19 August 2023 15:22
Very professional well educated when I ask about any situation that I am having with grass.
15 August 2023 13:30
Très bon service: Merci! Notre gazon est tout beau, tout vert et on espère que ce sera ainsi jusqu'en octobre.
29 July 2023 4:33
Great service & customer experience is on point. If you need a lawn care company, i highly recommend Weed Man.
25 July 2023 0:22
Weed Man is the only choice if you want professional service by a polite and friendly crew, who respect your property and make it look great, because their methods do work. Thank you for years of reliable service.
14 July 2023 8:19
Après deux ans pour épandage d'engrais et élimination des mauvais herbes je suis encore satisfait des services effectués par Weed Man. Continuez votre bon travail.
31 May 2023 14:23
Cette compagnie épand des pesticides chez mon voisin et en met dans mon potager a tomate qui est juste à côté. Ie jeune homme me dit de ne pas manger mes légumes! Mais je suis chez moi et si je tombe malade, je vous poursuivrais. Comment peut on étendre des produits néfaste pour la santé et qui empêche les fleurs de pousser et de nourir nos polulinisateurs? !? ! Simplement aberrant.
18 May 2023 10:56
Salesperson showed up to my door, insisted I give my number, my dog was barking like crazy and I wanted to get rid of the guy so I just gave it. I’ve been receiving calls almost everyday at all times of the day even at 9pm. I really do not appreciate this and I don’t appreciate the invasive questions. Consistently barraging people with calls especially at night is extreme and does not make people want to use your services. Honestly it was so annoying that there is no way I would use this company because I could just imagine the headache it would be.

Update: thank you for your message and response however a lot of people have been communicating this issue with you’re company for years and it does not seem to change.
19 March 2023 6:10
Ils m’ont contacté pour faire une évaluation des services dans mon jardin et m’ont donné une estimation. Le jour meme j’ai reçu 2 appels. J’ai bien spécifié que je comprend l’offre et que je ne veut pas recevoir d’autres appels par la suite et que je vais moi même les contacter si je veut faire affaire avec eux. Le monsieur au téléphone m’a assuré qu’il va mettre une note au dossier pour ne plus recevoir d’appel. Le lendemain, on m’appelle de nouveau et on me raccroche au nez parce que je ne suis pas contente de leur harcèlement! Si c’est comme ça avant même d’avoir le service, je me demande c’est quoi la qualité de leur travail et leur échange une fois le forfait payé!
01 March 2023 15:42
Super aggressive unsolicited phone calls.
Not listening to customers and requiring credit card numbers on the spot to close new customers.

Stay away and run.
20 December 2022 7:42
(See my update below) Totally underwhelmed and disappointed. I made the mistake of paying up front, in full, for the weed treatment. First off, they didn’t show up until the last day in May to apply the first fertilizer treatment and that was after I called them to ask them why they hadn’t come yet. Two days later, they did the first weed treatment, then they waited a full month and a half to return to do the second one after I called them at least 3 times. By then the weeds had taken ahold again so it didn’t do much good. Meantime they kept calling me to push for additional services like grub control and aeration - which I refused. When I explained why I refused other services they told me I could have had a free reapplication of weed treatment (of course nobody ever told me this before!). My response was that I didn’t have any faith that they’d show up for an additional treatment if I couldn’t even get them to come for the treatments I had already paid for! I’ve been made to feel as though I wasn’t a valuable customer because they already had my money. Bottom line… my lawn is still full of weeds. I’m one disappointed customer.

Update: After my complaint, Weed Man did everything they could to make it right which proves to me that they do truly care about customer satisfaction. My lawn is looking way better now that it has received all the proper treatments. If I hadn’t have had to complain in the first place, I would have given them 5 stars because now I can see that their treatments really do work well.
18 December 2022 8:11
The service itself is ok. Nothing really to complain about (other than that I did still have some weeds). I like that I get a text telling me when they are coming. But their sales staff are ATROCIOUS. Very aggressive sales pitches, don’t care when they are calling you, and impossible to get off the phone with. I’ve asked twice to be removed from sales calls and still get them. I am always polite with them, but they do not take no for an answer and only ever back off when I am firm and tell them that I am ending the call. It’s too bad, because the service itself is fine, but I will be changing companies due to the annoying sales calls.

Update: the manager of this business called me to let me know that he listened to the recordings of the calls I received and agreed that the sales staff were not listening, and that their sales tactics were not good. I appreciate that he took the time to really address my concerns, and told me that he would be having a conversation with one exceptionally poor employee who called me. Upgrading my overall rating based on the manager - he clearly is trying to keep his customers happy. He also made sure I had an additional visit to my property to treat my lawn again.
13 December 2022 10:08
While only a customer for 6 months, I have seen an improvement in the condition of my lawn. So far, I’m pleased. The Weed Man staff have been most helpful whenever I have had a question or required lawn care advice.
01 December 2022 14:01
The service itself is ok. Nothing really to complain about (other than that I did still have some weeds). I like that I get a text telling me when they are coming. But their sales staff are ATROCIOUS. Very aggressive sales pitches, don’t care when they are calling you, and impossible to get off the phone with. I’ve asked twice to be removed from sales calls and still get them. I am always polite with them, but they do not take no for an answer and only ever back off when I am firm and tell them that I am ending the call. It’s too bad, because the service itself is fine, but I will be changing companies due to the annoying sales calls.
01 November 2022 5:31
Worst company ever! They are thieves! They take your money and they say they have came but never actually pass by my house to do the job. Their own supervisor told me that they have written on the system that they came by but never came and after they refuse to come. I called them and fought with them to get my money back and they said we will refund you but never did and when i called them back to check on my refund status they said we wont reimburse you. Because of them next year i have to change all my lawn because they never took care of it.
21 October 2022 8:09
Harcèlement, produits inefficace, service a la clientèle déficient. Bref toute une bande d'incompetent qui font les traitements. J'ai refait mon gazon en entier au début de l'été et il est plein de mauvaise herbe. Il faut sans cesse appeler pour ce plaindre.
14 October 2022 15:12
Ne pas payé d'avance un contrat. L La compagnie ne respecte pas les services payés. Il réclame des montants même si j'ai fait parvenir tous les preuves. Service à la clientel est médiocre.
24 August 2022 7:36
Only good things to say. They call before coming, they return calls, the lawn looks really great. No fuss, no muss.
06 August 2022 20:09
My lawn has never been better. My neighbours say I have the best lawn on the street. Well priced, service is great and responsive to my questions/requests. I enjoy talking to the agent who takes care of my property.
05 August 2022 4:17
Sont passés une fois après 3 semaines plus de nouvelles j appelle pour qu’on me répond que mon gazon n est pas traitable fallait le mentionner je vous ai engagé pour avoir du bon gazon service nul et pas professionnel déçu
04 August 2022 22:07
I found the first application which was fertilizer kept my lawn looking great for at least two weeks. Now, weed control was done. The technicians are very nice as well. It will be great to sit in my yard with pretty grass this summer! ️
02 August 2022 3:18
Très déçue de cette compagnie qui épand des pesticides chez mon voisin et qui en met dans mon potager a tomate qui est juste à côté. Si je tombe malade vous allez avoir de gros problème. Je ne recommande pas.
27 July 2022 10:58
Bon service. Rapide et courtois. Nous sommes avertis avant chaque svisite et les conseils donnés sont tres bons.
Je les recommande.
23 July 2022 6:46
Leurs services sont beaucoup plus chers que la compétition.
AJOUT: Pour faire suite à la réponse du propriétaire, je ne rappellerai pas puisque j'ai déjà accordé et payé en partie le travail à une autre compagnie. Par contre, si je décide de changer à nouveau, je prendrai la peine de vous appeler. Vous avez déjà fourni le service chez-nous il y a plusieurs années et nous avions été satisfaits dans l'ensemble. Salutations.
22 July 2022 10:04
My grass looks better than in the previous years with another supplier. I'm satisfied up to now.
22 July 2022 5:27
Je reçois depuis le 19 avril des appels à CHAQUE JOUR (sauf le dimanche) : 27 appels donc à ce jour! A ce niveau, ce n'est plus du professionnalisme mais clairement du harcèlement!
Le but de demander un prix en ligne, c'est justement de ne pas se faire harceler. 2 - 3 appels pour faire un suivi, je veux bien, mais là on est sur une autre planète!
22 July 2022 1:55
Très satisfaite à date du service. Notifications claires et mises à jour par texto très pratiques!
15 July 2022 22:17
Très bon travail pour entretien de pelouse et contrôle des mauvaises herbes. Communications hors pair pour informer des visites.
18 June 2022 18:43
If it needs to be done a second time for whatever reason, they are quick to come back/respond. If something happens, they respond and try to fix the problem.
08 June 2022 20:42
Arrêtez SVp d appeler les clients pour un service d'une médiocrité sans pareil. Je ne recommande à personne cette compagnie, ma pelouse est devenue jaune après leur passage.
08 June 2022 13:18
J'ai fait une demande de soumission et depuis je me fais harceler au téléphone, puisque j'ai refusé leur service. J'ai demandé qu'il retire mon numéro de leur liste et il continu à me contacter, ce n'est vraiment pas professionnel.
22 May 2022 22:24
HARCELANTS! ILS NARRETENT PAS DAPPELLER JE NE VEUX PLUS RIEN SAVOIR DE VOTRE COMPAGNIE! Je recois des appels a chaque 2 jours pour moffrir des prix differents a chaque fois tandis quau debut de la saison ils ne voulaient pas me faire de prix! Ils ne se sont jamais presenté faire mes appels de service! Service mediocre et service a la clientele pourrie! Mieu vaut payer un voisin de 15 ans soccuper de votre pelouse que eux! Et arretez de raccrocher la ligne au nez des clients!
18 May 2022 18:27
Pire service que j’ai vue, aucun résultat promis, 0 professionnelle, aucun retour d’appel et visite bâclée je ne comprend pas que cette compagnie puisse agir à titre d’entretien paysagiste. Une belle note de 0/10 diriger par quelqu’un qui se fou de ses clients
22 April 2022 12:48
Same story as everyone else. Salesman walked up to my car as I was trying to leave the driveway, asked for my number "just for a quote, we won't bother you! No pressure! " I was genuinely interested until.

They have called every day since including weekends. 7 calls since the 23rd and voicemails every time. I have blocked them but they still leave VMs.

Before you reply - no, I don't want to call or email you to be added to your do not call list. I'm not stupid, it just gives you an opportunity to try to sell and start harassing me over email, no thanks!
22 April 2022 12:27
Une compagnie 0 professionnelle, service a la clientèle un gros 0 et la qualité des produits appliqués ne vaut rien, parole non tenu
Cette compagnie d’entretien paysagement devrait laisser place au autre compagnie qui sont de parole
09 April 2022 7:57
Weedman has to be without doubt run by the most incessant belligerent nimrods every to exist.

I had used their services a few years ago for a single season and wasn't satisfied with the results, so I promptly did not renew come the following year.

Since that point, there hasn't been a week that has gone by when I haven't received a handful of calls. Now these people either have to be purposely annoying or just downright moronic that after several hundred unanswered calls they don't seem to get the message that I do not want to talk to them.

They are more irritating than the pests they so claim to control. STOP CALLING ME!
08 March 2022 20:34
Nous aimons beaucoup le travail de cette entreprise. Après 4 ans avec eux, je recommande sans hésiter!
15 November 2021 17:55
Service MÉDIOCRE! Ne jamais prendre un contrat avec Weedman Laval! Ils sont des employé incompétent qui ne savent même pas comment traiter le gazon. Ma pelouse était parfaite et à la fin de la saison je me ramasse avec LA MOITIER DE MA PELOUSE ANSI QUE PLUSIEURS TROUE! Un gros beau 0 pour le service à la cliente aucun aide a été offer. NE JAMAIS FAIRE AFFAIRE AVEC EUX.
11 October 2021 15:56
Très mauvais service. Ils disent qu'il vont passer et ne passe jamais. Cela faut 20 jours qu'ils nous disent qu'ils vont passé et ils ne sont toujours pas venue après plusieurs appelle de notre part pour se plaindre. Je ne les recommande pas du tout.
29 August 2021 17:34
I had Weedman for 2 years hoping for a better loan treatment, but they failed twice
1) Fertilizing treatment held for not more than 2 weeks.

2) They offer weed treatment for free if it's not working what do you think? Of course I had to call them back few times.

Crabgrass they failed completely.

23 August 2021 2:14
Since using Weed Man we have seen an improvement in the look of the lawn. One thing to remember though it will not happen over night it takes time to be weed free
15 August 2021 18:45
Salut. Très insatisfait de dernier service. Les mauvaises herbes prennent expansion sur notre gazon et la moitié est affecté par vers blancs. Le coût trop cher pour le même qualité du service donné par les autres compagnies. Il nous ont promis meilleur service sur marché. Impossible de communiquer avec.toujours en attente de leur réaction.
14 July 2021 10:32
Excellent service, rappels amicaux courtois et toujours la veille pour annoncer votre visite. Facturation simple, traitement efficace et Prix très abordable pour le service rendu. Merci je suis très satisfaite.
08 May 2021 0:33
Utilisez le service il y a 3 ans.
Non satisfait, n'a pas renouveler par la suite.

Sauf qu'il continue de téléphoner plus de 20-30 fois par année, même si je leur ai demandé de m'enlever de leur liste d'appel.

Juste du harcèlement, bloquer leur numéro depuis.
19 January 2021 10:36
Worst lawn care I have ever had! After a fertilizer treatment the lawn was beautiful for about two weeks and then would thin out.weed treatmenst did nothing. Weedman sent a specialist to take a look and the problems wre: Too much sun & not enought sun, not enough water (even though I have irrigation and watered throughout the summer) and of course my neighbours lawn is not nice so it affected my lawn. To sum up the Weedman service cost me over 500$. I have better results fertilizing with Scotts from Costco. Go figure!
03 November 2020 19:42
Très déçue de cette compagnie, il ont décidé de renouveler le contrat sans mon avis et de plus quand j'ai appelé pour les aviser que je prenais leur service il m'avise que déjà un traitement avait été fait.et c'était faux, il n'a jamais d'engrais, en plus très harcelant pour vouloir vendre leur traitement.des appels sans arrêt, j'ai dû me facher à 2 reprises pour faire enlever mon nom de leur liste.
16 October 2020 16:26
They are generally good and come at the schedule set. The different treatment are applied throughout the season. The weed control treatment however not seeing much results.

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