26 May 2023 15:39
They do not accept returns, would only give you a store credit, you can not buy gift cards with store credit. Really bad.
27 January 2023 12:37
The employees are beyond rude. I asked an employee for help today as the item did not have a tag and I could not find another one (to be ready to scan at the cash) and the girl legit looked at me like I was stupid and answered me very rudely. Not going back.
28 December 2022 20:16
Arrogance sans pareil des employés, et même gérantes. Bien au-delà de l'absence de professionnalisme, ils n'ont pas la moindre connaissance de la notion de respect.
19 December 2022 23:05
Aujourd’hui nous avons été clientes chez urban planet Sainte-Dorothée vers 16h et Nous avons adressé notre étonnement par rapports au fait que plus que 5 pantalon étaient accroché en dessous du tableau 75% et a ma surprise, elle répond vraiment de manière arrogante et pleine d’attitude à ma mère. En temps normal je n’aurais pas insisté pour un pantalon mais ma mère à refléter respectueusement la politique d’exactitude de prix et la vendeuse n’écoute pas, monte sur ses chevaux avec une attitude insouciante et encore une fois arrogante. Pas du tout propice à un service à la clientèle digne de soi et encore moins au respect des aînés. En se dirigeant vers la sortie ma mère est dépassée par la grossièreté de la jeune vendeuse alors je lui propose d’en parler à la gérante puis on fini par découvrir qu’il s’agissait de la gérante. La politesse ne fesait pas partie de son vocabulaire à mon avis.
31 August 2022 11:29
Ridicule de fermer à 17h30 un jeudi. Les gens finissent de travailler à 17h. Vous allez perdre des clients
27 August 2022 3:13
No mirrors.
Not crazy on their fashions as of late. Mostly polyester or that weird stretchy tshirt material that's everywhere and screams fast fashion.
Clothes impossible to fall in love with.
28 March 2022 16:38
Urban Planet est l’endroit où trouver les meilleurs vêtements confortables pour faire du télétravail à bon prix. Vive les hoodies & joggings!
19 December 2019 15:14
Ça dit que c'est ouvert le mercredi jusqu'à 21h. J'arrive à 6h40 et le magasin est déjà fermé. Dus gaspillage d'essence pour rien
27 October 2019 5:04
Parce qu'il n'y avait pas beaucoup de clients on etait 2 clients a l'intérieur la gérante etait en soutien gorge (pas top). Et super rude, il y a un très grand laisser aller la bas tu poses des questions parce qu'il y a erreu rsur ta facture ils disent qu'ils ne savent pas c'est le système. Je vais même porter plainte car ils ont pris plus qu'ils ne devraient sur ma facture et la fille a fait un scandale avec moi j'ai du partir.
11 October 2019 15:03
Beaux spéciaux, beaucoup de choix, service à la caisse d'une lenteur. 25 mins d'attente pour 4 personnes devant moi. Normal?
29 September 2019 20:06
The quality is great and they have different type of clothes and different sizes. However there was a big line up and there was only one cashier. It happens often ans they should definitely do something about it. Other then that, it's a great store.
25 September 2019 22:48
Edit: Great clothes with amazing prices, but worst customer service. I shop online to avoid going at the store. You should really have a meeting with your employees or train them to be more efficient and have more cashiers. The day that I gave this store a 1 star review was because my boyfriend and I were waiting in line to pay, there were only 2 people in front of us and it literally took more than 15 minutes before it was our turn. Even the lady in front of us asked the cashier if she could call somebody to come and help her and she said no because she was the only one who knows how to run a cash. I don't understand how you can have so many employees on the floor, but only 1 or 2 cashiers. And when it was finally our turn, the girl didn't even apologize for the long wait. This was not the first time. We always have to wait a long time before we can pay. And I would understand if there was a rush or like a big line-up but no, each time we went they were never in a rush.
Update: I thought I'd give your store a chance after reading your reply at my 1 star review but no, I'm keeping it at 1 star. I made an order online on July 5th to be shipped at the store. July 8th, I received an email saying that my order has been shipped and that I'll be getting another email when it will arrive at the store. Today, July 19th, I called the store and ask the girl how long it usually takes for orders to come in when we make one online, she said 5 to 7 business days which is ok. I then asked her if it was normal that I had made an order 15 days ago and still nothing. She told me that she'd look into her system and put me on hold. Note that before putting me on hold, she didn't even ask for my name or my number so I assumed that the store had caller id. I waited for about 10 minutes (totally ridiculous!). I hung up, tried to call back but of course the line was busy. Then I decided to wait to see if someone would call me back because hey, since she didn't ask for my name or number they must have caller id. But nobody called. I called back 20 minutes later and I was not happy at all. I spoke with a different girl, told her that someone made me wait on hold for 10 minutes and that it was unacceptable. I also ask her if they had caller id and she said no. I told her that it was really not good customer service for her collegue to have put me on hold, telling me that she was going to look for my order without even asking for my informations. She then took my name and number and someone called me back to tell me that yes my order was at the store. I asked since when and she said since July 9th! I never received any email or any call. She said that the store is not responsible for contacting the clients when they receive their orders. Another department send an email to the client and then days later, another one as a reminder that their order is ready for pick up. Well you should change that. At least have your employees call the client if you have orders that are in your store for more than 5 days. Plus she told me that the last day to pick up my order was today. So if I hadn't called the store today, my order would've been sent back. Since July 8th, I've checked my emails, the regulars and even my spams and none of them were from you. I work in a store too and my clients also make online purchases. We send emails too, but unlike you guys, we call them 2 or 3 days later just to make sure that they know their order is ready.
11 September 2019 3:03
+ Des bonnes affaires
- les files d’attente à la caisse interminable
- le service à la clientèle pas toujours efficace
J’ai plusieurs fois abandonné mon panier d’achats devant la la durée d’attente pour payer
- le retrait des articles pour enfants
31 July 2019 8:31
Magasin mal organisé contrairement aux autres magasins Urban Planet. Aucun service pour essayer le linge. Un employé pouvait du linge et à continué même si il avait une file et est simplement partie faire autre chose et aucun autre employé est venu ouvrir les cabines.

Nous sommes partie en laissant nos morceaux là.

Je ne recommande AUCUNEMENT d'y faire ces achats.
26 June 2019 11:15
Pire service à la clientèle de ma vie. À la caisse, les caissières parlaient pendant que j'attendais de payer et pendant quelle scannais mes articles, ca a tellement pris du temp que ma soeur a du retirer les accroche vetements elle-même pour que ce soit plus rapide. Elle ne ma pas entendu dire que j'avais mon 10% de rabais. Ensuite quand elle ma demandé si je l'avais, je lui ai dis Oui et donner mon telephone. En sortant du magasin elle avais oublier denlever les antivols. Et dans tout ca elle na meme pas appliquer mon 10% de rabais malgré que je lui ai donner mon telephone. Franchement!
24 May 2019 9:39
Their clothing is very modern and sleek. They have a wide variety of clothing and from time to time offer great discounts on clothes, up to 70% sometimes. The material sometimes is not the best on certain articles but for the price is really good.
11 April 2019 12:22
Good for people who don't want to spend a lot on clothes. Quality is very cheap. You get what you pay for.
31 January 2019 13:53
Aujourd'hui je suis partie magasiner au urban planet de Ste-Dorothée je suis une ancienne cliente et le service devient vraiment catastrophique l'assistante gérante me donne de l"attitude et me rie en face et me dit de quitter si je ne suis pas satisfaite les vendeuse me dit ''calme toi" avec attitude il me rie en face en plus et me dise de partir aucun respect 0 pour de vrai j'ai été gérante moi aussi et le respect était avant tout avec les clients pour moi j'aimerais qu'on me contacte de la compagnie s'il vous plait si possible j'ai beaucoup d'autre chose à dire. Je ne conseille personne d'y aller toute des jeunes caissière mais vraiment impolie de plus elle me disent si tu n'est pas satisfaite ne revient pas quel respect ils perdent beaucoup de clientes.

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