13 January 2024 16:56
January 13th, 2024.3 cashes open for self checkout. Employee too busy playing with her phone to even consider opening another cash, or helping those who need assistance checking out.
11 October 2023 6:08
Service nul, la dame qui travaille le soir au Fashion cheveux gris repond méchamment au client c'est la 2e fois, je vais appeler le district
30 September 2023 2:03
One of the worst Pickup services I had ever. If you want to go back in history to 1920, try to place an order online and pick it up at Wallmart Lassale. I waited for 30 minutes to get my order and I didn’t even get it. The guys there don’t know what they are doing at all. There were 4 customers waiting and none of them get their orders and they left. They should close this service and Wallmart Lassale, or replace all the staff there.
Google should add 0 star review option just for Wallmart Lassale pickup service.
18 September 2023 1:15
Honestly the worst Walmart in the whole of Montreal. They never deliver groceries on time and even if they do they send out the wrong items. They Never pick up the phone and even the customer care has no clue on what is happening in the store.
07 September 2023 14:51
Ils m’ont escroquée 22$85 avec un DVD qui ne fonctionne pas. Le DVD Avatar 2 s’arrête de se lire au bout de 3-4 minutes à chaque fois que je le démarre, et ce, quelque soit le moment du film à partir duquel je le lis.
Au début on m’a autorisée à le faire échanger (car ils ne veulent pas rembourser), et au bout de deux fois je rencontrais toujours exactement le même problème. J’ai tenté de faire échanger avec autre chose par lassitude d’avoir acheté un DVD qui semble avoir un défaut de production propre à tous les DVD et ensuite ils m’ont dit que les échanges et les remboursements ne pouvaient pas se faire sur les DVD, car c’était ouvert.
Comme si je pouvais moi-même faire en sorte à ce que le DVD ne marche que 3 minutes en l’endommageant ou que ça m’amusait de revenir à chaque fois en magasin pour l’échanger. N’importe quoi!
C’est tellement malhonnête de dire ça alors qu’il n’y a pas le choix que d’ouvrir le DVD pour réaliser qu’il ne marche pas et qu’ils ne proposent même pas de le réparer! Ils se contentent juste de se faire de l’argent, pas d’honorer leur engagement de fournir un bien conforme à ce qu’ils vendent.
Sans compter l’absence totale d’amabilité et de politesse de l’hôtesse d’accueil (bref la base quoi).
Ce sont des escrocs, ils mériteraient d’être interdits de vendre des DVD!
27 August 2023 23:50
No proper support and one fitting room for trying clothes. Long waiting time. Poor experience
23 August 2023 3:25
This is a review for the ladies at the sushi counter.
First of all, it's a treat to see these ladies create a nice sushi platter. They are pleasant and have a good sense of humour.
I only tried the shrimp it was about 24hrs old. However it was very enjoyable. Those ladies made my day by making a good shrimp roll. Honestly, I will go back to try other items they hand prepared themselves. Buying sushi at Walmart was questionable, not anymore with those ladies in charge!
Tell them they have a new fan!
Thank you for helping make my day a little better
I wish you two lots of success.
27 May 2023 13:59
I brought my 90 year old grandma in to get her a new phone from the electronics department and sixtine helped us and went above and beyond the level of customer service I would have ever expected. This girl should be a manager. Thank you for making the situation very easy for us.
20 January 2022 20:50
This is a comfort place for my girlfriend and i. We just love to go and walk around and see what we can grab! They aren't too customer focused, So some ppl might not like it. But we do! Since it gives us a peaceful shopping experience.
11 January 2022 16:51
The store is all rearranged neatly and easy to find what you looking for. A little spacious and not clustered.
03 January 2022 17:25
I am not going to trust online grocery at walmart.ca anymore. I was chaerged 67.17 by a online order but when I return them all I just get 40.15 back. I achieved nothing but I paid $17.it is so discusting. The reason why I return the items them because they canceled one item in my cart sothat it is less than S75.
31 December 2021 1:36
Vous obtenez tout pour la maison et la voiture. Beaucoup de variété dans les décorations de Noël pour la table de la salle à manger, il y a un bon assortiment.
26 December 2021 15:32
I'm glad I dont see the sales rep.that falsely accused us of stealing diapers or manager that accused us of making a scene for stating the obvious.
26 December 2021 1:05
Usually I prefer to go here for my daily grocery and I like their varieties in food for all different tastes.
24 December 2021 14:39
Typical Walmart. Lots of parking wheelchair accessibility, good staff to help you and very clean.
17 December 2021 1:37
Happy to shop in this Walmart. Big space, helpful employee's. Really appreciate the their services for better shopping experience. There is a new key making machine, you can customize your keys.
10 December 2021 15:14
6 Décembre 2021 le dimanche. J’ai dû faire la queue pendant 40 minutes. Les employés n’ont pas le temps de servir les gens.
04 December 2021 18:57
Ordered chair a month ago never received it now walmart just keeps giving me phone numbers to call smh
04 December 2021 14:51
It could be better considering other walmarts that are more assorted in every department. Walmart in LaSalle should improve. Example: the pet department is quite poor and this has being going on since many years.
16 November 2021 16:42
I didn't find anything, there were no strawberries, grapes, tomatoes, maybe by the hour but I didn't find what I was looking for
07 November 2021 5:30
A very kind and devoted employee went out of their way tonight to bring me a wheelchair when the first one stopped working, and then found me another when that one stopped working. She also spotted us loading up the car and came to help.

This really made my day and I want to say thank you to this employee again! Awesome people like her make living through this pandemic possible.

I hope only good things for this person! Great hire Walmart! Take her to the top! She is the kind of everyday hero this world needs right now.
13 October 2021 14:16
Monday I was hassled by a door checker and treated like a criminal. Very disappointed, as I shop there all the time and know some of the staff. Some ppl lack experience in judgment and rationality. I still like shopping there, just wish that hadn't happened to me, especially with my disability.
04 October 2021 23:46
PRESQUE ÉPUISÉ! Pourquoi lorsque Walmart annonce PRESQUE ÉPUISÉ et que nous appelons pour voir la disponibilité comme walmart indique de faire avant de se deplacer, on nous répond qu'ils en ont plus. Ne pas induire les gens en erreur svp, simplement indiquer ÉPUISÉ ceci éviterait des problèmes. Ceci semble manière courante de fonctionner chez Walmart. Très décevant. Le site indique l'article à 298$ et j'étais justement sur le site lorsqu'il est descendu en rabais à 150$ avec la mention PRESQUE ÉPUISÉ. La personne me dit "On en a plus" c'est quoi le but d'appeler et se faire dire ça? Surtout qu'à cette succursale on semble déranger énormément! L'option du 0 étoile n'existe malheureusement pas. P. S. Le lendemain, il est encore indiqué PRESQUE ÉPUISÉ. Pathétique.
01 October 2021 12:07
Commande en ligne catastrophique, il manque 2/3 lors de la livraison et même pas un geste commercial. Si vous y allez en personne, ça va.
24 September 2021 2:42
Before recently, Walmart used to bring curry leaves that were packaged well and safely. Now they are packaging curry leaves where they don't even last a week. Before, these used to last for 1 month. During this time of crisis, Walmart forces us to travel far from remote areas to their stores to buy more. Just to make a few more dollars by changing the packaging for these leaves, so that people buy more often, are you willing to lose customers Walmart?
20 September 2021 7:45
Bon magasin où tout trouver. Là où ils perdent 2 étoiles. La première c’est du au fait que très souvent ils n’ont pas de sac donc si on voyage en autobus et en métro, on est contraints de laisser une partie de nos achats derrière nous faute de sac. Même si on apporte nos propres sacs, il leur est primordial d’en avoir.
La deuxième étoile qu’ils perdent, c’est du au fait qu’ils ont changé et déplacé la majorité de leurs rayons et ils faut chercher, puis les items sont souvent déplacés à l’autre bout du magasin.

Autre chose, il faut être patient pour trouver un commis puisque ceux ci sont rares ou cachés. Ils manque régulièrement de paniers puisque personne ne les ramène du parking alors pensez à en prendre un par vous même avant d’entrer

Puis si un item en vente n’est pas disponible, ils ne voudront pas faire de bon réclame (rain check) et vont essayer de se débarrasser du problème. Tenez leur tête et insistez pour avoir un équivalent sous peine de le rapporter à option consommateur. La loi les oblige à avoir suffisamment d’un item en vente en quantité suffisante et/ou offrir un équivalent.
Donc ils sont obligé de faire un rain check et ils sont obligés de vous vendre l’équivalent au même prix proposé dans la circulaire

Puis leur intercom est trop facile d’accès, ce qui fait que des fois on entend des pets, des rots ou des niaiseries se dire dans les haut-parleurs
17 September 2021 4:34
They did mistakes in the same order and delivery 3 times and I couldn't reach anyone till finally after 6 hours today I managed to cancel my order
17 September 2021 1:21
Je trouve les grosse chaîne de magasin walmart ne donne pas un bon service à la clientèle. Seulement 2 caisses ouverte pour les clients qui paie comptant et le reste des caisses sont des caisses que le monde se serve seul. VIVRE LE GROS PROFIT AU PROFIT DES LA CLIENTÈLE.

Sa fait longtemps que j'avais pas été dans vos magasins et sa va prendre du temps de nous revoir.
05 September 2021 4:29
This store has a Macdonds inside, thankfully it’s closed because of the virus. There is plexiglass up at the cash. The store is clean inside but outside no. Always the outside is clean. The people that are working there are doing a super job. Some people are not keeping the social distancing. There should be less people allowed in the store at a time. August 5 2021 update I am so not happy with this LaSalle Supercentre Store#3046, there was only 1 cassier open and I asked her pass my things 8 ítems, she was in Rush and said no and closed her cash. I had to go to self serve, there was too many people and I had anxiety attack. Not happy with this store.
14 August 2021 19:46
Le service aux caisses est ultra lent car malgré que le magasin soit bondé seulement 2 caisses sont ouvertes cela provoque beaucoup de frustration, avec raison parmi les personnes présentes, il y a aussi un imbroglio au sujet des articles de jardins qui sont difficilement accessibles. La simple logique semble échapper aux gérants de ce magasin qui semble prioriser la difficulté des clients à choisir et payer leurs articles
31 July 2021 14:52
Terrible.le 6 juillet, jai acheté plusieuurs articles et quans jai passer a la caisse oon ma dit: on a aucun sacs monsieur! Cest scandaleux.heureusement quelqun ma donnner un sac.il faut éviter de magaziner dans ce magasin.il ne mérite pas votre argent.
10 July 2021 7:14
La livraison de mes commandes en lignes sont toujours un vrai cauchemar. Les deux jeunes livreurs, un homme et sa soeur ou copine, ne portaient pas de masque. Cette fois encore, c'est des items erronés comme les dernières commandes. Très frustrant de perdre beaucoup de temps au téléphone avec leur service à la clientèle qui n'était pas professionnel du tout. J'ai dû expliquer 6 fois à l'agent car il ne comprenais pas le français du Québec. Il mentionne être en Égypte.j'ai bien peur pour la protection de mes renseignements personnels. C'est la dernière fois que je vais faire des commandes en ligne chez Walmart. Vaux mieux acheter local et de supporter nos magasins d'içi.
09 July 2021 9:42
I am giving one star because zero was not a choice. We came for the passport pictures at 2.30 pm. Waited at the counter for 30 minutes. Then called the photo center twice with no answer. Called the customer service once with no answer. Finally went to a different counter, saw 5 employees and asked one for help. Female staff came to stamp the pictures was rude and did not speak English. She said that she speaks French and Spanish. Very slow service. Got out around 3.30. Never go there again.
24 May 2021 15:18
I went today, but it was a long line to enter, and inside people they walk the way they like, Nobody is there to tell them you are entering the wrong side, Nobody is respecting the arrows on the floor, and.when I said so to the young customer, she laugh at me, so.how does it have to work, it looks like the money spent on the stickers went to the, it is like an art for art. So sad.
Besides, your price checker in the food dep.didn't work, probably on strike, I run to 4 and they were out of service, so sad.
Shopping on weekends is a hell. Never again
18 April 2021 0:18
Curb side pickup experience - Not good at all! They want us to be there on time but its a MESS on their end. The employee who seemed to be able to help couldnt because he was only brought in to help the actual employees doing the pick up It was very cold, we were around 10 people waiting. I was also told by an employee that he couldnt find one of my items and said he would refund me. I wanted him to do it on sight but he was clearly busy and said he’ll do it later on the day, I should see the refund within 3-5 business days. I looked 1 week later and of course, no credit! I had to drove all the way back to the store just to be told they dont see the item in their system which means they gave it to me! I asked for a supervisor, waited 30 minutes for her and she said she could just give me the item as they have plenty of them in stock she also remembered a transaction with the exact same item that wasnt processed properly the same day I had my pickup scheduled lol. I wonder why
03 April 2021 17:24
One of the best Walmart stores. That comment was from last year (2019). This year (2020), and it's only January, it is one of the worst. The store was in total disarray. Nail polish staining the floors of the cosmetic dept, children's clothes all over the floor and a general mess everywhere except the grocery department. Maybe management needs to be changed?
Now it's 2021and there is a pandemic and there are about 12 people waiting for in line to pay.one cash register. REALLY. I DO NOT RECOMMEND GOING TO THIS WALMART. They want you to use the self-checkout. Like one of the other customers behind me. "I don't work here". There are plenty of othe stores around.
22 March 2021 11:21
En succursale ça va, sauf si tu as besoin d'aide, ça peut être laborieux:)
Sinon, l'épicerie en ligne c'est très bof.c'est la 2eme fois que je le fais et qu'ils me livrent, les 2 fois ils ont oublié plusieurs articles.
Au moins, c'est simple de demander un remboursement!
Mais si vous voulez être sur d'avoir tout ce dont vous avez besoin, allez-y vous-même ahah
13 March 2021 15:37
Ordered 70$+ worth of groceries, got 20$ worth of them delivered. Walmart requires that you order at least 45$ worth for the delivery, so I'm not sure what the hell is happening, but it's clear their employees and associates are falling behind. I urge you to do business with other Walmarts if it's possible for you, or even better, your local stores.
02 March 2021 19:57
This is the second time in a row that half of my mother's order is missing. For a year I have ordered her groceries online - seamlessly. Suddenly, their service - customer service - is AWFUL. I even asked for the General Manager to call me to resolve $200 of undelivered groceries and I've never had a call back. Disgusted.
24 February 2021 1:13
Walmart Lasalle got my PS5 online order in their store a week ago. They now admit that they no longer have it.strange how the hottest selling item for 2020 magically goes missing in the hands of their employees. I’m sure someone’s happily reselling my PS5 for double the price now.

Edit: after complaining to BBB they finally got me the PS5, by giving me another customers order rather than mine. I feel pretty bad for the person they ripped off.
13 January 2021 9:07
What horrible customer service! If I could rate them a ZERO, I would. I placed an order for delivery and when I received my order, the milk they sent expired 1 month earlier! The bag even looks like it has been opened and closed multiple time. They send me a refund nd it isn't even for the full amount, there's a random charge of $1.00! Calling their customer service is like talking to robots who have no compassion or consideration. Everytime I order there is a problem! This is the last time I will ever order from them!
23 December 2020 21:02
Passez deux commandes en lignes!
Problème avec les deux!
Service à la clientèle en français horrible.
Pour finir par me faire rappeler par une personne unilingue anglaise et nullement désolé de ne pas me servir dans ma langue.
23 December 2020 13:11
Beware. Employee caught not wearing mask in store. Talking on her phone perhaps on break however not following protocols, no mask or protective face shield worn.
29 November 2020 0:18
I was lucky enough to get an XBOX series x on November 10th. Unfortunately, the XBOX was sent to Walmart in La Salle. I go the confirmation that it was ready for pickup, but an employee triggered a return on my behalf without my consent.
I feel robbed, specially because this situation should never happen in Canada.
Now I don't have my XBOX or my money. I am calling my bank to see what they could do, but this is unacceptable.
Please buy on your own risk with these guys at La Salle.
14 November 2020 12:08
Worse Walmart ever. Even before Covid-19 the store is always a mess and stuff is no where to be found. My husband recently asked an employee where to find something, he was told, it should be around here, just look for it. He had been looking for it, he asked the employee if they can go check in their system or back store. They leave, he waits. Later, he sees the employee with a shopping cart going about her business and when she saw my husband she changed aisles no update on anything. We ended up ordering the item online for curbside pick-up. My husband called and waited. When the person showed up, they shoved the package in my husband's hands and left, no greeting, no eye contact, nothing. I understand and like that it could be a one stop shop, but the walmart in Lasalle is on a whole other level of bad.
14 November 2020 1:28
Today I saw a few incompetent employees one was so f.king abtuse, this Male cashier totally IGNORED me to press the button of the conveyors " you wait" I RESPONDED press the button I need to put the rest of my stuff. No it to hard to lift your hand & GO two inches away BISIDE HIM and press the button. COMME ON! Please HH DEPARTMENT PREAPARE YOUR NEWBIES BETTER THANK YOU
14 May 2019 1:04
Quality of vegetables not upto the mark. Other than that, pretty much all household items available in good price under one roof
13 May 2019 18:30
Service vraiment déplorable au département des jeux vidéo. Ne savent même pas ce qu'ils ont en stock, jachète un jeu pour la nintendo switch et c'est pas le bon jeu dans la boite.
09 May 2019 10:00
Went there for an oil change at 6h48 and they didn't want to take my car, cause they told me they were closing at 7 and they don't take cars after 6h30. Well I'll go elsewhere for my monthly oil change.
03 May 2019 5:09
Found everything I wanted and the cashier lineups were practically nonexistent. In and out, I'll be back.
23 April 2019 8:44
Trop de désordre dans les rayons et le prix ne sont pas à leur place. Difficile de connaître le prix d'un article sur l'étagère
25 February 2019 6:58
ATTENTION! Deux articles de literies acheté à ce Walmart succursale 3046 à Angrignon, nous avons retrouvé des punaises de lits dans chaque produits et même le protecteur de matelas.
06 February 2019 7:41
Good experience got wat I needed large selection.some times I am shocked at my bill after checking out because its a bit higher than I expected
02 February 2019 1:45
Le personnel est extrêmement aimable. Ce sont plutôt les clients qui sont désagréables. L'autre jour il y avait un client qui en utilisant un ton arrogant exigeait un prix spécial pour un item au dessus duquel il n'avait pas de prix affiché. Cela peut arriver, il se peut même que ce serait un client ayant de mauvaises intentions qui enlève l'affiche. Il exigeait le prix spécial affiché pour les items situés à côté. Il invoquait la politique d'exactitude des prix. Mais je crois sincèrement qu'il avait tord et tentait d'in timider la superviseur et un commis qui tentait de l'aider. Les 2 sont demeuré courtois, malgré l'insolence du client qui utilisait différentes techniques de manipulation pour avoir gain de cause. (IL demande les noms des employés, invoque la dite loi et menace de porter plainte)
31 January 2019 7:57
Wide variety of goods. But entrance in front of cashiers crowded with full returned goods. Wish it was clear of this to make it easier to get around.
30 January 2019 9:21
Correct. J'ai vu des Walmarts avec une meilleure diversité dans la section des produits laitiers et des légumes et fruits congelés. Ici, ils sont plutôt restreints.

J'aime pas la division des caisses rapides, c'est pas facile de diriger son chariot à une caisse située au fond.

J'ai eu une très bonne expérience avec le personnel de la pharmacie.
23 January 2019 11:12
Difficile de trouver quelqu'un pour nous aider, beaucoup d'articles aux mauvais endroits (ex: aspirateurs), prix non affichés (ex: poubelles).
15 January 2019 18:09
I would have given 4, if it would not have bothered me that 1/4 of their stock was lying on the floor, not enough employees to pick up after the clients. It looked really messy and took me longer to find what I was looking for. My cashier was very friendly and helpful. You can find great deals.
12 January 2019 19:10
Très mauvais service à la clientèle. La caissière au remboursement m'a jamais fait de sourire, ni de merci. Clairement je l'a dérangeais. De plus, après 4 appels à l'intercome et une heure de niaisage pour un "associé" à l'automoblile finalement quelqu'un est venue me servir. De plus, les tablettes sont vides et je m'excuse mais le magasin est en bordel. On aurait dit qu'un ouragan venait de passer. Pour un dimanche matin à 10: 00 c'était déja bordélque et sale. Deuxième visite et la dernière. J'aime mieux aller plus loin mais où l'on me sert bein et où que c'est propre.
11 January 2019 4:19
I typically do part of my groceries here. Pricewise is very good.

Their vegetables don’t always look the greatest or the most fresh.

For some reason this walmart is one of the few that Always seem to have everything disorganized on the shelves. (That’s why Im giving it 4 stars)
09 January 2019 21:51
Is not the most well organised Wal-Mart. Is at times real messy. Though if you do not mind that, you can find decent things at times.
08 January 2019 0:48
Be careful if you deliver load in this Walmart. Very very bad management and rude workers in shipping receiving department. Manager is very rude and unhelpful. Don't go after 1: 30pm they will not unload your trailer even 1 skid. 8am to 1: 30pm only i was there at 2: 30pm dropped off 3 skids only. Manager said im not nice and helpful with no one and we are closed don't stay here go outside. I had to wait 18 hours to dropped off 3 skids. In the next morning 8am shipper said i know the law driver must unload his own trailer that s the Quebec law
15 November 2018 12:34
Worst customer service ever, they do not train the employee at all, and you feel like your coming out of some high security office, after paying at the cashier you still need to show your receipt to a security guard at the door you stop he check it looks at your carage like your some thieth thats just spent 500$ "but there must be something and than if by chance you buy fomula for your baby (which your holding in your arms) which has the electronic sticker on it that makes the door sound the alarm there going to search you again! No commonsense and not the way to treat your customers am never going to that one again.
14 October 2018 5:01
I arrived at ten am on a Sunday morning and the store was a complete disaster. Clothing racks completely disorganized. Shopping carts overflowing with discarded clothes clogged some sections like log jams. Shelving in the rest of the store looked like the place had been looted. There were open packages and piles of random damaged goods in housewares, fitness, and every other section I passed through. I saw several staff strolling around, but none were doing anything to reorganize the shelves. I know Walmart is Walmart and we shouldn’t expect much, but someone from corporate needs to step in and do something immediately. Ample parking.
12 October 2018 12:07
Good place for shopping. Neat and clean, all aisle are well organized and people are helpful. Walmart also has MacDonald.
28 September 2018 16:00
Store in disarray. Employees are impatient. Shelves are empty. Looks as if store is going out of business. Will not be going there again.
25 September 2018 1:31
A complete zoo on a holiday Sunday afternoon. Understaffed, picked over and not the cleanest. Staff tried hard. 80% of the clients were jerks.
21 September 2018 13:10
Good variety of products great prices
But the cashiers and most of the walmart employees are the rudest as hell
I don’t know the reason behind that either they are working at low wages or the work load is very high but all in all they should be taught how to deal with customers stop being rude.
I work in same environment no matter what is happening behind its our duty to treat customer with a smile and politeness
18 September 2018 17:31
Awful customer service. They don't Answer the phone.even if you wait long enough they pick up then hang up without a word
13 September 2018 20:41
What a f'n mess, worse than Zellars used to be, lots of people few cash's open! Loose some managers hire some damn cashers you almost can't turn a corner without bumping into a manager get some of them on a cash when line ups get so long!

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