22 September 2023 11:32
This was a great activity, harder than it looks but very good for kids self confidence. The only recommendation I would have is to have a minimum height for some of the harder parkour. My kid was physically too small for the last one and it too challenging.
20 September 2023 2:27
Les enfants ont bien aimé la section non escalade qui inclut des châteaux coussinés, carrousel, tir a l'arc et film 6D.
09 September 2023 2:59
Pour le parcours aérien, structure très bien faite, par contre gros point négatif pour l'encadrement.
Les jeunes employés qui sont là sont quasi inexistants, semblent perdus, désorganisés et ne sont pas très souriants (même au carrousel alors que c'est quand même destiné à une population de jeunes enfants), et pas du tout réactifs quand qqn est en difficulté (un enfant était coincé car il arrivait pas à passer sa poulie en plein milieu du 1er passage, et le jeune le regardait à peine, c'était des parents autour qui essayaient de lui expliquer comment s'en sortir). De plus, rien n'indique que pour certains parcours il est nécessaire d'avoir une taille minimum (à certains endroits les enfants n'atteignent même pas les prises avec les mains donc ca complique beaucoup l'avancée). Quand j'en ai fait part à un encadrant, il m'a dit "oui je sais ", en s'en foutant royalement.
Il y a un réel manque de poulies aussi, nous avons plusieurs fois dû attendre pas mal de temps juste pour avoir des poulies, du coup le monde s'accumule derrière et ça gêne la fluidité des déplacements de tout le monde.
Pour ce qui est des jeux gonflables, rien a dire les enfants ont apprécié.
Pour le cinéma 3D, c'est top mais à l'entrée c'est annoncé 3 films et il n'y a en fait qu'un film. Et il y a plus de sièges que de paires de lunettes disponibles, donc dommage car ça crée de l'attente supplémentaire.
C'est bien dommage car le parc est top. Mais il faudrait vraiment changé qqchose au niveau du personnel et de l'organisation.
Ça reste un bon moment passé en famille, mais quand même un peu cher niveau qualité prix.
05 September 2023 7:27
The kids loved this place. We found it overall very safe however the staff were not very helpful. Reminder to bring closed toed shoes, runners would be best. We weren’t planning to come but decided to last minute so my son only had flip flops. We were assured the staff would duct tape his sandals on for us however they had run out of tape so the whole time he struggled with his shoes.
30 August 2023 0:51
Best ropes course ive ever done, it was actually pretty difficult compared to previous ones ive done and it was a really fun experience! Id 1000% recommend this to anyone looking to go

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28 August 2023 18:12
Ça aurait pu être une superbe expérience. Le staff est super sympathique mais on voit qu en fin de journée ils étaient dépassés pour le prix ils auraient pu mettre deux personnes par circuit…il y avait une très longue attente, au prix payé on a pu fire seulement 3 circuits, car on devait attendre qu’ils détachent une personne, des fois plusieurs arrivaient en même temps ça causaient une ligne file pour le départ
28 August 2023 7:44
Great place for kids and adults. On busier days you spend alot of time waiting to do the courses. We paid for 2 hours as it looked like it was going to storm and only got to do 4 courses.
16 August 2023 18:26
Amazing place for kids and adults alike. A bit pricey for adults but the ropes courses are excellent.
08 August 2023 22:07
It's an amazing place, the staff are friendly and there is a huge range of levels. However, it's not always clear which route is suitable and there are often children wailing with fear having to be rescued, which in turn holds up all the people behind htem. The green routes on the ground are so easy they're barely worth doing, but the blue routes higher up are quite a lot harder and have very wobbly sections. I think it would be a lot better if they gave you some tips before you start (eg.if you get stuck, just sit down in your harness. It WILL hold you and you don't need to cling on for dear life). I was with a 9-year-old and her favourite parts were 1) the route that traverses the outside of the "ship" and 2) the zip slide. Be aware that you need to put your backpack/phone/handback etc into a locker (1 dollar which is retained when you open it up again) and you can keep a bottle of water handy on top of the lockers.
30 July 2023 21:42
Activités super pour les enfants et les adultes. Par contre, j'ai payé une entrée "accompagnateur" en pensant pour suivre mon enfant en bas âge mais j'ai du me contenter de le regarder d'en bas. 20$ c'est cher payé pour pouvoir rien faire.
25 July 2023 17:55
It was an amazing experience and the staff were really awesome. Will definitely be back there next summer
24 July 2023 22:32
Très très belle expérience pour mes jeunes garçons, ils ont adoré. C'était possible pour nous de les suivre de près ou de loin, l'endroit est très sécuritaire et bien surveillé.
Attention de ne pas oublier de remplir la formulaire de décharge sur le site surtout si les parents ne sont pas les accompagnateurs.
21 July 2023 10:44
Hands down the best part of our annual trip to Montreal with our family and friends. So many rope course to explore, archery and bouncy castles. Something for everyone!
19 October 2021 1:38
L'idéal en famille, même pour les jeunes enfants (5 ans) et les ados (14 ans) (les activités intéressante pour les deux en même temps sont rares. Le forfait 4h a été un peu long pour mes enfants. Ce sera le 2h la prochaine fois.
18 October 2021 1:21
Super endroit pour une sortie en famille. Beaucoup d'activités possibles, et accessibles pour des jeunes enfants (dès 2 ans). Bonheur garantie.
12 October 2021 18:38
I am giving it a two stars because the staff were very nice but the place was very run down, to much money for the experience.the bouncy castle was very unsafe as it was broken in a spot my child got stuck and it had Radom holes in it that a child’s foot could easily go through. They should just get rid of the bouncy castles the one with water they left the hose sitting in it running so kids were spraying other kids and the water was disgusting. Was not being monitored what so ever, it looks a lot better on the internet.
12 October 2021 11:34
Super fun place… once you can get in! Very unclear information at the entrance. Staff more like security personnel than customer service. You need a lock or Canadian change to store your stuff while in the park…
05 October 2021 15:03
My kids (almost 7 and 9 years of age) absolutely loved it! My daughter wants to change her birthday plans so that we go back for her special day. The staff was very friendly helpful. It’s a great place that I highly recommend.
05 October 2021 4:16
Un paradis pour les grimpeurs ou pour combattre le vertige. Tellement amusant jouer en hauteur. Parcours et activités pour tous les âges.
29 September 2021 21:46
Nous sommes très satisfaits du service offert par toute l'équipe de Voile en Voile. Très bonne organisation pour recevoir petits et grands groupes. Les parcours et l'aménagement des lieu sont excellents.
27 September 2021 2:47
We had a blast staff were amazing. Special recognition to Samual for being extra awesome and the guy that had to rescue someone who got quite stuck ahead of us on the double diamond course’

Great way to spend an afternoon. - the kids and I had a blast and got a good workout in
26 September 2021 11:26
This was a wonderful adventure for our 6 and 9 year olds and honestly even me as an adult. The structures are really cool and the park offers some decent challenges with amazing views! The staff are also very nice
19 September 2021 22:02
Went for the two hour climbing experience, and let me tell you that was the perfect amount of time. It is a great workout and I couldn’t have gone any longer - my arms had turned to noodles by the end. It is a fun and challenging activity for an adult, so absolutely don’t think of it as a kids only activity. Good range of heights and difficulty levels. Once in a while had to wait on staff to hook/unhook you, but overall ran smooth. Would be nice if they had a water fountain - there was a jug to refill your water bottle from (which was absolutely appreciated) but it was pretty warm water. Would definitely go back!
14 September 2021 7:33
C’était bien dans l’ensemble. Toutefois, ma fille voulais voir à nouveau le film 3D des pirates, mais cela n’a pas été possible. Les employés sur place nous ont dit qu’il fallait payer à nouveau pour revoir le film. Après avoir déboursé 125$ pour nos deux accès, c’est quelque peu insultant de se faire dire ça!

Il n’y avait pas de file d’attente ni rien. Nous ne nuisions pas au bon déroulement de l’activité. Pourquoi nous empêcher de voir ce film de 10 minutes à nouveau? Nous n’avons même pas eu d’explication en ce sens!

Notre passage chez Voile en Voile s’est terminé en queue de poisson.

Suite à la réponse Voile en Voile- il n’y avait personne en file d’attente et on nous a quand même interdit de voir le film à nouveau. Je ne vois pas de cohérence avec la réponse proposée par Voile en Voile.
13 September 2021 5:00
Great, compact ropes course. My family and I enjoyed the courses along with the village of bouncy castles. Most of the obstacles were quite easy except for on the most difficult course. They did have a skateboard in the sky which was nice.

There was one glaring issue which involved a child who was petrified with fear of heights stopping twenty guests on a course for over 30 minutes. The parent was useless and oblivious to the fact that his child stopped the others in 42C heat and sun from continuing. My wife had to taken down off the course for heat stroke because of this. There was no first aid or cooling station at this place.

If your child is afraid of heights, do everyone a favour and STAY AWAY from rope courses.
02 September 2021 21:01
Lovely place, but sadly they don't respect their own safety rules once you are in the air (number of people on platform). On our visit, we could not.purchase any cold drinks for about 1h30 because they were reserved for birthday parties. On a 30 plus sunday, I have to wonder about that policy, especially when one drink stand remained closed.
Finally, extra are.grossly overpriced. Get the full package or go somewhere else.
Is definitely fun, but I prefer Arbre en arbre or Arbraska for a better value and - in my opinion - a nicer environment.
29 August 2021 18:09
This is a great place to test your balance and your resilience. Lots of good courses to choose from and it’s a great challenge and good exercise for my teens! You have to make a reservation online and there are different time slots.
27 August 2021 2:17
We were only in Montreal for the day and wanted something fun for the kids. A friend recommended this aerial adventure park so we booked. It is definitely on the expensive side, no doubt about that. My kids are not fantastic with heights (ages 10 and almost 7) so they were both okay with the lowest level but the next one above, which looks about 10 feet up, my older one backed down almost straight away and the younger one did one walk across (shouting about it being 'torture' the whole time haha) and refused to do more. So we were initially pretty disappointed that we'd paid out all that money (we got the big adventure so it was about $120 for both kids for the four hours). Eventually we noticed there are a few zip lines, and the one at the middle level you don't have to actually traverse any heights to do it, you just go up the stairs and clip in, then clip out and go down the slide at the other end. Once they discovered that, they were happy, and went on it a lot. They also reluctantly agreed to try the climbing wall and did okay there. They liked the inflatables and even seemed to enjoy the 3D movie.

The staff were lovely, really relaxed but professional, great with kids and made sure everyone was safe and happy as best they could. There are tons of different options for seating in the shade in the pirate ship area so even though it was insanely hot, like 32 feels like 42 the day we went, hubby and I sat in the shade with cool drinks and watched the kids go on the zip line etc. We didn't get tickets ourselves, we were there to watch, although hubby said he wished he'd booked in as it looked like a lot of fun and kids and adults alike were loving it.

My advice to anyone considering is to be sure you are good with heights first, as if you can't cope, it might feel like a bit of a waste of money! If you have only little kids, you might be disappointed with the lack of shade in the seating area where the inflatables and carousel are, but the aerial park area was like an oasis, you could totally relax while the kids enjoy. Overall, as good an experience as possible for a family who aren't super into adrenaline sports!
25 August 2021 12:29
Une totale réussite pour un petit garçon de 6 ans! Des parcours faciles et amusants pour se mettre en jambe, et tout ce qu'il faut comme défis pour se faire un peu plus peur. Belle ambiance d'abordage! Et en prime: le passage des trains de marchandise (en semaine seulement?).
Merci aux jeunes qui encadrent et assurent la securité! Leurs encouragements et gentillesse font partie du plaisir!
22 August 2021 16:32
My son had an amazing time a here, we loved that there were different levels and each level had different obstacles. Staff were friendly and ensured safety. I saw a few kids get stuck and the staff were there to help them and guide them through. Only small issue is that, due to Covid and social distancing, you sometimes have to wait awhile before you can move but better to be safe.just keep that in mind if you are trying to manage time.
14 August 2021 7:02
Kids loved it. Adults were ok with the experience but really it's more for kids. You need to wear a mask, even outdoors, so in the heat it was a bit uncomfortable. That being said, there were many kids who did not follow social distancing and would come on the same platform as you, (tiny) so maybe that's why masks were required. Policing the kids to social distance (we were told not to get close or share a platform) would be a better idea.
12 August 2021 6:57
Voices en voiles was the most amazing fun my family and I have had all covid.
I thank the staff and the creators of this wonderful adventure.
If you have not had the chance to visit Montreal to try this adventure. Please do it is an absolute must.
Its like tree top trecking on steroids. Lolo.

Thank you to the staff and creators
04 August 2021 23:59
Bouncy castle is always fun for the little ones, but experience would be so much better if there was any shade for the parents. While kids are jumping around, parents are waiting in the open sun with no shade whatsoever and no place to sit.
03 August 2021 9:25
If you want to have a fun time this is a good place!
Maybe a bit expensive but it is really worth spending your money here, highly recommended for children! Fear does not exist here Lol! Two ships facing each other in different types of obstacles! Some are really a bit difficult but not impossible, I recommend you bring your gloves, shoes or tennis shoes!
You are there at least 2 hours to finish the feat!
I loved!
30 July 2021 14:45
Équipe dynamique et super respectueuse.
L'endroit est bien tenu et est très sécuritaire.
Il fait la joie des petits et même des grands.
Je recommande fortement la formule anniversaire.
28 July 2021 21:12
Avec mon neveu, nous avons passé une super journée! Pas trop de files d’attente, équipement adapté, les Employés étaient patients, souriants et très courtois: on a pas vu les heures passer, c’était génial!
24 July 2021 23:49
Had alot of fun with my three kids. The staff was very good with kids, very friendly and helpful! We had a great day thank you!
18 July 2021 6:51
Nous sommes allées 2 maman ensemble pour se faire plaisir et c'était super agréable! L'équipe est très gentille et très serviable! Recommandé autant pour les adultes avec un coeur d'enfant et le goût de l'aventure que les familles avec enfants:)
29 June 2021 2:28
Ou peut-on ailleurs en toute légalité jeter ses enfants dans le vide? C'est un peu cher, il est vrai, mais les cris de terreur d'un enfant convaincu (à tort) de tomber deux étages plus bas, ça n'a pas de prix. Sinon, les jeux gonflables occuperont un temps les moins dispensables d'entre eux.
11 June 2021 11:12
AMAZING! We (3 adults) had the best time in the aerial park, starting in the easy loops and then making our way to the most difficult (double diamond) one. The challenges are well designed and intertwined, safe yet quite taxing physically at the higher levels. Clearly made by people who know what they're doing! Special mention also to the employees who are super friendly and helpful without ever getting in the way of what is essentially a giant playground. With kids or not this is an awesome attraction which brings a huge dose of FUN to the old port! Highly recommended and 100% worth the price. Thanks guys!

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