13 October 2023 3:59
I strongly advise against working at TTEC. The mistreatment of employees is rampant, with supervisors even intruding during the brief 30-minute lunch break. There's a worker named Alberto from Chile who has been harassing colleagues, and despite complaints, the issue is not being taken seriously. This workplace is rife with mobbing, where people are underpaid and subjected to aggressive management. They show no receptiveness to feedback or criticism. Do yourself a favor and seek alternative employment; avoid this place at all costs.

Je déconseille fortement de travailler chez TTEC. Les employés y sont maltraités, avec des superviseurs qui interrompent même pendant les courtes 30 minutes de pause déjeuner. Il y a un travailleur nommé Alberto du Chili qui harcèle ses collègues, et malgré les plaintes, le problème n'est pas pris au sérieux. Cet endroit est rempli de harcèlement moral, où les gens sont sous-payés et soumis à une gestion agressive. Ils ne sont pas ouverts aux commentaires ou aux critiques. Faites-vous une faveur et cherchez un autre emploi ; évitez cet endroit à tout prix.
06 June 2023 16:49
I've worked there last year. They never sent me my T4, the site to request the T4 doenst work and I've been trying to reach out to anyone there for 2 months. Its Impossible. Very unorganized company.
23 April 2023 8:21
Un conducteur qui roulait sur la voie à côté de nous c'est tassé sur nous et il nous a claxonné sur deux km avant de nous faire un doigt d'honneur et de nous engueuler ça ne donne vraiment pas envie de faire affaire avec une compagnie dont les employés sont aussi vulgaire grossier et dangereux
09 August 2022 5:15
Wish could give zero stars for their hiring process.
Untrained HR talent acquisitors.
First they will not tell you that for your interview, there will be 8 more individuals on the same zoom call.
The HR was so untrained that she was fumbling again and again. Worst part, the HR could not even read candidate’s name correctly; let us keep the pronunciation aside for obvious reasons.
The HR asked the same questions over the zoom call which were asked in the screening application itself. No other questions were asked.
Turns out, they hired the individual who already worked with TTEC and was returning to TTEC.
So what is the point of wasting other candidate’s time?
17 May 2019 6:32
This place is giving the best training for there services but treating their employees like robots, they don't care about workers and their families just get the job done or leave
17 April 2019 5:25
March 22, still no T4 for taxes, keep receiving communications about delays and problems.
Feb 28 is deadline for employers to provide, just so you know.

Did you raise production salaries yet?
29 March 2019 8:54
Avoid this disgusting, incompetent, racist company! It's a scumbag company that exists only to exploit minorities and immigrants! It is nothing more than a 21st century slave plantation, which one reviewer on reviews summed up perfectly!  
Constant last minute schedule changes, and I mean last minute without even telling the employees, which is a regularity. And then they try to penalize you for not knowing! They try to imply that you're their personal property! And Canada feels some form of moral superiority to the United States? !? !? HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!  

Rude and thoughtless managerial staff, constantly making up nonsense to try and laud some form of truly laughable authority over people because they're either new arrivals, refugees, etc. More victims of Canada's continuing Immigration PONZI SCHEME!  

Horrible pay!  But the golden part is they demand that employees be there and not even pay them for when they come into work, and have them logging in without pay, and with the myriad of systems you have to log into adds up significantly per pay period! A flagrant breach of employment laws!  

Ridiculous multitasking requests all at once, while having multiple pages, windows, tools etc open at once while at the same time you have to take notes from customers, while listening, and all of this within outrageous time constraints! And all for minimum wage garbage pay, with no commission at all!  

Constant outdated and malfunctioning equipment! Nothing by way of trying to rectify this issue. And of course, who gets blamed when things go wrong as a result? The employees!  

And also having the nerve to demand people who are sick or injured come in to work or risk being harassed, which of course is also against the law!  

PLEASE BOYCOTT ROGERS, FIDO, VIDEOTRON, ETC, who are some of the main evil corporations that use this worthless shithole known as TTEC, which is basically a wannabe plantation! Or at least until their scumbag ways and flagrant labour law breaking stop!
13 February 2019 22:55
Please avoid this cheerfully racist pit at all costs. Douglas A. Blackmon who wrote the book "Slavery by Another Name, " may have actually been thinking about this worthless, incompetent dump, as I cannot even refer to it as a real company. One would think that it's mind boggling that major names such as Videotron, Rogers, Fido and Canada Post would ever sign their name to being a part of this sh*t-hole, but I can't say I'm surprised.

Non-existent pay, over-worked and over burdened employees that are being grossly taken advantage of, as they are mostly new arrivals. The labor laws that are being broken by this 4th rate cesspool and pathetic excuse of a company are jaw dropping.

It's just more insight into Canada's typically racist and xenophobic employment culture that blatantly exploits skilled and educated immigrants and consigning them to 21st century "plantations, " such as this worthless dump TTEC, and other call centres across Canada. Although this is by far the worst I've ever seen.

All of course with the outrageous wink and nod of the Canadian government and it's blatant international con game in deceiving skilled professional immigrants into coming here.

And then having the unbelievable nerve to make smug comments about the USA and it's current racial issues. At least if you're qualified for a job in the US you get hired, and they don't have to lie to people in order to get them to emigrate, unlike this xenophobic, loser dump of a country that has to do just that!
28 January 2019 20:25
J ai passé 15 mois et je de bonnes souvenirs vraiment un excellent endroit pour débuter que je le suggère aux nouveaux arrivants
26 January 2019 21:58
Worst company ever.would never recommend anyone there.as a former employee with experience on the floor and different management and supervisor as well, they are the worst ever.just a waste of time working with the company

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