07 December 2023 14:07
If I could give them -50000 stars I would. Driver marked BOTH of my packages as delivered and only left ONE at my door (there is photo evidence) I’ve called numerous times for an update and they keep giving me the run around. My order was over $300 USD! I hope companies stop using this carrier they are ridiculously unprofessional and it seems like it’s a habit of theirs to steal packages.
04 December 2023 6:44
J’ai un colis en cours de livraison. J’ai eu tellement de problèmes avec les livraisons. Pour mes colis passés que je n’ai jamais reçu je ne ramasse pas mes sou je travail donc j’espère que cette fois-ci je vais recevoir mon colis le 18 décembre comme signifier.merci.
01 December 2023 15:11
With all those 1/5 starts reaview by ppl who wish they could of given 0/5, I wonder how they can still be in buisness. But as for my experience, I would also give 0 if I could. They kepts saying my adress was bad and I called them twice then not even 48h after they had my package in hand they returned it to sender and put it "delivered" once it was back in the hand of yunexpress, and now I'm having trouble getting refunded by the seller because it says delivered. Absolutely horrible delivery service.
26 November 2023 8:56
Pire service de livraison. Ils ne tentent même pas de livrer et disent que la livraison est "impossible".
07 July 2023 16:34
If I could leave half a star I would. They probably steal people's parcels based on my experience. I ordered items from Adidas and they shipped through this parcel service. I received a notification from Adidas that my return/refund of my order is being processed. I was confused because I never requested a return/refund of my recent order. So when I checked the order details and spoke to Adidas, I got the tracking number of my order, I checked their website and the last update said "Return to Sender" with no status showing a delivery was attempted (I also they re-use tracking numbers, mine was assigned to another parcel being sent to Brampton, I wouldn't be surprised if that was my package). I called them and they said they would have to check and see what was happening. I asked them if I could simply pick my packages but they wouldn't let me and told me they needed to investigate what happened as there is no justification. Given everything I've seen, someone in their depot probably saw my order, stole the package and marked it as 'Return to Sender' so no one would ask why it's missing. If ever someone sends you an item with these people, I would suggest that once you get the tracking number, immediately request to pick it up, do not trust them with your stuff.

Before you reply with your generic response, here is my Package ID: 00000644411208744760
Don't waste the keystrokes.

For anyone who has read this review and the response below. As I stated in my review. That was what the packages status update showed, yes, but this company could not provide any reason for it to be returned to the sender, they just did it without even contacting me. As my review shows I only found out from Adidas and not TForce, them using that as a response further proves my point, they'll never know where you stuff is and what's happening to it. Probably use the status of 'Return to Sender' because either the package was lost or stolen by one of their employees.

PS Instead of replying to my review, reply to my support request that I've submitted and actually provide me with a justification as to why you returned my package to the sender. Not giving me a reason just further shows my package was stolen by your employees or lost and you don't want to take responsibility for it.
26 June 2023 14:05
Horrible, lost my package and giving me the run around. TWO packages associated with my one tracking number! Inept *the owner responded below to provide tracking number but I have contacted them 10 times with tracking number and they keep repeating *give us 24-48 hours to check into it*. It’s obviously lost or stolen, stunned Adidas uses them.
18 June 2023 9:11
Très mauvaise compagnie cela fait 10 jours que j'attends mon colis de Adidas, finalement l'agente m'a dit que mon colis a été retourné chez Adidas parce qu'ils ne font pas la livraison sur la Rive -Sud. Adidas c'est pareil une bande d'incompétent et non professionnel, ils me disent qu'il ont déjà envoyés mon colis au transporteur et d'attendre encore et que le transporteur ne fait pas de livraison les week-ends, mon Dieu un transporteur qui fait du 9-5 lundi -vendredi. Très incompétente l'agente chez TForce, je ne recommande pas TForce, c'est une entreprise amateur pas de suivi, pas de livraison sur la Rive- Sud.

Si je pouvais -100 étoile, pire compagnie de transport.
13 June 2023 4:51
Horrible service. Twice they ‘tried’ to deliver but wrote they couldn’t deliver because they didn’t have the access code to my building…I live in a house! Ridiculous!
Watch, they’ll send a generic reply to this post!
04 June 2023 14:26
Service exécrable. Pendant et après livraison.

Le colis que j'attendais a été laissé devant ma porte, à 2 pieds d'un trottoir d'une rue très passante. Le colis était une pièce d'électronique dont la valeur de plusieurs centaines de dollars était évidente.aucunement surprenant de me le faire volé.

J'étais pourtant présent à l'endroit et le livreur ne s'est même pas donné la peine de cogner, sonner ou même tenter de cacher le colis. Ma porte était même débarrée pour lui permettre de laissé le colis dans le portique. De la negligence pure.

Ça fait maintenant 5 fois que j'essaye d'obtenir un certificat de perte de leur part pour obtenir un remboursement ou une nouvelle commande de la part du fournisseur du produit commandé. Toujours la même réponse évasive et générique me disant de contacter le fournisseur. Ils ne lisent même pas les courriels qu'on leur envoi.

La prochaine étape pour moi est de passer par l'office de protection du consommateur et les petites créances.
23 May 2023 3:18
À éviter absolument. Très négligeant comme service de livraison et absolument aucun service à la clientèle.

Si le colis est indiqué comme «livré» dans leur système, ils ne vont absolument rien faire et répondre avec toujours le même message copier-coller évasif. Comme ils font ici d’ailleurs pour avoir l’air de se soucier de leurs clients.

La meilleure chose à faire est de se plaindre auprès du fournisseur du produit qui utilise leurs services.
01 May 2023 12:01
Si je pouvais mettre -5 étoiles je le ferais. Le livreur ment en disant qu’il a remis le colis en mains propre et que j’ai accepté alors que je ne l’ai jamais croisé même dans la caméra de l’immeuble il n’apparaît pas. Il balance sur le balcon en pleine tempête de neige…le colis était sur le point de se trouver dans la cours des voisins. Bref je sais pas pourquoi on donne nos numéro d’appartement si au final c’est pour le balancer comme ça. Livreur incompétent et menteur.
18 March 2023 8:54
My package wasn’t delivered. They told me they couldn’t find my address because it was missing the word Av. (as in the abbreviation for avenue) before the street name even though my street name, address number and postal code are included. First time I’ve ever heard of this type of dilemma.

Address is now updated to include “Av. ”. Gonna see how this goes in the next couple of days.
11 February 2023 1:41
Nul nul et nul! La dame du service à la clientèle me demande de «rappeler demain» à chaque fois mais rien! J’attends toujours mon colis! Lorsque je lui dis que je veux parler à un supérieur parce qu’elle m’envoie balader et raccroche toujours à la fin elle me dit que ce n’est pas possible, de rappeler dans 2h. Je rappelle 2h après elle me dit qu’il n’est pas là de rappeler encore dans 2h. Elle me dit qu’elle est en Inde et que nous n’avons pas la même heure (aucun rapport). C’est une grosse commande de plus de 200$ que j’ai passé sur fashion nova
23 January 2023 14:10
Horrible customer service and worrying to have has a delivery company, i placed an order with walmart, it said delivering Friday, never showed up and no reason given on tracking, i called and no explanation, all weekend no tracking update, monday says gonna be delivered never shows up, i call they say delayed even thow it is in their warehouse, tuesday exact same story, call again and same thing no explanation. I am worried my parcel has been stolen like others or lost…

So I waited today tracking said my package was out for delivery at 2.58 pm so I stayed home all day and checked the front door frequently, i called to make sure all was in order with address and phone number and to make sure it was going to be delivered I was told before 9pm so considering all the horrible reviews I waited outside from 8pm-9pm and of course they never came, so I froze outside for nothing.this company should be closed down and also sued!
04 January 2023 2:24
Very bad experience, they say that the package is delivered when they have not delivered anything
28 December 2022 6:45
If its possible for you not to use there services dont!
the manager (alex) something special! Zero care zero service zero communication = zero compagnie tforce more like tdown
27 December 2022 9:18
My package has been sitting at the Montreal warehouse for the fourth week now. You did not have to process the package through customs. What's the explanation for the exaggerated delays? ! You supposedly attempted a delivery on November 30th and claim there was no access, while I was home all day, no one ever rang at the door and nothing was blocking the entry which would've prevented you from completing the delivery. I called your customer service countless number of times, mind you everyone is always very polite, but still can't bring up any solution. I called them out on their false record and it was later removed from the tracking log. I'm so fed up of having to harrass you everyday to find out what is going on and get a real time SLA. You will be hearing back from me.
10 December 2022 16:53
Your driver's are lazy, three days in a row you have put no access while every other company is getting through no problems.

Figure it out
03 December 2022 17:21
The worse delivery service of all Montreal. Been trying to join their service without any callback. No message or anything. I contact them after the tracking number says Wrong adress (Which isn't btw.) Then I get a mail telling me my thing go delivered (Of course it hasn't) When calling them my package was supposedly returned to the sender. Now I have to argue with the sender because this 'Logistic' group mark it as delivered and not return to the sender.

I'd give them 0 star if I could. 1 Is way too generous for them.

Terrible service, worse company out there to deliver anything please use Intelcom instead of this.
23 November 2022 21:29
Pire service à vie ne trouve pas ma commande même avec un # tracking
Service médiocre et je ne recommande à personne

la commende a été rembourser et j'ai été cher best buy avec un service impeccable
19 November 2022 23:26
I came here to write a review & realized everyone is saying the same thing. They ALWAYS leave my package outside my apartment building, where anyone on the street can just take my package. No delivery notification, they don't ring the doorbell or knock.
28 October 2022 9:22
So on Sept 26, I got a notification advising of a delivery on Sept 28 with this company so I emailed customer service asking them to hold my package at a pick up area because I would be at work and they advised me that the package wasn’t in their possession. However, bright and early Sept 28, thé driver arrived at my door. Since my doorbell calls my phone, I answered and asked FOR MY PACKAGE TO HELD AT A PICK UP POINT however, he tagged it as a return and in less than hour I was refunded by Adidas. I find it ridiculous that these agent willfully lie, mishandled packages and my time. These are items that are paid for, this is a service however this company operates like a joke. So awful.
06 October 2021 0:12
When ordering footwear from Reebok Canada, I was under the impression that Purolator was going to be the courier service. That is what it said on the original invoice. So, and at the moment that I was notified that another courier service was selected by RC, off I went to read about TForce Logistics. So many bad reviews. I was worried. Yet, I did not need to worry. The moment that TF L arrived, they rang the doorbell and my delivery was in exceptional condition on our porch. Let me share that some of the huge delivery companies have stepped on, rolled over with what may have been a cart, and dropped valuable computer components. TF L delivered a box which was in pristine shape. I thank the delivery person and TForce Logistics for their care and professionalism.
28 September 2021 20:43
You guys are simply a joke.
There is absolutely no word on earth that can describe how bad your customer service is.

To all drivers and customer service representatives, I know you are not to blame. I assume your clown bosses are for not being able to come up with a business plan.

I mean look at all your reviews and think about doing your "business" elsewhere as getting a package from one place to an other seems difficult to you.

I really wish you had respect for the people paying for your "services". Please deliver packages and not false information to your customers.

Thank you for your attention.
26 September 2021 7:38
C'est des menteurs ils vont dire qu'ils ont tenté de livrer alors que c'est faux! Des vrais ESCROCS refusez toute livraison avec eux!
20 September 2021 16:01
I was a little scared from the reviews here, but I have to say that I didn't encounter any issue with my delivery. I received my package right at my doorstep (which is a few floors up!) and the tracking information was frequently updated. I hope more people have my experience in the future!
12 September 2021 18:33
I ordered 2 books from Indigo and unfortunately they were sent through TForce

The expected delivery dates shifted 5 times in the last 5 days and everytime I emailed them all they said that it was still in transit!

Just wanna say I did finally received my package after a long delay.

Just wondering where it was the past 2 weeks and why it took so long to get here but happy that I finally got it!
09 September 2021 13:48
Ils n’ont jamais livré mon colis. Il devait être livré en 2-3 jours, et ça fait maintenant 3 semaines que j’attends. Chaque jour, leur site indique qu’il sera livré dans la journée, et ce n’est jamais le cas. Ce n’est pas la première fois que ça arrive, d’ailleurs. Les compagnies devraient arrêter de travailler avec TForce. Soit ils ne livrent pas du tout, soit ils livrent à une adresse quelconque. De plus, leur service a la clientele n’est pas competent, et les employés de parlent pas français. Je suis hyper déçue
17 August 2021 13:01
This is the worst company, i'm sure they steal packages too, one time my order mysteriously got cancelled and now one of them is being "returned to sender". I will never order from a business that use it ever again.
15 August 2021 10:33
They are just awful. I paid for express delivery and they can't tell me when I will receive my package. It's been 3 weeks. Their customer service is not only terrible but they can't speak either english or french correctly (not even basic)
04 August 2021 23:40
The delivery address is a fast food restoraunt i work at, HUNDRED of customers, uber eats delivery drivers and every other company that delivers boxes for me there, none of them have any problem finding the place. We are open from 11am to 10pm, the whole front and side walls aimed at the parking lot and street are glass, how is it that your driver made an attempt and was unable to do the delivery, but neither me or my 4 other staff working dealt with any delivery driver, and then have it happen again the next day.
03 August 2021 1:54
Ils ont perdu mes 2 commandes! La première a été laissé devant les boites postales publique plutôt que devant ma porte à mon adresse, le résultat—> elle est disparue. La deuxième est entre leurs mains mais n’a jamais été livré, elle est disparue dans leur entrepôt, même avec le tracking ils ne la retrouve pas, elle a pourtant été ramassé par leur compagnie, sans doute qu’ils ne l’ont jamais scanné. De plus le service téléphonique est complètement incompréhensible, impossible d’avoir une conversation. Je ne comprend pas que Zara puisse choisir cette compagnie pour leur livraison, c’est tellement décevant.
01 August 2021 16:03
This company is complete horse manure. I have called them 3 times because there was an issue with the postal code. Each time I had to keep telling them that the postal code was incorrect and each time I was was told that it would be delivered the next day only for me to call the 4th time and be told that it was returned to sender. When I ask why I wasn't informed about this on the previous calls I was told that the system was not update. If I could give you -99 as a rating I definitely would.
31 July 2021 10:18
J'attendais 2 colis qui n'ont pas été livrés à la bonne adresse! On m'a envoyé une photo disant que les colis avaient bien été livrés en me montrant une entrée contenant une dizaine de boite aux lettres mon immeuble n'ayant que 4 logements.et impossible d'avoir une réponse! Vraiment très mauvais service et pas très doués pour trouver la bonne adresse! Et au final je n'ai pas eu mes articles!
22 July 2021 17:41
0 STARS. Same issue as all the other reviews.
Avoid using this company. Not able to deliver 2 orders already. You ask for information and no one knows what's happening. They claim they tried to deliver and its all a lie. Amazon should drop this company ASAP!
05 July 2021 12:33
This company is an absolute joke. According to their tracking my order from Adidas was delivered to their facility and it was immediately "lost". Guaranteed stolen by one of their drivers. Not sure why companies are still using Tforce.
02 July 2021 21:13
If there was a 0 star option I would choose it. They scanned my package “out for delivery” at their warehouse 20 mins away from me and 3 mins later scanned it as “delivery attempt failed”. They claim it was “unsafe” to deliver it, except I was home all day and no one came. No driver came to my house to even attempt to deliver it. I have cameras all over my property and no car even drove by my house that morning. The best part? They were closed and not even open for operation the day they claimed there was a failed delivery attempt. They are liars and unresponsive. Don’t answer their chats, emails or social media messages. I will NEVER use them again.
29 June 2021 2:21
They delayed my package by a week. Then finally I got an email saying they can't find it in their warehouse.
I can guarantee they just stole it.

*update: so where are all these lost packages? Clearly at some point your warehouse will have a bunch of packages.
25 June 2021 7:48
If that 1 star (which is basically supposed to be 0 star) overall review does not make you do something about your pathetic tracking system and service, then I don’t know what will.
03 June 2021 2:42
Package was left on doorstep opened and driver did not knock! I went to door by chance as mailman was there with another package only to find Amazon box at door, upside down with bottom opened! EXTREMELY UNPROFESSIONAL!
15 May 2021 15:10
I just received my package from Tforce (as dhl third shipper party I believe) after 2 days delayed (which was not theirs false). Honestly, Im quite surprised cause after reading all the negatives feedbacks I thought I was done lol. But no, they delivered my package and Im quite released now.
11 March 2021 5:47
You can't give a '0', so a '1' will have to do.

The feedback below in the other comments is accurate - they are a disaster.

I receive a confirmation email saying it was delivered ' (while I was standing outside!) yet no driver, no package delivered. Have called their customer service, but no hope of resolution.
Tracking: TFOR9640001639802
28 February 2021 10:36
My package has been shipped almost 40 days from US to Montreal Canada.
Their system always changing the expected delivery date. BUT still not yet delivered. Where is my package?
16 February 2021 22:54
My packages were expected to arrive at most January 6. I knew that since we are in a pandemic, it could take a few more days than usual, but I went to check my tracking information today since it is now January 9, and for both my orders it says the shipment was cancelled. I called Indigo since TForce is closed on the weekends and they told me that usually it may mean that the package was lost on the way, but after seeing all the reviews on here I'm doubting that it's the case, and I found it really sketchy that my two different orders were cancelled.
21 January 2021 8:58
I read most of these reviews and wanted to add the experience I just had today. I ordered a book from Indigo to my office since there are always people or security guards in the building to reception our packages. But my delivery person was quite in a hurry because instead of coming inside to delivery my package, he left it outside the building. On Saint-Catherine street in Downtown Montreal, not even 10 minutes after it was “delivered”, the package was OBVIOUSLY stolen. Customer service was helpful enough and escalated, but hopefully they start hiring more efficient delivery drivers soon.

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