. Very dissapointed
06 October 2020 8:21
Qualité de service médiocre, 0% propreté, la sécurité des habitants est le dernier de leurs soucis.
14 July 2020 7:05
Aucune solidarité pendant la covid-19 et les personnes malades. Directeur sans aucune humanité. Fuyez
29 June 2020 20:17
Worst customer service experience! They truly don't care about their customers, getting a response takes hours even days-even if it's an emergency!

Truly the WORST.
20 June 2020 12:42
If it was possible to give negative stars I really chose that!
I found multiple people to transfer my lease but the agency is looking for just reach people! They will always find an issue! And if they dont find any they will create one I am not sure why!
When you call they dont take it and they wont call you back!
Although there are some hardworking people over there but the actual customer service for this company is -5 STAR!
23 April 2020 1:22
If I could rate them zero star I will. AVOID dealing with this company unless you absolutely want to rent on Nun's island.

I filled this complaint below to their head office - Boardwalk. They asked the same agent who answered firstly our inquiry about the un-answered contest letter and there's no resolution whatsoever. We are forced to accept a 4% increase for another year though in the system the contract is never renewed.

“We received a letter for renewal and increase, I believe, in late Jan 2020. We agreed to the renewal timeframe, however, contested the amount of the increase, asking to have a 2% instead of a 4%. We also asked to add one tenant under the lease. After signing the document and dropped it in the mail slot at the front door at the office (in the evening of a weekday the same week we received the letter), we never heard back from the rental office.

A few days ago, I filed a communication via online tenant forum inquiring about the letter as normally, SMI's letter came back rather quickly offering to negotiate. This year it was unusual. We thought the reason of them not getting back to us was perhaps because of the construction going on in the building (previous years they would demonstrate how the increase or the minimum increase would be calculated).

This time though, we got a message from a collection agent and was told that since we had no proof that we contested the increase, our lease had been renewed with a 4% increase. We found this response unacceptable. In our account, the lease had never been renewed beyond June 2020 (please see attachment). The lack of communication and the imposition from SMI is very unprofessional and unnervingly rude. ”
22 April 2020 5:20
Ils vous obligent de prendre l'assurance de responsibilité civile au dernier moment quand vous avez déjà fait un dépôt, une demande et avez apporté vos preuves de revenus. Comme ça on doit assumer les coûts supplémentaires et dépenser votre temps pour régler toutes ses choses de nouveau! Ils imposent sa politique de l'assurance sans avertir en avant. Vraiment injuste!
14 April 2020 12:27
Il font parti du paysage mais n'aurait jamais du l'être. Des taudis a prix de condos. La majorité de leurs immeubles font perdre de la valeur aux quartier. J'espère que la ville démolira tout a la fin de leur bail!
07 April 2020 4:04
Nice place to rent an apartment. One of the few places in Montreal her to rest if you have a pet.
26 March 2020 23:02
Réponse: je ne suis pas surprise qui vous n'avez pas trouvé mon profil de résidente. Vous ne savez ni qui sont les locataires des garages et vous faîtes confusion avec les places de loyer. La désorganisation est votre point plus fort.
21 March 2020 21:34
I will give zero star if I could. Nun's island is such a nice place to live, but the agents of Structures Metropolitaines are Super Rude, bad attitude and very impolite. I strongly suggest the company hire nicer staff. It is true that people will still rent apartments from SMI because there's no second company on the island, but look at the bad reputation because of the poor client service.
18 March 2020 15:58
Such an unprofessional people.
We found a lease transfer and I applied for my friends who are newcomers.
First they said they will not accept the application since my friend does not have job and credit history; I told them that I will be the co-signer; then they said they have a policy to not do lease transfer to newcomers but they can sign for a new lease with my friends; so basically they do not want to give away the lease transfer one since it was cheap. You tell me how do you feel when you face these kind of people!
15 March 2020 11:16
Have been living there for 6 years and adored it. Never had issues with maintenance, always prompt response and call back after. The only reason I moved is buying a house.
14 February 2020 17:07
Depuis plus d'un an, ils ne peuvent pas ou ne veulent pas régler le problème des souris dans l'appartement (rue Darwin). Pensez d'abord si vous voulez louer un appartement sur l'île des sœurs.
17 January 2020 22:58
Une belle bande de mongole incapable de venir débloquer une porte t'es obligé d'attendre 1h, d'après moi l'île des soeurs c'est une île gigantesque 1h pour aller d'un bord et de l'autre ne venez jamais prendre un appartement avec ces epais
26 December 2019 0:39
If I could rate none stars I would.

Simply put, there is only one reason to deal with these poor souls: that you absolutely insist on renting on Nun's Island.

Do not expect adequate communication from these guys even if dealing with a plumbing emergency. They'll send someone eventually. But they definitely won't be informing you of any aspects of the service call's progression.

And as others have stated, employees there are a special kind of rude, with the exception of rental agents prior to signing a lease.

I love Nun's Island. But frankly, it would be a much better place if Structures Metropolitaines sold off all of their assets.
19 December 2019 3:08
The girl at the office in nuns island is not helpful. It took a while to fix a small issue. But there maintenance service is fast and efficient.
15 December 2019 11:21
If you want to live in an apartment that has NO FLOORS, NON-FUNCTIONING DOORS, BROKEN BALCONY DOORS door that opens to everyone has absolutely no security for a year and than be asked to pay more rent this is the place for you.

I've been calling maintenance for a year now about the same Problems. The maintenance supervisors never return the call for them to explain why my simple problems at home has never been resolved for a year.honestly i could go on since there's been so many incident with the maintenance and I. I rather save my breath and everyone's time and recommend you look somewhere else.
12 November 2019 20:12
Je paie presque $2000 de loyer et à cause d'une erreur de leur part j'ai un NSF dans mon compte bancaire et des frais de près de $100.ils se foutent bien de moi.
29 June 2019 21:12
Im gonna be honest after deciding to rent one of their Town Houses in Nun's Island I remember my girlfriend saying "we have to go and sign", looking at the GPS I got scared with the review rating and some of them. But honestly I had no issues with this town house at all, in fact the only thing broken was one of the patio window meshes, had it in my To-Do list to call, and they called us first to book to come here and repair it! That's why I call proactive. I know they recently were bought by Broadlwalk another BC company and maybe the Manager area has been restructured? If that's so its a shame they have such a bad reputation from old managers.
10 June 2019 22:25
Employees at the nuns island office are among the rudest and most ignorant individuals i have ever met! If this were a small private business, the way they treat even the nicest and most patent "clients", they would be out of business in a blink of an eye.
08 April 2019 5:17
Service à la clientèle vraiment pourri, réceptionniste la plupart du temps bête et à toutes les fois que j'ai appelé, la réceptionniste ne savait pas la réponse et préfère transférer le problème à un collègue qui ne rappelle pas. Je me demande encore à quoi servent leurs boite vocales? Donc si vous voulez des réponses, faut mettre de la pression sinon vous allez attendre longtemps!

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