06 September 2023 6:33
Mes lunettes perdaient a chaque fois un bout de peinture 2 ans après l’achat, l’affaire a était réglé en 5 minutes en la remplaçant par une nouvelle, grand merci pour le service que j’ai eu hier par la vendeuse
05 September 2023 20:17
Friendly atmosphere, so many options. Had help the moment I walked in. Loving how nice the store looks.
04 August 2021 11:58
Le pire service que j'ai eu de ma vie, le Sunglass Hut du Carrefour Laval. Ils n'ont pas voulu me rembourser la paire de lunette que j'avais acheté quelques jours plus tôt. Pourtant, j'avais la facture et j'étais dans les délais de remboursement. De plus, ils ont été arrogants et ils avaient beaucoup d'attitude pour aucune raison. Je vous conseille d'aller au Sunglass Hut d'Anjou qu'à celui de Laval. Personnellement, je suis très très déçu de mon expérience et je n'y retournerai pas.
11 July 2021 20:30
I bought my sunglasses at this store around 1 years ago. Initially, I had a good experience.
When I bought the sunglasses they had a small defect that became more apparent over time. After 1 year, they were quite crooked. Luckily, they had a 2 year guarantee for defects. I went to the store to see how they could help me.
When I arrived to the store the manager took a look at my sunglasses and said that she could definitely see the defect. Then she took a look at my file and said she couldn't do anything. She then proceeded to tell me that my glasses were deformed because of me. That I did not take care of my sunglasses. And that I might as well just throw them to the garbage. She said they were not covered under any guarantee.
I went out of the store and re-read the policy covering my glasses from the receipt. From my understanding, issues such as the one I had should've been covered.
I went back to the store and the manager reiterated that my glasses being deformed was completely my fault. And that I should've taken better care of them. She made it really clear that she couldn't even try to fix them. And that, again, I should just get rid of them. She did not even make an effort to adjust them.
I left the store feeling quite insulted.
I decided to submit a claim online to get a repair or a new pair of sunglasses. After filling out the forms I got my new pair of sunglasses within the 2 weeks. It was so simple and I did not get insulted even once.
I really do not recommend this store. The manager really needs to learn how to speak to clients. And she should also know and understand her own store policies better.
24 June 2021 0:57
Faites vous un service et n'allez pas la bas, ne prennent pas de remboursement meme 24h après l'achat qualité très médiocre des lunettes ne respectent pas les garanties.
16 May 2021 4:06
Sorry, but this is your rating.trying to sell something that is doubtful in terms of authenticity it's not nice! (500$ item)
24 September 2020 11:08
J'ai appelé 3 fois personne n'a été pris la peine de répondre, alors je suis venu au magasin et j'ai vu que les employés étaient agacés de servir! HORRIBLE service Mon Dieu! Si vous n'êtes pas heureux de travailler là-bas, il suffit de quitter.on dirait que leurs gestionnaires sont si lenient.no un m'a salué quand je suis entré dans le magasin.i called 3 times no one was bothered to answer, so I came to the store and saw that the employees were annoyed to serve! HORRIBLE service. My gosh! If you're not happy working there, just quit.looks like their managers are so lenient.no one greeted me when I entered the store.
02 April 2020 7:38
Pourquoi je donne 5 étoiles
La gentillesse du vendeur sa patience son professionnalisme son savoir faire

J’ai visité le magasin le 7 février 2020
16 October 2019 13:00
Super service client et Antoine était très professionnel Merci beaucoup pour le service.
Endroit très propre aussi

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