11 January 2024 8:45
Sofia provided exceptional service sorting out issues I had encountered with another Uhaul location.
Very professional and great customer service.
17 November 2023 17:53
Horrible service/place book an appointment to get a hitch installed at this location for them to tell me they cant do it and make me waste a day of work without even trying to rectify the situation for me.id give zero stars if i could. Not courteous for there mistakes and dont care about customer service at all… 10/10 would NOT recommend
10 November 2023 22:37
The central Uhaul office was not terribly helpful. However, when I spoke with this Lachine location, I was able to finalize everything in a most professional and efficient manner. Great people.
20 June 2023 14:37
The WORST experience ever! We waited an hour even when we arrived before our reservation time. Only two employees were there but only one was offering service. The other employee did not open up a second counter until at least 45 mins later. The line was accumulating and people were all kept waiting. When it was finally our turn, we were told without prior knowledge that 3 pieces of IDs are required but we only had two. We offered scanned version of additional ID but it wasn't accepted. Who goes around with 3 pieces of IDs all the time? And not even at a government agency or bank does anyone need 3 pieces of IDs. There was absolutely no sign of compassion or willingness to offer help or alternative solutions from the employee. So we had to head back home after wasting more than one hour. When we got home, it turned out that our reservation had been cancelled and no one even considered that we would return. We were just simply dismissed.
19 May 2023 21:46
La pire place à louer il faut vérifier vos carte de crédit il charge 3 fois le prix incroyable obliger de porter plainte pour fraude
12 February 2023 14:16
Probably the best Uhaul storage facility in the city! Climate controlled keeps your locker nice and comfortable
11 February 2023 16:25
Mauvais service, informations contradictoires entre les employés, service après vente désagréable. Ils nous ont finalement chargé le double de la location après nous avoir dit qu'il n'y avait pas de problème à revenir plus tard.
19 December 2022 3:40
I reserved a truck near my house in advance and a day before rental, they are calling to let me know that it is not available and you'll have to go and pick up from a place that is 30 minutes far. Although, they compensated for the extra drive but it wasted my time and gas. Secondly, I added moving pads as I had expensive couch to move and when I got the rental there were no pads. You cannot rely on them for your move. Not recommended. This review is not related to this location but UHaul overall.
16 December 2022 17:02
Terrible. Rats and mice here. Filed a claim regarding the damages to my belongings. I called numerous times to speak with someone, my only option was to request a call back from the manager. 1 1/2 months now I still haven't received any call or email. My sister called to cancel her account. The person on the phone confirmed the cancellation and did not specify that she needed to return the key card for the cancellation to be finalised, now she is being charged an additional month plus fees. Totally taking advantage of people. They did not take any responsibility, incompetence of the staff was ignored. To top it off it's an insanely expensive service even IF I could respect or rely on it. I definitely do not recommend this place, at least this location to be more specific.zero stars if I could.
07 December 2022 7:24
Find another spot there service is horrible!
It’s like you bother them for buisness!
They do not care if you are there or not!
24 November 2022 9:49

I had a $20 000 Persian rug destroyed by rats.


Not exactly impressed, but things could be a lot worse.

The day we went in to access our storage locker, they were under staffed, completely out of the heavy duty locks - the entire process took more than an hour+ despite having preemptively reserved the unit online.

The facility itself is very modern and clean. Multiple layers of security.

I should note, that i was rather frustrated with their misleading advertisement/marketing.

There were numerous 'extra fees', which are marketed as included in the price, when in fact you have to pay for 'extras' - like having 24/7 access - the advertised prices are extremely misleading
15 November 2022 3:53
I rented 5'X5'X10' storage here I was good in great condition they provide lock so you do not need to take one with you. But rat is the big problem here so keep rat tracking by your self to protect your stuff.
07 November 2022 2:31
Unbelievably rude manager, wouldn't give us a reason why our truck wasn't available, even though they confirmed the night before. This happened twice at this location
20 October 2022 2:16
Reservations for 9am here at 8: 50am 10: 45am I received my truck. Worst place to go. Avoid booking only one person at the counter
08 October 2022 12:54
Worst customer service. Customer service level has dropped at lot in canada. Nowadays nobody cares about Customer. Money always comes first. Companies are making money from customers and they dont care what we write here in reviews. I can see lot of bad reviews but nobody cares. Male manager was terrible in customer service. He had lot of ego and no respect. He was not willing to solve the problem and was a bad listener.
25 September 2022 11:06
J'ai réservé un camion longue distance pour un aller simple pour Québec. Ma réservation téléphonique n'a pas été prise convenablement. J'arrive aujourd'hui pour prendre ma réservation et on m'annonce que je dois retourner le camion pour midi. Le préposé est allé voir sa gérante et elle ne m'a aucunement accommodé et ne s'est même pas présentée au comptoir pour me parler. Je me retrouve le jour de mon déménagement sans camion. Vraiment service exécrable!
24 September 2022 7:46
Fully stocked, and serviced with a smile.

I would not have a problem going back again. My reservation was booked 30 minutes before I arrived and everything was setup and ready to go.

Hook up was quick, return equipment quickly and hassle free as well.
22 September 2022 8:48
It was the worst service that can exist in this city. Today is Saturday and we had an appointment at 7: 30 in the morning. The reception department had only one attendant and he didn't care at all that there was a long queue. We protested and he said you should stay in line. I am sorry for you with your catastroph service.

C'était le pire service qui puisse exister dans cette ville. Aujourd'hui c'est samedi et on avait rendez-vous à 7h30 du matin. Le service de réception n'avait qu'un seul agent et il se fichait du tout qu'il y ait une longue file d'attente. Nous avons protesté et il a dit que vous devriez rester en ligne. Je suis désolé pour vous avec votre service d'urgence.
16 September 2022 0:31
Wait time was ridiculous to get a trailer considering we were the only customers at least an hour
31 August 2022 14:35
So I reserved a 10 foot cube truck on July 1st 2022 for July 30th 2022 10am. Thé online experience was ok. They sent me a confirmation that my truck will be reserved for me. So I come to the uhaul at 9: 30 because from past experience the paper work might take some time. When I enter there is a line of roughly 30 people. I wait 90 mins for my turn. I get to the counter and they person is like unfortunately you truck has not come back from the past client so you can get a truck at an other u-hall 30 km away in 2 hours time or wait for the other client to return the truck. So I decide to wait for the other client since I don’t have a car with me to go to the other u-haul. They take my phone number and tell me they will call me when my truck arrives. I wait 2 more hours on site and now I’m hungry so go for lunch. When I’m out for lunch I see that my reservation is canceled and now it’s like 4pm so I don’t decide to go back.
28 August 2022 4:17
Les employés sont plus compétents que leur gérant. Ne faite pas affaire avec lui.

Après 1 mois d’attente pour l’achat d’une remorque, plusieurs appel et message texte je me suis redeplacer pour voir ce qui ce passait et il était en train de finaliser la transaction de la dite remorque avec un autre client.

Quel perte de temps et manque de respect.
26 August 2022 17:00
Jamais pus JAMAIS j'vais faire affaire avec U-Haul.mon conteneur était supposé arrivé hier, aucune notification de changements aujourd'hui mon conteneur est toujours pas arrivé, ils ont pris le paiement, et ils ne répondent pas au téléphone.
Worst service ever! Never again I'll deal with U-Haul, absolutely ZERO customer services, they can't even answer their phone nor return any call, they just took the paiement, and still no container at the door after 2 days
24 August 2022 22:00
The new staff are horrible and rude. The manager swore and shouted at us for not knowing how to sign in…we were not told how, nor given ant hint of instruction to how to sign in. Alarms seem to be always going off in storage with no one checking in to see what’s happening…. Just how secure is this place? Horrible horrible experience.
08 August 2022 0:05
Clean truck, polite and knowledgeable staff make the rental experience seamless and smooth!
27 July 2022 13:37
We had an appointment booked to get a hitch installed. No one called to confirm our appointment time, so we had to call. Got it all confirmed finally, ignoring the rude staff member we had on the call. Then, we came in at our appointment time, only to be told someone had rescheduled it, and bumped it to the next week. Without letting us know. And that's not doable for us, as we absolutely needed the gear installed on the day we confirmed our appointment for. Not sure if this was 100% this location's fault, or if it was customer service's doing? The employees did however squeeze us in, after looking at other locations, and we got our hitch installed after a 4 hour wait. So they definitely get credit for that.
14 May 2022 23:07
Long story short I reserved a specific truck came early like a normal person, ended up having to wait n taking something I didn’t reserve because the truck wasn’t there no straps and I was missing the dolly’s. The only positive part was the two girls pushing to get me out of there. I do thank them for correcting their errors but there system is unorganized-pick up and drop off was confusing. Labels on the dash delayed the return process. Trucks were clean, smelt nice worked well.
16 November 2021 23:01
Same than oother comments. Reserved two weeks in advance and reservation was canceled 1 day in advance without any notice. Avoid this place worst service possible
08 November 2021 17:57
This place is unbelievable. Avoid it like the plague. I got a guaranteed reservation one way into Toronto. I wait in line for an hour only to be told that the reservation was moved to Sherbrooke 150km away. I scrambled to find other reservations and hilariously found one apparently available at the same location. Made a new reservation for different truck, again guaranteed. Waited in line again only to be told that they made another mistake and they didn't have it. I would do anything to avoid this location. The guarantee means nothing
25 August 2021 13:25
Great staff and excellent service!
One of the very few locations that has a car trailer available and they're open on a Sunday.
Returns are easy and hassle free.

Price is reasonable too. Definitely worth going here since they'll cover all your truck rental and moving needs!
02 August 2021 13:08
If you pay by cash they make you wait to get your refund upon returning your truck/equipment. If you’re in a rush or impatient they use it as an excuse to mail you a check 4-6 weeks later. Manager doesn’t do anything except sit in his office talking about hockey while one agent serves customers, regardless of how many customers are waiting in line. Avoid this location if possible.
09 July 2021 2:09
I made an appointment for a hitch installation twice with them and each time they canceled my appointment without informing me in any way! Nobody at the customer service was capable to explain what happened! Amazing company. Never rely on them.
07 July 2021 5:06
They do not advise you of the location until after your appointment time has passed. They ask you for a preferred location upon reservation and never advise you that it might be a different location. We called the day before and they confirmed that the pick location was the preferred one we chose. When we got there it wasn't. In addition, they changed the pick up time the morning of. Once we arrived at the right location, we had to wait in line for over an hour. This is unacceptable.
06 August 2020 17:33
j'ai loué un véhicule, donné ma Mastercard pour la caution. Au retour, le paiement final se fait par Interact. La MC est annulée me confirme-t-on.
Le véhicule était impeccable, tout s'est bien passé.

En vérifiant mes comptes, je m'aperçois que ma caution est débitée! Le lendemain, je suis resté en ligne de 8: 30am à midi trente. J'ai été traîné de services en services, de Lachine (jamais de réponse) à Montréal et même Ottawa! J'ai enfin eu une jeune femme désolée de la Centrale de Montréal qui m'a dit que le remboursement ne se ferait que dans une semaine!
Au bout de près de quatre heures de téléphone, j'ai enfin compris que la caution servait à financer cette compagnie pendant UNE SEMAINE. à mon détriment évidemment!
Je suppose que Uhaul reçoit en plus des aides des gouvernements en cette période de Covid-19. En plus de me spolier par un "prêt" forcé de ma part, non défini au départ.

J'ai trouvé que le respect d'un contrat entre personne était bafoué. J'ai rempli ma part de contrat telle que stipulée. Je n'ai pas à laisser ma caution sans contrepartie pendant une semaine. La période de congé, PCU, etc est déjà assez difficile à supporter sans avoir en plus à gérer ça!
19 April 2020 2:42
À plusieurs reprises nous avons fait des réservations à ce u haul, à chaques fois le temps d’attente est tout simplement ridicule mais cela n’est pas tout. Le Super Gérant qui moi et ma conjointe pensons qu’il a des parts avec U-Haul traite la clientèle avec aucun professionnalisme et ce permet même d’avoir c’est propre régle de remboursement concernant des achats fait (pelliculé non utilisé, couverture mais ne veut pas respecté les lois qui autorise ce remboursement dans les 30 jours mais en plus d’attendre en moyenne à chaques fois 40-50 min pourtant avec réservation les
Camions ne sont jamais prêt et il sont sale, les portes gelé, manques de laves glaces sont pas déneiger et pourtant la réservation sert quoi si il s’occupe pas de préparer ça flotte pour le lendemain c’est pas de l’aéronautique ou une Chiurgie à cœur ouvert. Bref petit gérant qui ce prend pour un autres avec un attitude de.et qui est pas foutus de s’occuper des réservations et de préparer la flottes pour la journée d’après

Très très ordinaire bye bye U-Haul y en a d’autre compétiteur
29 December 2019 19:48
A bunch of unprofessional and unorganized staff
very bad experience with those people despite i have already rent 1 year before a truck from another branch and it was a total different better experience
Uhaul Lachine is not recommended at all
02 December 2019 7:08
DO NOT INSTALL HITCH OR HAVE ANY WORK DONE HERE.that is my fair warning to you. Here is full story. I originally made an appointment to have a hitch installed at this ungodly place by prepaying on debit (total mistake), I set the appointment for 2 weeks in advance just to be sure everything would be ok, 1 day prior to my appointment I get a phone call from jonathon telling me that they did not receive the wiring to install the hitch and he could postpone for the next week, he suggested monday but I said lets keep the same time and date for the following week.jonathon proceeds to call me 1 hour later telling me he got the wiring and could do it now, but I had already left Montreal so I confirmed we keep the same date and time. 8am the day of appointment I get a phone call telling me that they cannot hold my reservation and try to postpone again, at this point it has already been 3 weeks since paying for the reservation and I told him I could no longer further postpone it, so I show up at my original time and it is 1 single 78 year old man working In the garage, I know this because I asked him after he threatened me with vice grips.and he was not able to keep up with the amount of work, 2 car hitches to put on before me when your day starts at 730 means you are working a little bit slowly. I even offered to help the frail old man but they refused there is a woman named Bianca who is a real spawn of satan and will only yell at you and not even listen to anything you say, they are some of the most incompetent people on the planet.please do not cheap out and just spend the extra 100 by going to a reputable mechanic
20 October 2019 19:00
Very nice and clean surprisingly. It looks very updated. Not a place i would be afraid to go to at night.
20 October 2019 9:00
Aucune communication, on fait le retour d'un camion et la personne prends les clés les donne a un commis, parle en anglais avec puis elle va dans un bureau. Après quelques minutes, on entend "vous pouvez aller dehors, la réception ce fait a l'extérieur". Ho wow on est supposé le savoir?
21 September 2019 2:36
We needed a pick-up truck and an "auto-transport" (trailer). The staff was very professional and showed us how to operate the auto-transport before we left.

When we came back, they gave us the rate that was the most advantageous for the number of kilometers we had done, saving us 10% on the expected bill.
16 September 2019 0:37
Called 15 times put on hold for 45 minutes. Went down there in person. The manager was too busy counting money in the office to serve me. My bill was put up without them even telling me. They charged me extra for climate control which was broken for the first month. No discount. This is a very poorly run facility.
With rude employees.
06 September 2019 19:38
Pire service a la clientele ever, 30minutes sur la ligne a attendre un mercredi soir et je suis encore sur la boite vocal, asser incroyable.
13 August 2019 7:45
Didn't have the hitch we ordered and said (we'd booked the day/time 2 weeks before) that they didn't do that kind of work on that day. Didn't call to reschedule, just told us after we'd showed up.
13 August 2019 5:10
Though not the fault of staff experience here was very bad. Location is understaffed. Show up 1 hour in advance or expect to lose 1 hour of your paid reservation block. Turn up after your scheduled drop off time and expect to pay a $50.00 penalty. This is no way to run a business.
06 August 2019 8:45
Not exactly impressed, but things could be a lot worse.

The day we went in to access our storage locker, they were under staffed, completely out of the heavy duty locks - the entire process took more than an hour+ despite having preemptively reserved the unit online.

The facility itself is very modern and clean. Multiple layers of security.

I should note, that i was rather frustrated with their misleading advertisement/marketing.

There were numerous 'extra fees', which are marketed as included in the price, when in fact you have to pay for 'extras' - like having 24/7 access - the advertised prices are extremely misleading
19 July 2019 7:13
I returned all the equipment in perfect condition, and the guy who took the keys said all was good, next day I receive a bill for 30$ saying that I did not return the dolly, when I DID!
and I've been calling since to get refunded, but they keep hanging up on me or putting me on hold and never getting back. THEY ARE THIEVES WHO ARE STEALING FROM CLIENTS
16 July 2019 5:02
Staff is super friendly and very knowledgeable.if you aren't sure of exactly what veichle you require, the staff will assess your needs and offer you a truck based on your needs. I recommend this spot to everyone you needs to rent a U-Haul.
08 July 2019 6:55
Nous avons réservé un camion à cet endroit pour arriver sur place et nous faire dire que celui-ci était disponible à la succursale de Lachine (nous n'avons pas eu de texto ni email pour nous prévenir). La dame nous avait proposé de négocier à Lachinr un crédit de 50$ pour l'inconvénient, mais l'employé de Lachine nous a dit que c'est la succursale Jean-Talon qui devait faire le crédit, bien que nous avons payé à celui de Lachine. Les employés des deux succursales semblaient assez désintéressé, mais particulièrement celui de Lachine. Le camion allait bien cependant.
06 July 2019 3:51
Did not inform us that insurance was not part of the reservation, and let us drive off uninsured. Refused to add insurance without us driving all the way back (while uninsured)
16 June 2019 2:36
The staff was great but we waited over an hour to get our reservation ready.there was just too much people for the staff to handle. Let's say we didn't thought it would take that long and that put us on a big rush for the move.
16 February 2019 8:12
Un service après vente désastreux.j'avais installé une attaché remorque.magané tout le cache de ma voiture (travail la professionnel). J'ai rappelé pour in problème électrique qui cause des problèmes dans ma voiture.incroyable service d'une personne qui travail là-bas.très arrogants.et n'arrête pas de dire ce n'est pas moi qui a fait l'installation même si je parle de uhaul.j'ai une garantie et un papier pour preuve que j'ai payé sur internet.mais il n'arrête pas de me dire qu'il faut la vrai facture sinon on va vous charger 126$. La mésaventure n'a pas encore terminé. Et j'attend une réponse du service à la clientèle d'uhaul.envoyé courriel hier
05 January 2019 5:15
Great staff, very helpful and friendly. Great facilities, and equipment clean and organized. This is the best U-Haul I have ever been to.

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