04 September 2023 15:14
I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the handling of my complaint filed on November 5,2021, against Walmart for their refusal to provide me with service based on my valid medical exemption. I believe that my case has not been given the attention it deserves, and I kindly request that you address my concerns promptly.

Before addressing the specifics of my case, I would like to draw attention to the fact that an unlawful emergency pause on complaints was enacted by the BC Human Rights Tribunal in March 2022, which lasted for one year. This pause was intended to address exceptional circumstances but has resulted in a significant delay in providing individuals like myself with the due process we are entitled to under the law. It is now past the one-year mark, and I continue to await resolution of my complaint.

I understand the extraordinary circumstances that may have prompted the emergency pause, but it is crucial to recognize that the rights and protections guaranteed by the Human Rights Charter of British Columbia should not be indefinitely put on hold. As an individual who has filed a complaint prior to the pause, I believe it is imperative that my case be given immediate attention and prioritized for resolution.

Furthermore, I would like to highlight relevant legal precedents that further emphasize the importance of upholding human rights and providing individuals with access to due process. The Supreme Court of Canada, in the case of R.v. Oakes, established the "Oakes test, " which requires that any infringement on an individual's rights be proportionate and justified in a free and democratic society. The undue delay in addressing my complaint raises concerns about the proportionality and adherence to this test.

By refusing me service based on my medical exemption, Walmart has violated my fundamental human rights as protected by the Human Rights Charter. It is vital that the BC Human Rights Tribunal acknowledges the significance of this case and addresses it promptly, while taking into consideration the legal precedents and principles governing human rights protection.

I understand the complexity of the cases handled by the tribunal, but I kindly request that you expedite the process and ensure that my complaint receives the attention it deserves. The delay in resolving my case has caused considerable distress and has left me feeling unheard and neglected.

Therefore, I respectfully request that my case be immediately reassessed, taking into account the unlawfulness of the emergency pause on complaints and the legal precedents supporting the protection of human rights. I urge you to provide me with a clear timeline for the resolution of my complaint and keep me informed of any progress or updates in a timely manner.

In addition, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a direct point of contact who can address my concerns and provide me with the necessary information regarding the progress of my case. Effective communication and transparency are essential in ensuring that justice is served and human rights are upheld.

I firmly believe in the mandate and integrity of the BC Human Rights Tribunal, and I trust that you will take my concerns seriously. By addressing this case promptly and upholding the principles of justice and equality, you will not only protect my rights but also restore my faith in the tribunal's commitment to safeguarding human rights.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt response and a resolution that upholds the principles of justice and equality.

Any lawyers want to help me out with this, please contact me directly

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