17 July 2023 15:49
Homesense is the best place to be when you are looking for homestyle decorations and improvements. With the right color of your liking from kitchenware for your kitchen, side tables for the living room, shower curtains for the bathroom and a comforter set for the bedroom. These are and many more to find when you visit homesense and don't miss winners if you want to fill your closet. You'll find different styles and brands on special for all ages. From sport outfit to formal. They have shoes also for all seasons. So shop now at winners.
12 July 2023 9:54
Gone to winners to find the sandals i was looking for and they don't have it. You can't even buy from winners online. Winners is good only if you don't know what you want and if you're only taking chances for something that will catch your eye. Otherwise better off to go to specific stores of your brand because your store brand will always have your size and color or they can order for you if not available. Winners won't do this for you.
18 February 2023 20:41
Dépend de toi et de tes besoins.:) :) :)
Merci winners pour cette excellent magasin, et ces bonnes affaires,

Beaucoup de soldes sur les vêtements et les chaussures.plein des promotions sur les articles ménagers, et il faut ouvrir bien les yeux et jeter un coup d'œil à la décoration en particulier.

Depends on you and your needs.:) :) :)
Thank you winners for this great store, and these great deals,

Lots of sales on clothes and shoes.
Lots of promotions on household items, and you have to open your eyes and take a look at the decoration in particular.
01 January 2023 22:45
Magasin bien structuré avec de beaux produits et vêtements. Prix accessibles.
Bien situé. Tout pour le temps des fêtes!
16 December 2022 2:58
Bien, mais ils peuvent reduire encore plus leurs prix pour les articles endommagés ou qui manque leurs boutons/ ceintures
11 September 2022 13:22
Good place to shop with good prices no matter what you or your family are looking for. Good employees ready to help and even assist you in putting heavy things in your car. I will say it again there is always good deals and a very good variety of things you will like. And a good fidelity program for loyal customers.
30 August 2022 12:41
Toujours de belles découvertes à bon prix.
N hésitez pas à fouiller et à revenir car les produits changent souvent.
Les prix sont plutôt bons compte tenu de la qualité. En plus, il y a régulièrement des soldes.
10 August 2021 19:30
Very clean and well stocked. The selection is great for both men and women. It can get packed on the weekend but if you go during the week it isn't bad. I find most of my clothing here and at a fantastic price for the quality just have to put in a little effort to find your style of wear.
08 August 2021 5:38
He often does not have clothes for young girls of 8-16 years old, difficult to find, not many toys he is more filled with decoration and products for the home
01 August 2021 20:14
Bon prix pour certains items mais d'autres sont plus chers qu'avant. On a pas trouvé ce qu'on cherchait soit un plat pour le four avec couvercle en ceramique.
20 July 2021 11:21
Allowed a customer to enter the store and BE SERVED without a mask or any proof of a health problem after she was asked to leave and even after I made sure the manager was aware. Manager made it very clear their priority is not making a scene in the store and serving customers who wish to buy products rather than ensuring customer and employee safety. Very disappointed they allowed the customer to be served despite the woman being asked to leave by the store, refusing to leave the store, the family threatening me and telling me to go home if I have a disease that puts me in danger. Don't go here if you care about masks being worn or basic decency.
14 July 2021 19:31
Worst experience ever. This store forces employees to serve clients without a mask to avoid a "scene". Forget safety for everyone. Absolute garbage.
11 July 2021 23:12
I got my daughters purse stolen i asked the manager to have the camera checked he came back to me half hour later only to tell me the cameras could see to a certain angle only no collaboration whatsoever. So now anyone could steal if they are too close to the shelves. The service is terrible.
06 May 2021 2:59
I personally can not understand the concept of purchasing mass produced items. If that's your thing the this is the place for you. Huge variety and awesome selection so that you and your neighbor can buy the exact same rug. Wanna own the exact same Jean's as your best friend and buy them for 50 % less than she did 3 seasons after they came out? Definitely visit this store. 3 stars because of things that should be incredibly marked down are still being sold like they are unique rare items.
07 April 2021 14:53
Suivi partout dans le magsin par un mosieur apres mes renseignement cest un agent de securite en civil Vraiment c'est l’hôpital qui se fout de l'infirmerie

Magasin vide pas trop de choix
Je préfère winners Eaton ou celui du marché centrale
18 December 2020 3:57
Cashier clearly said that you refuse to speak in English two managers also approached me also speaking only in French so I demanded to speak to a manager that speaks both languages and therefore expressed that it's not acceptable that as a customer we are forced to speak the language that a cashier decides to speak to us I clearly think it should be the other way around because without us customers they won't be employees at winners and they wouldn't be a winners
06 February 2020 16:02
The line up is always too long on the weekends. Even with all their cashiers working. The store is full of specials and great prices is the reason. Patience needed
29 January 2020 13:05
Pire service que jai vus dans un winners, je vous le déconseil mieu vaut faire un peu plus de route que de finir dans ce magasin.
24 January 2020 22:33
J'ai appelé pour demandé si un article était disponible, le directeur à été très arrangeant pour me le mettre de côté jusqu'au lendemain.
12 January 2020 20:18
Toujours les memes marques. Demodees animes et causes de prix. New vaut plus la peine de magasiner la
25 November 2019 20:31
Positif: Très grande variété, beacoup de stock

Negatif: expérience avec caissière Andree, tres désagréable, s’obstine pour le prix d’un tapis sans étiquette alors que le commis dans la section des tapis nejab je pense je m’excuse si le nom est pas exact sur le plancher m’a donner le prix d’un tapis similaire. Elle Rabaisse les autres employés disant qu’il ne si connait en rien et qu’elle va appeler quelqu’un d’autre, me dit que mon tapis est plus cher parcequ’il y a de la soie dedans soudain c’est une experte alors que le tapis a pas d’etiquette oar consequent pas de details sur les composantes ou l’endroit de fabrication! Une autre madame apparait disant ne pas connaitre non plus le prix. J’ai perdu en gros 15-20 minutes d’attente avant que le commis du début revienne en avant lui dire que c’est bien le prix qu’il a donner. Zero excuse de la caissière puisqu’elle est frustrée qu’on lui donne pas raison. Merci a ce commis pour son professionnalisme et d’avoir su régler la situation adéquatement. Petite suggestion: peut être mettre des caissières souriantes et leur faire un cours 101 de service au client!
23 November 2019 5:23
Impossible de magasiner à cette place. Stationnement toujours rempli et très difficile d’accès. À éviter la fin de semaine absolument.
Tous les vêtements sont synthétiques, pas moyen de trouver un morceau fait de fibre naturelle. Très déçue.
19 September 2019 7:28
Beaucoup de choix mais la clientèle.comment dire.
Certains et meme plusieurs croient quils peuvent changer lea. étiquettes afin de payer moins cher les articles quils désirent.
Et une fois a la caisee avec un air de: ben nin cest le prix indiqué alors je paye ce prix.
Pauvre d'esprit.il y a des codes sur les étiquettes.se nest pas pour rien.
06 July 2019 1:47
This winners is very big and connected with Homesense. They have a very large stock and have a lot of good stuff on sale. You can also from time to time snag a really good pair of adidas or nike for a really cheap price if you're lucky that they have your size. The service is also really nice.
17 April 2019 13:58
08 April 2019 16:50
Vêtements de marques à prix très abordables et sélection plus que correcte.
J'y ai fait de belles trouvailles aujourd'hui

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