02 September 2023 10:12
$100, $50, $70 something all for collector hockey cards. Asked to look at the shoes that were locked up, she said what do you want and acted like time was nothing while she fussed with something, knowing i needed cabinet opened to try on shoes, cause I asked a few times.

It is not always clear where the line-up starts at cash-out but the process of cashing out is painfully slow at times. One time the man who usually stands at the door told me to stand behind two women who were just talking and were not in line, the clue was they weren't holding anything, and I asked them if they were in line, and after a long pause they said no. So he apologized but it didn't change how demeaning and time guzzling cashing-out actually was.

Sometimes clerks either ignore you or are rude and the tone is rarely friendly. As another poster said that sometimes you get the feeling that we are meant to feel lucky we are being served at all, making the process at cash-out even slower and more demeaning, IMO. The man at the door is not usually friendly and can be intimidating at times, IMO. Some good deals can be had, but the store culture might not be worth the hassle, stress and time, IMO.

They charged extra for the remote that went with TV. The scotch tape was still on chord. The tone was condescending and argumentative.

Another time I asked the clerk to cut price tag from jacket for me so I could wear it since it was raining & he just tore it out, leaving damaged seam in jacket then said it was fine. Disappointing, & if I knew he was going to just rip tag out from my great deal, leaving damaged seam I wouldn't have asked & I kick myself cause I should have known better.

Like another poster said there is a feeling sometimes that staff are allowed to be rude and indifferent to customer experience and time.

Prices can be high and quality not so much and the constant hovering IMO can feel discriminatory if not creepy.

Once I was asked about contents of my bag.

Lots of double standards in social respect, IMO.

You can return things but only for store credit and there are no open change rooms.

Reviews for this place on maps are a mixture of the old and new stores. It matters IMO because the new store is much smaller, and doesn't sell furniture. Pictures of much bigger old store is not entirely representative of what you will find at the new store at 6116 Sherbrooke st. West.

One plus for this store is that they don't charge the accumulated, almost 15% sales tax because it has charity status compared to the Value Village which adds sales tax due to its 'for profit' status.

During one of my shopping trips there, I saw one shopper being accused of taking off price tag, even though she said she didn't, it seemed like she was in trouble and being humiliated for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Often there are items in the store without price tags so you can't buy them. Strangely, the unpriced items might be the best items in the store. Sometimes you are told to come back the next day and the item will be priced and then the next day the item is gone and so is your time.

Sometimes I think the hassle and time it takes to find something worth buying then going through the slow and sometimes demeaning cash-out is not worth the bargains. When I leave I sometimes think that was my last time going there. The bargains are sometimes not worth the time it takes or the frame of mind you are sometimes left in due to IMO, unfriendly/demeaning store culture especially at cash-out and door IMO, and as other posters said you get the feeling you are being exploited/disrespected for being low income and having your time wasted on purpose, IMO.

I once said to the man at the door that the cash-out was really slow and then he said you say something then walk away and I said I am sorry but I am late. His real concern shouldn't be that people are walking away because they have something else on their schedule but whether people will be coming back or donating to a store, that at times appears to be teasing low income earners.
11 August 2023 11:52
Parfait pour des achats locaux, et des dons. Les vêtements sont très bien rangés, on trouve de tout. Il y a aussi des ustensiles de cuisine et de l'electro-menager
26 July 2023 12:52
This drop off is so organized and neat.they take care of all the donations right away.good job salvation army!
20 July 2023 11:47
Waste of time. Lousy atmosphere. Rude customer service. Overpriced. Seems like a general consensus judging by the reviews. Is there a reason so many SA stores have closed?
17 May 2023 17:27
It bugs me that the best donations never make it to the shelves. They end up being sold to higher end thrift shops for a more upscale clientele.

Also, customer service is very poor, no changing rooms, short window period to return merchandise, and a no cash refund policy.

We are being exploited by the very services that are ostensibly intended to serve us.
07 May 2023 4:00
The store doesn’t have any change rooms, and you can’t get a refund on returns. I understood that this needed to be a measure during the height of the pandemic, but it doesn’t make any sense for the consumer at this point in time. I needed 1 dress but wanted to try 3 to see which fit me. This policy requires me to buy one, go home, try it on, travel back to the store and exchange for another, go home, try it on, go back to the store again, etc. To be told “buy them all and when you come back you’ll find something else you’ll like” isn’t in-line with their mission of helping out low-income people. I’m pretty disappointed and walked away with nothing. I’ll go to renaissance, where they have opened their changerooms again.
09 April 2023 7:21
They were selling a fake Coach bag behind the counter for $20. When I told the manager it was fake, he said in a snooty way, ' Yeah, I know. If it was real, we'd be selling it for $100'. We didn't feel welcome as customers. His tone was just so unfriendly it was like he felt he was doing us a favor, even responding to us. Other than that the store was ok, but there was not a great selection.
13 September 2022 8:45
Great findings for cheap. Trust me it worth the search. Remember always wash whatever buy there. Otherwise have fun
15 June 2022 3:04
This place is so good! The best salvation army I have seen thus far.

Their prices are amazing, in line with other thrift stores. The items here are not taxed at all, so that's an amazing savings right there. This location also tends to get really good quality items, especially for clothing.

I'm adding some random photos from there
04 May 2022 7:10
Alright thrift store, good clean re homeable items but not a lot of selection and new items are slow to arrive
28 April 2022 0:43
Some how the old location farther east on Sherbrooke was nicer. The staff at this location are pretty condescending and rude.
19 April 2022 1:51
The manager George is very rude and does not follow up-to-date covid rules. There's no mirrors and he says no one is allowed to try on clothes but everything is opening now and this store supposed to help people so the more mirrors the better. Mirrors are not illegal!
10 March 2022 22:51
Over priced thrift store. $12 for a tea pot. Walmart sells new ones for $9.97 plus tax. Why should you spend more for used? I went to a different thrift store and bought a similar tea pot for $3.75, tax included.
09 July 2021 15:07
Used to be good until they moved and down-sized. Prices went up, diversity went down.so we stopped going.
15 February 2021 0:51
If you only consider what comes out of there in terms of price and for the items still in good shape they offer, then they're doing good.

If you look at how they collect but don't try to give back enough second hand goods, they their record is devastating. They select the best items to be sold for a high price to needy regions/countries. That means, making money on the back of poor people.
26 January 2021 15:19
Maayan a refusé d’échanger car le prix était lavé et le problème a été constaté lors du lavage: deux items collés avec du scotch et le crack et le trou sur chaque item étaient cachées. Ils arnaquent les gens qui cherchent des objets usagés car les gens pensent contribuer à la communauté mais c’est l’inverse. Renaissance est mieux mais c’est pas à une distance proche à pied. Leur but c’est loin d’être non lucratif. Plus jamais!
08 December 2020 7:28
I’m sure there are nice things to find here, but just don’t go in the evenings. I got in just before 5: 30 pm and they close at 6. They called on the intercom that they are closing in 30 minutes and to come to the cash. Then 10 minutes later when I reached the end of the isle, an employee very sternly told me and another customer that they close in 20 minutes. I had just made it around the back, it was 5: 45 and they started closing the lights, sounded another warning on the intercom and the staff went around to badger everyone to approach the cash all stressfully. It seems that there is a management issue that leaks a lot of stress onto it’s clients, which were even defending themselves against the staff.
04 November 2020 12:05
You might be lucky enough to meet Olga and Edith who work there. Two people with contagious smiles who are extraordinarily kind. Oh, and I forget Maryam, another amazing person who makes this place so nice to visit. I must underline the incredible work of the whole team, congratulations to all of you!
01 May 2020 5:32
This review was for store at 5662 Sherbrooke. Reviews for this place are a mixture of the old and new stores. It matters IMO because this store is much smaller, and doesn't sell furniture anymore. Also I find staff tend to hover around you more and sometimes block isles. At a time when we are told to give people more space due to virus here at the new store you feel that you are given less space and a lot of cold stares, IMO.

This place used to be great if you needed stuff but now it seems to be designed to tease customers by putting nicest items behind counter then when you ask to see them you are sometimes ignored and have to ask repeatedly until it sounds like you are begging. When you donate and get a voucher of $10 off from $25 purchase, it is is hard to find something before paper voucher looks worn out. One plus for this store is that they don't charge the accumulated, almost 15% sales tax because it has charity status compared to the Value Village which adds sales tax due to its 'for profit' status. They often have sales and most of the staff are friendly and helpful but the problem with finding something that needs to be priced and taking so long to do it can be very frustrating and when you return, item is gone. Sometimes the interaction makes you feel diminished, the experience is not usually high quality and who knows how 'abnormal' you would be treated wearing some of the rougher clothes. Sometimes they stare at you a lot which feels uncomfortable and marginalizing and other times a staff member will actually say hello. Sometimes things are not priced and sometimes things are priced above what some may see as reasonable. Like another poster said, you sometimes get the feeling that you are being, watched mocked and disrespected for shopping there by the staff and other times staff are quite nice and you can find a really good deal. One shopper was accused of taking off price tag, even though she said she didn't and same guy, possibly a manager, seemed to be power tripping and causing more drama with one of the clerks in front of customers. Sometimes they hold staff meetings after they open in the morning, in front of cash registers, so you feel funny cashing out while meeting is going on. Some customers were called scavengers, during the meeting. Sad and depressing sometimes and at other times you do find a good deal, which can make your day.
17 April 2020 3:43
I found the stuff really expensive over there! It's crazy! I did many thrift stores around Montreal and it's one of the most expensive one. The clothes are cheap since it's pretty much the same fixed price in every salvation army store but the frames, the decorations, the "stuff" is quite expensive. I don't think they know the value of their things. Anyways, got some clothes over there for cheap with my 10$ discount for my donations but I don't recommend going there to find anything else but clothes.
10 April 2020 1:38
Malheureusement le nouvel emplacement est trop petit. On peut à peine circuler entre les allées. Je n'irai plus. C'était désagréable.
04 April 2020 3:43
We went to the store at 8: 35 and the employees had already closed the store although the sign said they close at 9pm. When we asked why it was closed they told us tired and worked too hard. The OPC complaint has already been done. When we asked to go in for 5 min all the employees came towards the door and began shouting and insulting us including the store manager. I’ve never experienced such horrible and rude service and employees in my life. Never shop at this store!
20 March 2020 5:20
I always find great stuff at Salvation Army. I’m still sad that the store on Notre Dame closed and the new locations are rather small but they selection is still good and the staff is always very friendly and helpful. I cherish my findings immensely highly recommend.
16 March 2020 20:42
Their prices are generally way too high for a thrift shop. I feel they forget their items are used. I saw a used pair of shoes there for 50$!? I thought it was a thrift store for that price I'll buy new.the new store is alot nicer but also more expensive for a smaller selection. The women's clothing is all for older ladies as well. Oh well.super dissapointed
05 March 2020 10:49
It supposed to close at 21, I arrived at 20: 35 for urgency to get some clothes for a work, and the people who works there close the door in my nose. BAD BAD BAD employees, I really want to make it a quickly shop
24 January 2020 0:53
Staff is nice but usually the prices are ridiculous. 45 dollars for a wind jacket in a second hand store? !? !? !
02 January 2020 3:29
Ce n’est pas trop cher et les stocks se renouvellent fréquemment. Cependant, l’espace est assez restreint et la circulation est assez difficile lorsqu’il y a beaucoup de monde. Aussi, je trouve que le lieu pourrait être un peu plus propre et mieux organisé. Sinon, on trouve de tout et pour pas cher.
27 December 2019 21:05
Ladies! Heads up, Friday's (till end of Dec anyway) are best for women's clothing of all kinds as there is a 50% cut in price. 2 pairs of great fitting and looking pants +, Jean's, 3 tops for total of $10.00. Not bad:)
Worth checking out, not however a place you rush in and out lol
22 December 2019 15:09
Picked up a selection of 40 music cassettes and at the register the lady wasn’t into having me a discount price. Because 20$ for a box of random cassette was too much for my poor wallet, I let them go. When you’ll have too much of em, just scrap’em. Peace)
28 November 2019 9:13
I got all I need in one shop, the workers are pleasant people, customer care representatives are all professionals in their various fields.
21 November 2019 22:01
New guy, old retired guy with a beard thinks its better time well spent to ogle females.used to go every day.won't shop there when this guy is working.
06 November 2019 16:17
The clerk in this place was very arrogant and rude. I opened the bag and put the phone in. The clerk actually said that I must open the bag and check Because he suspects that I stole the things in the store.my God! What a terrible experience!
04 November 2019 20:25
A bed bug fell from the clothes I bought here. I'm horrified and disgusted, it's a dangerous mistake to buy things here.
09 October 2019 18:36
De nombreuses choses y sont vendues, vêtements, livres, meubles, vaisselles, et tout ça en seconde main. L'état reste très bon et les prix sont très attractifs, les vendeurs sont présents et à l'écoute.
04 August 2019 4:03
This particular store is quite close to the bus stop and stock good mostly used products including clothes, kitchen appliances, furniture and decorative designs. Though, big size shoes are not available when visited but on the scale of 1 to 10, it should be an 8 for this store. One no no is selling of very used bags to customer to take their products.
26 July 2019 19:58
Comme souvent auparavant Il y avait quelque chose dont j'avais besoin a un prix dérisoire. Cet endroit a la cote pour ce qui est des prix pour des produits de bonne qualité laisser par des gens responsables et généreux. Tout ce qui est en tissus, de rideaux au vêtements, literies toutes grandeurs c'est propre. J'y au acheter une machine a café de bonne qualité a 8,00$. Ça vaut le détour
11 July 2019 16:30
I hate the pricing here for used dirty ripped clothing.way overpriced for stuff they get for free through donations.
27 May 2019 23:41
This is a small Sally Ann. A bit crowded, but there are treasures to be found. I don't like that they have things on the floor without a price tag and they refuse to give them a price ans won't let me negotiate a price and buy it. They tell me to come back to see if it's been priced tomorrow. What kind of store doesn't want customers to leave with merchandise? Otherwise, a good thrift store.
03 February 2019 11:40
Nice stuff you can find only if you are patient enough to go through the thrift store. Otherwise, you would leave disappointed
30 January 2019 17:32
What happened to the days when the salvation army used to be affordable for low income family. Over price. No negotiating.
30 November 2018 20:07
It's a great service to the community, both to drop off items for redistribution and to find what you might need but don't want to buy new!

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