26 August 2023 8:38
Teach your employees to talk to the customers politely, they should have some etiquette to deal with customer
27 July 2023 16:12
Très mauvais service, en plus de se tromper dans la commande parce qu’elle comprends pas bien le français, au lieu de s’excuser, elle donne de l’attitude et elle se fache quand je demande de me faire rembourser, elle a commencé a créer comme une folle! On dirait que les gens là-bas sont pas content dans leur travail et ils sortent leur frustrations sur les clients! À éviter!
06 July 2023 13:48
Would you eat this piece of lettuce yourself madame or monsieur who prepared this? Bon appetit.
22 June 2023 5:20
Me faire dire "bonjour-hi" et que l'employée continue en anglais, pour moi c'est inacceptable.pitoyable! Commande à l'auto, vendredi 19 mai 2023,21h15.
14 June 2023 8:08
I come here often but this time I was not satisfied with the service. When I gave order for a jalapeño pastry the guy said that he doesn’t have in different language over to that he even said no to make my ordered drink. He was not polite neither serious about it when I asked. Giving them three start for the employees who gave a positive service.
02 January 2023 8:09
It was taking too much time … employees we’re talking with each other and customers we’re waiting in line. When we tried to give order a girl at cash was so rude … bot good customer service
28 December 2022 6:11
In this Tim Horton's most of them are same community. They are chatting between themselves. I order small double double and grill cheese. For grill cheese they took 15 minutes. So many people are waiting in the line for long time to get their orders.
21 December 2022 21:52
Il y a souvent beaucoup de personnes à ce tim hortons, mais c’est pour une raison. Ce tim hortons est ouvert 24h/24h et a toujours des sourires qui viennent avec le café. Je n’ai jamais d’erreur dans ma commande et ça fait maintenant partie de ma routine d’y aller avant le travail.
12 December 2022 11:40
J’y viens tout les jours avant d’aller étudier. Quand je vous dit la clientèle 0 c’est que vraiment c’est horrible. Il te parle avec aucun respect. J’leur ai dit que je voulais rajouter une chose à ma commande il m’a regarder croche et a parle dans sa langue avec sa collègue. Les filles qui travaillent la bas sont plus ou moins bonne. Mais l’homme je ne sais pas comment le décrire, est d’une atrocité. Le client est roi. Vraiment il faut revoir ça
11 December 2022 0:30
Bought an ice cap but didn't have any flavor. Tried to exchange it but it was too busy. Plus, I saw someone stirring coffee with a hair on the spoon. Gross.
08 December 2022 10:50
Hi, tim hortons is good but their morning staff is very bad and their behavior with the customer rudely. Everyday I do the mobile order. When I go to Tim Hortons totally staff are free no body makes the order. Then I tell them I ordered online. Then they start prepare the order. Everyday I gets late from my work only because of their staff.
25 November 2022 16:22
Apparently the negative feedback worked. It has become better, especially the service at the checkout. Was 1/5
24 October 2022 16:32
I visit almost everyday and i must say service is fabulous specially provided by Mandeep kaur. She handles Very patiently even with other people, from what I’ve seen.
23 October 2022 12:55
I try to order a bagel drive through but staff said service station is closed it’s around 9 pm but when I came to the window they are making sandwiches for front customers and window staff was rude
30 September 2022 10:11
J'ai attendu 15 min pour ma commande seulement pour que j'apprenne qu'ils ne l'ont même pas commencé!
De plus, les seuls employés qui ne semble pas perdre du temps sont ceux à l'accueil. La plupart qui prépare la nourriture semble placoter au lieu de travailler mais peut-être que je suis arrivé à une mauvaise heure?
25 September 2022 2:32
Une fille elle s’apelle minashti j’esspere que je le prononce bien son service et plus que parfait elle travaille toit seul avec un grand sourire et elle travaille mieux que toit les autre merci pour le bonne service. ️️️️️️
06 September 2022 13:50
Today morning we order to medium latte with extra shot espresso and we didn’t get it and we pay for it
05 September 2022 21:44
Service désastreux les employés te font attendre 10 minutes même si t’es tout seul la madame derrière le comptoir est très lente et fait le ménage entre temps
31 August 2022 8:52
J'ai attendu 15 min pour ma commande seulement pour que j'apprenne qu'ils ne l'ont même pas commencé!
De plus, les seuls employés qui ne semble pas perdre du temps sont ceux à l'accueil. La plupart qui prépare la nourriture semble placoter au lieu de travailler mais peut-être que je suis arrivé à une mauvaise heure?
25 August 2022 2:23
Horrible service idk if owners changed or what always slow dirty bad service workers doesnt work they only talk with each other in their language hygiene is bad
13 August 2022 13:02
Pire tim hortons de l'histoire. En moyenne 6 à 7 minutes par voiture donc attente interminable. Incapable de se faire comprendre en francais. Pire service, aucune politesse et aucun bonjour.
03 August 2022 13:49
Tres lent et tres sale et presque toute les table on des miettes ou son collante tu marche et le plancher est collant nouveau employer tous les jours ou presque je vien tous les jours ici depuis 8 mois et je crois que je vais areter de venir ici parce que ce n'est plus acceptable le gars qui netoye le parking fais du bon travail cest plus propre dehors que a l'interieur.
24 July 2022 10:59
Je demande des rôties avec confiture. Je reçois ceci. Vraiment ridicule. Et pour la courtoisie et service on repassera.
14 July 2022 5:56
Aucune salutations, lignes d'attentes très longues, service lent et il est très difficile de se faire comprendre en français. Une fois sur deux, l'extra que l'on paye n'est pas dans le sandwich, il faut double vérifier. Les employés de soir/nuit parlent entre eux, ce qui retarde la préparation.je vous vois!
25 June 2022 15:50
Excellent service from the ladies but have always to wait around 20mn to calm down the xtreme hot coffee to drink it. Thank you!
17 June 2022 8:46
Service here is horrible! You ask for a sandwich they don’t even put it in bag you ask for a bag she gives me a donut bag when you know my sandwich won’t fit she even thru the bag at me! It doesn’t matter if ur under staffed! You don’t treat ur customers that way ever if you know it’s the afternoon and it’s ur rush hour you should staff more people not have a line up and slow service people will only come if you have have food and give food service.especial for a customer who works just beside and comes often it’s always the same problem! Tables never cleaned and bad service!
16 June 2022 13:41
Very bad service every time we order they get it wrong. I had to drive all the way back because all sandwiches had no sausages.we pay money it’s not free.
06 June 2022 18:56
Sometimes the coffee is a hit or miss. I find the ladies at the drivethru are pleasant where as the guys dont even say goodmorning.
21 March 2022 17:41
J’ai commandé la sandwich boeuf rôti cheddar. Ils se sont trompés ils m’ont donné le déjeuner. Ils m’ont redonné exactement la même chose dans un pain différent. Sans cheddar, mauvaise sauce et des oignons caramélisés.
06 March 2022 7:12
Amazing customer service from evening staff
Sabita and Dalwinder.
U guys should be rewarded as a best employees
05 March 2022 8:11
These 5 stars are very specifically for Arshdeep who always makes sure my order is perfect. I'm a regular customer, I used to see him in the weekends, but I'm disappointed not to see him there for past few days!
25 February 2022 21:42
Incompétents, lents, commande incomplete et sandwichs irrésistible sans croustillants et pain differents
17 February 2022 21:30
Worst tim hortons. Cant make a single order correct. Ordered a french vanilla and it tasted like bobotte de chien
07 February 2022 4:30
Terrible service. This isn't the first time they mess up my order. Waited nearly one hour at the drive thru and the lady that took my order gave so much attitude. If I can give them 0 stars, definitely would. I understand how fast food works, because I have worked in that industry for quite a while and I understand how tough it is. But this was honestly such a bad experience. Really upset.
04 February 2022 21:16
Always handing out wrong orders. It used to be once a week and now it is becoming in every single drive through. It is frustrating
22 January 2022 20:52
Visited this location yesterday evening. The lady at the drive-thru was not wearing gloves and touching the coffee cup lids and cookie bag, bar code reader and money with bare hands without disinfectant. Upon saying why was she not wearing gloves and touching my order all bare hands, her response was “why do you come to Tims if you like disinfection? ”. Is that a joke or what? Extremely disappointed, very irresponsible attitude.
21 January 2022 21:29
Difficile voir impossible d'y avoir du service en français. Et même en commandant en anglais, il y as tjrs des erreurs.
13 January 2022 17:36
Service trés très long pourtant ils sont 4 employée.c toujours comme ça.ajoute toujours 20min dans ton planining si tu veut prendre un café ici‍️‍️
20 October 2021 7:48
I just simply ordered a coffee (double double), i also asked it for fresh. I was watching them, they were making my coffe with expired coffee. The policy here is when the coffee brew machine turns into RED LIGHT you have to throw it even though if it is full. When they prepared it and i asked why you gave me the old coffee they acted like "No sir, i prepared it with the new fresh coffee. " C'mon Tim Hortons, you should atleast work on your lies properly.
13 September 2021 21:00
Unbelievable customer service! On my question how long does it take to make an order I have got answer:
22 August 2021 16:48
Ordered 4 normal drinks, and a cup of tap water. They charged me for the cup of water! I called the main office to complain and while they sounded horrified and said that’s not supposed to happen, the promised call back from the manager never came.
12 September 2020 16:42
Poorly trained, poorly managed. Gave my order to someone else with no other similar bagel. When the manager asked me if I wanted to replace it with something else and I told her what I wanted she made me pay the difference when it was her team and ultimately her mistake. Never going back it’s TRASH.
19 August 2020 1:45
I am dealing with the turban guy from past 2-3 times and he is really very very slow and takes so much time to prepare coffee, It’s not first time this is happening to me. And then he always forgets wip cream, Really very Unprofessional behaviour.
01 August 2020 18:34
The manager of this Tim Hortons instructed the employees to not provide tap water to clients. Instead we should buy bottled water. This is wrong in so many ways. This is the only Tim Hortons that does it. Funny enough, I have been going there for the past 7 years and my friends and I will stop going there. We usually have motorcycle and car meets up almost every night, but this will change soon. The manager is a complete jackass for enforcing a stupid rule such as that. His loss
25 March 2020 13:02
Pire Tim hortons.employée qui sacre en faisant les poubelles, attente de 20 à 25 minutes en moyenne, une chance sur deux d'avoir des erreurs dans ma commande.
24 March 2020 16:15
Bas service.very slow and dirty.i work at Tim Hortons laval and it’s 10 times better. I hope the manager gonna do something because it’s so bad.
23 March 2020 22:23
Really great location this is a really great Tim Hortans. All of the staff are very friendly the service is excellent. The bathrooms are always clean every time we stop here. We have a great experience. Really love this location and I highly recommend it's disguised us. We deserve a five-star review. Thanks, Tim for everything that you guys have to offer. We love your coffee. Hope to see you again soon. Cheers.
18 March 2020 12:37
Salle insalubre poubelle sur le plancher comptoir salle salle de bain je passe car je ne peux pas dire à quelle point de saleté et odeur ouffff
04 March 2020 10:22
It's too bad my phone automatically prettied up this picture, because the bacon is raw. I guess I should have got the hint when they originally gave me the bacon sandwich without bacon. They just threw some raw bacon in it which I then had to throw out. Bathroom was dirty and no toilet paper. They seemed to forget about my coffee and after several minutes of waiting someone finally asked what I was waiting for. I didn't realise I needed to remind them of my order.
26 February 2020 19:10
Lack of professionalism!

They are supposed to accept any form of payment that the client wants to use. We wanted to use the coupons to pay our food but the cashier said since the line is too long and it would take time, so we should pay first in cash and then he would reimburse us once the line was cleared up. So after eating we went back with our coupons and they didn't want to take it anymore saying that the order was already paid and nothing could be done!
They lied saying the cashier's shift was over but he was still there doing other chores and hiding from the cash. They didn't have the humility to accept the mistake. We called the manager and he wasn't even ready to listen us for the first time and when we tried to talk to him for another time he didn't even bother to show his face!
26 January 2020 6:40
Service à la clientèle horrible du moins le soir. Un ta commande et avance au service au volant et elle te lance le terminal sans même dire cest combien et sans savoir si on paye comptant ou pas. Un bonsoir ne tue pas. Et ça fait des semaines que cest comme ça pas super comme service
10 November 2019 13:25
Étonnant ces commentaires negatifs? Tu entres, tu commandes, tu payes et tu pars, t'as même pas besoin de parler. Si tu devais, tu remarquerais que la personne derrière le comptoir est sympathique et te rendra ton sourire et un beigne frais si c'est ça ta commande.
26 October 2019 13:01
I have nothing against the emplyeed here, but the management oh boy does it even exist here? The poor workers can be seen scrambling and stressing buckets taking orders but managers just walk around or hide in thier little office at the back.

Customer service should be first, who cares how long an order takes. I'd rather wait 10 or 15 mins and get the right order with a smile than be rushed like a piece of meat and get something wrong.
16 October 2019 11:43
Service super long.le préposé était gentil mais il était seul entrain de servir et on a trop attendu.je voulais un cappucino glacé on me dit c est pas possible car son truc est fondu.c est quoi ca? Je ne reviendrai plus!
16 October 2019 6:38
Thé renovation of that place made it better. They lack employee. You have To be patient for your order
14 October 2019 2:27
Je peux comprendre le manque d’employé, mais le manque de gestion ça non. C’est très long avoir juste un café. 12 minutes et pas de line-up. Les employés font de leur mieux.manque de gestion.
22 September 2019 17:43
One of the worst Tim Hortons ever.always late drive through.the bosses of this store shouldn't only look at profit but to get some employees
19 September 2019 23:10
Tim Hortons similaire aux autres, stationnement, wifi, service au volant, à priximité de plusieurs commerces, coin très achalandé, pas de terrasses, le menu et les prix comme les autres Tim, longues heures d'ouverture.
06 September 2019 22:33
Puisque je suis rentré prendre un café au Tim horton, est ce que cela veut dire que j'ai ma citoyenneté Canadienne?
22 August 2019 7:59
Tye drive through employees hardly speak a word of English and if they don't understand they blame it on the customer "you don't understand" how hard is it to understand if you serve green tea or not? It was rude that i decided not to go back to this place anymore
15 August 2019 6:52
4 am, I’m the only customer waiting. Three employees are in plain sight, one of them mopping the floor, the other two doing nothing. 5 minutes later, I’ve screamed to get their attention (and some service) twice. The guy mopping the floor raised his head once but nobody still bothered to come take my order. Because to Tim Hortons employees customers aren’t important.
13 August 2019 12:18
Le Tim horton de marché central bd acadie est nul il faut changer les employés ou le gérant ils se trompent tjrs des commandes et jamais tu trouves ce que tu cherches toujours il te disent c'est fini même pas désolé
26 July 2019 5:23
Was waiting in line so long I wasn't sure if I was in a Just4Laughs prank
It looked like one employee working completely alone, working the line and also the drive thru. Hot summer night, the place was full of people, families, a high-pitched screaming baby, a debit machine that wasn't working properly, a line not moving because of mixed-up orders, miscommunication, hyperthermia, and everything sticky
Luckily remembered that just a block north is another Tim Hortons inside the gas station on Chabanel, so i escaped and got my coffee there
29 June 2019 1:47
Very slow
New self serve machine no bills available. I had to ask to prepare my order
Surely understaffed.
Staff was running like crazy
Order was not available and were replaced by something else.
28 June 2019 17:35
At 1045am on a Saturday I ordered 3 sandwiches. 20 minutes later I asked for a refund because I was tired of waiting.

It took another 4 minutes for them to find my receipt, that was beside their cash, to issue a refund.

Close to 30 minutes to not get anything.

The person who trained this staff is worthless. There was no manager to refund my debit card. They somehow didn’t have the cash.

What a ridiculous experience.

I watched them make 3 mistakes on other orders before me. And hand out orders that came 10 minutes after me.

At least 8 workers. And no one had any idea where any order was, or where my food was.
15 June 2019 1:37
Le plus petit rouleau que j’ai jamais vu chez tous les Tim! En plus le poulet que j’ai commander nest pas bon (demander croustillant)
09 June 2019 23:53
There is no respect from the management to the customers because.a lot of traffic with one person on the cashier. To take your order needs to stand at least 30 minutes in a row
10 April 2019 14:32
Service pourri. Je commande 3 filets de poulet et un coke ça me coûte 11,48$? !? Employés lents et non accueillants. Je commande tous les jours la même chose mais c’est jamais le même prix? !?
23 February 2019 5:36
J'aime vraiment beaucoup Tim Horton. MAIS quand il y a 4 commis derrière la caisse ou le comptoir et qu'il jasent entre eux et qu'il ne te donne pas de service qu'ils t'ignorent et quand il s'aperçoivent qu'il y a des clients.ils disparaissent dans la cuisine. Waow très désagréable. Où est le propriétaire de la bannière. Il me semble que ça coute très cher des employées qui ne foutent rien. Bref Tim Horton a évité, car votre patience sera mise à l'épreuve.

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