26 April 2023 5:58
Honestly as a student that goes here the school isnt as bad as many say
(I organized the school in this review and would appreciate those to read if wanting to go to this school)

Teachers are decent, i enjoy some and dislike others.a lot of them are new at the moment and many of the older teachers are the problem
since theybe been working for so long so administration doesnt seem to care.once again, teachers are either hit or miss and some teachers are more passionate than others

theres 4 profiles but majority tend to go for steam or sciences which seems to have a lot more care than the other programs.as a sec 3
(sciences) biology is a clearly well thoughout course and we have nice labs and material
law (journalism) you just write things and the course is quite mediocre at most
steam you draw for (architecture)
and entrepreneurship i have no clue.
Point is, if you want to go in a course steam and science are your best bet.

the art selections is mainly art kids (drawing type) and very little on the english side go to music, theres only at most 20 of us in the whole sec 3 class.very little take music and drama because they are objectively harder than art where you draw
i wish the music program was more appreciated
they have lovely teachers
(mr jackson and mr barriere) who are clearly knowledge on the subject, for not being a musically oriented school

i suggest taking extra credit in your first 3 years to get on a program.the classes are an hour longer and you get to meet other years.
(the following are from personal experiences)
-spanish 1/2 are taught by mr roa bernal and mrs lesenko
an easy class to get by to get on the program
-orchestra taught by mr jackson
a lovely atmosphere and really made me enjoy music and appreciate it
and insanely good music (check on insta or pinterest @gioderr for proof)

(from others experiences)
-modle un:
if you enjoy public speaking and care for political issues many enjoy taking this however work load seems a bit much
no clue but hey, doesnt hurt to learn about buisness

its not terrible, teachers SHOULD only be given homework that can be completed in 15 minutes, if objectively longer take it with adminstration. (not as if they do much)
but i agree its quite stressful

villa needs better guidance counselors, we had mrs brenner who left (she wasnt even that good)
and i honestly always feel quite uncomfortable by them, it doesnt feel like a safe enviroment

anywhere you go, there will be mean people, dont act suprised, just find a right group:/
i agree however that they never truly solve problems with proper punishment as a private school

villas food is terribly unhealthy, not that having cookies us necessarily bad, but the food they sell should be monitored for literally the health of students
vending machines are constantly broken
and everyone steals from them.and the ways to solve the stealing issue is to limit only 5 people in which limits lunch time
people have places to be for availability and retakes

the clubs are all under developed and i wish they had more interesting ones
they all make an effort but many clubs have a cost to it and its annoying

the administration is the problem, strict for some stuff that are minor, and not strict enough for serious issues
they have too many students and really need stronger punishment.ex: a kid making remarks about a jewish girl while “hailing hitler” should really not be taken lightly

i wish they kept more of their historical build and stop renovating the old classrooms that held history.however, they need to for the amount of students there are.

the fields are gorgeous and uniforms arent too bad, they are less strict but i never found an issue with them.i think the school has gone down hill from my mothers time but the school has to adapt with modern times
28 March 2023 8:14
It’s alright. I’m not going to complain. You know, I used to think students would go to private schools because they were intelligent (not like some below average ones) but I soon realized, in private schools, the kids are the same dumb people but richer, and that’s in general. Not only in Villa Maria.
02 January 2020 1:03
A school where the communication between collegues and honesty are not value. Be careful of what you see andwho you're talk with.its not what it is.
28 September 2019 11:08
The school possess a complex of beautiful and interesting 19th and first half of 20th century buildings. One of them, the Monklands residence built in 1803, was the official residence of the Governors Generals from 1844 to 1849, when Montreal was the capital of the Province of Canada.
23 July 2019 4:09
Elitist school that hopefully will be shut down like all private institutions.
27 June 2019 15:43
If you have a concern especially from Cindy Lessard about purposely excluding your child from a workshop that she registered for, you will never ever EVER get a reply to your e-mail. Unacceptable!

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