23 August 2023 23:26
La compagnie d'assurance Wawanesa présente plusieurs aspects qui méritent une critique négative. Tout d'abord, leur service à la clientèle est souvent perçu comme médiocre. De nombreux clients se plaignent de la lenteur des réponses aux demandes, de l'attente prolongée au téléphone et de la difficulté à obtenir des informations claires et précises.

De plus, la gestion des réclamations chez Wawanesa laisse souvent à désirer. Certains assurés signalent des retards importants dans le traitement des demandes d'indemnisation, ce qui peut causer des inconvénients financiers et émotionnels aux clients déjà éprouvés par un sinistre. Les politiques de règlement des sinistres de Wawanesa peuvent être considérées comme étroites et restrictives, ce qui limite les indemnisations auxquelles les clients peuvent prétendre.

Un autre problème majeur est la tarification de Wawanesa. De nombreux clients ont constaté une augmentation significative de leurs primes d'assurance sans aucune explication valable. Cette pratique peut sembler injuste et frustrante pour les assurés fidèles qui n'ont pas fait de réclamations. De plus, les options de couverture proposées par Wawanesa peuvent être limitées et ne pas répondre aux besoins spécifiques des clients.

Enfin, la réputation de Wawanesa en matière de transparence et de communication est sujette à caution. Certains clients ont signalé un manque de clarté dans les termes et les conditions de leurs polices d'assurance, ce qui peut entraîner des malentendus et des surprises désagréables lorsqu'ils doivent déposer une réclamation.

Dans l'ensemble, la compagnie d'assurance Wawanesa présente des lacunes importantes en termes de service à la clientèle, de gestion des réclamations, de tarification et de transparence. Ces problèmes peuvent entraîner une expérience frustrante et insatisfaisante pour les assurés, ce qui explique les critiques négatives à leur égard.
07 August 2023 11:38
Worst insurance company ever! These guys are thieves they will take money from you and will cancel your insurance for no valid reason and won't even take their time to understand your situation or concern. They will have their brokers talk on their behalf and the broker will keep saying they can't do anything! They won't even give you the chance to speak to them or explain your situation. TOTAL RIP OFFS *STAY AWAY FROM THEM*
16 June 2023 17:40
I've been a customer of Wawanesa insurance since 1999 and my family since 1996. We have our home and automobiles bundled to keep premiums as low as possible. This insurance company has been professional and caring when we needed them the most and just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking care of us recently. A special thank you to Mr Patrick Oftiguy, the claim rep who made all our issues go away with a smile. Thanks again, Wawanesa.
16 May 2023 10:21
$$$EXPENSIVE$ TERRIBLE claims service. If you have a claim watch out. First off my adjuster demanded i get the police report. Which i cant get for 20 to 30 days from mto. I believe thats what i pay them for. They dont have any communication. They do not respond to emails or phone calls. Been waiting two weeks. They said they would pay out my claim in 24 to 48 hours two weeks later NO COMUNICATION. They flat out lied to me multiple times. Requested a supervisor. Its been three days not heard from them either. I've been a customer for 17 years this has been a ridiculous experience. I will be finding new insurance elsewhere.
23 April 2023 23:16
Je veux faire affaire avec un assureur directement pas avec des courtiers d'assurances!
19 April 2023 0:06
Really not impressed with the service I’ve received. I submitted a claim on May 20th for a not a fault accident, I just got the approval on June 10th. The rep told me they didn’t have the phone number of the other person so they couldn’t reach him. I ended up calling the other persons insurance and had to explain them the situation. Why do I have to do someone’s job for them? Isn’t that why I’m paying for insurance in the first place, for a headache free service? Once my car is finally fixed, it’ll be well over a month since this claim has been submitted.

March 16,2023;

Made a call and spoke to a rep regarding my policy which is being renewed soon. I asked him to review it and see if they can give me a better deal, only to be absolutely insulted and berated over the phone. Even going as far as telling me to go to a competitor if the price is better, is this how you’re trained to retain customers? 7 years, no missed payments, and only 1 not at fault claim and this is how you treat someone? By calling them a liar? Is it because I spoke English? Is it because of my name? Why did you get so angry so fast? Unacceptable, you guys are probably worse then Bell for customer service. ️
10 April 2023 12:27
Dealing with claims is a nightmare. My car was stolen June 2022 and April 2023 my claim is still open. Ive been passed around by adjusters like a hot potato for almost a year.abismal service and follow up from the company. You can tell by all the great reviews after me. Avoid Wawanesa at all costs.
02 November 2022 14:43
Tres tres bon service jusqu'a cet année apres avoir depenser plus de 18 000$ en assurance chez cet compagnie. Elle decide de resilier mon contrat a cause que j'ai besoin dune reclamation totalisent 2800$. Elle invente toute sorte dhistoire datent de plusieur année du a 2 amende totalisent 78$ chaque par photo radar. Aussi faut pas oublier laugmentation hors norme du au fait que suposement ma maison est dans un lieux inondable mes je vie au dessus dune montagne avec aucun point deau près du domicile.
23 October 2022 4:47
It was a very bad experience, I tried to get insurance here but they spelled my name wrong many times and I finally gave up and they sent me the bill. Totally ridiculous.
24 September 2022 1:09
De très bonne assurance j'ai mes assurance avec eux depuis 2015 et rien à dire de mal. Il donne de bon conseils et je les recommandes.
18 July 2022 18:45
I am already a client, but they never answer the phone, there is abolutely no way to contact my agent.
17 April 2020 23:11
Ils m'ont chargé mon 25$ au début du mois, je n'avais pas d'argent = frais effet sans provision dans mon compte.

Ils rechargent 25$ 10 jours plus tard alors que c'est interdit, toujours pas d'argent = frais effet sans provision dans mon compte

À ce moment, je n'était pas au courant de cette situation dans mon compte. Wawanesa m'appelle, et me dit qu'ils vont me charger 70$ de frais. Et c'était la première fois que ça m'est arrivé avec eux, client depuis 5 ans avec eux.
08 March 2020 23:45
Very disappointed by the service. I wouldn’t recommend you to take any assurance with them. After 9 years with the company I done 2020
06 March 2020 7:39
They are now associated with brokers Fort assurances & avantages, good luck trying to contact them. We've been with wawanesa forever and now that it's time to renew the policy, we cannot contact anybody. I have been trying for 5 days to call Fort, and I have been waiting for up to 30 minutes on the phone with no answer or option of leaving a message. Finally I called wawanesa and spoke to their operator to inform them of my situation. They said I am not the first person to have this problem and they took my info and said they would call somebody at Fort, and they would call me immediately. It has been more than 5 days. Still no reply. Bravo Fort assurances and Bravo wawanesa, you are suited for one another. I'm going to Capitale who answered me immediately.
04 March 2020 20:31
Very very bad company. I only made 1 claim in one year and they didnt renew the contract. I repeat very bad company. And that one claim i made i wasnt guilty and they hit the car from back. Now i have a bad report and cant have insurance with other companies too! They want you to not make a claim at all!
27 February 2020 7:27
If I could give a ZERO star I would. Since Wawanesa decided to stop dealing with their PAYING clients directly and outsourced to brokers I've had NOTHING but a bad experience! I've been a loyal customer for over 20 yrs & have referred friends & acquaintances over the yrs. I'm utterly appalled by the "service" or lack there of that I've received by their broker Fort over the last yr! I can NEVER reach anyone, nor do I receive a call back! Now all of a sudden I received a cancellation notice from Fort, not Wawa without A SINGLE PHONE CALL nor is the reason for cancelation viable! I have attempted to reach Fort for ONE WEEK without success! Wawa, it's YOU who takes my money, it's YOU I chose as my insurer, I expect YOU to provide the adequate service I have been accustomed to over the last 20+ yrs, NOT subpar service by a 3rd-party who DOESN'T ANSWER the phone or call back! Is THIS who you value your customers? !? WAWA, you should be ASHAMED! I want my money back, this is NOT what I paid for or signed up for!
20 February 2020 15:12
Been with them for a long time and they were great, However, they don't give good service anymore you have to deal with a broker and their hours for service for questions have been reduced greatly. They did not return my phone call on a claim and now the company they hired to do the work for the claim is now suing me! The used to be good, not anymore!
17 February 2020 22:59
Wawanesa used to be a great insurance company. I’ve been with them for more than 15 years. Never one issue.
They were bought out by another company.
Just had an accident this morning, they won’t even pay the rate that the dealer charges and they want to charge me the difference! Or send me to shity fixauto.


I’m going to switch to Intact
10 February 2020 2:04
Malheureusement, cette compagnie n'est plus ce qu'elle était.

Le service est super mauvais.

Il n'est plus possible de parler à un agent lorsqu'on appelle. Il faut passer par des courtiers. Malheureusement les courtiers (Fort Assurance) dans mon cas ne répondent pas aux appels et ne donnent pas suite aux courriels.

Il est donc impossible de parler à qui que ce soit.

Même en restant en attente 38 minutes, on finit par tomber sur une boite vocale qui demande de laisser un message. Même si vous laissez ledit message, on ne vous rappellera pas.

Pour m'aider, un préposé Wawanesa m'a offert d'écrire à un superviseur chez Fort. Il m'a promis que cette fois, ça serait la bonne. Une semaine plus tard, personne ne m'a contacté.

C'est l'impasse.

Évitez-vous de vivre cette situation.
31 January 2020 20:17
I used to appreciate Wawanesa.but they assigned me to a broker in Westmount, Montreal (Fort insurance) and I can't have an answer from no one. Basically, I am stuck with a broker that won't answer.this is crazy!
04 January 2020 17:12
03 December 2019 12:44
I'm 45 and have never had someone threaten to call the police on me.

. Until I dealt with Wawanesa's "preferred" garage.

I've never been so disappointed in a professional organization that I've had to rely on every day.
22 August 2019 8:23
The system has changed for bad customer service.now dealing with insurance broker and no one answer the phone for billing question. Plus insurance policy gone up big time for a long time no claim policy holder.time to change insurance company.
10 August 2019 5:50
The customer service with Fort insurance is horrible. I keep leaving my name and nobody als me back. It is evident, Wawanesa no longer needs customers.
20 May 2019 7:49
My father and I have been a client with your company for over 15+ years now. On March 21st 2019 I was in a car collision which resulted me in doing my first claim in 9 years. My car was not drivable and I was admitted to the hospital the same day due to the injuries I sustained. The next day I went into Wawanesa office on decarie to fill out my form only to find out that I was not covered for a rental car in my time of need. The representative told me that a feature of car rental in an accident which I have had for all my years I have drove was removed in 2017. I then went to tell the representative that not one person told me about removing my car rental feature. She then proceeded to transfer me to a sales rep to see what he can do. The sales rep from the start of the conversation did not want to put in the effort to help us who needed a rental car right away, instead kept repeating that he will add it to the next claim. We didn’t need it for an accident that may or may not happen in the future, we needed for the current one.
Wawanesa is a company who just wants your money and not help you at all.this is our first claim in over 25 years and they are willing to loose all of my family and friends over a car rental which they did not want to issue me.what kind of car insurance company issues a 2 way car insurance but wont cover for a rental car.service is poor over the phone, they way they handled the situation is poor

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