29 October 2023 15:16
Amazing Kambo journey. Chris is spectacular. His knowledge and guidance made me very comfortable and at ease through the whole experience
23 October 2023 16:47
Wow! I didn't know what to expect moving forward with saying yes to this ceremony but the result was beyond my wildest expectations. Chris was with us before explaining the ceremony, during the ceremony guiding us along and more importantly continued to follow up with us after. I have thought long about what I could write to help people understand the depth of healing but I would say just "DO IT". I have done numerous therapies before but this one was head and shoulders above anything I had tried in the past. Living life easy and effortlessly is something I have always wanted to achieve. Thank you to Kambo and our amazing guide, Chris, for the life changing weekend!
11 August 2023 10:08
I came into the Kambo ceremony, for the first time. With pretty high expectations I might add. Chris totally blew them out of the water. He was very welcoming and knowledgeable. I felt comfortable and it was easy to open up. He is genuine and you can tell he takes great pride in what he does. He has reached out multiple times since my experience and I feel as though my journey with kambo has just begun. I’ve never felt so fresh and clear. Highly recommend Chris and his service to everyone!

13 July 2023 20:53
I first heard about Chris and the healing powers of Kambo from a friend who had experienced it. I noticed a huge shift in her thinking after she had her first Kambo treatments, and decided It was something I needed to try. I had recently had a mental health breakdown, and was in a very dark place mentally and emotionally. Keep in mind I have tried many things in the past to try and help with my mental health, including therapy, almost every anti-depressant/anti-anxiety on the planet, electro-convulsive therapy, ketamine therapy, etc. Kambo was the only medicine that has ever helped me.
Chris is an extremely empathetic person and I was comfortable with him instantly, even though I 'm rarely comfortable with new people right away. I did not know what to expect, since I had never experienced Kambo before. However, Chris explained the process the whole time, and I felt his knowledge on the medicine, as well as the traditional ways he goes about the ceremony were extremely helpful toward my healing. Even after the first session (I did 3 in total), I felt that dark, almost "heaviness" of my anxiety and deep-seeded shame lift.it was almost an elating feeling. I was able to hold onto that feeling, and now I am able to do the work I need to do in order to heal myself further. Thank you Chris, as your knowledge of the medicine and the amazing way you guided me through it was the catalyst to the start of my new life. I would recommend Kambo to anyone struggling with addiction, shame, ptsd, depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. Specifically, I recommend Chris to help guide you through Kambo, as his knowledge and calm, guiding soul is what is needed for the medicine to be able to work properly. Thank you again, Chris!
12 July 2023 20:06
Chris is truly committed to providing a loving, sacred and powerful space for healing to occur. I cannot say enough good things about him, he has a heart of gold and true integrity. Upon our first meeting, we became family. I highly recommend anyone who wants a true encounter with the medicine, to seek Chris out, he is a gift.
02 July 2023 19:59
Healing spirits kambo
Thank you so very much to Chris of healing spirits kambo,

I had the honour on Oct3,2022 of sitting in ceremony with the powerful medicine called kambo.

Showing up for yourself to surrender with love and compassion to honour your truth your trauma your souls journey! Healing your inner child holding sacred space for my family my daughter mother grandmother and Great grandmothers healing your lineage with grace.

Sitting in sacred ceremony in Devine intervention! Purging your trauma with love in complete surrender trusting in the process.

I’m in absolute gratitude
Blissful peace in love with myself my souls journey!

Thank you so much Chris for holding sacred safe space for facilitating such a powerful life changing healing journey, your compassion love and wisdom is such a beautiful gift for humanity!

Be blessed beautiful soul brother today tomorrow and always!


25 June 2023 14:38
I've had the honour and privilage of sitting in ceremony with Chris to receive Kambo and all times I've felt safe, seen, held and supported as the medicine worked its magic. The intention, love and groundedness Chris brings into his ceremonies is an absolute gift. All ceremonies have left me feeling lighter, clearer, more open and allowed my body to release and let go of energies so deeply rooted that I otherwise was unable to fully let go of. If you're feeling the call to Kambo - there is something here for you - reach out to Chris - you'll be held exactly where you're at with love, care and deep intention.
18 June 2023 4:03
Chris is truly great at what he does. Very professional and has traditional training from the Amazonian culture. I highly recommend anyone needing healing to utilize his services! He goes above and beyond for his clients!
13 May 2023 16:17
I had the amazing opportunity to sit with Chris and the kambo at a retreat. I experienced healing on the physical, emotional and spiritual level in the most profound way. Healing is not the easiest thing to do, but so worth it.
I recommend anybody seeking the amazon frog to go to Chris. He's very knowledgeable and grounded, which makes it all that much better. Thank you so much!
13 March 2023 22:04
I would 10000% recommend Chris and Healing Spirits Kambo to anyone seeking alternative healing. I participated in three Kambo ceremonies (one group ceremony) and it was phenomenal. It provided me with a deeper level of awareness and with that came personal transformation. My sister introduced me to the idea of healing through Kambo and recommended Chris saying, “he’s the real deal”:) and he is. He is so thoughtful and understanding, literally no judgment from him or the people I’ve met at the group ceremony. He is a truly beautiful human and you will not go wrong contacting him for support.
12 February 2023 12:28
I was very fortunate to have found Chris as my Kambo facilitator. I was searching for a step in my healing journey to get out of that “stuck” feeling. In my conversations with Chris I was able to dig deep, feel, release emotions, and situations that were clinging to me. Kambo for me was intense, but yet so gentle and loving at times. I felt so supported and connected to Chris, he’s definitely a kind soul and I look forward to a treatment with him in my future!
If you’re on the fence about a Kambo experience, be brave and go for it! Chris will guide you each step of the way️
12 February 2023 4:17
I’ve known about Kambo for a few years now, I felt strongly called to it. Authenticity and tradition in ceremony are very important to me, so I was filled with excitement when I came across Chris’s website. Knowing that he’s got a deep connection to the medicine and the tribe that discovered it made me feel comfortable embarking on this journey with him holding space for me. I sat with the medicine 3 days in a row and since life has never been better. Things have shifted for me in ways that I could’ve never imagine. I have an immense amount of gratitude for this medicine and for Chris as a facilitator. He’s comes from a very authentic non egotistical place. There’s a shift going on in this world where healing is coming to the forefront but that also means there will be inauthentic people posing as healers. I can say with the utmost integrity that Chris is the real deal, he’s very wise and knowledgeable about this medicine Kambo and the other medicines that come from the Amazon jungle. Thank you Chris for all the work you’ve done on yourself to be able to pass on your wisdom and work with Kambo having integrity. You’re a blessing to the world.:)
08 February 2023 7:00
If you are looking to begin or expand your healing journey, or are looking to find your true self, Chris' traditional focus with the sacred Kambo is where you need to be. Intention, guidance, release, clarity, and healing is the best way to describe how amazing the Kambo ceremony was and continues to be.
02 February 2023 22:18
Chris was extremely comforting during the entire process before & during ceremonies, and afterwards. He truly cares. Kambo was an extremely powerful and all around a wonderful and challenging experience. Highly highly recommend!
25 January 2023 16:28
My experience with Chris at my Kambo ceremony was enlightening and empowering. He does an amazing job of creating a very safe space to allow you to completely open up to the experience and the medicine, and is also very knowledgeable and professional through the entire journey.
20 January 2023 15:25
Healing can take many forms and I was drawn/called to this ceremony. Chris is truly incredible in his presence compassion and knowledge. He helped me to look deeper within, to sit with and release things i have been holding onto that no longer serve me. He is grounded & connected you can feel that he truly cares about you and your healing journey that is hard to find in people. Since I had my Kambo sessions I have rid myself of multiple negative habits that I was not able to for many many years decades even prior. I also really appreciate the training Chris has in the ancient and traditional ways. This has been a profound experience for me I hope this finds whoever needs to hear it, much love.
17 January 2023 22:11
I will be honest I was excited and a little terrified to work with Chris and the frog medicine. I was stubborn the first day and fought through a lot of stuff. The second day was WOW. At the end of the second day I was so at peace. It felt like a weight was lifted. Chris was totally supportive and patient and gave the right pushes and shoves when needed! Can’t wait to do this again!
15 January 2023 0:29
Chris is amazing! He is so professional, compassionate and genuinely cares about his clients having the best possible healing experience during their Kambo Ceremony. He holds space in such a beautiful way, encouraging you to go deep within yourself. I would highly recommend him and look forward to my next Kambo Ceremony with him soon.
01 January 2023 3:14
I had blessed amazing experience. My journey to self enlightenment has become reality. Thank you Chris, love and light to you
01 January 2023 2:28
5 STARS+ I highly recommend Chris of Healing Spirits Kambo to any soul on thier healing path, recovery, and awakening journey! I have had the absolute honour of working with Chris personally in a group Kambo + Sound Ceremony, as well as privately in a beautiful and transformative Kambo Session! He is very professional, intuitive, kind, and genuinely caring for all brothers + sisters, to hold unconditional love, and safe space for whatever we may be walking through, without judgment. You can take your armor off and really do the deep dive healing with his support and traditional ways and knowledge of Kambo. Thank you for all that you do to support the healing of our communities Chris!
31 December 2022 0:58
Chris and the Kambo medicine have been so great for my healing and personal growth. Certainly a life changer and I would highly reccomend to anyone. Chris is an amazing soul, gentle but also straight up.
27 December 2022 15:24
Chris facilitating the Kambo Ceremony with me has been one of the greatest things I have experinced. Chris does an amazing job at helping you to understand the triggers or traumas in your life. He helps you break it down and get to the roots of it all and once you get there he helps you understand what the reciprocal of that trauma is, so that you can use that in the healing. This all happens in the begining of the ceremony and before the Kambo medicine is applied. Even just the conversations with Chris was well worth the experince. Now given, Kambo is quite intense and can be a bit scary, but Chris does a great job at ensuring that you are comfortable and makes sure you know that you are very safe and capable of going throught the ceremony. I did three ceremonies with Chris and I will very much be doing more, this has been life changing.
24 December 2022 14:35
Honest and raw - this is the real deal. Chris is the real deal. He’s travelled the path, laid the groundwork and paved the way for us lucky enough to have been led to him, by whatever way that was in our journey - to be able to share and experience - not just the medicine, but he himself and the healing - all that surrendering does. Shattering the EGO, to become connected and one, with focus and alignment. Purifying, detoxifying and clean energy. It’s been a complete honour to be invited to sit with him while in the medicine, but also to be allowed to receive the gifts given to us by the Matsés tribe. I have the privilege to call and consider Chris a dear friend of mine, a brother, who’s been there for me no matter what, always with wisdom beyond his years, but fitting of a true master of his craft - one who’s humble and full of grace, in kindness and pure strength. Nothing more legit than that in my books. Solid AF. Much love, honour and respect CJ. ️
19 December 2022 19:55
Chris is a very understanding and kind soul, with so much knowledge in spiritual healing. Kambo has been absolutely life changing for me. It has allowed me to release any fear and anxiety I’ve had and therefore is allowing me to reach my true potential. As a person who has suffered from addictions and trauma, I’ve been able to let go and forgive and overcome! I now see things with a positive mindset, and a brand new acceptance. Since I received kambo, many many amazing things have been happening for me. Highly recommend looking into if you are feeling stuck in life, or needing help in accepting/overcoming any problems, or even just wanting a physical/mental/emotional/spiritual detox <3
19 December 2022 3:52
Had the most incredible experience sitting with Chris and Kambo; having Chris hold space with and for me as I purged what I needed to. I healed lots of masculine wounding having such a strong, powerful and deeply caring male help me through my first journey with Kambo. Trusted Chris fully.

Chris gracefully allows me time to go more deeply within myself and connect more fully with self. His life journey has led him to heal others and blessed to have crossed paths with him and Kambo. I would recommend if you’re feeling called to sit with Kambo reach out for an introductory call as in the first call with Chris I knew how caring, powerful and passionate he was. Will always be so grateful for my first time experiencing Kambo, thanks for making it an amazing experience Chris!

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