23 September 2023 13:28
Takes money out without notifying you, missed one payment and they tried 3 days later to take it out again without notice. Now I’m hit with 2 NSF fees. Why is there no one to speak to on the weekend? Awful.
12 September 2023 16:28
Je crois ne pas être le seul dans cette situation à en juger les commentaires. Pour moi le temps d'attente au téléphone est correct, mais cela fait plusieurs fois que j'appelle pour me faire rembourser. La personne avait un ton incroyablement hautain à la limite de l'impolitesse et de l'indifférence totale. Me faire dire à chaque semaine que mon dossier est traité et que le chèque est envoyé, mais on me prend pour qui? Pour moi c'est une mise en demeure et une plainte à l'autorité des marchés financiers. Si cela ne se règle pas, peut-être que des avocats et dommages punitifs les réveilleraient de leur tour d'ivoire. Tout le monde dans ma situation devrait faire la même chose.
05 September 2022 14:19
Worst customer experience. I was asked to pay for damages on my car ONE YEAR AND A HALF after I brought it back. When I asked why it came to me so late they said they sent me letters to my old address. They never tried to call me or email me before that; I was made aware by an email 1,5 years after. I asked why they never emailed me before that they said it’s too long to email people, that they are short staffed and even told me that ‘you won’t tell us how to work’. Not only the staff but also the manager has attitude.
23 August 2022 2:06
Terrible customer service, rude employees. Takes forever to speak to a supervisor which has makes matters worse. I’ve had to call in every few days to check on the progress of my cheque and each time they tell me new information delaying things more…I’ve been waiting 2 weeks for them to send me my money back.
19 February 2022 14:49
Here's one for the ages. Today my friend finds out whether or not she can finance or lease a VW Taos WITH a co-signor.
VW approved her for a Jetta a few years back in spite of her having a discharged bankruptcy with a co-signor (me), turns out the car as a 1st year back on the line was pretty much a lemon.
Everything that could go wrong with it could to the point she couldn't take it anymore and traded it back for a used VW in her price range.
She was approved solely (WITH NO CO-SIGNOR) by VW Finance Canada for the used car with the same discharged bankruptcy and was on her way to repairing her credit score.
She now wishes to move laterally into the Taos and has applied for the credit to acquire it.
She has been significantly impacted by the pandemic both professionally and personally.
VW Finance Canada touts how committed they are publicly to helping existing clients enduring adverse pandemic consequences but at the moment of truth it (VW Finance Canada) is nothing more than a charlatan making empty pledges demanding she either provide a Notice of Assessment, a T-4, Letter of Employment or co-signor to get this Taos.
After securing her letter of employment and advising VW Finance Canada that she currently is on unpaid leave at her employers behest with the intention of returning her to her position once the pandemic has ended with her position and salary plus car allowance fully restored, VW Finance Canada has taken the position that she is unable to qualify for the car without a co-signor because as previously stated she is unable to provide bank deposit verification in addition to no T4 or Notice of Assessment because she has in effect been laid off for the past two years.
She has made all her payments on the car she is trading in despite this adversity and VW Finance Canada is in essence throwing her under the bus for their own gain in spite of being in 1st position should she default, they repossess the car or seek remuneration for a co-signor in lieu of seizing the car.
Hypocrisy at it's finest indeed and the optics are horrible.
I wonder if VW actually has the courage to stand behind their claims or is it just lip service?
If VW is interested in a better resolution, please indicate so and I will provide all the particulars confidentially to wherever is directed.
03 February 2022 3:50
Customer service was nice and that is what I'll give a star for but very disappointed in Volkswagen as a company. I have never missed a payment or been late, never asked for a deferral until my car got caught at home in the BC floods a few weeks ago along with our home. They refused to help me with another vehicle because of my credit score (unfortunately I had to do a consumer proposal this year, covid related). Found countless help for flood victims in other countries and their customers who lost their cars but for us Canadian VW owners and myself NOTHING! I was a very loyal customer to VW and loved my car (s) but I will never again purchase with Volkswagen. They lost a lifetime customer. Picked up a Mercedes and will never go back.
12 December 2021 0:57
Did not update my address and sent a bill to the one from years ago, and then put a record on my credit file because I did not pay it. I was not even aware of the charge until it went on my credit profile.
09 December 2021 9:39
It's hard to believe it's possible to get service this incompetent and awful in a country like Canada for an international company like VW. They could care less about the brand or reputation.
They will take money out of your account at the wrong time, and then even though it's their fault make you jump through endless hoops to correct the problem. And then if it isn't corrected, they are happy to send your file to a collection agency because they didn't resolve the problem in time and damage your credit.
Constantly refuse to provide reasonable solutions for their own mistakes. Ignore information and contracts from dealers that you made during the sale.
The worst finance company possible. If you are buying a vw, go through any other finance option possible.
10 November 2021 17:30
I had no issues dealing with Volkswagen finance customer service department. Leaving a review as most reviews are negative.
10 November 2021 8:00
Le pire service a la clientèle! Pas professionnel du tout la dame était dès le début agressive avec un language inapproprié
05 February 2021 21:32
They never answer the phone, I waited for over an hour and finally hung up.wth is wrong with you?
30 December 2020 1:45
J'ai eu un excellent service de la part de Marc lors de mon appel. Il a pu répondre à toutes mes questions. J'ai eu la ligne en moins d'une minute!
21 December 2020 17:26
Il ne donne pas l'option de laisser un message ou obtenir un retour d'appel et d'être mis en attente. Cela raccroche à chaque fois
19 December 2020 22:56
0 étoiles.
J'ai transférer ma location a la fin septembre et le mois suivant le paiement a été prélever quand même dans mon compte maintenant sa fais plus d'un mois que j'attends qu'on me rembourse.c'est le délai normal selon le commis qui m'a répondus.
08 December 2020 17:10
I've called 6 times and asked for callbacks and waited over 60 minutes on 2 occasions. It's been 4 days and I've spoke to no-one and I can't even send them an email. How is this a real company, they'll take your money, but won't talk to you.
04 December 2020 19:16
Pire service à la clientèle. Je ne rachèterai plus de voiture avec eux. Il est impossible de parler avec une personne au téléphone et le temps d’attente est incroyablement long. Il faudrait revoir votre service client à défaut de perdre vos clients potentiels. Zéro c’est tout ce qu’on pourrait leur donner.
12 November 2020 11:40
Worst possible customer service, this is Canada and i have never spoke to a representative from this company who was actually nice, impossible to get through to, current as i am writing this i am on hold for 44 minutes
02 November 2020 7:25
Très mauvais service temps d'attente pour parler à un représentant beaucoup trop long.totalement inacceptable.plus jamais un Volkswagen.
23 October 2020 8:16
Lol enough said. They tell you 20 mins but as you can see in the picture attached.that ain’t the case
19 October 2020 6:52
The worst finance company possible. If you are buying a vw, go through any other finance option possible. They took a payment out of my account for a car I traded in, for another vw. After 2 hours on hold, they tell me it will be 30 days to mail a refund cheque. When they took they payment electronically in seconds.
18 October 2020 22:35
J'ai envoyé un courriel le 21 août 2020, et à ce jour (8 sept) je n'ai reçu aucune réponse. Le service est pitoyable.
13 October 2020 15:44
Extremely poor customer service. I am appalled at the condescending undertone of the conversation had with their customer service representative Frank. Disappointed!
10 October 2020 6:16
Temps d’attente extrêmement long et service extrêmement non professionnel. Je l’ai appel constamment car il ne prennent jamais les paiements dans mon compte suite aux ententes que j’ai pris avec eux. Me disent qu’il y a un glitch dans le système donc j’ai des paiements en retard avec eux ce qui affecte mon crédit. Je suis complètement disposée a faire tous les paiements a tous les mois et c’est toujours des problèmes. Un certain Christophe vous coupe la parole et est vraiment agitée et ne trouve aucune solution pour vous. Vraiment extrêmement déçu.

Ariane Roy
22 August 2020 9:29
Très mauvais service, temps d 'attente tres elevé, service non courtois et surtout non professionnel.
22 August 2020 6:43
I've been waiting on the phone now for 23 minutes and counting. Last time I had to speak to them I got the most unprofessional, rude treatment. VW needs to move their finance operation somewhere else (outside of Quebec) as they're damaging their brand. No customer service acumen or professionalism AT ALL.
19 August 2020 12:06
Terrible service. Impossible to contact them. Just wanted to edit my address.waiting for several hours for someone to answer.no luck!
17 August 2020 6:09
It is almost impossible to reach out to them. If they cannot manage calls effectively they should be increasing their headcount.
11 May 2020 7:59
Par où commencer!? Sincèrement, je n'ai jamais eu autant de difficultés avec une demande avec un prêteur automobile.

Nous sommes en mars, depuis novembre dernier je demande de faire changer la date de mes paiements, les avoir les mercredi au lieu du vendredi (devancer de 2 jours). Mais on me dit qu'ils ne peuvent pas aller dans le passé? (le paiement est seulement dans 2 semaines, comment cela peut être le passé? !) qu'ils doivent faire un saut de paiement à la place.que leur système fonctionne ainsi. Vraiment, notes aux big boss, changer de système parce que ça vaut pas cher!

Mais cela semble être une demande beaucoup trop compliquée, car encore aujourd'hui en mars, mes paiements n'ont pas été changés de jour. J'ai rappelé autour du 20 février pour encore demander de mettre mes paiements les mercredis.

L'agent avec qui je parle fait les demandes, ``parfait madame alors il n'y aura pas de paiements qui va passer le 6 mars, mais seulement le 18 mars (qui est un mercredi) et tous les autres mercredis par la suite``.

Enfin! J'en profite pour mettre cet argent sur une autre dette.
Surprise! Mon paiement est quand même passé le 6 mars. Je téléphone hier, on me dit ``ah ben madame, votre demande a été annulé par votre agent`` MAIS POURQUOI? ``Je ne sais pas madame, c'est pas indiqué``.

Alors je veux qu'on me rembourse le paiement que vous avez prit du 6 mars et que vous le reprenez les 18 mars.
``Mais non madame, je ne peux pas faire ça, vu que votre demande a été annulée, je pourrais seulement aller au 1er avril``
Grrrr okay pour le 1er avril alors!

Je reçois un appel aujourd'hui.
``Oui madame, je ne peux pas vous rembourser le paiement du 6 mars ET mettre le prochain au 1er avril, notre système le prend pas, c'est un ou l'autre``
Tu me niaise là? ! Vraiment? Ma demande niaise comme ça depuis novembre je veux parler à un superviseur!
``Je peux pas vous passer le superviseur, je peux seulement vous transférer à sa boîte vocale et il retournera votre appel dans les 24 à 48hres``

Du GROS niaisage pour vrai, tellement pas impressionnée par votre façon de faire (qui n'est clairement pas du service).

Je vais tenté d'emprunter ailleurs pour les rembourser et ne plus avoir à faire avec eux.

0 = service à la clientèle
0 = service efficace
0 = compétents
11 March 2019 5:00
Won't take a lien off a car even though they cashed the cheque 54 days ago. Won't discuss it with me even though I now own the vehicle. Real nice.
01 March 2019 21:42
Revising this: VW are fair and are pleasant in dealing with problems, but there are alot of problems. IE: In the post lease inspection, the inspector told me there's no problem with the car - and when I get my report from VW they have hundreds of dollars of extra costs tacked on due to their interpretation of the report. The inspector told me to call them back and challenge their bill. Makes me wonder about all the other costs I just paid based on their demand in my other 3 leases. Then a mystery fee shows up in a settlement invoice - relating to recordkeeping issues. Ultimately they waived/corrected everything, but I had to proactively call on everything.
Also - my $800 security deposit from 16 years ago - which kept rolling into the new lease - well that's gone missing. Each lease I questioned it and each time was given assurances. Now there is no record so I need to go digging for this. Also - take ownership of the update of your records. For an entire lease of 4 years they were sending info to my previous address (not where I lived when I took out the new lease, but the address from the previous.) This is concerning given the application process/collection of data at Point of Sale.
They had problems in the past with an internal process (i.e. Their records did not reflect my then current address but had information from my previous lease/address) which meant a certain situation escalated unnecessarily - however I see that today they have fixed those problems very well and their customer service is good. They took the time to fully discuss a situation and I feel pleased with the service I receive.

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