01 November 2023 3:01
Good school with great Islamic values.
- Islamic Environment
- Good principal with values
- The syllabus is also good and great thing is unlike public school, parents will know what our kids are learning in this school

- Communication not properly organized, especially bus related communication.
- There should be some strict moral upbringing. Some kids are too irresponsible and shows bad moral character. Not sure if teachers or parents at fault. But this is some serious issue.
27 September 2023 5:20
Not a good school at all. Kids are not being taught properly, basic manners are not taught. If the kids are bullying other kids or being rude, teacher don’t stop or take measures accordingly. Staff can also be rude at times, you can tell they are not professionally trained. Teachers get moved around a lot during school semester, for most of the school year it’s always substitute teachers covering. Very disappointed since our religion teaches us manners, ethic, kindness and this school is the complete opposite.
20 September 2023 11:44
Teachers bully students and counsels tells your secrets! DO NOT I REAPT DO NOT SEND UR KIDS HERE TO BCMS THEY WILL HAVE DEPRESSION!
15 September 2023 17:27
Took my sister out from this school. We put her in for the school term of 2022-2023: Our first year in BC, we moved from Van-Richmond.
Drop off was by a bus so the staff told us to be on the corner of No. 2 Road and Westminster by 3: 45pm but the bus actually arrived at 4: 45pm? Oh also the drop off wasn’t “corner of the two roads” but it was close to the next street: Lynas. I had to run. I went and asked the driver what time should we be here? He said “I don’t know check GPS” since school started we didn’t get any email info abt an app GPS (requires user/pass) that tracks the bus, neither were we given this info by the school staff on call. Next day we know where to go but I’m at work, my mom goes to pick her up. She gets there around 4: 25pm (we still don’t know about the app GPS) 4: 25pm turns into 5: 25pm and my sister is no where to be found. He dropped her without a guardian present! She’s 10! We’re new to Richmond and he dropped her 20 minutes away from our house, she doesn’t know the area! Apparently he dropped her off 5 minutes before my mom even got there! He didn’t even call us? ! No calls on my moms phone, my dads phone of mine! You can imagine the panic. There’s no email that tells us what to do to contact the bus driver, principle nothing! I get in touch with the bus driver through another and guess what he says “it’s your responsibility, someone will call you” and hangs up. The principle calls me and instead of apologizing he starts asking about wether we spoke about switching stops for the drop off? (We wanted her to get dropped off closer to No 2 but the driver said no when I asked the first day) even if there was a stop change why would you drop off a 10 year old without a guardian present? ! Next day: the principle made my dad and I wait for an hour. We both had to miss work to be there. I told him everything and he says we sent you an email with instructions to the bus drop off. I said “oh I didn’t get it” so he proceeds to show me he sent it or that our email was in the system. Guess what! THERE WAS NO INFO FILLED OUT IN THE SYSTEM. The staff didn’t put it in so he goes on to say “human error, it happens” so casually, it still pisses me off. Puts in our emails which was filled out on the forms months ago! That should’ve been in the system already! At the end of the convo he said the bus driver supervisor will call. Tell me why am I getting yelled by this supervisor when he calls me later, basically saying the bus driver didn’t have our numbers… I’m sorry and that is my responsibility? The driver didn’t even ask us for it on the first day… and the school should give him the number? I was so confused because the staff and the buss staff I don’t work together? He demanded I call the staff and tell them to give our numbers to him (he wouldn’t take it when I was telling him on the phone) kept saying tell the school staff…. Yeah. Different day: bus arrived early, my mom was 3 minutes away (she could see the bus as she was walking towards it) and she sees the bus driver keeps driving away. My mom confused calls me, I tell her “maybe you were late? ” She said “no he just arrived but kept going” The principle told me “the driver called but nobody picked up” he my moms phone 3 times. I wish I could upload the picture because the phone number was wrong.it wasn’t even our number. I wish I knew this was just the start of their unprofessionalism, should’ve taken her out right there. There were many more incidents that happened. This was our first time putting her in a private Muslim school and last. Don’t waste your money and kids future on this school.
03 August 2023 14:50
I've been here at this school for about 9 years (if you include the preschool) I remember when the school wasn't all that bad when there was Br. Shuayb (I was in kindergarten). If I remember correctly I think it was about 2017 when the school started going downhill, when newer schools started appearing. I think they were also paying "slightly" more than our school.

Long story short, teachers started resigning from our school and moving to the new schools (including our principal) and by the time it was 2018 (I was in 2nd grade) my class had a new substitute teacher every 2 weeks. (And that was when my class was recognized as the most menacing classroom).

Grade 3 was pretty good, mainly because I had
one of my favorite teachers.

Grade 4 was kinda stinky, mainly because I had a really problematic teacher who was rude, (mainly because she liked to cause a lot of problems with the parents and teachers) and also the pandemic hit so I couldn't see my friends in person. Also a very problematic student who joined the school (who I will not name) made my life a living hell.

Grade 5 was okay, maybe little bumps here and there, but not too bad (The problematic kid still remains).

Grade 6 was not too bad, (other than that problematic kid).
Also something pulled up and I had to go to the counselor. I will tell you one thing, She is not that good at treating depression, I will tell you this, you are better off doing pushups than going there.

Grade 7, this year was BRILLIANT. I had one of the best years there, (also mainly because of the teacher) this was one of the most memorable years of my time at B. C. M. S. I also had one of the best field trips that year, (where I almost drowned in the lake and lost my phone (don't worry I got it back). I also had a grad that was much better (according to the former students). I will never forget that night for the rest of my life.

But there were a few drawbacks that year. The first one was in the first semester when we had to do an Islamic studies project which guess what, WE HAD TO DO FOR THE ENTIRE SEMESTER. We were supposed to make an exhibit for an Islamic cultural day where guess what, my group's exhibit WASN'T ON DISPLAY. Since the core teacher was barely there to guide us, and our project looked like HOT garbage. My grades dropped so low because it cut into our other subjects and we could barely learn any subjects. It was such a big waste of time I BARELY passed my FSA's. The second drawback was the Boys bathroom's pluming upstairs leaked and it flooded the entire class (don't worry I think it was the clear water that leaked). And yes, the problamatic kid still remains.

Onto the Islamic teachers, majority them are pretty rude to the students and act like total saints when they talk to the parents,
also some of them will find any reason to scream at you for the smallest of things. A little tip for any of the students who are reading this, PRACTICE FOR Q. I. P. Because I promise you if you forget that will be a DEATH PENALTY.

To sum it all up it was okay, (I guess).
20 June 2023 6:43
I was a student here for 9 years and it was terrible. I was constantly getting blamed by teachers for random things, me and other girls wore pants which were baggy and they told us we have to get parents to bring us new clothing, go home or we stay in the clothes and then we have to wear uniform the next no uniform day and there was constant bullying and fights and nothing was dealt with properly. Islamic teachers are EXTREMLY biased if you struggle to read they get mad and yell, i could name so many kids from this school who have gotten depressed or ended up with ptsd not only is this abuse disgusting it was hurtful does it not speak volumes that children keep getting truamatized and struggle, for 9 years i liked 1 teacher. All the Teachers leave, principals leave, everyone leaves because the school is hopeless this could have left to way worse and it did alot of kids were sucidal and did thing to themselves that no one could imagine. The abuse the bullying and the harrasment all of this could have left to one person taking there life, I was singled out when i wanted to kill myself the teacher put my desk in the corner of the room while the whole class watched as he yelled at me for wanting to kill my self if i had the chance to sue i would. NEVER SEND UR KIDS HERE.
09 June 2023 16:53
This school is supposed to teach religion, but fails at common courtesy and respect for others. Every day I pick up the kids from the daycare next door parents and teachers from the school are driving aggressively, blocking off other road users who use the same complex, and even take the parking that's designated for other businesses, including the pickup and drop off area for the daycare next door.
09 April 2023 20:48
Went to this Muslim school 10 years ago and it was decent back then. Unfortunately it has gone downhill since. I really hope they improve in the next coming years.
22 March 2023 3:16
I wish if I can give zero star.
The worst school ever. Everyone is rude. The principal Imran he will run this place to the ground. His telling us to remove my kids from this school. This guy need to get fired asap.
We are filing a big complaint to ministry.

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