28 January 2024 2:36
Wizoo has always been my go-to vet. The staff as a whole are always so friendly, the vets are very professional and the receptionists are always a joy to talk to. They all care very much about the wellness of our pets and it shows. If you are actively looking for a veterinarian, please consider Wizoo Vaudreuil, you will not regret it!
15 December 2023 21:48
Thanks to Dr Susie, I was there today with Bella my chihuahua. Dr. Susie walk in the room with a friendly smile and just cuddle my Bella right away and explained to me the problem with her knee. I'm very happy with the clinic and this will be her hospital from now on. Thank you.
25 October 2023 6:38
Le personnel est très chaleureux et les vétérinaires excellent (e) s! Un très bon suivi pour mes deux chiens!
12 September 2023 17:13
Great team, I've been bringing my cat to Wizoo in Vaudreuil for the last 2 years and I'm happy with the service; he had been neutered and got all his vaccines here and never had any problems, I recommend.
27 August 2023 19:26
First time at Wizoo. It was for an emergency hematoma in my dog’s ear.
The staff are so friendly and helpful the vet Dr Susie Vogel was amazing. She got right down on the floor with my dog to make her feel comfortable. I’ve never had a vet do that before. Highly recommend you check them out.
05 August 2023 19:23
They laughed at you and they don't give you any advice! I had to go to another vet to get help!
01 August 2023 13:37
Great service, both of our cats had to be euthanized a few months apart. They empathize and really made us feel comfortable during the processing. They gave us time to say our final goodbye.
03 July 2023 6:04
Excellent experience with my own pet. Thank you for caring for my girl and being gentle with her when inserting her microchip.
19 June 2023 21:26
Amazing servie and the happiest vet I’ve ever met. It’s clear Dr. Vogel absolutely loves animals. After beeing rejected by our regular vet and being told our kitty who has an idiopathic cystitis condition could not be seen by them and he could be in serious trouble (he wasn’t) if I didn’t take him to the DMV immediately, I found Wizoo after calling around multiple places. Dr. Vogel and team took his history and did an exam and determined that no invasive tests needed to be done. We treated his condition the same way he responded to with our usual vet (who refused to do this) and less than 24 hours later, kitty is back to his normal self. I’m super pleased with the outcome and how non-stressful the experience at Wizoo was. The only stressful part was actually finding a vet that could see us same day without going to the animal ER. Highly recommend!
29 May 2023 19:40
I have 3 pets that I take to Wizoo, the care my critters get has been wonderful. The vets are patient, kind and very understanding with me and all the questions I ask… thanks to the team at Wizoo, they are in top top shape and happy lil guys.
25 May 2023 14:23
I have had the most incredible experience with Dr. Suzie Vogel in Vaudreuil-Dorion. I am fairly new to this clinic starting in Jan 2023. Dr. Vogel was recommend to me and I decided to give them a try. The main thing about her is that you can feel and see how much she truly loves animals, which to me is one of the most important aspects in this profession. She gets down on their level, I am explaining my concerns however she is really interacting with my dog and really working with him, which I absolutely love. She is extremely knowledgable and skilled in her field. She listens to your concerns and addresses them however long it takes. Her tech's and staff have been kind to us every time we have been in there and they also mirror the love of animals, talking about their own animals and new puppies to train. My dog had to have surgery I was nervous as he is my fur child, he healed beautifully, and I was given all necessary information to look after his home care. His care was challenging and I respect and greatly appreciate the level of care they gave him. I would highly recommend if looking for a new vet to book an appointment with Dr. Vogel you will not be disappointed her outgoing personality and dedication to her fur patients can't go unnoticed. Thank you!

E. Price
23 May 2023 1:44
J’ai eu une très bonne expérience! L’équipe était super sympathique. Il s’agissait d’une consultation d’urgence et je n’ai pas eu à attendre! La Dre Vogel a été incroyable, elle a pris le temps de bien examiner mon chat et ce, sans que mon chat se rende compte qu’il était entrain de se faire examiné. Elle le flattais, lui parlais, elle jouait un peu avec, elle l’examinait. Son attitude a rendu mon chat très à l’aise, lui qui a tendance à être anxieux. De plus, elle a prit le temps de m’expliquer et de répondre à mes questions!
Je tiens à remercier l’équipe du Wizoo, spécialement la Dre Vogel!
19 May 2023 15:24
(Vaudreuil) Mon hamster était très malade et j’ai réussis a avoir un rendez-vous en moins de 24 heures avec Dr. Vogel. Elle est excellente! Vraiment professionnelle et sympathique. Elle a pris le temps de bien m’expliquer ce que je devais faire. La technicienne et la préposée au comptoir étaient également très accueillante et professionnelles. Merci à toute l’équipe. Je les recommande fortement pour les soins aux hamsters.
13 April 2023 15:28
Excellent sevice chez Wizoo vaudreuil aujourd'hui! Une vétérinaire merveilleuse qui adore les animaux et qui sait rassurer les "parents". Bon prix, personnel passionnés.que demander de plus?
19 November 2022 4:52
Amazing service, very professional. Brought my kitten to get his first vaccines and deal with an eye infection. Two techs helped me with him as he was skiddish, would definitely recommend this vet to anyone in the area.

Harlow and I thank you for your service!
16 November 2022 8:25
️️️Do not bring any of your pets there, I beg you. ️️️

This is not the first time I hear about horrible services, especially euthanasia horror stories. They recently euthanized a MISSING dog without the consent of the owners, which were desperately trying to find her, knowing that the dog had a microchip, and needed its medications.

Instead, they have the guts to blame it all on the owner on a Facebook post, which was proven to be entirely lies by pictures and proofs from the owner.

Even then, let's pretend that it was in fact true what this clinic claims truly happened, their approach and unprofessionalism are beyond words and inhuman.

Save yourself and your pets, please.
02 November 2022 22:27
Pire vétérinaire que je suis allé. Ils ont jamais fait le premier vaccin pour la rage quand je suis allé avec mon chien bébé après leur avoir demandé. L’année d’après ils disent lui avoir donné le deuxième vaccin pour la rage et qu’il peut le faire au 3 ans maintenant vu qu’il a ses deux premières doses. Quand je suis allé ailleurs, ils m’ont dit qu’il a seulement une dose dans son carnet de vaccin et que ce n’est même pas légal avoir un seul vaccin de rage. Je dois refaire les doses à nouveau pour que ce soit légal.

De plus, j’attends toujours 30-45 minutes avant de rencontrer un technicien ou vétérinaire. L’opération pour le castrer s’est mal passé avec une grosse cicatrice qui a prit plusieurs semaines à guérir.
03 October 2022 19:47
Long wait times. Ok price.my gf made me bring her dogs there. They offer limited support (vaccines, blood tests etc. No surgery or extensive problems) to save on costs yet charge more than other vets who offer surgery around the city. If you're in the south, north, or any shores of montreal, avoid. Go to an actual vet. Not a shell of one. Im going back to my tashereau vet.
13 August 2022 9:42
Vraiment pas très humain ce groupe vétérinaire. Si la facture (prix exorbitant) n'est pas entièrement réglée, ne veulent pas me donner les medaicaments de mon chat. Aucuns arrangement de paiement possible! Je ne recommande pas! Comme si en c'est temps difficiles, on avait tous des milles et des cents de disponible.
27 June 2022 9:32
I love the service, the staff, the honest and affordable care. My only issue was getting through online. But a simple phone call fixes that
25 June 2022 23:15
Grosse deception coter service clientel mais cela ces régler

Côté traitement animal ces super rien a redire, par contre côté renseignement et prix vraiment frustrant.

J'avais pris la peine de faire plusieurs appels pour connaître le prix d'une opération, on m'est arrivé avec un prix ferme 290$+ medoc, il etait les moins cher et j'avais aimé leur approche avec ma chienne donc j'ai pris rendez vous pour mon chien, lors de l'appel de la réservation j'ai rementionné le prix 2x plutot qu'une la femme au telephone me dit oui je paie la réservation et la me mentionne un montant restant qui ne fesait pas de sens soit 350$ pour un total de 450$ jai rappeller pour le details et la ce n'était plus le même prix que la première femme m'avait garantie au telephone.
Amer deception qui a fini par ce régler
26 March 2022 4:09
Sarah Annie est une vet exceptionnelle! Elle est vrm professionnelle. Elle adore ce qu’elle fait. Elle a pris soin de ma Belle Agathe durant au moins 15 ans. Et c’est certain qu’un jour, je vais retourner à cet endroit. Même si je ne demeure pas ds ce secteur. Toute l’équipe est dévouée et ils font un travail formidable. Moi c’est un gros OUI à Wizoo!
A n’importe quel moment, c’est possible de leur écrire pour demander des conseils et vous avez une réponse rapidement! Ça c’est du service!
Lâchez pas gang car VOUS êtes les #1!
Une fidèle: Isabelle et Mme Agathe qui vs remercie de là haut xx
14 February 2022 22:44
Regarder votre facture de tres pres… il nous on chargé pleins de trucs inutiles du vrai vol! Le double du prix pour le meme problème chez un veterinaire voisin!
10 February 2022 6:29
I would like to share my experience with the Wizoo veterenian service. They are very efficient, and organized. It looks more like a store when you walk in because the receptionist does not have a desk. However the vet Dr. Guenette is so professional and good with dogs. They take time to diagnosed your pets health problem if any and if treatments needed they make sure you understand what to do.
16 June 2021 13:02
Nous sommes malheureusement déçu de notre expérience avec Wizoo. Il s'agit plus d'un centre de service qu'une clinique vétérinaire. Nous attendons de longues demi-heures à chaque visite, ils essaient de nous vendre plusieurs traitements non-nécessaires. Lorsque venue le temps de castrer notre chien, ils ne font pas la chirurgie sur place, ils amènent donc plusieurs chiens et chats dans une van pour une clinique vétérinaire à Montréal. Nous avons demander d'aller nous-même chercher notre chien pour ne pas le stresser davantage. Lorsque nous sommes arrivé, le vétérinaire n'était déjà plus sur place, nous n'avons eu aucun suivi de comment c'était passé la chirurgie, mis à part un courriel générique nous indiquant comment procéder pour les prochains jours. De plus, des traitements au laser pour guérir la plaie sont inclus dans le prix de la castration, mais ils nous ont refuser le deuxième traitement disant que notre chien est trop nerveux, après que mon conjoint ai attendu 30 minutes pour le rendez-vous. Bref, je ne recommande pas du tout cette clinique.
07 June 2021 15:27
Le moins possible!
Manque d'organisation, de communication, on doit courir après des informations très importantes et je n'ai eu un retour d'appel qu'une semaine plus tard.
Petite clinique correcte pour les vaccins, vermifuges, bouffe, sans plus!
Pour des soins plus sérieux, allez dans une vraie clinique qui ne vous chargera pas le gros prix pour des diagnostics et une médication erronés.
Je voulais vous laisser savoir que Jasper a été euthanasié en urgence samedi dernier. Il n'était plus capable de se tenir debout, ni de manger.
Il a eu un diagnostic de Syndrome de Cushing vendredi à sa clinique habituelle suite à la synthèse de tous ses tests et de tests additionnels.   Sa vétérinaire a pris le temps, malgré son horaire surchargé, de bien étudier son cas.
Apres la 3ÈME demande de suivi, j'ai indiqué de laisser tomber puisque mon chien n'est plus de ce monde.
Je suis très amère envers leur manque de rigueur, leur diagnostic raté et une médication inadéquate qui a été prescrite.
Je suis surtout anéantie par la perte de mon compagnon de vie adoré qui est mort suite à d'atroces souffrances. Il ne méritait pas de finir ses jours dans cet état.
08 May 2021 3:18
L'équipe entière est dévouée et très attentionnée envers les animaux. Première expérience avec Wizoo Vaudreuil et définitivement je veux rester avec Wizoo! Je recommande à 100%,
Le vétérinaire a pris le TEMPS nécessaire pour tout me verbaliser les résultats de l'examen de ma belle Iris, la technicienne en santé animale était une amour avec Iris. Celle-ci a prit le temps de bien m'expliquer le traitement que j'aurai à faire à la maison. Ils ont réellement le bien-être des animaux à coeur. J'étais touché de voir l'affection qu'ils portaient pour Iris. EXCELLENT service à la réception. Beaucoup de gentillesse, douceur et de savoir-être.
Définitivement UNE BONNE clinique.
29 April 2021 8:46
My second bill for a 2 pound dog was 585. They told me to start giving my 6 month old heartworm medication without even asking for blood tests. No problems with her at all, I trusted they would give me a vaccine and only a vaccine worth 20$. Waited two hours and when I went to pay my bill was shocked but I was already late for a dinner and tired of being there in my car for two hours. I've never been so disappointed in a faculty in my life, when I called frantic and upset about the situation and looking at the medication that was truly not "discussed" between the vet and I, I was told I wouldn't be able to get this problem resolved as I was upset and my emotions had gotten the best of me. Im at 22 year old girl with a 6 month old two pound dog and in the two times I've been to wizoo my costs have totalled to 730$. And this was just bringing her for necessary puppy shots. Not only am I disappointed, when I went back after my phone call I recorded the 20 minute discussion between the staff and I, rude floor supervisor, not understanding at all and just in all a horrible experience I can go in and on about. You know my name, message me on Facebook for further details about this establishment or the recording. I will write another review if the manager and establishment can get back to me and help me resolve this issue and get my 400$ that as a 22 living in a pandemic. I cannot afford. I hope there is a solution to this problem. As I would have thought and I was told the floor supervisor could have helped but decided not to. So thank you for that Victoria, very unhelpful and rude. I apologized for being frantic on the phone as I think im allowed to have emotions and was still looked down upon. I apologize again, but this is an issue that should be recognized and dealt with. Over charging clients for things your animal did not go there for is a major issue and needs to stop. This can result in court considering im not the only one this has happened to at this establishment.
20 March 2021 6:41
Very lost staff! And very unprofessional. Doctor didn't ask me any questions about the food I feed my cats or give any advice on any such thing concerning the health of my cats. Some doctors show that they love the animal like their own and should make the patient feel that as well. Not going back.
04 March 2021 9:14
I brought my cat for an UTI and they took good care of her. Also the price was very reasonable compared to my previous vet. Very friendly staff ;)
03 March 2021 16:22
Went for an ear infection exam for my dog and the whole staff was great. Vet was really attentive and the follow up visit was just as good.
26 February 2021 1:10
Great service and my dog is going well after his vaccines, he wasn't traumatized there and i had previous bad experiences in another Vet. I recommand this place.
05 February 2021 14:32
Un gros merci a l équipe wizoo pour m aider a donné les médicaments a boris. Avec vous le chats stress moins et moi aussi.
26 December 2020 23:43
Je adoré, le veterinaire à sauvé mon chien boxer qui était entrain de mourrir.

Très attentionné et ont ressent qui la aiment les animaux
03 November 2020 23:09
Very kind staff, knowledgeable and they are very well priced. We have 2 cats and a dog and we always get quick appointments.
02 November 2020 23:07
Not impressed with the service. I had an appointment at 7 for a yearly check up, no issues to address, and we didn’t get seen until 8: 15. Then, we saw the vet for 5 minutes and only managed to leave at 8: 45. We recently moved from the city and our old vet was so caring and attentive. Every check up, she always made it a point to check our cat’s heartbeat, temperatures, belly, mouth, ears, etc.

This vet didn’t even check everything on my cat, for her first visit. She listened to her heartbeat and pointed out that there was a murmur. My last visit with my old vet was 2 months ago and she never mentioned anything to that effect. Also, this new vet said my cat was very stressed and should take anti-anxiety pills (which is 60$ a month). I’ve had this cat for a long time and, other than moving recently, nothing has changed in her life. She still curls up on my lap, cuddles me, seeks my attention and sleeps like a normal cat.

Honestly, it felt like a money-grab. Why not offer different solutions before going straight to the extreme of giving my cat anti-anxiety pills every day?

The receptionist was nice, though. One star for that.

I’m not even going to get into the dog that was leaving the clinic, post-surgery, with blood seeping from his wound and the owner being told it’s normal and to come back the next day to address the issue.
24 October 2020 0:51
Honnêtement, je pense que c'est la pire clinique vétérinaire dans le coin. Après un rendez-vous (en retard de 45 minutes) la vétérinaire à passé 5 minutes avec nous et nous a donné un diagnostic très drastique. En déménageant nous avons demandé un transfert de dossier afin de faire un suivi des résultats. Apres 5 JOURS! Le transfert n'est toujours pas fait, j'ai rappelé au moins 10 fois et à chaque fois je dois recommencer à nouveau. Vraiment un service horrible, clairement manque d'employés et les vétérinaires n'ont jamais le temps. À Éviter!
13 October 2020 23:43
I arrived on time for my appointment, yet the vet took over an hour to come see me and then another 20 mins wait to pay a simple check-up bill. The vet was inattentive as she barely check my pet (less than 5 mins).
12 October 2020 10:47
This was the 4th visit. The first visit was for my cat who was vomiting. They said no mass she has a fever. I waited 45 minutes and then another 30 minutes to get antibiotics. I specifically asked if she had a mass as I was concerned over her vomiting and explained about her chewing inappropriate items. Long story short I ended up taking her not long after to another vet as she was getting no better who said she had a mass the size of her kidney and confirmed it with an ultrasound. How can a vet not feel that type of mass? Incomprehensible! In amongst this I took our puppy there for her vaccinations. I’ve taken her for three vaccinations and every time I go in the weighing machine is filthy. They wipe it down with a dirty mop? They are also super disorganized and no one seems to know what’s going on. You speak to a vet tech who relays information but forgets to do basics like listen to their heart or take a temperature. The minimum wait time with an appointment is 30-45 minutes. This past and final visit they take my puppy and yep the weighing machine was filthy and say because of new protocols you have to wait outside and they consult by phone. I mentioned that perhaps they should have let their clients know about this before the appointment and they said oh. Three other people walked in right after for their appointments and we all didn’t know. Definitely I will not go back to this vet, I can not recommend them and have serious concerns about their knowledge and cleanliness.
30 September 2020 19:34
Very bad experience first they could not find our appointment that was made online.the vet was nice but seemed like she was trying to sell the shots our cat may or may not have needed and didn't ask if we approved and then the tech came to do them so we asked him questions which he just was not able to awnser, idk if it was language the barrier but he just implied our cat needed them. I've never had that experience before with my dog or my other cat in the past at different places. We thought we would try this vet simply cause the one we go to there was a bigger waiting time. Not coming back here again after a nice bill of 199$ without correct explanation of what is what.
02 January 2020 18:01
We only talked over the phone but very polite and great advices. I definitively will go there for my next appointment with my dogs.

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