10 September 2023 22:20
Beau pont à visiter et très bien entretenu. Par contre, il est seulement passable à pieds ou à vélo.
04 September 2023 10:35
Nice little to visit, no security, people diving off bridge, swimming in hvy current, the town offers nothing but pooor poor quality of business, =en plus au QUÉBEC, très pauvre service en FRANÇAIS malheureux.
20 February 2023 19:15
WARNING! DO NOT JUMP FROM THE BRIDGE DOWN TO THE RIVER Lot's off construction debris under the water
05 February 2023 14:13
I love this little village so many good shops kids walk after shcool sometimes because of a program called the way for grades 5 and 6 ive seen younger kids walk there to this is a little town thats beautful there is a newspaper company called the low down this village is like a little family
05 January 2023 8:37
Reconstrui à l'original. Le site est reposant. Stationnement en bordure de la route. Belle réussite de reconstitution de l'histoire.
08 December 2022 17:08
The history of the bridge is interesting, you can get right down to the water which is beautiful and there are some nice hiking trails right across the street. A beautiful spot!
22 November 2022 1:31
Beautiful historic bridge with nice (occasionally questionably written) signage showing the history of the bridge. Part of a great fall walk.
19 November 2022 18:02
Beautiful covered bridge very near the town of Wakefield, Quebec. This piece of architecture was rebuilt after it was destroyed by fire, it displays an excellent work of conservation of the history in the region. To reach the site just go on a short drive from the town, there is a parking area nearby.
23 September 2022 12:05
This landmark could be described as a hidden treasure in the Outaouais. There is light traffic, so I stopped there several times when people were visiting, and I took many photos. My kids were climbing the inside wooden structures.
01 September 2019 18:33
Great spot, especially if you have to drop a pee. I went with my buddy and had a chat about all our poor life decisions. We came to the conclusion that I'm a disaster of a human being. We had Bryan Adams on the Bluetooth. Great artist! "Look into my eyes and you will see what you mean to me".
16 August 2019 16:35
Bridge is nice but the area was filled with people smoking and drinking.and roaming pets. Not family friendly at all. I wouldn't even go on a date here. Very hard to walk on land underneath the bridge.
10 August 2019 9:30
A quaint small town in the Laurentiens which is a bit hipster with bilingual (English/French) spoken pretty much everywhere
06 August 2019 21:46
We decided to drive here and park in the nearby parking lot to walk to the covered bridge. We walked there first I noticed the big flower gardens in front of the bridge with the history of the volunteers. While walking I peeked on one side to take photos and the on the other side with a different view. Plus there was history along the bridge while walking to the other side. I’ve never been here before and it was nice to visit for the day. I would definitely go back again.
17 July 2019 6:37
I go to Wakefield once in a while. It’s a quick pleasant drive from Aylmer and once you’re there it’s very relaxing. The scenery is fantastic and there’s lots to do in terms of eating and shopping. I only discovered the Wakefield bridge after a few visits because I didn’t know about it. I finally visited it and what a nice site. Very scenic and historical. I couldn’t take enough photos lol. Visit on a nice sunny day and you will enjoy it! ️
16 July 2019 20:48
The covered top and the river below combine to create a constant, cool breeze that flows through the bridge, which provides for a very refreshing break from the hot summer sun. This bridge can be a very romantic spot for couples. (Sometimes, you can even see young people jumping off of it for fun into the river below!)
15 July 2019 16:13
Superbe endroit, très tranquille. La beauté de la rivière est à couper le souffle à cet endroit. Parfait endroit pour un pique-nique à côté du pont.
10 July 2019 16:11
Très bel emplacement. Une fois que la route et rénovation dans le village sera fini, ça va être très plaisant. Par contre, sur la promenade du chemin de fer, il manque de zone ombragé. C'est presque 100% au gros soleil.
28 June 2019 7:20
Wonderful spot to hang out. Water, community activities, yoga, haunted bridge. This historic bridge hosts every visitor without fail.
25 June 2019 13:53
Petit village pittoresque sur la rivière Gatineau. Pour un road trip, les amants de chemins boisés sinueux seront comblés. À découvrir.
30 April 2019 21:31
Bel endroit. Belle vue. Dommage pour le parking qui se situe plus loin, difficile avec un fauteuil roulant à cause des graviers aussi, mais avec des poussettes ça nous rassure. Excellent emplacement pour des photos, ça mérite une visite et s'attarder un peu plus, lire l'histoire des environs et profiter du paysage.
30 January 2019 16:25
Un endroit magnifique et calme pour piétons seulement. On peut stationner sur la rive est du côté du musée Fairbairn. Le stationnement est interdit du côté de la rue Gendron et les résidents auront vite fait de vous avertir.

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