17 January 2024 6:01
We have been with this vet since we got our puppy and it was amazing with the first two vets, they were lovely ladies that took really good care of our puppy during his visits. HOWEVER, just this month, we took my dog (then puppy) for a checkup since he’s been sick. The vet that took us was a young man with brown hair and unfortunately, he wasn’t welcoming and he didn’t seem to have compassion with our dog. He seemed so bothered with the barking and the amount of times he rolled his eyes was ridiculous. He would make facial expressions that almost shames the pawrents. This is a dog that has been uncomfortable and sick and the last thing we want is someone that will make us feel worse than we already do. Just the whole attitude really bothered us. He also didn’t explain anything to us or ran through some thorough stuff, we had to ask and squeeze it out of him for him to tell us what to do and what not to do. On top of that, a vet tech complained about his loud bark too, saying it hurts her ears. I mean, if you work at a vet clinic that takes dogs, isn’t barking already expected? It’s not like he was barking the whole time. It’s like working in a daycare that hates the sound of crying children— it makes no sense.

Very disappointed because last year everyone was very welcoming and very nice. I don’t know what happened and if the other 2 vets are still there. Anyway, we decided we should maybe look for another vet.
12 September 2023 8:57
I just came from visiting this clinic as my kitten had eaten something that led her to foam through her mouth!
As you can imagine I was extremely stressed and worried about my kitty, so at first I passed on her own vet which is Gilmour clinic but unfortunately they were closed, then I went here and tough my behavior was not very good since I was freaked out about the situation, their staff treated very nice and professional.their vet did a check-up for my kitty with no charge! I am very impressed by their excellent team! Shoutout to the nice lady on the front desk who spoke with me super nice and welcoming. Sorry if I was rude to you! God bless you all, and thanks.
03 September 2023 15:28
Extremely helpful and friendly. The team is extremely competent - from the amazing women at the desk to the technicians and the vet themselves. // Une équipe très aidante et amicale, mais aussi très compétente - des femmes qui vous répondent à l'accueil aux techniciennes et vétérinaires.
Un gros merci
04 June 2023 23:59
Make sure you have an appointment cause even if your dog is dying your not getting in without an appointment.
15 May 2023 14:06
What Dr. Poulin did to try to save our dying rat, Markie, is nothing short of a miracle. She successfully performed a massive double mammary tumor removal that no other surgeon was willing to attempt; the masses weighed 1/4 of Markie's body weight, and we were told nothing could be done.

Unfortunately, Markie's tiny body was very tired, and we lost her shortly afterwards. It was a peaceful passing thanks to Dr. Poulin, Dr. Proulx, and the amazing team who went above and beyond to keep our baby comfortable.

Thank you for fighting with us to save our perfect little Markie Cookie.
30 April 2023 17:38
Nice and polite staff. The only place gave me actual advice when my dog were bleeding even though they dont take walk in.
19 April 2023 15:45
Mauvaise expérience, le Dre n’a l’air de rien comprendre, pas de réponse à mes questions puis même les employés (réceptionnistes) ne sont pas motivés et ont une mauvaise énergie, tu va labas tu passe un mauvais moment tout le monde est négatif (je suis aller 2 fois alors:)
05 April 2023 12:55
Excellente clinique!
L’équipe est superbe. Ils prennent le temps de répondre aux questions et sont tous très sympathiques.
30 March 2023 19:25
Thank you very much Dr Isabelle Poulin for saving our cat life. To the clinic staff for professional treatment. We were really impressed. Big thank you from Layla and the whole family:)
04 March 2023 2:00
Je veux absolument prendre le temps de féliciter Dre Poulin et son équipe extraordinaire.

Dre Poulin a sauvé mon beau Marcus (caniche royal). Ma vétérinaire a refusé d’opérer mon chien, car il était rendu à sa 3ème opérations. Elle me référait à un vétérinaire spécialiste, car elle jugeait le cas trop complexe. Le vétérinaire spécialiste, me coûtait les yeux de la tête et je n’étais plus certaine de vouloir sauver mon chien. Une amie m’a référée à Dre Poulin qui a accepté de l’opérer, même si elle avait un rendez-vous personnel et tout cela à un prix très raisonnable. Suite à l’opération, mon beau Marcus avait non seulement un corps étranger, mais avait aussi une torsion et un problème d’intestin. Grâce au Dre Poulin, il est en vie et en pleine forme.

Je recommande sans hésitation Dre Poulin et son équipe! Ils ont vraiment à cœur de sauver la vie des animaux, les compétences pour le faire et tout cela à prix très raisonnable!

Grâce à eux, j’ai passé de très belles fêtes avec mon ami poilu.
03 March 2023 5:27
La brune aux cheveux longs à la réception, Ils m'ont dit qu'elle s'appelait Sasha, est extrêmement frustrée. Je vais acheter la nourriture de mon chien ailleurs!
06 February 2023 5:03
Excellent and positive experience!

Monday morning I called for an appointment for our chihuahua who wasn’t feeling well, and was given one in the afternoon, which was really appreciated.

Every single person at the clinic is so incredibly friendly, helpful, reassuring, and professional.

Thanks very much everyone - you were all so nice and patient with our little chihuahua! He is feeling much better:)

Animal Health Clinic is highly recommended!
03 February 2023 4:56
Why did you remove my review. The technicians were great I can’t say that for vet. My experience was quite unpleasant and very expensive. Giving a bad review should not be deleted. I am giving a review according to my experience.
27 January 2023 16:57
Great staff at reception. Very kind aids who were very empathetic to my situation. Prices aren't cheap, but that's my only criticism.
11 January 2023 1:43
Outstanding services, great young doctors that really care!
Our little Brussels griffon loves going there, everyone is truly helpful and very professional.
30 December 2022 13:34
Services et soins hors pair! Ma belle Léïa a subi une intervention chirurgicale après un diagnostic de cancer. Elle est maintenant en pleine forme et prête à reprendre ses activités! Merci au Dre Poulin et à toute l'équipe, je suis tellement reconnaissante!
11 December 2022 19:58
Third visit to this vet now between my two dogs. The staff are friendly and the vets are really great and take the time to answer questions. Always a good sign when the staff wants to play with your dog as much as you do. As for pricing, it very reasonable. Not sure why but I always get the impression its going to cost a lot more than what they actually charge me. I guess I am used to other vet places overcharging me. I'm very happy with this place, and I certainly wont change spots and I really do recommend it.
14 November 2022 19:29
Given the historically relatively good service I've had from this clinic in the past, it's a shame I should be leaving only two stars. My cat's health has been steadily declining over the past year. He was diagnosed with acute kidney dysfunction somewhat recently and he's now at the end of the road. Understandably, AHC requires a medical exam before they can euthanize, but they won't accept proof of his condition from another clinic. Feels inappropriate and insensitive to me, but mostly very much a money grab.
10 November 2022 15:23
C'est la clinique ou j'amène ma petite Pastel depuis bientôt un an et je suis satisfaite de la manière dont elle est prise en charge. Elle a été opérée la semaine passée et la technicienne qui nous a accueillies était très gentille et m'a rassurée. L'opéraration s'est bien déroulée et la convalescence se passe très bien. On m'a rappelée le lendemain pour un suivi et on a répondu à toutes mes questions.
Merci, l'équipe est superbe. À bientôt.
21 October 2022 21:47
My cat was dieing Saturday August 6th and you didn't even see her or try to save her. Zoe passed on Sunday August 7.your clinic should be open to emergencies and not charging ridiculous prices to people who are not rich.but have enough to save their beloved pet.does money mean a death sentence to your pet because you can't afford their medical care? Please make it affordable for every pet lover. SHAME Of course my name wasn't on the list because I was not a client my friend Rosella Del Corpo was a client and my cat was in distress so I took a chance you would be compassionate
13 October 2022 5:55
Docteure Poulin et toute l'équipe de la clinique ont été complètement FAN-TAS-TIQUES! Ceux-ci nous ont été recommandés par notre vétérinaire habituelle en raison d'un besoins d'une chirurgie spécifique pour mon chat Mitaine et l'expertise de Dre Poulin en ce domaine. Nous avons pu avoir un r-v d'urgence la journée même. Toute l'équipe a été gentille, rassurante et douce avec mon chat de 15 ans. MERCI!
09 October 2022 21:58
The staff was amazing. I walked in with vague information as our dog was just yacking up his food and was looking to buy anything to help. They recommended great stuff and gave me easy instructions. Super helpful.
03 October 2022 12:33
It used to be a very good clinic led by people that had compassion for both animals and their owners. Then the leadership changed. Last year in August, when my poor old dog (17years old) had an infection, the clinic could find an appointment only in a month's time, explaining that everyone was on vacation. One year later, in September, again the earliest appointment is available only in a month. The receptionist explained that they did not provide emergency services. Apparently, if your pet is not well, they will not help. I am wondering what their main occupation was. Vaccination certificates? Expensive surgeries?
23 September 2022 7:19
By far the most impeccable vet I’ve visited and I will not be switching. Isabelle is on point and very empathetic. The receptionists are super kind and professional. Pls don’t hesitate- this is the spot.
28 August 2022 5:47
I had a little interaction with the staff and they were helpful, my little angel was sick, had a bad case of diarrhea that would not stop during the weekend, on a Sunday, not many options were available to us.although they did not have any openings, but that did not stopped them providing us some helpful tips and some supplements to help ease the situation, It was much appreciated. Her vet saw her on Monday morning and gave her some antibiotic and other medication and she is back to being a happy puppy.
15 August 2022 21:59
L needed an apptment for my cat and the front line reception was most pleasant as it was a first time call to this vet.
09 August 2022 23:30
My dog and I love to visit. It's rarely for a fun matter, but we are always extremely well received and the admin staff is very welcoming, professional, understanding and genuinely nice. The Vet Techs are knowledgeable, loving and sincerely care for the animal's wellbeing. The Vets are compassionate, thoughtful and resourceful. Whenever we visit, we feel seen, heard and very secure in their care. Having a sick pet is gutwrenching and the helplessness we may feel subsides as soon as we step into the clinic. I cannot thank the team enough for their incredible support, every single time over the years.
01 August 2022 14:00
Great vets, they are caring and patient, they explain their costs with you and allow you to make an informed decision. My cat needed to get several teeth extracted and they offered us different options so that we could choose what was best for our budget while also caring for our cat.
24 June 2022 10:18
I couldn't be more satisfied with the service at this clinic. As soon as they knew that my dog had an urgency, they tried to find a time slot to check her and give her the proper treatment. Very professional and very kind with both the dog and its parents
12 June 2022 20:11
Got a new furry family member and needed a vet. Referred to online reviews that I had read prior to making our choice. We have had three vet visits since becoming a patient of the clinic and our experience has been fantastic for each visit.

Staff have been extremely friendly, and professional.

They have answered emails and questions promptly and thoroughly.

All of our experience thus far has been amazing and you can truly tell all of the staff have your pets best health and safety as the priority.

Clinic is very well kept & clean

Being new to the area and new to this clinic, they have also been extremely transparent and upfront with us regarding pricing. We have found their pricing extremely reasonable, especially for the quality of service received.
29 May 2022 0:30
Pretty poor customer relations. Went there with my girlfriend to check up on our cat. They made one of us wait outside the clinic during the whole check-up and we found their team annoyed, rushed and judgmental. For the price, there are better vet clinics out there
06 May 2022 22:17
Plusieurs amis m’avait référé cette clinique qui est devenue ma clinique régulière. Mon chat a été reçu en urgence pour un blocage urinaire deux heures après mon appel et il a été opéré dans les 4h. J’ai beaucoup apprécié que l’équipe m’appelle 2x par jour pour me donner des nouvelles. Aucune surprise avec l’estimé pour l’opération, tout était compris.
Mon chat a reçu plein d’amour de l’équipe et ils m’ont vraiment rassurés et toujours été disponibles pour bien m’expliquer
03 May 2022 9:47
Always reply to my emails and phone calls to get my cat food. Very nice staff and great service.
12 April 2022 14:54
Our lovely dog (Soufflé) had a surgery last week, the staff is all great and friendly, we got the appointment very quick, special thanks to Dr. Poulin for the great care!
From Soufflé and her family ️
09 April 2022 17:39
A huge thank you to Dr. Poulin and her team for saving our 16-year-old beagle's life with an emergency splenectomy. She is a caring and skilled veterinarian, and we cannot recommend her highly enough. She intervened quickly, and her compassion and dedication made all the difference. Our Hunter has never felt better!
27 February 2022 20:26
If you're looking for a vet, let this be a sign to stop your search and go to The Animal Health Clinic. I trust them with my little Gigi and have
had nothing but excellent service with them. The reception, doctors, and techs are amazing. I appreciate all the love and care they've given to Gigi and highly recommend.
31 January 2022 16:21
Very good service comes with a high price. Expensive but very friendly atmosphere and staff. Called my dog a mutt tho
27 January 2022 8:11
Top-tier care, in both languages, on short notice, with a smile. Surprisingly cheaper than other lesser alternatives. Highly recommend.
25 January 2022 12:33
Unfortunately this vet clinic has gone corporate. It used to be easy with Dr Gilmore if you had an urgent issue he would squeeze you in, and even make payment arrangements, but now it’s “sorry go to the DMV”. The staff are still very friendly and compassionate however.
28 December 2021 9:17
Excellente clinique j'ai vraiment aimé mon expérience le personnel est très sympathique, professionnel et amical. Merci à vous tous. J'ai hâte de vous revoir dans 14 jours Panda
23 December 2021 2:58
Dans notre famille, les animaux occupent une place importante, ils en font partie integrante. Il est donc indispensable de confier ceux-ci aux bonnes personnes en cas d'urgence. J'écris ce petit mot spécial pour remercier une équipe de professionnels, de passionnés, de gens dévoués. Un merci du fond du coeur à Dre Poulin et son équipe, pour avoir exécuter avec succès une chirurgie d'urgence (Splenectomie et Gastropexie) sur mon ami, mon chien adoré, vous lui avez sauvé la vie. Notre famille sera à jamais reconnaissante pour votre travail formidable. Je conseille vivement cette clinique pour la prise en charge de vos amis poilus!


In our family, animals occupy an important place, they are an integral part of it. It is therefore essential to entrust these to the right people in an emergency. I am writing this special little note to thank a team of professionals, enthusiasts, devoted people. A heartfelt thank you to Dre Poulin and her team, for having successfully completed an emergency surgery (Splenectomy and Gastropexy) on my friend, my beloved dog, you saved his life. Our family will be forever grateful for your wonderful work. I strongly recommend this clinic for the care of your furry friends!
19 November 2021 20:25
Just had my 14 years old dog euthanized. The care for my Pepper was very humane and considerate. Dr Isabelle Poulin has been Pepper s vet for years and always been great with him. Tonight Dr Oden was very caring and comforting. Thank you very much.
14 October 2021 16:09
Great service and the vet Isabelle Poulin was very understanding and flexible. I highly recommend this vet.
10 July 2021 19:23
Ma Bella a reçu les meilleurs soins a cette clinique. Une megà chirurgie suite a un attaque de chien agressif. Opéré d'urgence avec professionnalisme par DR Poulin. Très disponible.sensible et concerné. Et pas des frais qui coutent lea yeux de la tête. Toute l'équipe Ont été gentils et compréhensif. Je les recommendent et leur doit toute une. Car Ma Bella est en vie et a retrouvé son énergie et santé.
06 July 2021 13:15
God bless these people. Every single staff member are truly angels.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking my cat in today and saving her life!
04 July 2021 14:53
Safe, very friendly and very professional.
I was quoted a certain amount for my little dude (Yorkie) for dentistry work imagine my surprise and joy when I was informed almost 400$ less, so I must very compassionate as well.
Thank you for your wonderful care
10 June 2021 6:47
For us The Animal Health Clinic is the most trustworthy place to bring our cat to.
Always satisfied with the veterinarians, the receptionists and their welcoming and pleasant service. We travel far to get there but it totally worth it:) Thank you for your great work and thank you from Dr. Finn Baba our loving cat?
07 June 2021 0:25
AVOID THIS PLACE AT ALL COSTS. Seriously. They misdiagnosed my cat over ten years ago with pemphigus foliaceus, even after charging me a considerable fee to perform a biopsy to "confirm the diagnosis. " My cat suffered considerably for over a decade taking daily doses of prednisolone before a *competent* doctor in Boston told me that his symptoms didn't resemble pemphigus at all and that such a diagnosis could only have been given by a complete amateur. Turns out my cat required a simple course of antibiotics (4 weeks) to clear a common case of dermatitis. Again — if you care about the long-term well being of your pet, do *not* go here.
09 March 2021 19:31
The service was good and quick. My dog didn't complain much. I will definitely return there for their services. Thanks again
05 March 2021 18:36
This clinic is one of the best in Montréal. I would like to thanks from my heart to Dr. Poulin for her kindness, patient, professionnalisme et empathy, you are one of the best veterinary I ever visited.
19 February 2021 22:59
I have mixed feelings. I needed "Revolution" for my cats but the clinic
would not sell it because they haven't seen my cats for a while. They would not see the cats because at that time they did not accept patients. They would not put me in contact with any doctor who treated previously my cats in their clinic. Still the doctors there are good. They even have a dentist. One of my cats just had some teeth removed and everything went well. The clinic is clean and has a large choice of cat and dog food.
12 February 2021 6:47
Je viens de Repentigny pour venir voir la Dre Isabelle Poulin.c est la meilleure.
Elle est simple et elle explique les choses clairement. Elle est géniale!
10 February 2021 1:48
Unfortunately my beloved cat Lucky, my companion for 16 years received a terminal diagnosis. Despite the unfortunate circumstance, the team was wonderful, patient and extremely empathetic. They made the terrible situation as bearable as humanly possible. I will be forever grateful for the kindness and the support.
Thank you
04 February 2021 13:47
I brought my senior dog here for end of life, as much as I was crushed with grief and the clinic was busy, each person took extra time with me to ensure I was comfortable and offering their comfort. They allowed me all the time necessary to be with my pet and comfort her in her final hours. I was so impressed with their care, professionalism, and clarity. Sad day but great clinic 100%
27 January 2021 0:12
Excellent service! Prices are very low. Best place you can bring your pet very well taken care of!
23 January 2021 9:40
Fantastic service and staff. They will make you feel like your pets are getting the best help possible. Highly recommend.
24 December 2020 23:42
Outstanding service! My dog Bella fell ill and immediately we had an appointment. The following day we were referred for an ultrasound and she was operated for a splenectomy the next day. Congratulations to Dr. Poulin and her team. So much enthusiasm and compassion for animals, it is heart warming. Sadly, us humans do not have access to such great health care.
17 December 2020 6:08
I *was* a huge fan of this vet clinic. As you consider the reviews below, I would strongly urge you look at the dates. I fully understand that we are currently in a pandemic making many things more difficult but it is impossible to get an appointment here anymore. At the end of the summer I was given a 3 month wait for a shoulder injury, today I called about an abscess (time sensitive) and was referred to an emergency clinic. Again, I understand we are in a pandemic, but they appear to have closed the Annex which used to be an incredible resource and given it is an *entirely separate building* would address issues related to proximity. There is no doubt that the care they provide is outstanding - if you can get it - but I don't see the point in having a regular vet if it impossible to get in to see them. It's with a heavy heart I'll be looking for a new vet because exceptional care is pointless if you can't get an appointment.
13 November 2020 4:06
Superb service, super knowledgable people, caring animal lovers and are always accomodating! They remember their clients and pets, its always a personalized experience here. They go above and beyond in answering any questions regarding your animals health, or diet and follow-up in a timely manner. Our kitten had a scare when he ended up with crystals in his urine, and the vet immediate did everything he can to diagnose and treat our kitty right away, including an ultrasound. He identified the problem being the over proteinated diet, and once we adjusted our kitten's diet he got better within 1 week and a half. We did a follow-up and all crystals dissappeared from a second ultrasound.

Payment plans are flexible as well depending on the treatment done on your pet.
06 November 2020 8:37
Well organised and helpful. Pleasant and most importantly our dog recognizes the location and tends to pull me to the door. Once inside he waits without anxiety for his appointment. I find that appointment times are generally respected. Also in these difficult times the vet met me outside to review our dog's case. Very accommodating.
31 October 2020 12:33
As we are dealing with COVID-19 they at the clinic are making it almost IMPOSSIBLE to get an appointment for our pets. I'm constantly told to call back early the next morning to get an appointment, but then I'm told I cant have an appointment for my dog, who has severe allergies and who is suffering for at least a month, and to call them back then to see if they have something available. The staff is rude, and hands up on people. Avoid this vet.
31 October 2020 10:37
Awsome place and super clean. Very nice ppl working at the front desk when I picked up cat food!
25 October 2020 12:05
Me Pilar Ortiz,
I had the same problem with my dog’s theet (5 pounds ChineseCrest dog).
My vet at that time was considering that it was way more healthy for my dog to keep them till her sterilization’s operation than putting a young dog under anastesia twice!
I asked my own dentist his opinion and if health of an animal is at risk by waiting?
Do you Know that there are lots of adults (human) living with their babythoot still.as long as the theet is healthy.
Sorry but I think the vet at Health Clinic was reasonnable and thinkink more about skipping and anestesia is BETTER for the young ANIMAL health. Plus, WE skipped an antibio serie.
Sorry to tell you that the other vet was thinking more about his pocket $$$ than anything else? !
So sad.

My dog theeth were extract at same time than sterelization, she is perfectly fine and no theet problem.
She ‘s now 8yold.
23 October 2020 5:57
Have taken my animals there over the years, good service but a little pricey feels like a money grab at times, test, tests, and more tests.
22 October 2020 2:21
Was told my dying cat who was about to die, oh well can’t see you til mid November and we are the beginning of October. So what am I suppose to do, let me kids see my cat die in my house.it was a sudden thing but they are the ones who did tests on my cat and gave him a clean bill of health. I was told they would email me a list and to go find my own vet place.
21 October 2020 5:21
The clinic is very caring when you are in person with capable and kind vets and vet techs. I'd love to give a better rating based only on that aspect. TLDR: Difficult to speak to someone, difficult to schedule appointments, information on your pet is not readily available and mixed messages on how to proceed for scheduling appointments.

However, I am incredibly disappointed time and time again with scheduling appointments and mixed messages.

Aside from it always being difficult to schedule appointments in the past because it is a busy clinic, I am finding the clinic to be unreliable. My recent experience started with bringing my 2 cats in for wellness checks. One became ill shortly before the checkup and was treated accordingly. I was told that despite the systems being down I would hear back the following day regarding her labs/blood work. I did not hear back. I could not get in touch with anyone either. Following day I did get in touch, but no one was able to provide information on the lab work because the Vet who saw Pixel was not in. All ended well enough when I finally heard 3 days later and there was no emergency.

I then asked about the lab results for my other cat, Luna, as it was written on my receipt and I had paid for her as well despite not knowing she was going to have blood work done. Turns out I didn't know because they didn't do it.but reception had no idea due to systems being down. It took a week of no responses to my inquiries before I finally heard back that I was correct and a refund would be provided. Again, things happen, I'll let that slide. I asked how far in advance to schedule for Luna's follow up vaccine booster and was informed I could definitely call back a week before it was needed to schedule an appointment. I asked to verify and was told it wouldn't be a problem.

Last straw - this morning I called because our 3rd cat, a newly adopted kitten of 12 weeks has an irritated eye. I know this can be a sign of infection. I wasn't asked who I was or anything about my pet because "We are booked until the end of October. Please call at 8am tomorrow to see if there is a cancellation, otherwise I can refer you elsewhere". What happened to me being able to call a week ahead for Luna's follow up? Am I to expect that she won't be seen?

Polite and caring is wonderful, but the run around and mixed messages have turned me off. I am seeking another vet clinic to see my pets and recommend others to do the same. Especially after reading so many reviews with similar issues even prior to their system outage and prior to the pandemic. I'm sad to leave such wonderful care, but it seems care only applies when you are currently in the clinic.
09 October 2020 10:29
I normally don't provide reviews and I wish I could provide a higher rating. We took our miniature poodle to this clinic for his vaccines. During our second visit (puppy was 6 months old), I told the vet that the lower baby canines had not fallen and the adult canines had already erupted. I was told not to worry as the baby canines could be extracted at the same time as neutering at 8-9 months of age. I was able to get an appointment with another vet in St. Henri who told me that the baby canines had to be removed asap and since the adult canines were now more than 50% out, my puppy will very likely lose his adult canines as they have grown in the wrong place. He's almost 9 months old. I'm in the process of seeing a specialist to see if we have any options. I am writing this review in case it helps anyone with a similar issue.
17 September 2020 14:12
This is my main vet clinic, they are kind and understanding. Very busy all the time which is a good sign but on the downside, it is difficult to find appointments for the same day.
31 August 2020 4:27
One of the best vets I've been to. Caring staff who will give you their honest opinion even if it doesn't result in more money for them. Can't recommends them enough.
19 April 2020 5:18
Been coming here with my dogs for over two decades. The most affordable place, caring vets and staff!
27 March 2020 18:26
Très ainable par contre les prix sont a revoir 150$ pour juste raser la joue de mon chat cest ordinaire
29 February 2020 18:02
Excellent first time experience my new puppy got mauled with affection it was awesome thank you for such a wonderful experience.and everyone was super friendly my Uncle and a friend both recommended this place to me we also bought this super cute toy there which my pup loves
29 February 2020 1:36
Great experience here! The vet is really caring and honest. He doesn’t try to pull money from you for no reason. We always buy our dog’s food here and the staff is super friendly every time.
28 February 2020 18:08
Have always had positive experiences over 5+ years and multiple pets (all cats).

It isn’t anyone who would be able to navigate the difficult and challenging conversations that the vets / techs / support staff have to have with people navigating the sad aspects of pet ownership. I’ve always found the staff here to show compassion and professionalism in giving advice and recommendations.
17 February 2020 0:28
Our cat Hans was blocked and suffered from a Urinary Obstruction preventing him to pee. We were very worried as this happened during the weekend and it was threatening the life of our cat. Fortunately, the Animal Health Clinic is open on Sundays and they took him right away despite being completely booked, even if he didn't have a file there. The staff was very professional and we were amazed by how our cat was reacting well to their intervention desipte the pain and incomfort. We were very lucky because DRE. Isabelle Poulin managed to unblock him on the spot, saving us over a thousand dollars or treatments. The technicians were also very good at explaining every medication and the new diet that we had to follow. Finally, we were relieved to be able to bring our cat home on the same day, which is priceless! The costs, including the consultation, conselling, medication and new food were more than reasonable. Some vets can have a reputation of overcharging and taking you for a ride, especially during emergencies (it happened to us at Centre Vétérinaire Rive-Sud). Not this one! We definitely recommend this clinic!

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