06 November 2023 12:21
Terrible experience as worker and customer.
Fake delivery attempts. Lazy drivers, trash customer service. Liars. Why do you guys have to bring your misery to us?
11 October 2023 15:31
Service pathétique. Ne vous fiez surtout pas aux dates de livraison prévues! Votre colis arrivera en retard. C’est la seule chose sur laquelle vous pouvez compter!
07 September 2023 6:17
Came to pick up a parcel,
First of all let’s begin that there was no one at the front desk.
They’re door was open and 3 employees where chit chatting about life behind the wall.

Once they acknowledged me, it took 25 mins for them to pick up my parcel.

Even infront of me they were still talking about life and not paying attention to me as a client.

Worst experience I’ve ever had at a UPS location.

Time & Date
5: 15pm to 5: 55pm
July 18 2023
*Photo attached
13 August 2023 4:38
Nous sommes une compagnie et nous voulons avoir nos factures en français et nous ne sommes pas capable. Lorsqu'on téléphone ils nous disent que c'est un problème technique et nous transfert au service mais c'est en anglais encore. Après 2 heures en lignes avec eux je n'ai toujours pas mes factures en français. Donc je vous conseille de faire affaire avec une autre compagnie comme Purolator ou GLS pour vos envoies, meilleurs service que UPS et en français.
20 May 2023 11:31
Service pourri, à chaque fois que je commande en ligne et que je sais que UPS va livrer, je sens que je vais avoir des problèmes ou des frais de douanes ridicules. Les livreurs ne passent même pas, pas de reçu sur la porte et laisse le colis aux points de service… non mais à quoi servez-vous!? Si vous êtes incapable de faire la livraison, faites sous-traiter à Amazon…
19 May 2023 6:19
They showed up twice with my package demanding I pay them more although I already paid it and they took my package back with them. Now my package has been marked “on the way” for the past week. They say attempted delivery which is a lie and I’ve called multiple times over the week.
17 May 2023 13:10
The items I ordered three times was sent by UPS, whiteout having a saying. They manage to meet all the one star ratings comments at all off my ordered. "Bravo" UPS, 100% failure! I urge the fellow citizens to chose other carriers when they can, if they want to avoid lies and rescheduled messages. Shame, shame UPS.
30 April 2023 9:48
EDIT: last few deliveries were well executed so I added two stars!

They don't even bother to ring the bell. At first I thought it was an accident but I eventually realized that it is common practice amongst delivery personnel. Probably the worst delivery service available in the Montreal area.
01 March 2022 0:33
Horrible work environment they fire people on the daily too save money. Its being run by young individuals with no respect for their workers and no wonder why none wants too come too work on time. Most of the people i worked with already quit it would be a good work environment if they had more supervisors who actually did their jobs instead of making new people do it and then they end up quitting. Ive worked there for about three years and from day one it never changed ive seen people come in go every day they fire more then they hire. They should clear out management and hire all new people or this place will fail simple.people in the work place even committed Suicide and sent letters too the buliding blaming them and thats not even the tip of the spear
23 February 2022 2:02
I honestly don't know how they are still in business. If I could chose the delivery company I would NEVER choose them. There's issues with their deliveries almost EVERY SINGLE time, their customer service is horrendous and their internal tracking system for packages absolutely sucks. It is almost a guarantee that your package will be either lost or delayed by several weeks because of their incompetence.

I rarely even write reviews about companies, but everyone needs to know how bad they are. I am assuming their senior management does not read reviews, because nothing ever changes. Companies should give us the option to choose our delivery company, and they would not have any business left.
07 February 2022 19:42
Very bad service, paye cher une lettre recomande express avec signature requise ca cout 62,83$, mais finalement, lettre a ete envoye express sans signature tres important pour notre demande,
07 February 2022 10:08
C'est le pire service de livraison existant. Mes colis ne sont jamais livré, ils retournent aux entrepôts sans laisser d'avis, et retournent mes colis aux expediteurs.
23 January 2022 13:09
Bonjour je ne peux pas donner une car UPS ne mérite que du négatif suite à un envoi de colis de France le 08/12/2021 et il n'est pas encore livré toujours bloqué à Lachine j'ai payé pour qu'il soit livré le 14/12/2021 certes il a été livré près de chez moi et il est resté jusqu'au 21/12/2021 j'ai du faire une réclamation. Le colis une fois expédié il est au chaud depuis le 28/12/2021 et ce n'est pas fini nous sommes le 06/01/2022. Affaire à suivre
21 January 2022 8:40
UPS received a package for me, and sent me a letter dated Nov 2nd which I received Nov 23rd, to pay import fees. I called the same day to pay them, they took my money and then I never got the package. Two weeks later I call (I had no tracking number) and they told me they got rid of the package on Nov 5th. No one came to my door, and the package was shipped from Florida on Oct 26th.
21 January 2022 0:17
Colis livré à l'adresse de mon voisin et boîte endommagée à cause qu'un employé a marché sur mon colis (on voit très bien la trace de semelle)
18 January 2022 22:37
La pire compagnie qui puisse exister. Pour faire payer des frais aux gens UPS est très rapide par contre pour donner une date de livraison, les versions des agents et superviseurs sont différentes. Mon expéditeur a déposé mon colis chez UPS depuis le 04 décembre pour une livraison de UPS en 3 jours. Donc comprenez que jusqu'aujourd'hui UPS détient mes colis en otage je sais pas où. Incroyable et décevant.en lisant les autres commentaires, je comprends que perdre les colis des gens où les tenir en otage c'est monnaie courante chez eux.
14 January 2022 4:40
I was here just shortly after 8 AM in December 2021. I had never been here and had to be walked through the whole process, but I had great teachers in the counter help!
11 January 2022 10:58
UPS a perdu un de mes colis et tente de blâmer l'expéditeur. J'ai appelé 3 fois le service à la clientèle et 3 agents m'ont donné 3 explications différentes. A éviter à tout prix comme service de livraison.
02 January 2022 7:09
INCROYABLE, que ce passe t il dans votre entreprise vraiment, - en attente d un produit qui vient de l autre bout du monde - en express - arrive en seulement 3 jours sur le canada en ayant parcouru le monde- livraison prévu et notifie, puis le jour même j attends jusqu a meme 21h devant les portes de la boutique ou je travail.bien qu on est ferme a 19
. Car livraison dit en cours.puis rien.silence radio, le lendemain le colis disparaît de la livraison est ce trouve de nouveau en traitement depuis 5 jours.impossible de le localiser.de meme savoir si quelqu un la.plus aucune trace.au téléphone on me dit que cela va s actualiser dans la journée.mais rien.puis 2 jours plus tard de nouveau il ce retrouve a l exportation sur l aéroport de mirabel, la ou il etait deja passe une semaine avant, retour au destinataire.comment pouvons nous etre un si gros fournisseur de transport de colis.et avoir un service aussi catastrophique.je suis triste et en colère.je ne peux rien faire, ni intervenir.un colis a 600 $. Mais j ai paye pour ce service de 60 $ de frais de transport.j ai paye pour etre avec vous.sans parler de frais de services de dédouanement et les taxes.
28 December 2021 3:04
Le pire service de livraison au Canada. Ils ont perdu mon colis et le livreur a indiqué livré a telle heure devant la porte.alors qu'il ne s'est jamais présenté chez moi (camera de surveillance à l'appui). Je fais une réclamation et puis silence radio. J'appelle le service et ca va a un centre d'appel en France.ils se contentent de vous informer que la plainte est enregistrée - et qu'une enquête est en cours.et puis vous attendez toujours et rien ne se passe. Vous n'avez personne à qui parler a Montreal. J'ai contacté mon fournisseur (COSTCO), ils m'ont dit que ca depasse leurs prerogatives des lors que le colis est sorti de chez eux.
Voila.ca tourne en rond.et UPS ne reagit point. J'espere que c'est la derniere fois que j'ai affaire avec eux. La prochaine fois que j'acheterai quelque chose je verifierai d'abord leur compagnie de livraison. Si c'est UPS j'irai AILLEURS.tout sauf UPS
19 December 2021 20:28
As an ex employee I can say that ups has good company Etiquette but there some of there managing staff that should be fired then maybe people will wanna work.
12 December 2021 5:49
The lady that served me was super helpful! I made some mistakes in my shipping papers and she put it all in order.
09 December 2021 16:44
I would give UPS a ZERO if I could. They do not deliver on the promised dates. The charge brokerage fees that are 50% the value of the package. The WORST company ever to deal with. Avoid at all costs.
23 November 2021 6:54
Mauvais service à la clientèle la dame je lui ai expliqué de m'envoyé le colis pour demain après d'un moment j'ai reçu une notification disant que je doit venir la ramasser
22 November 2021 18:08
Deserves 0 star! Constantly been fooled around by UPS for 7 days. They have been holding my package for 6 days and still it has not been delivered. Their agents are Unprofessional and know absolutely nothing. Unfortunately my review won't make a difference as they don't care about the customers at all.
21 November 2021 1:11
Si on pouvais donner moins d'une étoile je le ferais avec grand plaisir! Non mais tsé je ne comprend pas, mon colis est bloquer à la chine pendant 6 jours! Mon colis viens de la coré du sud, sa la pris une journée jusqu'au USA. Vous 6 jours à Lachine QC? ! Koss qui se passe.
18 November 2021 1:30
I wish I could give 0 stars.
I have tried contacting UPS 3 times now to file a complaint about our driver. He has thrown our packages, broken our inventory, and has told me to shut up.
Every time I call UPS, they say the depot will call me. No one has called me.
This driver cannot complete his job. He is aggressive, rude, and disrespectful.
07 September 2021 13:58
It would be easier if you buy a plane ticket and go to the country where you want your parcel to be sent.then to deal with UPS. WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER, I mean where is your marketing and customer service team? You have more than one thousand and four hundred people who rated you and you got one start! A McDonald's broken ice cream machine would probably get more stars than that! I will try my very very best to talk to every single person I know on earth to stop using UPS. I will make it my job.until the company hopefully goes bankrupt and closes
10 August 2021 9:34
This is one of the worst service I've ever seen, I haven’t received my package until now! I don't understand every time i track my stuff and it says *destination scan*. Should I blame the poor service or the delivery guy! I'm looking forward to speak with your mother yuger supervisor to view my case!
04 August 2021 12:17
Seriously. Just the worst. I don't know if UPS is any good elsewhere but this center is a disaster.
30 July 2021 13:33
Was supposed to be picked up due to it be perishable good and was shipped out without my permission
21 July 2021 22:55
Je CA-POTE. Plusieurs jours que j'attends mon colis et on me dit que ce n'est pas mon adresse qui est founie sans avoir essayé de me livrer!
17 July 2021 16:26
60$ for a 140$ online buy, go F youselfs UPS! And i also had to go pick it up myself 20km from my house. Again, go F youselfs! Wish a could vote zero.
12 July 2021 21:45
Dans le dictionnaire, à la définition du mot "incompétence", ils devraient ajouter "UPS" à titre d'exemple. Si je pouvais donner zéro étoile à mon review, je le ferais.
09 July 2021 13:29
Very very disorganized. The distribution centre doesn’t coordinate with the UPS app or general customer service line properly. My package was stuck in a triangle between the three of them. I don’t blame the drivers, who are always polite and professional, there’s a lack of communication and coordination higher up.
03 July 2021 13:13
Terrible Service! The delivery guy didn’t even Ring or Attempt To even Knock! Worse service ever! They didn’t call me or email me either! Canpar is the Best! Never again ups
23 June 2021 22:42
Pas capable de lire une adresse maintenant il faut que j'attende 2semaines de plus pour mon colis:) en plus je me fait obstiner que c'est pas mon adresse.okay? !? ! Je me demande bien où je vie alors? ! C'est pas la première fois que j'utilise UPS et j'ai jamais eu se problème.
13 June 2021 23:05
If only zero stars was an options. I have never had worse customer service in my entire life. A very important package was unable to be delivered due to a mistake in the address that was made by an employee at the initial UPS store I visited. After I had fixed the address I received a failed delivery attempt notification although I was waiting at home to receive my package no knock on the door, no call, no nothing just a failed delivery attempt notification. I decided to request a pickup as I was sick of this excuse of a delivery attempt regardless of the fact that I had paid a very expensive fee for their "express" service and when I asked where I would have to pick it up from the customer service representative gave me the wrong pick up location and informed me that I would be refused my package. I spoke to 7 different customer service representatives who all told me different information and were also extremely rude and insensitive to the fact that my very important package was basically no where to be found. I finally received a notice that my package was left at a pick up point that was different from the one I was told to pick it up from and I finally picked up my package that was severely damaged and battered, from a man who did not even ask for proper identification. If you care about the safety of your packages please DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE use this service. Truly despicable.
05 June 2021 16:22
When a delivery company tells you they cant deliver and calls you back to let you know they might or
might not deliver. It’s ridiculous!
19 May 2021 18:14
Le statut est 'livré' alors que j'ai rien reçu et lorsque j'appelle pour faire une réclamation ils me demandent de chercher chez les voisins!
11 May 2021 3:07
La pire compagnie EVER il te livre pas ensuite dit que tu a appaler pour changé la date de livraison ensuite
tu dois aller toi même le.chercher a la CHINE really
23 April 2021 10:41
Le service à la clientèle est épouvantable. Une heure d'attente pour recevoir un colis, car l'employé est incapable de le retrouver. Si vous avez la chance, prenez un autre transporteur.
12 April 2021 4:27
Plus jamais.
Pire service ever!
Vraiment des gars qui ne savent rien du tout, incapable de donner un suivi détaillé, et de nous expliquer les délai qui ne sont jamais respectés.
Vous prenez vraiment les gens pour des c**s, avec des frais comme les votre, les clients devraient avoir un service irréprochable, c'est loin d'être le cas.
Vous allez voir des plaintes en continuant comme ça.
Bravo les champions, vous avez tout compris.
02 April 2021 14:48
The same driver has been making fraudulent "refused deliver" notices and returning packages to sender for over a year. UPS claims they will take the driver off the rout and the manager from this branch will contact me but nothing. This branch is pure garbage
15 March 2021 20:14
Service épouvantable. UPS Canada n'est pas l'ombre de qu'il est aux USA. Plusieurs colis destinés à ma femme et moi-même sont restés pris dans un statut incompréhensible pendant des semaines, voir des mois. Service à la clientèle complètement inutile. Allez avec DHL ou même Postes Canada. Si UPS est la seule option disponible, cherchez un autre produit!
17 February 2021 3:42
This is the only way I can send my message about their delivery guys.
Since Covid, I have ordered much more online for deliveries. The two UPS guys on my route (Maisonneuve, Montreal) : Roman (sp), Larry et al have been exemplary and courteous in their deliveries and are what UPS employees should be. They deserve a raise for what they are doing!
My compliments to them!
22 January 2021 20:20
28 February 2019 15:20
Uber can tell where my driver is these bozos cant tell me where my package is if i want lousy service i use canada post use Purolator
10 February 2019 12:36
Terrible customer service. They don't take any measures to make a bad experience better. I got hung up on the phone with them. Bravo!
31 January 2019 13:01
Je ne comprends pas comment un livreur n’est pas capable de livrer un colis à une bonne adresse, ça ne demande pas un diplôme! Là mon colis est perdu bravo hein
23 January 2019 9:43
RIDICULE.on ne livre pas mon cadeau a cause de condition meterologiue, Je leur offre d'aller le cherce MOI MEME dans les etablissement pi on me dit que ce nest pas possible. Je comprend pas. Je leur sauve du temps en allant le cherche.
13 January 2019 15:01
ZERO star is better!
Worst customer service ever! They even do not know where the package is and when it would be delivered.
They do NOT know how to interact with customers with respect. They do not even try to help.
06 January 2019 12:00
This was one of the biggest most stressful wastes of my time ever. I ordered something from the States, therefore there are duties to pay. I pay them online (didn't even get a confirmation email or receipt. Good thing I used PayPal) and they still refused to leave the package with my wife without payment. I then called the customer service line who ensured me my package will be ready for pick-up the same night at 7: 00 at this Lachine location. So I drive out of my way to pick up the package only to be completely disrespected by the disgruntled employee who obviously hates his job, and told that my package is not there.
Never have your packaged delivered to this location and if you can, try to avoid using UPS at all.
I suggest FedEx. I have never had an issue with FedEx.
05 January 2019 0:09
If a no star review was available, that’s the one I would use. Worst. Delivery. Service. Ever. I signed for my package online thinking it will speed up the process, took 3 “by the end of day” days to receive it, only to be dropped off at an incorrect location! When I called and asked where, they were not at liberty to tell me. It took about 8 phone calls (between the lines getting cut, switching me to different departments and hanging up on me) to open a case to alert the driver who was still on the road to go retrieve it and promised me i would get it by EOD, and guess what? Nothing. So now my package is at someone else’s house and they expect me to believe they will go retrieve it at a later date. Is this a joke? You’re a delivery man. You literally had ONE job, deliver it to the location that is on your route! Couldn’t even do that.
03 January 2019 16:21
My PASSPORT and $700 Visa were LOST by this UPS Centre, which is ridiculous. I paid for 2 day express and expected better service from a company that charges so much for their shipping. This has caused me to have to file for a new passport, a new visa, and STILL pay for an extra envelope, not to mention the fact that I am leaving soon and needed these files in a timely manner. I am FURIOUS.
30 December 2018 17:37
Horrible Experience. Appalling Customer Service. I still have no idea why suppliers/company's still use this company as a delivery method.
29 December 2018 0:28
Worst delivery company. Period. Paid for express shipping. Cleared customs days ago. Still no update or any positive news. Every time you call them, you get someone from South East Asia who doesn't have a clue what to do or say. My recommendation.use Fed Ex. Only reason I pressed one star was because there was no other option. They don't even deserve that. Absolute joke of a company. Would have been better off to strap my package on a stray cat with no passport. Would have been delivered by now. Avoid the lies and the excuses. Anyone but UPS
20 December 2018 23:19
I gave you 1 star but to be honest you don't deserve any over the last week I've been calling you to get my package, I paid the fees and I've been told that my package will arrive, but nothing I waited last Thursday all they long and the delivery never came, I called and the only explanation is because my address doesn't exist really! So they told me they would try to deliver on Monday once again waited but never came TWO full days lost. UPS is the worst postal service company. I 'll refuse in the future to deal with any company using Ups they services SUCKS.
17 December 2018 4:35
Un vrai cauchemar!

Tout d'abord sachez que je suis sérieusement atteint d'insuffisance cardiaque. Maintenant, par deux fois ces gens m'ont fait faux bond, par deux fois personne ne s'est présenté chez moi le jour prévu, la première fois pour une livraison et la deuxième pour un ramassage. Le pire, c'est que le soutien à la clientèle exige plusieurs informations pour ouvrir la discussion sur votre cas, vous promet finalement vers 8 heures du soir que quelqu'un bous rappellera sans faute le lendemain matin, ce qu'ils ne font strictement JAMAIS. Je ne peux me déplacer et je dois attendre encore une fois le bon vouloir de ces gens qui n'ont aucune éthique, je suis furieux!

UPS, plus jamais chez moi!
06 December 2018 0:36
Absouletly the worst service.anfcwill lie straight to your face to cover there mistakes.incompetent company. Never attempt delivery and no notification at door.would never use or recommend ever again.even if it was free
13 November 2018 19:18
UPS in the states is awesome. When it comes to Montreal with these lazy workers it’s a different story. UPS HQ you really need to secret shop your locations. The workers that you have working at this location access point (machine, Montreal) are the worst you can find.

They don’t care about anything. Just want to have their smoke breaks and lunch and walk around with dirty uniforms.
It’s an absolute embarrassment and I’m amazed that you guys never tried to improve, ever.

As for the workers at the access point of Montreal lachine, good luck.
You guys can only work as a general labor for so long and possibly the rest of your life is because your attitude.
Hooray on seeing more homeless people on the street.
03 November 2018 10:14
Non of the last 10 purchases supposed to be delivered by UPS was delivered properly. When you ask to drop the box in front of your dwelling door - thy say OK and bring the box to their pickup office. When you ask to deliver to the pickup office - they drop it in front of the door. UPS My Choice doesn’t work as well. You will just wait few more days before they process your request. Sometimes they just don’t show up and declare missed delivery. Looks that they don’t care. Other carriers deliver fine. I would avoid having any deal with UPS
17 September 2018 0:21
Je n'ai jamais eu pire service à la clientèle que chez UPS. J'ai manqué la première livraison, donc j'ai appelé UPS pour leur demander de conserver mon colis au Customer Center, sachant que je ne suis jamais à la maison lors des heures de livraison. La personne me dit de passer le lendemain. Le jour suivant, le livreur a essayé de livrer à nouveau. J'ai rappelé pour me faire dire que la note est bien au système mais que le shipping n'a pas fait sa job. Le service m'assure que je peux passer le lendemain. Le jour suivant, le livreur vient pour une 3e tentative de livraison. J'appelle une nouvelle fois au service à la clientèle. Milles excuses, ils m'assurent que c'était la dernière tentative et que je peux passer le lendemain, mon colis va m'attendre au comptoir. Je me présente donc au comptoir le jour convenu pour me faire dire que mon colis est dans un trailer, impossible d'aller le chercher. L'employé au comptoir est très arrogant. Je passe 30 minutes au téléphone pour me faire dire la même chose: impossible d'aller récupérer mon colis. L'employé se confond en excuses, me dit que je n'aurai pas à payer les frais de livraison et qu'il me rappelera personnellement pour me dire quand je pourrai aller chercher mon colis. 2 jours plus tard, toujours pas de nouvelle. J'appelle à nouveau pour me faire dire que mon colis est au comptoir. Je confirme qu'il n'y aura pas de frais à payer, la personne me met en attente pour 15 minutes puis la ligne coupe. Nouvel appel, 20 minutes en attente, la ligne coupe. 3e appel, 10 minutes en attente pour me faire dire que les notes à mon dossier sont introuvables. À ce jour, je n'ai toujours pas mon colis après plus de 9 jours suivant la livraison initiale et aucune note au dossier confirmant que je ne dois pas payer les frais. Sans compter que je n'ai toujours pas idée si mon colis est en bon état. Vraiment pathétique.
16 September 2018 23:11

I was hosting a large event and ordered shirts for 100+ people. Not only did I not receive the shirts in time, in fact, have yet to receive them. The event is over and I just came home to nothing on my doorstep/mailbox.

Not only did I have to call UPS several times and wasted an incredible amount of time (which I didn't have, considering I was hosting a massive event), I personally drove two hours out of my way to go to the UPS warehouse where the package was scanned in (at 8: 44 am on the 4th, event was on the 6th) and they informed me that they had no idea where it was. I was late for my event (I only got there at 9 pm), missed the dinner and let 100+ people down.

I strongly encourage third party companies to choose a different shipping company. Not only did I not receive my items in time for the special event, I still don't have them, and (most of all) their incompetence was astounding. I was told on 6 different occasions that I was going to get a call back within 1 hour and out of the 6, only 1 called back to let me know that she didn't get an answer and that someone would call me first thing in the morning at 8 am (and that didn't happen). I shop online a lot and I have never encountered people so useless.
15 September 2018 1:15
The worst service ever.
1st they didnt call me to inform me that something was wrong. When my parcel didnt arrive on time, I had to ask the sender to call her branch and find out what was wrong. Even then it was only found that UPS doesnt deliver to my address. Bern almost a year that I live in this address and this is the first time using ups who claims my address is flagged.they refuse to explain what it means. They gave me 5 days to go pick up the parcel from other end of Montreal. I work full time and the place isnt accesible by public transport. I do not know how i will manage to go and wonder how many untrackable parcels I had no idea of that they just held back without any reason.
11 September 2018 3:15
Worst shipping company ever. They're saying our address was wrong, but I have no trouble with others shipping company. I called to know what's the trouble they said they can't go through the gates. I have no gate! You just need to ring! No one ringed! They just drove off! Then I called to said I'm coming to pick my package, they said I can't because the package was in the truck, when I called back the next day, they said that the package never left because it was too heavy to carry, like really? Are they kidding me?
04 September 2018 14:53
Ne prenez surtout pas la livraison avec eux. Tu t’efforce de ne rien prévoir pour être chez toi pour attendre ton colis puisque sur le suivi on vous dit que la livraison est sur le point d’arriver. On vous mentionne sur le suivi de colis que le livreur est passé pour une première tentative alors que personne n’a cogné ni même laissé une note, et la même chose se produit le lendemain. Finalement on est obligé de se rendre à l’autre bout de l’île de Montréal à Lachine pour aller chercher notre colis nous même. Vraiment le pire service de livraison, ça ne sert absolument à rien.
20 August 2018 7:46
Personnellement je n’ai jamais vue une compagnie de livraison aussi mal organisé et avec des livreurs qui se foute complément de l’état des colis… Pendant plus de deux semaines ils ont passé face du mon bureau à chaque jour sans venir porter mon Air Climatisée. Toutes les fois que j’ai parlé avec quelqu’un chez UPS, ils me disaient que ça allait être livré dans la journée mais ils n’arrêtaient jamais. Quand j’ai finalement reçu l’air climatisée elle était complètement détruite! Même le ''frame'' avait plié! Et la réponse du livreur était que moi j’allais au magasin pour me faire rembourser… C'est plate que je ne puisse pas mettre 1/10 d'étoile!
08 August 2018 11:05
ABSOLUMENT LE PIRE SERVICE, JAMAIS RIEN VU DE TEL EN 30 ans en affaires, nous avons perdu 24 jours, voulait 370$ pour des frais de courtage et douanes que nous avons faites avec notre courtier en douanes pour 65$;;; le chauffeur refusait de nous donner le colis si on payait pas leurs factures, La
POLICE ‍️ as même dû intervenir pour qu’on puisse récupéré nos colis, par la suite nous avons reçu
FINALEMENT ON S’EST DÉPLACÉ À LEUR DÉPÔT SUR LA 32 av et après 1 heure de discussions nous sommes reparti avec nos boîtes, , franchement pour une compagnie mondiale çà fait dur,
01 July 2018 14:15
This review doesn't even deserve the 1 Star rating. It is 6 days that i am waiting for my parcel that is out for delivery.or suddenly due to severe weather conditions my parcel can't be delivered.when it wasn't even raining.

I've called customer service 3 times, not one was able to provide me with any useful information. Not one was ever able to answer any of my questions. I even asked for the parcel to be kept at the service center so that I can pick it up myself.and was told no. I was advised that they would call me if they weren't able to deliver my package, and not once was I ever advised.

. Still waiting for my package and the location its coming from.is usully next day delivery

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