14 January 2024 3:42
Je voulais m’inscrire au cours de Zumba mon amie et moi mais on a été très déçue le prof de Zumba le samedi à 12h n’était vraiment pas à sa place il était pas du tout en forme il n’avait pas du tout le rythme il était complètement à côté dommage vraiment dommage ça ne donne pas envie de suivre ses cours
10 January 2024 4:08
Aujourd'hui on a rajouté une machine universelle. Bravo et enfin. Il reste à rajouter pleins de bancs et poids et doubler les machines. Démolir des salles inutiles rajouter des machines à dos.pecs.fesses. Trop de gens et pas assez d'équipements. Le Potentiel est là par sa grande superficie. Je me réabonne PAS.
En espérant revenir si ces améliorations seront faits un jour.
28 December 2023 20:44
Clean, spacious Gym!
Many machines available!
Even a pool, a jacuzzi and a running space as well as a Women’s Section are all available!
Possibility to get shakes and to talk to not only one, but to many front desk agents in order to get help/info.
Lockers, sauna, showers are offered too.
One may also bring Guests/friends!
Furthermore, the lockers are spacious and clean, it is a secure space with many options / Services / training programs tailored/ available to people too!
-Little ‚extra’ note:
Lastly, I would add a recommendation for the lockers to be organized in such a way;
I suggest, for example, that LOCKS could be the ‚Keyless Locks’
So one may not have to bring their own lock:)
Thank You WGB (World Gym Brossard)!
25 December 2023 16:53
Shared spacing, might be woke. Could be better can't be worst! Best Québec WG 2022-2023
14 November 2023 20:55
Zack is the manager there, and he is terrible.
My cc was charged over a thousand dollars, and this is months earlier than agreed upon, and he has done nothing to help with getting it reversed. He won't even call me back.
This also happened to my sister and he was useless then too.
Be careful signing up for training sessions because they take your $$$ ahead of schedule and the Zack the manager won't do a thing for the customer.
03 November 2023 1:40
Je m’entraîne depuis un an au World gym Brossard au moins 5 fois/semaine et je viens de renouveler mon contrat pour une deuxième année consécutive avec Zakaria, gérant de l’équipe qui m’accueille durant mon horaire de soir. Tous les membres du personnel sont très agréables incluant les entraîneurs privés je mentionne Hesam tout particulièrement, l’espace est nettoyé régulièrement, de nouvelles machines viennent de s’ajouter et les anciennes sont toujours bien entretenues. Je conseille fortement ce gym qui est de loin le meilleur à Brossard.
29 June 2023 16:12
Too crowded Too many invited guests
We now have to wait for machines
As you have hours where guests cannot have entry between 4 to 8 can't you extend the hours between 8 to 10 a.m also
20 June 2023 13:01
-ALWAYS packed, from 6 am to 11 pm
-DO NOT take a personal coach. It's a scam. They lied about the law and my contract + terrible coach service (one got fired, the other one ghosted me, and then he quitted)
-Terrible service from the staff, they are not helpful. They always refer you to the manager
01 June 2023 6:49
I don’t recommend this gym. It’s very difficult to cancel your membership just after 1 month and a half if you don’t like it (I tried) and it’s too crowded
31 May 2023 7:59
C'est souvent plein de monde et l'espace pour les poids libres est souvent plein.
Plein d'elliptiques et de tapis roulant, chacun disposant d'écrans te permettant de te connecter sur YouTube ou spotify. Toutefois quelques un ne peuvent se connecter sur internet. L'endroit est très grand, aéré, avec une piscine, un espace yoga, de crossfit, plein de machines, squat racks, quelque sacs de frappe (6) et 4 rameurs.
Autre point positif, c'est plein de cute chicks
Point négatif, ils "cachent" des frais d'inscription (sérieux en 2023? !?) et autres dans leur contrat. Malgré tout, le membership de base est à coût abordable soit environ 12$ avec un versement d'environ 45$ en juin et décembre.
04 May 2023 4:57
Great gym, lots of space, has a pool and a daycare for your children while you train. Good amount of different equipment. Staff are friendly, trainers are helpful.
24 April 2023 1:34
Went in today to get info about membership and to have a tour of the gym. I want to say thank you to Rachel who answered all my questions in a very knowledgeable, and friendly manner. Thanks for the great service. See you again soon.
05 April 2023 22:35
Le gym est bien mais il y a trop de monde, impossible de s'entrainer. Vous allez attendre moins longtemps pour faire un manège a la ronde
23 March 2023 17:43
Well equipped and very low membership fee, however it's always overcrowded and most machines are taken by some regulars who think they are entitled! So I took private sessions to have more room and access to the equipment, yet the PT room was always packed and not much space to move around. Not to mention the manager and his buddy who were there most of the times and occupying one of two smith machines for which I paid substantially. I'm not sure if I could complain about the manger to the manager!
18 March 2023 3:57
Gym is big. Every machine you could ask for. They have a pool and a sauna.
Only downside is the bench presses, there's only two and they are always occupied. For such a large gym you would hope there would be more.

Other than that, after reading other reviews on here, I have not had any issues with the staff, they are great.
12 March 2023 0:08
The gym has gotten noticeably busier, making it difficult to do a full workout routine in one visit as all the equipment is always taken, which means you’re constantly walking around trying to find something available or just waiting until the next person is finished. I notice that maintenance has gone down too as the bathroom and changing rooms are dirtier, with toilet papers usually strewn on the floor. The overall gym is dustier as I would occasionally see big chunks of dust float down from the ceiling. I felt uncomfortable and unmotivated to do cardio while seeing black chunks of dust floating around.
09 January 2023 7:18
Nice big gym full of great equipment. There are a few different memberships to choose from, they all require contracts but are also very affordable
07 January 2023 14:54
Why there’s 1 split machine in women’s place we should always be waiting for.
You guys should add another one or another machine, most of women come because world gym has a hide small gym for woman’s only, but regretfully not equipped like it should
04 January 2023 17:01
Le service parfait mai le jacouzi pas encore réparé l’eau y’a deux semaines mnt
Exactement world gym Brossard
26 December 2022 15:21
4/5 this can be a 5/5. Been a client for since it’s open, This gym is in a great location, friendly staff & management running it successfully. The major issue this Gym has is that it is over crowded very often. A great solution would be to increase the gym hours like on Fridays it should close at 12-11 instead of 9pm. On the weekends it must be open until 10 pm minimum instead of 8pm. This would give more people chance to visit the gym at various hours instead of having everyone confined. Thank you for taking this in consideration and best of luck for the years to come.
09 September 2022 13:58
WORST GYM EVER. AVOID THIS SCAMMERS, I was at the gym at the begging of 2020, paid everything, and now I received a letter from COLLECTCENTS saying that I have to pay 2000$, are you crazy? I’m going to sue this gym and the collet agency that they are using to scam people. How can you to this to people that already paid everything, SCAMMERS
21 August 2022 0:02
I just recently moved to south shore and needed a gym.

I was skeptic about joining world gym as my past experience with the facility in Laval wasn’t a good one.

Being someone who is anxious and becomes crippled by big crowds as soon as I walked in I told myself this won’t work.

I have been at the gym for little over 2 weeks now and I am just loving it.

Something about the people and the gym culture there.

I am inspired by how in shape everyone is there.

Everyone works out hard and really gets after it which makes me want to get into better shape and world harder.

Staff is nice. Facility is clean. Machines and weights are great.

I am glad I joined this gym.

Shoutout to everyone in the gym getting after it, it inspires others without you knowing.

Also the BCAA slushies
02 August 2022 12:16
Je suis ravi de la structure et de la propreté du gym. Tout est neuf et donne envie de s'entraîner tous les jours.
02 August 2022 1:43
I decided to join this gym because of their service's and because my sister is a member so it would be convenient for us to train together. I took their VIPbership because it allowed me to cancel at anytime with a 30 day notice.

After about a month I decided to take a consultation with a trainer because they kept reiterating that it was a free perk as part of my membership.

They booked me a consultation with Liam. He seemed very nice and even tried to speak to me in English even though he was struggling a bit. I let him speak toe in ftemch whom he couldn't express what he wanted to say. He aked me my goal and i told him I wanted to lose a certain amount of weight and tone qithin the following 3 months! He gave me 3 options and price and I chose to train 3-4x a week with him at a specific rate which would be debited from credit card every 2 weeks. He even told me that I would probably have my results before the 3 months and wouldn't need ro train anymore.

Because of our conflicting schedules I was only able to do 2-3 sessions per week in the 3months but still got some results.

After the 3 months I went to the front desk to cancel my training
I spoke with a manager Zachary who told my I had 60 sessions still to complete due toy contract! I wcolained I was never told! He said his trainers always tell clients before signing and that it was Clearly my misunderstanding. That I should have read my contact before signing! Why would I sign a year of personal coaching when I have an open membership? He said there is nothing he can do and I will continue to be charged until I complete the rest of 60 sessions or until the year is up!

I am so disappointed and feel scammed! It's a shame because it's a great facility. I don't advise anyone to sign up here.
09 July 2022 17:56
As seen in one of the earlier reviews, they will try to scam money out of you via the CollectCents collection agency. You get a mail saying you have fake missed payments and they have been trying to contact you for months which is why there's even added interest on top of those payments.

Its not a high amount but (~45$ in my case) but still very annoying and it was enough to make me not want to go back there. I'm currently at BuzzFit and I was thinking of either returning to World's Gym or Quartier Revolution after my term expires; with this current situation I think I'll go with the latter.

Apart from this scam situation tho, it was a good experience working out there for the first year or so when they first opened. No complaints to this particular location but since its the one I went to its where I have to place my review unfortunately.
03 July 2022 11:31
(Changed review)
Positive review:
- The team reached out and tried to mend the issues.
- The equipment is good.
- The location/parking is easy and convenient

(Old review)
- The pricing is not transparent, it is a bit concerning how much lack of transparency there is when it comes to the advertised price vs the real price.
You might see 20/month or 24/month, that is really not accurate, the truth is you are looking at an average of 38 to 40 / month.

- The guaranteed price charge that they are charging you is around 19 over 2 months, which guarantees the price you have.for the next period. Which is kind of holds you hostage against your will to stay with them and never break membership. Not sure that is something I would want.

I also had a few a friends face a lot of issues, with expectation and price.

- If you want convenience, and easy parking and good equipment it is a good place.

Yes the whole pricing bs, and bad client service. Just leaves a bad taste in anyone's mouth.
02 July 2022 0:41
Pour avoir visité les autres World Gym au Québec, c'est celui de Brossard le pire en terme de propeté. Vraiment sale. Même le fond de la piscine est sale. Très déçu.
Aussi les poids sont partout et mal placé.

Ne conseille pas
27 June 2022 15:18
Worst gym in terms of stealing clients. I have already paid for all my session with a private trainer but due to COVID and health issues I was not able to attend the gym. And now that I am able to restart again, in order for me to be able to reuse my paid sessions, I have to pay extra 100$ and finish all those sessions in a 3 months period. Which means I have no life but to spend my days in gym and if it has to be extend I have to pay extra 30$ for each month. This is called stealing clients especially if they have health reasons. Once I am done with my contract I will never go again in this gym. And I advise you all too to read your contracts before signing anything.
25 June 2022 23:01
Disgusted by this gym! BE CAREFUL WHEN DEALING WITH THEM! They closed during covid so I stopped receiving my service! They never contacted me, never sent me a registered letter to tell me they were going to send it to collections, and acted VERY UNPROFESSIONALALY when contacted about the situation. I have several friends family members with this same issue. They are a bunch of thieves! DO NOT TRUST THEM!
22 June 2022 10:18
My daughter and I had a membership before the pandemic. I tried to cancel just before lockdown. I left several messages to cancel but no one returned my calls. Now, two years later my daughter and I get letters from a collection agency. They are charging when they were closed. No warning. Nothing. Just straight to collection. Buyer beware. Find another gym!
18 June 2022 12:06
C'est un bon Gym. Mais les horaires d'ouverture et de fermeture sont restreints de même pour ceux de la piscine (de 9h à midi et 17h à 20h et seulement le matin le WE). Ils doivent retourner aux horaires d'avant la pandémie. A noter que les casiers sont sales. S'ils règlent ces problèmes il redeviendra un très bon Gym.
Il ya eu un petit changement au niveau des horaires de la piscine. J'attends toujours un retour de l'horaire d'avant COVID.
15 June 2022 5:38
Pas assez de dumbells. Tout le monde est jam pack dans le coin alors qui a une grosse salle "coach" vide la moitié du temps plein de dumbells. Pas moyen de mettre la main sur une barre olympique. Trop de monde.
04 December 2020 17:33
Gym is always full, whenever you wanna workout you’ll find out all machines are busy. Overcrowded even if we’re in a pandemic. I really wish if they can find a way to control the number of visitors or find a solution where everyone gets the chance to workout properly.
10 November 2020 5:51
Great gym staff super friendly and competent big space with alot of different service offered I recommend to everyone
01 November 2020 10:50
Very clean, very professional folks, lots of space to work out and good equipment!

Enjoying every minute of work out there:)
29 October 2020 5:45
Bien contente de revenir après une période pandémique de 3 mois. Suggestion: mettre plus de stations de désinfectant. Aussi, les gens ne respectent pas le sens de la circulation (flèches à terre). Merci
13 October 2020 6:15
Too many people even for Covid-19 times. Lots of people walking around without masks. I feel like people get to this gym and forget this virus even exists.
I would expect the gym personnel to make turns and remind people to wear their masks but they really don't care.
So disappointing
07 October 2020 8:18
The gym is good. Lots of classes option. I used the kickboxing class with Patricio. It was challenging good workout. I don’t go anymore because of COVID so I don’t know how it works now
04 October 2020 21:51
Been going to this gym since day 1, the place is big and clean. Staff is friendly. Wifi works great compared to other gyms that work sometimes. Reason for 4 stars instead of 5 is that machines are good but i feel they could make better use of the space and get more variety. For example, I have to become very creative when doing abs because they have very few machines and when i do back muscles i dont need to because literally half the machines target back.
29 September 2020 9:05
Refuses to cancel membership before the one year mark even during a pandemic in which I will not be presenting to the gym.
Rude customer service
Do not go to this gym, ever.
26 September 2020 2:19
Pas mal vraiment
Le gars le latino Marcelo il est parler pas bien avec le monde est tellement sauvage
Pas de respect
25 September 2020 8:47
J'y suis allé comme invité avec un membre VIP. Je vais régler mes trucs avec Econofitness et je vais m'empresser de m'inscrire. Quel bel endroit et vaste à part ça!
16 September 2020 6:57
! SCAM ALERT! After cancelling a membership, this gym will continue to charge your bank account. Attempts to reach their operations coordinator (Mélodie Desbois) by phone or email go ignored. Do they honestly expect patrons to forget that money is being siphoned out of their accounts each month? Such a predatory and unethical business model.
Read the other reviews and you will see other members have been dealing with the same issues mentioned above.
There are plenty of other gyms in the area with good equipment that respect their patrons and don’t try to steal from them. Steer clear at all costs.
24 August 2020 16:51
Après l’ouverture des gyms suite à la crise du COVID-19 le World Gym n’est même pas capable d’accommoder les utilisants en transport en commun car il est interdit de rentrée avec un sac de tout genre (sac à dos, sac de travaille, sac de sports) Mon accès à été refusé puisque que je venais directement de mon emploie avec mes objets personnel dans mon sac.

De plus, les fontaines sont fermés. Après avoir utiliser ton eau dans ta bouteille d’eau, il est impossible de la remplir. La direction avait 3 mois pour planifier ses activités suite à la pandémie.une personne en plein activité physique ne peut pas remplir sa bouteillle d’eau même si il se deinfectes les mains.

Le gym est incapable de penser à des solutions pendant 3 mois d’absence. Un gros manque de jugement de la part du World Gym. Le Atlantis a Laval permet d’utiliser les fontaines d’eau pour remplissage seulement.

Très déçu du World Gym.
23 August 2020 11:29
Quite happy with how the gym reopened under the current circumstances. Cleaning stations all over the gym with hand sanitizers, the patrons seem to respect the new rules set into place to ensure everyone's safety. Moreover, the gym wasn't as packed as it used to be precovid times.

Good job world gym!

My only gripe is that there aren't enough bench presses. With only 2 for the whole gym, they're always occupied. Although the space is limited, I can understand why they haven't added more.
22 August 2020 1:08
The staff is reasonable and good facilities. However, some members at this gym are impolite and impatient. Got screamed at for talking to customer service for too long.
18 August 2020 19:44
J’ai pris abonnement d’un an en février 2020, mais un mois après, la gym est fermée à cause de covid19.

J’ai contacté la gym avant réouverture le 2 juin 2020 pour discuter si je peux arrêter le contrat ou changer le forfait, car je ne veux pas m’entrainer dans un environnement bien fermé avec beaucoup de monde! Surtout on doit porter le masque durant l’entrainement, on sait que ne pas respirer correctement pendant l’exercice peut causer la mort. Avec toutes ces conditions, je ne veux pas me mettre dans le risque, je ne vais pas aller à la gym durant la pandémie.

Après plusieurs tentatives, finalement aujourd’hui (presque 2 mois après) je suis contacté par un employé de WorldGym, mais pendant le temps d’attente, je suis facturé 2 fois. Après nos conversations, WorldGym ne veut pas du tout m’aider qui ne veut pas rattraper les virus, tout ce qu’il peut faire est de geler mon compte pour 30 jours, puis continuer facturer jusqu’à la fin du contrat, donc 1 an, mais réellement, je suis allé pour un mois seulement. Même la personne qui parle avec moi dit qu’il va m’envoyer une confirmation de geler mon compte du 16 juillet à 15 aout, et le 15 aout ne sera pas facturé, jusqu’as maintenant, je n’ai pas reçu du tout, WorldGym ne garde pas leur promesse, ce point a été déjà confirmé par autres personnes.

Ma Leçon, tout ce que WorldGym concerne, est l’argent dans sa poche, il s’en fout de ses clients. Si dans la future, les amis, avant vous abonnez ou vous réabonnez à WorldGym, il faut vraiment vous garantir qu’il n’y a aucun changement de votre côté dans les prochains 12 mois (pas de déménagement, changement de travail, maladie ou blessé dans l’accident, etc.qui empêche de continuer vous entraîner à ce gym pour une période assez longue), sinon, vous serez facturé non seulement pour un an au complet même vous n’irez pas, en plus, il va vous charger 2 fois le frais additionnels pour garantir votre place d’abonnement, même vous y irez pas.

Dans cette situation spéciale (covid19), normalement les commerçants vont trouver les meilleurs moyens pour aider ses clients, pour garder les clients, ex.
1) cesser le contrat exceptionnellement,
2) comme le client n’y ira pas, changer le forfait VIP au forfait régulier pour payer moins pour le reste du temps,
3) cesser le contrat avec une pénalité, mais moins cher d’un abonnement d’un an
4) geler le compte pour 6 mois, mais poursuivre après la pandémie
Mais WorldGym n’accepte aucune de mes propositions au-dessus. J’ai utilisé leur service juste un mois (environ 10 fois), mais je dois payer pour un an, qu’est-ce que vous en pensez les amis? Je dois dire, bravo, un vrai commerçant! La qualité du service est vraiment une "surprise" en plus!

Mais pensez à vous-même, vous allez pour vous entraîner, pour être plus en santé, vous payez pour avoir un bon service, ou, payer pour faire le business avec un commerçant qui s’en fout de ta santé?

I feel sad for their humanity more than disappointed. They treat me like that even under this special situation, just think about not in the pandemic, how will they treat you? You will surely have the answer yourself.
04 August 2020 12:50
Dont go to this gym! Their own director refuses to show up to meetings, respond to calls or emails but posts all over social media! Most unprofessional place i’ve ever dealt with! Give Alexandra her money back!
05 July 2020 5:56
Dont go to this gym! Their director refuses to show up to meetings, respond to calls or emails but posts all over social media! My friend contacted them to get a refund and they instantly stopped answering her calls, emails, or messages on social medias. Very poor service and an actual rip-off! I would suggest you to go to a gym that is responsive their customer's request and that does not steal from their customer's pockets. This gym should be held accountable for their actions.
24 June 2020 9:47
Hello I sent couple emails but no reply from you.we are not supposed to be charged when srevice is locked down, right?
please reply as soon as possible
consumers need a clear solution.is the membership going to be renewed automatically or what?
28 December 2019 6:46
Je donne un 3 parce que je trouve que le jacuzzi n'est pas toujours adéquat beaucoup de problème ce côté-là le bon sens m'oublier un peu la négligence même la faire pour enlever son costume de bain pour enlever l'eau ne marche pas depuis 1 mois je te souhaite déplorable mais la piscine est un petit peu froide et le plancher il est souvent sale ce côté-là à part de ça, j'ai pas grand chose à dire beaucoup de belles activités très positif exetera depuis le début je suis là et j'espère que ça va s'améliorer
01 December 2019 14:36
Not a good gym at all, too many members, not enough equipment, the employees don’t know what their doing
24 November 2019 3:46
Je veux canceler mon abonnement parcequ’il y a trop de monde dans ce gym le caissier rit en me disant que les frais de cancellation de 150$ vont coûter plus chère que de laisser mon abonnement terminer par lui même 125$.

Si vous voulez bien annuler mon abonnement et arrêter les paiements.je retirerai cette plainte.

Délai d’annulation: à plus long terme
Vous voulez mettre fin à votre contrat après le délai prévu par la Loi sur la protection du consommateur? Le Code civil du Québec vous en accorde le droit. Mais avant que vous communiquiez avec le commerçant, l’Office de la protection du consommateur vous suggère de vous informer à propos des articles 2125 et 2129 du Code civil. Vous pouvez notamment joindre un conseiller juridique ou un organisme offrant du soutien juridique.

Le commerçant pourra vous demander de payer une indemnité. Il a notamment le droit de réclamer le prix des services fournis.

Un exemple: vous mettez fin, après 4 mois, à un contrat d’un an au montant de 420 $. Le commerçant serait en droit:

d’exiger 140 $ pour la période pendant laquelle les services vous ont été fournis;
de vous réclamer une somme supplémentaire, s’il est en mesure de démontrer que l’annulation du contrat lui a causé du tort.
Le commerçant devra vous remettre les sommes que vous avez payées d’avance pour les services qui ne vous ont pas été rendus.

Si vous jugez que l’indemnité imposée est exagérée, vous pouvez amener votre cause devant les tribunaux.

Marche à suivre pour annuler votre abonnement
Pour annuler votre contrat, vous devez transmettre au commerçant le formulaire de résiliation qu’il a joint à votre contrat ou un autre avis écrit.

Nous vous conseillons d’envoyer le document par courrier recommandé. Le contrat est annulé dès l’envoi du formulaire ou de l’avis.

À compter de la date d’envoi, le commerçant a 10 jours pour vous remettre l’argent qu’il vous doit, s’il y a lieu.
14 November 2019 7:43
Le service clientèle ne vaut pas 5cennes.
Les employés de l'accueil = zéro info et zéro accueillant!
Le gym est clean et 24h la semaine le seul point positif.
05 October 2019 11:11
Il n’y a pas assez de bancs dans la section de des poids libres pour une salle de gym aussi grande! Très désagréable.
26 September 2019 4:51
I joined this Gym upon opening in March, 2019. I had originally joined two years prior but managed (unlike most other members who got stiffed) to get refunded after waiting eight months past the promised opening date.
Two and a half months after joining, my credit card was debited an extra $20.00 plus tax. I had already paid an extra $70 upon joining to guarantee the rate for lifetime. After spending ten minutes on hold and transferred twice, I was told that an extra $20 charge is levied every June and December to further "guarantee your lifetime rate". I was told that I could find this in the fine print of the contract. I was never advised that they would continue to charge additional fees. So after two and a half months, I have paid $95 for my "special rate" and can look forward to another $23 every six months. Scam.
14 September 2019 19:14
Gym is nice but it is ridiculously to busy.
I tried to cancel after 2 days and it's been 2 weeks still waiting on management to contact me to cancel. They should just allow you to do it on the spot
12 September 2019 3:39
Great location, equipments are clean and the staff really care about the members. Special thanks to Sam for his service.
05 September 2019 5:19
2 bench pour 800 personnes, section minuscule.trop de machine à poulie et simili air de tapette. Tu viens au gym pour décompresser, t'arrives dans section t'as juste le goût de te battre
01 September 2019 20:39
I visited this gym last sunday with my friends. It looks good, it has all the equipments I need, and it's not crowded. I will go back to sign up the membership this weekend, and come back to post the experience after being a member of the gym.
01 September 2019 11:58
Pourquoi il on mis des cameras de surveillance dans le vestiaire des hommes est-ce que ce geste est légal?
11 July 2019 11:02
Great gym with equipment for all levels, enjoyable atmosphere. Wish they could simplify the visitor paperwork at every visit because I got the VIP just to bring my wife regularly.
10 July 2019 13:25
Really great gym, tons of machines, very clean. I only wish that the water in the fountains could be a few degrees cooler. Currently they are about room temperature and not refreshing at all.
25 June 2019 8:14
Great gym. Brand new and very clean. Space is big and well organized. Employees needs some skills training about customer service and some knowledge about the gym tarifications and policy. I received 3 different answers on same question and the funniest is when i asked how can i register online. I was told it should be on website and they were surprised not to fine it, to appear to be on another site. To keep the story short, train your front desk employees and maintain standards you will do vey well!
03 June 2019 17:19
I vidivis the gym. It is brand new and very large not well planned. Employees working on service desk do not have enough knwlknowl about the packages. They only know the monthly rate and have no idea of yearly charges. You must have trained staff at the reception.
28 May 2019 16:37
Its new but employees there are not trained well. Every time I go there for information, there’s several people standing and chatting but no one notice me, and I made an appointment with a person trainer today at 9: 00am to talk about private course, I wait him until 9: 30 and there’s no one come, no one even apologize for that. Not happy with the results
16 May 2019 11:38
Très contente de l'équipement et de l'espace. On attend de voir pour les cours. Ce n'est pas bien indiqué mais il y a des caméras un peu partout dans les vestiaires ce qui est assez dérangeant. J'aurais l'impression que c'est illégal, tout au moins de très mauvais goût.

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