07 May 2023 2:59
Nous sommes ancients patients de la clinique. Notre pédiatre a pris sa retraite. Au début la clinique a dit que c’était pas grave, chaque fois je peux simplement leur appeler et ils iraient attribuer un pédiatre pour nous. Mais la réalité c’est que lorsqu’on leur appelle, la réception dit que notre pédiatre a pris la retraite et que nous ne sommes plus leur patient, ils ne peuvent pas prendre un rendez-vous pour nous et nous demander de trouver une autre clinique. Pour appeler une clinique, c’est toujours avec besoin et avec espoir, mais la clinique a manqué à sa promesse et nous a laissé dans une situation difficile. Si au début ils avaient dit comme il n’avaient pas pu nous prendre et nous avaient demander de chercher une clinique, nous aurions eu la chance d’en trouver une nouvelle clinique. Mais nous avons perdu le temps et n’est plus possible de trouver une clinique pédiatre. Une autre effet c’est que, notre pédiatre a retraité pendant 3 année mais jusqu’à la fin de l’année dernière qu’ils m’avaient avisé la retraite de notre pédiatre. Nous ne sommes pas content de tout ce qu’ils ont nous traité depuis la retraite de notre pédiatre. Et si vous avez un pédiatre qui prendra sa retraite bientôt, fait attention!
02 May 2023 6:24
Mon fils est suivi par le Dr Alizadehfar pour une allergie: médecin très gentil, très compétent et qui prend le temps de tout bien expliquer.
01 March 2023 2:19
Offers no minor emergency care for children such as for something like bronchitis. I called 811 and I was told to contact my daughter's pediatrician's clinic for help. Person at clinic said they were all booked up for the day and to call back the next day. And the same person gave us a number to call at 8: 30 am when it opened the next day. I even asked the person if I could book an appointment right then and there and she said no, no, just call back tomorrow at 8: 30 am. So, I woke up and called the number, but it didn't work. I got through to no one and couldn't leave a message. I sent an email request instead. Or I tried. But no one called us back either. The information I was given over the phone appeared to be a lie. I later noticed I got an email from The Children's Clinic saying they had resolved our request when all they told us was to call back the next day and gave us a number that didn't work. The email they sent also seemed like a fake email to cover their own lack of services. In the end, we ended up spending $250 at a private clinic to get amoxicillin for a 9 year old. Why not wait to see a doctor? Our daughter had a fever and was not eating. Only other public option was to wait in the emergency room of a hospital for 15 hours with a 9 year old for some penicillin. Thanks Children's Clinic! All this coupled with its already creepy reception staffed with unfriendly receptionists in their mandatory all black dress code (at a children's clinic!?), it seems like a real world dystopia now.
29 January 2023 6:20
I totally recommend this clinic and Dr Kimia. It’s great that they have walking clinic every day and we don’t need to go to hospital emergency when they get sick.
19 January 2023 3:09
I took my son here for check up with doctor severe and he told me stuff that I are ready know not a very good experience
13 September 2022 22:21
Not impressed. My children were followed by Dr Stein who was amazing but retired. We were never informed that she was leaving and now impossible to get another doctor.
05 September 2022 22:00
Très satisfaite de la consultation en allergies de ma fille. J'ai envoyé ma requête et 1 mois après, on m'a appelé pour un rendez-vous la semaine suivante. Le personnel est courtois et attentionné. La langue anglaise est fortement suggérée lors des communications avec les spécialistes. NB.: Privilégiez le transport en commun, car peu.de places de stationnement et la station Vendôme est sous la bâtisse.
12 July 2022 16:04
I'm extremely frustrated and angry after going to see Dr. Koenekoop. I waited 6 months for this appointment for my daughter who has special needs who is also awaiting to be checked for autism. She tried doing the eye exam 6 months ago and freaked out. Now I'm told to wait another 6 months. This man didn't even give us 5 mins. Of his time. I don't understand Doctors who are working with children don't understand that you might have to give a little more. I've been fighting to get my daughter's eyes properly checked literally for at least three years now. She's a patient at the Mackay center but they are limited to what they can offer her until a complete diagnosis is done. But apparently montreal doesn't have doctor's capable to work with child with needs. I'm at a loss.i literally cried all the way home. I just want my baby to see properly before she starts kindergarten. What a waste of time. Very disappointed in Dr. Robert koenekoop.
07 July 2022 6:28
We went to the Optha clinic to see Dr. Robert Koenekoop. It’s already an hour wait, and during our turn for assessment, I wanted to show him a video of my 9month old daughter’s left eye. He told me to wait outside while he sees another patient. I asked why? And he said “because mothers take so long to find a video”. Mind you, I already have the video ready to play. He already went outside as if urging me to go out. I pleaded that I have the video ready. He and his assistant were laughing, surprised that i have the video. He proceeded to talk to me about my daughter outside in the waiting room… where everyone can hear. He does not practice confidentiality this doctor. I dont get why he cant just talk to me while in the room.

P. S. Onthe good side, the receptionist and other staff are nice and welcoming
01 July 2022 23:54
Not impressed with this clinic. My daughter Dr, Dr Stein retired, which is understand however it would have been nice to be inform. Plus I called before she retried and still didn't get any appointment. Now we don't have a Dr for our daughter. They tell to go government website and wait for a Dr. This is disgusting. I'm impressed with how this clinic handles simple. Can't even get a appointments even before this, they never answer there phone.
21 May 2022 22:41
Emplacement infernal à trouver si vous stationnez à l’hôpital. J’ai passé plus d’une heure à chercher et à demander sans trouver de piste. Les gens de l’hôpital ne semblent pas connaître l’existence de cette clinique et il n’y a aucune indication pour l’a trouver. J’ai été renvoyé d’un ascenseur à un autre via deux stationnements sous terrains puis sous un tunnel de train et de métro pour arriver à trois paliers de marches - sans ascenseur.j’étais avec mon nouveau-né dans sa poussette. Après avoir été aidé par quelque un, vous devez sortir dehors, puis traverser une rue et puis finalement vous arrivez à destination. C’est vraiment hallucinant comment ce n’est pas clair et par ailleurs, personne de la clinique ne m’a prévenu. Faite attention de vous renseigner avant d’y aller.
18 March 2022 3:47
Thank you to the whole Dr Koenekoop team! Upon our arrival, we were welcomed by such a warm reception. Glenda and Dr Koenekoop were so patient and detailed in explaining all my daughter’s needs. Thank you for all you do!
09 January 2022 12:05
My child is 3 years old and 9 months with a ppssibility of autism.when we got at the appointment the receptionist ask me if my child was wearing a mask that the doctor might ask my child to wear a mask.we were told to wait in the front desk.their was also other kids about the same age as my child at the appointment that came with both parents and was not ask to wear a mask.they were allow to go to the back and wait in the waiting room (play area). The appointment was at the ophthalmology with Dr. Koenekoop.my child had a major tantrum and even if i had try to calm her down.it doesnt always work because of her condition.i also explain to his assistance and to Dr. Koenekoop that my child was being evaluate for autism.he did not hesitate to tell me that my child was indeed autism and that he was disappointed also that my child was disturbing everyone in the clinic.i asked him a question regarding my child eyes.he answered that he couldnt hear me since my child was screaming and crying.he did not bother to even make me repeat.he asked me to dress my child in the front and he left in a hurry from the examination room.
19 March 2021 14:28
Can't get a simple prescription renewed. The pharmacy sent a fax for a renewal and there was no response from the clinic. If you call, no one picks up. If you leave a message, no one will call back. There is no email address. Incredible.
19 February 2021 16:19
It's been 5 months I am trying to take appointment for my daughter. I left so many messages but they never call back. 0 star for their service

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