22 August 2023 5:41
The people there are absolutely awesome and they genuinely love and enjoy the animals brought in
17 August 2023 17:40
Pas possible rejoindre la clinique.
J'ai rempli le formulaire en ligne, appelé 3 fois et laissé les messages, mais personne m'a contacté
07 August 2023 3:41
Super équipe, le vétérinaire comme les hotesses. On sent qu'ils adorent les animaux dont ils s'occupent et s'assurent que tout est correct même après la visite. Très disponibles aussi, nous avons appelé 4 vétérinaires pour une infection non urgente, personne n'a eu la capacité de nous prendre sauf eux.
07 July 2023 17:12
Dr. Ouimet offre un service incroyable. On voit qu’il adore les animaux et il est très compréhensible et patient. Je le recommande à 100%. Merci pour tout.
22 May 2023 18:13
Réponse rapide avec de bonnes indications et conseil, c'est très apprécié! By the way merci!
13 May 2023 10:45
Very rarely do I write comments or recommendations. This is only my second one as rarely do I feel so strongly about something.

There are not enough words to express how grateful I am to Dr. Ouimet and his team. After my 8.5 year old bunny Bonnie passed away during her dental surgery, Dr. Ouimet and his team showed me so much kindness, patience and compassion.

The day Dr. Ouimet called to explain what had happened, I was so devastated and totally overtaken with my emotions that I was unable to speak with him.

Dr. Ouimet gave me time to deal with my emotions and when I was ready, he called me back to explain everything.

He was so kind and compassionate and expressed his condolences and told me how saddened he and his team were by the loss of my Bonnie.

He then took the time to explain exactly what had happened during the surgery. He answered all questions and doubts I had expressed in an email that I had sent to him earlier and then asked if I had any other questions.

Living alone and on a limited budget, Dr. Ouimet graciously took my financial situation into consideration.

This is definitely NOT a place just about money. This is absolutely a place of compassion, caring and kindness. Not only for the owner but for our little loved ones as well.

I witnessed this as I was in the examination room with Dr. Guillemet as she originally examined my Bonnie. The other two Vets that I had been to did not allow me in the examination room.

I 1000% recommend this place.

Dr. Ouimet’s kindness, patience and compassion has made this devastating tragedy bearable.

Thank you Dr. Ouimet.

K Hong
07 May 2023 9:56
Meilleure clinique vétérinaire!
Dr. Ouimet et son équipe sont des passionnés des animaux avec un service absolument exceptionnel.
Jamais je n'irai visiter une autre clinique que celle-ci, car ils ont toute ma confiance.
Merci pour tout!
25 September 2022 2:13
Hier j'ai du prendre la difficile décision de faire euthanasier mon beau Chucky d'amour (mon chat depuis 10 ans). Merci à l'equipe du Dr Ouimet pour leur compassion et leur professionnalisme.
14 September 2022 9:26
Clinique axée sur $$$. On vous donne des fausses infos et quand c’est l’heure du rendez-vous on vous collecte des frais supplémentaires $$$ sans scrupule avec des raisons bidons. Mon chien a eu un examen dans une autre clinique le 4 juin et j’ai bien été bien spécifique lors de ma prise de rendez-vous que mon chien n’avait besoin que d’un rappel de vaccin. C’est honteux de mettre l’argent devant l’honnêteté. À éviter.
20 August 2022 8:39
Although it was a sad moment in my life I lost my wonderful girl Angie.
The vet was so compassionate so gentel with her it made the experience less traumatic. Great clinic.
04 August 2022 1:42
Malhonnêtes. Nous appelons pour prendre rendez-vous pour effectuer un rappel d'un vaccin qui a été fait dans une autre clinique. On nous dit: pas de problème, on peut le faire (l'autre clinique étant à l'extérieur de la ville, nous ne pouvions nous y rendre). Personne ne mentionne que nous devons faire faire un examen au chien (il a eu son examen annuel il y a 30 jours). Mon conjoint mentionne ceci à la vétérinaire qui dit: c'est beau nous allons juste procéder avec le vaccin. Au comptoir, on force mon conjoint à payer pour un examen que nous n'avons pas eu et qui n'était pas nécessaire. Jamais ceci n'avait été mentionné lors de la prise de rendez-vous téléphonique et malgré que la vétérinaire ait mentionné qu'elle ne procéderait pas à l'examen -on nous charge quand même. Une aberration.
17 May 2022 5:01
Leurs coûts exorbitants sont presque criminels, lorsque tu compares après et que le chien de mon fils, qu'il aimait plus que tout au monde.est mort récemment, par manque d'argent! Avoir su, nous serions allé ailleurs et j'aurais pu le sauver ailleurs.
29 April 2022 13:27
Merci à Dr. Ouimet et son équipe qui ont sauvé mon chat deux fois plutôt qu’une! Très bon service, belle équipe professionnelle et attentionnée. Pour les
bons soins de vos précieux compagnons, je vous recommande CVL sans hésitation!
13 April 2022 3:48
My poor animal was already nervous, then that vet came to ask me to pick up my animal that was on a leash, so I bend to pick her up while that vet got in between us and YANKED the leash that was attached to my animal, resulting in my small pet falling on her back. I was very upset. She is a small pet, that vet could have broke her back. There was no reason for that female vet to yank the leash like this, my animal was far from everything and we were alone.
The audacy.

I only came to this specific clinic because couple years ago, with my other pet, I had a good experience in this clinic, but it was a DIFFERENT vet, it was with a male vet at the time, and he was nice to my animal.

Unfortunately I will not be returning to this clinic, due to the lack of bedside manners from the vet, you know? Animals are stressed out enough like this, have some compassion for the animals you treat!
If I could give 0 stars I would.

Here is a description of this mean vet is:
-control freak

I will not let freaks from that clinic anywhere near my pet again!
01 March 2022 9:37
Excellent service and friendly staff. My baby rabbit was sick and needed surgery. They took great care of her. Now she is home and in great health and spirits. I recommend this place 100%.
12 April 2021 13:55
Super friendly staff and great attention to detail.
When my cat needed testing done I got results super quickly and they provided excellent information, very up front and clear explanations.
09 April 2021 21:20
Our Bernedoodle Charlee LOVES going to the vet! Dr Ouimet has been her vet since the beginning (going on 3 years now) and they’re always so nice, they listen and explain things thoroughly and they don’t push for any extras that they don’t feel your pet would need. All the techs and administration are so nice and always greet you with a smile too. ️
The absolute best!
23 February 2021 19:43
Didn't like our old vet, found this one and very satisfied with the service so far. Our cat needed to have a dental surgery - the process was clear and professional, instructions were clear and we feel we can contact the dr via phone if any complications arise.
24 December 2020 9:27
Nous sommes très satisfaits du professionnalisme et de la qualité des soins offerts à la Clinique Vétérinaire Lachine. Notre Milla à été diagnostiquée avec de l'insuffisance rénale, Dr Ouimet et toute l'équipe de la clinique sont dévoués au bien être de nos animaux. Merci à eux pour leur formidable travail et leur disponibilité.
21 December 2020 20:21
Un cinq étoiles bien méritées. Accueil, écoute, prix abordable et en prime un vétérinaire (Dr Ouimet) affable, souriant, généreux de sa personne! Un passionné!
17 December 2020 21:55
Amazing staff. I had to put my cat down, and they did all they could to make it as easy as possible
08 December 2020 22:59
The staff here is super helpful and friendly. They explain everything very thoroughly. They always treat my dog extremely well and she is actually happy to go see the vet.
27 November 2020 5:17
Service impeccable, attentif au moindre besoin de votre animal et surtout s'assure que toutes vos questions soit répondu avant votre départ et ce a prix respectable
20 November 2020 10:20
My cat suddenly became ill with laboured breathing, right after he sicked up a large fur ball, and he was experiencing loss of mobility in his front paw as well, so I was very concerned and quite panicked. I called the vet, and they said it was not an emergency and that if I deemed it an emergency, to go to the DMV. So with a heavy heart I took him to the DMV. After examination, they discovered his heart beat was galloping, and he wasn't any better than before. That night I left a message to the vet for them to call me in the morning, as the DMV had requested that I follow up with my vet for further x-rays. Panicked I also sent them an email, and also called out the person who had said it wasn't an emergency in her opinion. The response I received was less than pleasant and NOT professional. Now let's remember that I am in a state of worry, panic, and fear, I was pleading with them to see my cat. I was told off in French & spoken down to by Caroline Ferron, who is a technician not a VET, and promptly hung up on me. My husband was disgusted with this behaviour. She lacked human compassion, decorum, politeness, and patience, and was fixated on me calling out the seriousness of the situation about Samantha hadn't thought it was serious at all. In 35 years of owning pets, I have never been treated so atrociously. Long story short, my beloved cat passed that night, after a blood clot took over his entire life (A VET IN Westmount concluded this) Thanks for absolutely nothing Caroline except cruel and unusual treatment, because we called out your opinionated technician. I wouldn't trust my pet in her care ever.
12 November 2020 14:49
Les prix sont vraiment très élevé. Ils jouent avec les sentiments. Si on est pas capables de payer les frais pour notre animal il nous font sentir coupable. Je n'irais plus là.
07 November 2020 8:06
La meilleure clinique vétérinaire que je connaisse. Font des pieds et mains pour bien adresser les problèmes de nos animaux en plus d'être particulièrement humains. Ça paraît qu'ils aiment nos animaux et comprennent que ces derniers sont des membres importants de notre famille. Leur façon d'expliquer inspire confiance et respire la transparence. Leur réaction et accommodements face à la pandémie sont également numéro 1
30 September 2020 4:00
Not only did my pets were always well taken care of at this clinic, I even received a call from Dr. Ouimet to give me his sympathies for the loss of my cat. I was beyond touched
25 August 2020 11:34
I had a few horrible experiences here and no longer trust this clinic. I brought my puppy to this clinic for his vaccines, at the time he was quite prone to motion sickness and threw up on our way to the clinic. I explained this to the vet and she explained that they could not vaccinate a sick dog, which I understood so booked another appointment. They then proceeded to do $600 worth of tests to make sure that he didn't throw up for other reasons and wanted to keep him over night (more $$$) which I declined and was never done at any of the other clinics I visited. The vet proscribed my dog motion sickness pills to administer before his next appointment. I followed the written directions and shortly after my dog started vomitting bubbles, which I later discovered we're a sign of overdose. I looked up and found the manufacturers website and according to their directives, my dog was too young for their medication and they had prescribed a dose that was for a dog 5x his size. No wonder he was so sick! I called the clinic to talk about this and the vet could not admit to making any mistake even though the technician who answered the phone did agree that my dog was displaying signs of an overdose and that the dose was too high. I feel that the vet here almost cost my dog his life and felt it was important to share this experience with others.
02 August 2020 23:11
A great team of dedicated professionnals providing exceptional care to our beloved pets. Thank you all for being there for us!
26 April 2020 16:36
They took great care of my rabbit Cookie by the end of her life. Dr. Odette is very good and caring, like the rest of the staff. Highly recommend!
14 April 2020 5:03
A couple weeks ago my family and I had to say goodbye to our dear dog of 13 years, Maggie. It was such an emotionally overwhelming experience, but I can gladly say, I'm happy Maggie's goodbye was at Veterinary Clinic Lachine. I've never come across such friendly and genuinely caring staff. They were there to comfort us during the whole process but also gave us space and all the time we needed. Thank you for making Maggie's goodbye so comfortable and peaceful for her and not stressful in anyway. Thank You
08 April 2020 22:34
Quick to answer. Nice caring proffessional people. Nice approach. Knew right away how to treat my bunny.
09 March 2020 23:47
Spécialités pour les oiseaux exotiques. Une rareté au Canada et près de chez moi. Merci DR Gauvin pour votre professionnalisme et présence.
08 March 2020 3:53
J'ai du y aller à deux reprises en urgence avec mon boxer à 7 mois et 6 ans et j'ai toujours été bien servi. C'est sûre que c'est cher mais quand on n'a pas le choix pour l'amour de notre bébé qu'on aimait temps on voulait pas qu'il souffre. La dernière fois on n'a du prendre une dure décision et ils ont été professionnel et nous on donné tout le temps qu'on voulais et le vet à du tout réexpliquer à mon mari à son arrivée car moi je pleurais trop, on dirait que j'entendais pu rien elle a prit le temps de tout lui expliquer se quelle m'avait déjà dit. On n'a reçu une belle carte par la suite. Merci pour cette délicate attention. Si j'ai à y retourner en urgence avec notre nouveau chien c'est là qu'on va aller mais je souhaite qu'il soit en santé que j'aille pas y aller.
24 February 2020 10:19
Dr Gauvin has treated my rabbits and my dogs. One of the rare veterinarians that I trust and I don't feel like I'm being sold fries with my burger. (Mc Donald's famous add on sales technique) He is very knowledgeable first off all, and an excellent diagnostic. If he can make an educated guess as to what the problem is, he will without having you do dozens of pricey tests first, and most importantly, his educated guesses, at least in my case, were spot on.
20 February 2020 8:48
Very nice people who love animals and care about their clients. Was refered by a friend and didn't regret. My guini pig received good service.
09 December 2019 4:39
5 Star Veterinary Clinique. So happy that we chose this clinic so far;
We took our 4 m.o Husky puppy to this clinic yesterday, to do the exam & vaccination.
Doctor, nurse and receptionist, they all were really nice people, friendly, professional and caring.
Very calm atmosphere, and they are not pushy to buy their products.
I can surely say that these people know their job and they do it professionally.
BTW, prices were fair and affordable. I did a brief calculation and I could save ~30 bucks after tax totally, comparing to other clinics I've contacted to get the price from.

08 December 2019 10:32
The only exotic animal vet in Montreal that actually sees ferrets on a regular basis. If you have a ferret, bring them here. You won't be disappointed!
01 December 2019 18:16
Vraiment une belle équipe qui connaît très bien les lapins. Ils ont su me rassurer et bien m'expliquer chaque procédure possible, le tout afin que je puisse prendre une décision libre et éclairée. Ma lapine se porte déjà mieux! Merci encore!
03 November 2019 13:11
Mon vétérinaire depuis 20ans, une référence, le docteur Gauvin est un excellent professionnel et très humain.

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