05 June 2023 10:05
Our mom bought a house from J&H and also had them dig and build the basement. When they dug the basement they dug too close to the neighbours fence causing it to fall into the hole they dug for the basement. Right away Claude acknowledged it and said not to worry that they would fix the fence and that it would all be taken care of. He had me go get a saw so the could cut the fence that had fallen into the basement. They proceeded to cut up the neighbours fence and assured us it would all be fixed up and taken care of.

Fast forward to almost a year later. They now deny that it was their wrongdoing and refuse to fix the fence. They even had the audacity to tell my mom “well you built too big of a house. ” They were extremely unprofessional and do not care about their customers. It is clear that once the house is paid for they could care less about you. We have been honest, hardworking people our entire life and it is very frustrating when companies feel they can take advantage of people because there will be no repercussions for them.

They claim that they would prefer you talk to them to resolve any problems rather than leave a bad review yet when we talk to them on a private phone call they could care less about resolving anything.

Zoom in on the neighbours fence in the photos and tell me you didn’t dig too close to the fence when the concrete of the fence posts are completely exposed and the fence is falling into the basement.
15 December 2022 16:00
My house burnt down, and we got an rtm put down in August.

Every breaker in the house trips, breaker box WASNT inspected.

Some things simply just don't work at all. I cannot plug my car in, I can't use my microwave. Can't use my washing machine, dishwasher, my water heater blows the breaker. Can't have a TV and an Xbox plugged into the same outlet.they need to be plugged into separate rooms for it to not trip a breaker.

This has been the worst experience I've ever had. 0/10 WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THESE GUYS IF THEY WERE THE LAST HOMEBUILDERS ON EARTH.
26 October 2022 5:15
It's a nice company, friendly staff very knowledgeable and experienced
24 September 2021 13:18
Good place to buy home improvement products, either small or large projects, indoor or outdoor.
06 January 2021 17:46
Update to J and Hs response to where they said we didn’t buy a house from them.

In an attempt to avoid deception and leave a factual review people will benefit from I will correct them.

They built a house for the home lottery which we bought and were the first and only occupants of. Following moving in we received zero warranty, zero support, and unprofessional behaviour from their warranty rep. The flaws we contacted them about were the fault of the builder and within the time line of normal warranty other builders would provide

Back story

Following moving into our house we used the showers and had water damage day one. This was due to J and H not caulking our bathrooms, we contacted them and they stated it was our fault for not noticing and caulking them ourselves.

We then finished our basement and realized that several pipes in the house have slow leaks. These leaks were slow enough that we did not notice. But once our ceiling was finished it was ruined within a month.

We contacted the warranty rep and they stated they do not cover their plumbing past one year.

We have foundation issues. We had an expert attend the house to analyze the problem and he stated the backfilling around the house was done poorly and there are voids and gaps around it.

The drive way sunk 4 inches. This was cause by the same neglect as the foundation.

Drywall tape is pealing off the walls due to the house shifting from their poor foundation work. Again not covered or even looked at.

We have had to go on the roof to repair shingles we Lost in a wind storm (not their fault) but while on the roof we found spots where roof was exposed due to them cutting the tin to short in spots.

When we moved in the siding was a cream colour but they painted the screw holes with brown. This was a small issue that only took 1 day to fix but it showed how little they cared when finishing the house

There are several other issues not stated in this review. The fact is this was a show home built by J and H and they put zero effort or care into building it, and the created a defective product that they do not offer warranty on.

They also display our home front and centre on their website.

If their crown jewel is this poorly built Imagine what you will get

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