28 February 2023 9:29
I was there on Sunday to attend Sunday services and to continue my investigation into whether I wanted to become a Mormon. The first part of the services almost made my decision for me as it was so warm and welcoming. At 76 years old I had never felt so welcome and close to God. The most important thing to me - more than breathing or my heart beating - is being close to Jesus. And then were the stories from the people who were at the services about how they had been helped - what they had learned - and so much more about how they are happy with the Church. My decision was made by all they said. For the first time in my life I truly felt involved with everyone in the Church. I have decided definitely to be baptized. You are by far the most welcoming Church - the most connected to Jesus. To every one of you - THANK YOU SO MUCH!
It is now mid-March 2023 and I am even happier. Every single member of the Church is truly fs
25 January 2023 14:54
I love attending church, and this one is special. Just like in ancient times, God has again called a prophet who leads and guides the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints all around the world! Come experience the Church of Jesus Christ for yourself. I promise that it will be worth it.
06 February 2020 0:04
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has made all the difference in my life. It has given me a life worth living - and remembering! Serving in this church has taught me that the promise of Jesus Christ is true: If you lay down your life for His sake you will find it!
It has given me The Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price to be a source of doctrine from and a guide for how God works with His children - and why. Living by these teachings - and connecting daily with God through prayer and scripture study - have brought me great peace, happiness, and joy and have led me down a life path that has been extremely rewarding and fulfilling.
I have found from my affiliation with this church that another promise of Jesus Christ is true: "If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself. " Because of the things I have experienced in this church I know that God lives and that Jesus Christ atoned for me. He is my Savior and Redeemer. They hear us and answer prayers. This is what I know and what I have experienced because because of this church and its doctrines.
30 September 2019 7:53
The people there are friendly and welcoming, as you attend the meeting, you feel so at peace. I recommend it to anyone who would like to visit.
12 August 2019 18:03
Exceptionally great sample of traditional architecture!
09 February 2019 7:50
Great place of worship with lot's of friendly and welcoming people

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