22 November 2023 13:06
C’est de l’arnaque.
19,95€ => 34,29CAD
C’est plus de 16,09CAD!
Attention, veuillez vérifier les prix d’articles avant de les acheter.
18 November 2023 16:29
Awful service and incompetent stuff. They sent me to the line to pick up the online order and after 15 minutes of waiting told that it should be in another department and another line
10 September 2023 21:04
The store tends to be extremely crowded during sales, with long line-ups at the cash, clothes in messy piles and self-centred hipsters hogging the few mirrors available to admire their reflections. The clothes themselves follow fashion trends at affordable prices which explains their huge appeal to a younger crowd. They tend to be very cheaply made and not durable, the epitome of fast fashion, for a clientele compulsive in wearing the latest trends but too cheap to pay for better clothes. The staff, mostly in their early 20's, is rather unhelpful and unfriendly, occasionally bordering on rude.
26 August 2023 5:09
Stupid rude cashiers. Went there to return a jeans I paid with through Apple Pay and presented my actual card for the refund. The cashier started getting uneasy upon seeing the last 4 digits of the card not match. I told her it’s usual as Apple Pay generates a random card number, processed the return and then had me wait for a manager. When I showed them the transaction on my bank account they were like ok. Rude or just plain stupid? Who knows. I know that they must process 100’s of returns and I can’t imagine everyone furnishing their original mode of payment even when there’s a receipt and the intact merchandise.
25 July 2023 11:40

You WONT be able to find a SINGLE cloth of your size in the particular location

Manager & other salespeople is happily agree that the store is messed up
17 July 2023 18:33
You can NEVER find your size even if it’s ON THE FLOOR! This store is a mess & the Manager of the store & everyone on the floor Agrees to it HAPPILY!

Other stores H&M, Uniqlo, Tommy etc etc are nOT as messed up as This Zara

Also none zara salesperson will try to help you find your size if it’s not in the location it’s supposed to be! They will helplessly tell you to find out YOURSELF!

Level up Zara Montrèal! You are NOT worth a Zara Label AT ALLLLLL
11 July 2023 21:12
Le monde qui mettent 1 étoile … vous êtes chez Zara.pas chez Gucci. Comprenez que ce monde travaille pour le salaire miserable et qu’il travaille pas à la commission
24 June 2023 11:00
The staff in the cashier are extereme rude and they are not good at their jobs either! I bought a shorts and they had some spot on it that I hadn't noticed, and they refused to return it, they said if there is damage, we will mention it in the receipt, but they didn't and that's not on me! I had to return one more thing, and the cashier couldn't figure out the payment and kept messing it up, and when I asked her a question about store credit she was rude to me and said one thing at a time ma'am with a tone.
25 May 2023 15:30
Wrost customer service ever! I went to return my item. They checked my item said it is dirty and refuse to refund it for me. But the design was meant to be look old and used, they didn’t bother to compare the item with the item on the website and assumed I got the item dirty, the guy in the picture rolled his eyes and treated with disrespect attitude. Thanks Zara. The manager’s ignorance ruined my impression about Zara. I will never shop there again.
16 May 2023 5:54
I bought a coat (soft oversized coat) from new collections recently. It costs me 148$. But the quality was terrible. After twice usage just in the official ceremony, you can see what happened for it in the picture. It is not possible to wear it again. It looks rag. I took it to the store and showed them and explained to them. I was upset that they did not care about it. They did not offer anything to me and they told me that it is what it is.
The quality of coats is awful and the customer service is worst.
07 April 2023 6:27
I really loved their varsity jackets collection.
You could go today and check the clothes there, and you may go tomorrow at the same store and find some new clothes.
So they always change their collection.
23 November 2021 18:03
Service client desastreux, aucun responsable, des files interminables pour payer alors qu une seule caisse est ouverte et que la fille a un soucis avec des clients.les autres employés qui passent tranquillement
on nous dit d aller voir chez les hommes car bcp moins de monde mais pire encore.attitude desinvolte de la "responsable"
bref je n y retournerai clairement pas!
07 November 2021 0:33
I left my very nice and new umbrella there as I had so many bags tried calling the store all day no response ever
But the lady in kids section was very nice and helpful!
27 October 2021 4:01
More Mom jeans please, and accessories! If I could live at Zara boutique, I would! Always some fabulous music in store anyways!
17 October 2021 4:34
Vraiment le service le plus catastrophique qu’il soit.

Ancien responsable chez Zara, je n’avais jamais vu un tel comportement chez des employés!

Bref quand la médiocrité du service client et des employés rencontre la nonchalance et le manque d’investissement ça donne ça!
07 October 2021 18:11
This shop used be good with good combination of high quality and fashionable clothes. They lost it recently.
07 October 2021 3:47
Great shop! It was our first time, and we had a good experience in there. The shop doesn’t have many clothes as it is pretty small, but they do have a nice collection. The only thing is the fitting rooms, the waiting line was long, it took time just to try one dress. In general, it’s a froid shopping place!
05 October 2021 23:50
On peut pas mettre zéro comme service? Des longues files aux caisses. Plus de 35 minutes juste pour payer un article. 5 caisses mais 3 ouvertes seulement. La file allait jusqu'au milieu du magadin ou presque. Aucun sens de faire niaiser les clients comme ça. Les employés jasent entre eux pendant qu'on attend comme des cons. On repassera pour le service à la clientèle. C’est rire du monde

2e visite 13 août 2021
AUCUN service aux caisses. 20 minutes pour payer un article. Deux filles sont aux caisses dont une qui fait des recherches pour les clients. Donc une seule caisse. La file est longue, très longue. Attendre quand on voit le personnel s'amuser à classer des vêtements par grandeurs, c'est frustrant. A quoi ça sert de classer la guenille si on ne peux pas la payer! Je n'y retournerai pas. C'est promis
03 September 2021 9:00
Passed by around 8: 45 pm last friday to receive a pick-up in store online order. Asked a personnel at the entrance where I could get the parcel. The lady in the entrance exit was litteraly rolling her eyes to me, and not anserwing my question. But the security guy did and the agent downstairs was so prefessional and efficient. On the note, i rate 2 stars to my experience, instead of 1.

I just don't figure it out what is on Zara recruiter's mind? How could you hire some person as a customer service agent who is gonna to give customers a hard time? Both this lady and the whole zara hr departement need to contemplate the reason. Hire somebody is willing to offer good customer service, not those who don't find job and needs to pay for rent.
29 August 2021 11:59
Extrêmement déçu du service de caisse on as passer 30 min devant les caisse 4 employés qui nous regardes mal, et personne qui nous explique pour quoi on etait pas capable d etre servi, au moins un minimum de respect pour vos clients, le gars de la caisse de la seccion homme vers 17h20 avec chandail blanc, etait Extrêmement irrespectueux vers un client, je du changer de caisse apres 30 mi.d'attend.
13 August 2021 19:51
The short dark cashier lady working on Tuesday August 10 was terribly dismissive and rude. You can look at your customer while talking.
30 July 2021 6:52
Jy vais pour rire pas pour magasiner. Pour vrai, en plus ils ferment 1h après les autre
Donc c'est ma dernière escale humour après avoir magasiné. Les employés sont tellement incompétents que ça en est meilleur qu'un show d'humour. Et en plus C'est gratuit:)
27 July 2021 0:59
I have been trying to return an online order for days. I went to the store in person, I am been told by the person at the entrance of the sotre that their returning server is down and I cannot return my items.
After that, I have been calling to make sure their servers are back to normal to be able to do my return in person. NO ONE is answering the phone. I am being hung up on several times. Calling back on and on, still being hang up on. I am out of words.
22 July 2021 15:20
Nice selection, but it was too packed for the size of the store and the changing rooms are closed
30 June 2021 12:27
Je suis partie pour un simple remboursement, j'ai dû attendre 30 minutes grâce à un service à la clientèle médiocre et des employés incompétents qui camouflent leurs erreurs par des excuses bidons, quant au gérant, c'est pire que que ses employés, rien à dire pour son mauvais comportement et sur son non professionnalisme.
Quand je lui ai demandé son numéro d'employé pour porter plainte, il a appelé la sécurité pour me faire sortir.
Je suis choquée par une telle attitude.
20 June 2021 12:42
Le service est toujours aussi exécrable c pitoyable quand même mais les collections sont toujours aussi jolies heureusement une chance qu'on ai pas besoin d'aide en magasin! Parce que ils misent pas sur la formation des employés.
10 June 2021 9:07
Staff nice and helpfull, but long line to try on clothes and long line at the cash. I know it s covid but 30 min wait to get to the changing rooms is a bit long and it was a tuesday afternoon. I can only imagine the weekends
08 June 2021 14:02
Une ancienne devenue totalement vide d'ame. Plus aucun gout ou référence dans les choix. Plus aucun vetement assez classique
27 May 2021 11:30
This store has decent selections but the customer service was a joke. It was really bad. I don't think the management team are paying attention to detailed customer service at this location because those college kids are definitely not trained properly enough.
18 March 2021 1:25
Zara Downtown Saint Catherine
Excellent Service
Stunning outfit with discount
Extra ordinary Jackets, Shoes, T-shirt with nice quality
Classy Jeans with different pattern
Staff members are very co-operative
Enjoy Shopping
10 February 2021 10:43
A few weeks ago someone robbed my camera equipment, it was left unattended for a minute or two, they had told me they would send the footage to the police within a few days but they never did, they treated me as if it didn't matter, didn't bother sending the footage because until it's not their fault it's not their problem. The staff were unhelpful and not to understanding of the situation.
09 February 2021 8:17
Most of the time when I went to Zara, the employees are so friendly and helpful.
Today I have the worst shopping experience.
Yesterday I was trying to refund a coat I bought online, I have exchanged size one time, it's still not nice on me. I didn't keep that time's receipt. There was a female employee told me, she can not do the refund, but she can gave me credits instead. I said I will think about it.
Today I came back to return the coat for credits. There is a different female employee said "I can't do that for you. You have to call customer service or keep the coat". She was kind of in a hurry, no matter I told her I just came yesterday your colleague try to give me credits. She was really impatient and unfriendly untill I asked for manager's help. Fortunately, the manager is really nice and thoughtful who helped me get my credits back.
That's not the end, when I tried to use my credits to buy something else, the same unfriendly employee warned me "This time you can not get refund or credits anymore, only for exchange! " It sounds reasonable, but she doesn't need to be so mean.
02 February 2021 9:24
Méfiez-vous si vous retournez un article acheté en ligne car ça prend beaucoup de temps pour se faire rembourser et ils ne vous remboursent pas les frais de livraisons.

Faites le calcul. Avec le nombre de retour possible avec la pandémie, c’est limite de le l’escroquerie!
29 January 2021 3:33
Don't understand why people like this store so much. Quality isn't that great, the service is horrible, always full of people layout is a mess. Always overwhelming to shop here.
14 January 2021 4:58
Love clothes from zara. I buy most of my clothes from here.espacially sweat shirts jeans and hoodies
09 January 2021 10:05
My friends and I went shopping at Zara yesterday. To be honest, we spend at different Zara stores almost every month, both online and in stores. However, for the first time, I felt that the service of Zara was not very good, and the staff gave us the impression that they spoke in an offensive tone. The goods in the store are for the customers, right? No matter what brand the item is associated with, it is cheaper than that brand; Should we accept a disrespectful attitude when we buy this product? Personally, I rarely comment on whether the stores I visit are good or bad, and maybe in my case some people think I'm making a big deal out of nothing. But I think being in the service industry at least doesn't make the guests feel offended
21 November 2020 0:50
Zara s'est vraiment dégradée au cours des dix dernières années. Elle ne serait pas surprise d'apprendre qu'elle a fait faillite comme tout ce qui est de mauvaise qualité à un prix élevé.
05 May 2020 20:41
Great selection. Could be organized better but that is hardly on the staff as customers tend to move merchandise around
26 April 2020 7:26
Leurs Cabines d'essayage sont des POUBELLES (le ménage n'est JAMAIS), vendeuses jamais disponibles, et en plus un GROS bordel dans ce magasin. Honteux! Je n'y retournerai plus, ça c'est sûr!
22 April 2020 9:38
Is the store messy? Yes
Are the lines long? Yes
Are the employees helpful? No

But I really like shopping at Zara. What I end up doing is trying it on in store, taking a picture of the label and ordering it online. They often have free shipping days. Or you could just order what you want online and return the things that don't fit. Online shopping at Zara is really convenient.
I find that even shipping to the store is better than buying it in store.

When they are on sale it's crazy busy, but you can visit early in the morning and usually there's no one. The employees have never been rude to me but I've never really had any issues with their products (yet).
31 March 2020 18:01
Top notch store. Found exactly what I was looking for. Salespersons were very helpful. Blazers are at a very affordable price. Clean and well organized store. I will be back.
05 March 2020 18:25
Ne consommant presque plus, que ce soit pour mes besoins personnels et par respect pour la planète, je me suis quand même laissé tenter pour les soldes et je suis entré. Et bien oui, j'ai trouvé quelques items à acheter. Ce que j'ai surtout retenu de ma visite c'est cette abondance de vêtements qui trouveront preneurs et tous ceux qui malgré les soldes vont se retrouver gaspillés et déversés dans des sites enfouissement. Mais j'aime bien Zara malgré tout.
01 March 2020 3:24
J'ai eu l'occasion de faire un petit tour, bon la disposition des articles dans le magasin ne donne pas trop envie d'acheter c'est un peu brouillon au niveau visuel, si non le magasin est très grand et très spacieux! Les vendeuses sont très gentilles.
21 February 2020 8:47
The store is always a mess! Everything is extremely disorganized, the clothes are on the floor and dirty, and the staff is unfriendly. I love Zara, but the shopping experience at the downtown store is just very overwhelming and unpleasant.
17 February 2020 4:23
Ok! What is happening in your store, look like a flee market.
I visit about all the Zara worldwide, this is the worst. Where are the new collections? Horrible selection
11 February 2020 0:08
I just heard the man cleanup this table saying to his coworker “Look, I just cleaned this table, but the customers just don’t care”, sounds like we are not welcome to see the pants.

I was happy to find my size after he cleanup, I want to thank him and tell him, I actually care. I was seeing carefully to not mess up his work.

Thank you, but it was disappointing to hear what you said. Why not you say that after work?

(2020 Jan 14th 19: 30)
13 June 2019 3:46
Je n'ai jamais compris l'engouement pour la chaine ZARA. La qualité des vêtements est médiocre. Fast fashion.
01 June 2019 0:56
Meilleur Zara en ville. Beaucoup de choix. Prenez la peine de regarder sur internet avant de vous déplacez, parfois il n’ont pas tout les morceaux sur le plancher, mais il suffit de leur demander pour qu’ils aillent le chercher dans leur entrepôt.
21 May 2019 6:40
I am a huge fan of the clothing from Zara, but this store is awful. Every time I have been, there are clothes scattered all over the floor, and everything has dust and dirt on it. It is legitimately dusty in this store, and I have developed anxiety from this environment. There are crowds of people in certain areas due to the poor layout of the store, and there is always an absurd line at the cash or to try things on that deters customers from wanting to buy clothing. The worst of all was the time I left my changing room to look in the mirror for 2 minutes, only to come back and find somebody in my dressing room! All of my belongings and clothing had been removed from the room and placed behind the counter without my knowledge. I anxiously asked the woman behind the counter if she had seen my stuff and she only belittled me and told me she did not know where any of my stuff was. Of course, my belongings were thrown behind the counter by her and another customer which is completely outrageous. I highly recommend you do not go to this store, unless you would like to inhale dust, feel personally attacked, become overheated and anxious from the lines or have terrible customer service:)
12 May 2019 7:12
Magasin désordonné. J'attends à la caisse pour payer un achat. Plusieurs employés mais aucun caissier jusqu'a ce que je demande de pouvoir payer mon achat.
21 April 2019 5:48
Je m'assure toujours de faire le détour chez Zara quand je suis au Centre-Ville. On peut trouver des habits de travail trendy et du casual.
23 January 2019 4:06
Tout les vêtements sont mélangés, il faut attendre pour essayer les vêtements et les payer. C'est désagréable comme expérience.

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