26 December 2023 10:06
How can I even give the distinction of one star when RTB deserve to be completely flushed down the toilet and into the sewer. What a disgusting and disgrace from a government funded organisation.
There is no protection for LL and it is so daunting/horrible of bad tenants who threaten your life and home, your credit rating, a what I eat and when I can turn on my heat or run my dryer, while they enjoy it all (nice and toasty) squatting for free on my property and costing me MANY thousands of dollars. The stress us unbearable! RTB DOES NOT CARE AND WILL NOT HELP U but are very good at reciting subsection A, clause B section ii.
These extremely well paid people are too busy AT HOME STILL, getting amazing pay, benefits, bouncing their children on their lap and talking with the dog, terrible service and an obvious bias that is blatantly clear. And there is nothing one can do but go through a completely dysfunctional, inept, VERY LENGTHY (YES U SCUM BAG RENTER'S (not all) CAN AND DO KNOW HOW TO DISPUTE [WHEN U LIVE RENT FREE] TO GET U ANOTHER 3 MONTHS FREE RENT ALL CURTESY AND CONDONED FROM OUR GOV AND RTB. So let's give all the freeloaders (yes some unfortunate circumstances too) who do not contribute to society, free housing, free food, forgiveness to paying their bills, free prescription drugs/med, free and a nice free bus pass to boot AND GOBS OF FREE HEROIN. AND A NICE WARM PLACE TO DO IT IN. Then suck our medical system dry as well as ei and welfare. ALL AOK FROM OUR GOV AND RTB.
TENANTS CRY WITH THEIR HANDS OUT (not the good ones) as u will not return their dd after causing many many thousands of dollars then, MANY MORE MONTHS OF LOST INCOME.u clean up their disgusting filth for days and repair at your own costs. So much wasted time it's insane. Renter just walks away to scam another with no consequences and leave u with a huge bill that makes it not worth it.

Again my renter did not pay his rent. According to the rtb, I AM THE DELINQUENT ONE (WHAT? !? A RE U KIDDING ME) in not checking his references (which I did. It is his friends that lied for him to get rid of him) and he lied his face off and 2 months later he cannot pay his rent. ALL SWEETLY PLANNED OUT.
20 December 2023 13:31
Don’t really provide info. Not sure what they even do in the office…. I’ve emailed them twice about specific questions and there is no clear answer. They just send a link to their website which doesn’t really answer my questions.

Must be nice to get paid to just send vague emails. Good job guys! Keep it up!
06 December 2023 5:00
If I could give zero stars, I'd definitely would. RTB sides with tenants regardless. Had many evidences and the arbritrator falsified them all easily by thier assumptions an thoughts. Tenants had 1piece of evidence and many FALSE claims. Rtb is useless. Waited 10 months for a hearing as well. They def don't deserve this much power. Biased opinions and unprofessional arbitrators. Literally had grammar and spelling mistakes on the decision as well. Who chooses these people?
11 November 2023 13:11
Was a tenant, got kicked out of our place because RTB dismissed our case. Told RTB that the landlord forged signatures on documents and they told us the case has been dismissed. What good are these guys when we show them evidence and they turn us away. Waste of time with these people.
10 November 2023 1:18
The telephone service is a ridiculous waste of time. The reps are not allowed to give specific advice, which is understandable, but they should be able to answer question and clarify the information found on the RTB website. Instead they just re-read the information to you using the same wording as on the website or refer you to the website.and you wait 30 minutes on the line for this.
01 November 2023 16:02
RTB is a flimsy organization with the authority of a court! The arbitrators come to hearing sessions with minimum attendance, they have not reviewed the case before the session, and make no effort to resolve the issue. They will ask questions to feel who they want to stand with, and mediate based on what creates the minimum liability for the BC legal system, and what can diverge the dispute traffic from them.pretty much like Customer Service on Call, they don't resolve problems.
The best tactic is to open a dispute and make all your negotiations before the Hearing. Don't put your destiny in the hands of the arbitrators as they are super in incompetence. Try to negotiate all the terms with your other party and just take the agreement to the Hearing session to be binding.
11 October 2023 8:54
I simply called to get general information and the support agent went off on a 20 minute tirade about every clause; sub-clause; bylaw; hypothetical situations; case studies in the most lawyer like manner. Even lawyers try to break down complex concepts into a simple way for the common man to understand. I think the agent I spoke to gets off on pretending he’s a lawyer. This branch of the BC government needs urgent surgery.
05 September 2023 17:09
Landlords rescinded my signed contract and amendment via text message and after 9 months and a lawyer, the arbitrator awarded me $100. Now as of today a landlord just feels like not renting you a place they can do that. This organization exists to protect tenants and landlords from breaking leases and justice and yet they do nothing.
04 September 2023 15:12
This is all about awful, useless RTB:

RTB's philosophy: "Just tenants are matter"

Tenants are innocent until proven guilty, landlords are guilty until proven innocent! (Good Faith!)

This is the fundamental of their system.
One star is too much
08 June 2023 14:47
I have been renting properties for 50 years and the turmoil we are feeling is due to not enough new rentals being allowed or built. The changing rules, rates, increases by the RTA is hard for all. I have found the staff on the phones great! They feel our challenges and yet are responding with great knowledge about the RTA, policy and regulation. It may sound trite but be kind they are doing their very best. Thank you, I am sorry we are having these problem
06 June 2023 22:04
My lawyers been waiting a year to hear back from you guys and today from RTB is given total misinformations to my lawyer. Did you guys hire bunch of new staffs without proper training? Do your jobs right please.
02 May 2023 3:16
Spent the better part of a week trying to get ahold of these folks by phone and was not given any help when I finally got through. Is this volunteer run? Very disappointing if anyone gets paid to be this bad at their job.
13 April 2023 6:56
The branch does not function in a way that uses common sense. They allow homeowner landlords to get away w terrible and illegal behaviour and I'm sure they likely allow homeowners to be taken advantage of too. The branch, and its dispute process, is ineffective as a governing body.
25 March 2023 21:29
Absolute shxt, its such a joke and disgrace of a tenancy board. The fact people lose their houses over the pure uselessness of the people in charge that are "supposed" to do anything to help/be fair. 1 Star is even way too much for this joke.
17 March 2023 3:00
I'm not allowed to so much as take a paperclip from work. Yet there's some tenants who laugh in the faces of landlords, fully aware the system is on their side. Until a homicide happens, that's when Canada will changes its laws. I'm not advocating for violence, however something like this is only a matter of time. Changes need to be made.


I'm changing my five star review that went something like this.

The ladies working at the call centre are kind and helpful. Thank you ladies!

To something like this; the employees hired to work the call centers have become very rude, holding too much emotional baggage. Curt responses. Your job's are to help what people can and cannot do. Stick to that! Frankly, the process has become very inefficient.
14 February 2023 17:29
My landlords commited multiple felonies, multiple health and safety violations, and forced me out of my home in the dead of winter in the middle of a housing crisis without cause and without following the terms of our lease agreement for evictions, all of which I have documents and photographic evidence of, and the best the RTB could do was provide me with a link to Dial-A-Law. Thanks for the help
11 February 2023 13:07
I missed a hearing bc the Residential Tenancy Branch hold times on the phone were so long and the call back prompt didn't happen.
The judgement was against me, as I wasn't priivy to the hearing date, although numerous attempts were made
10 February 2023 20:53
I would argue that the decision was mostly based on racial bias rather than being a renter or landlord. In our case, we were tenants and the arbitrator has a bias that was evident from the start of the session. The very unprofessional and bullying arbitrator enjoyed having power over us and despite many obvious signs that the landlord was lying, the decision was in their favour. Not only that, the arbitrator has treated us as second-class citizens, which the only explanation for such treatment is that she was racist. It makes us feel powerless in the face of such a dysfunctional and corrupt institution called BC RTB.
06 February 2023 7:12
Always your phone number says "Our office is now closed"!
Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm, "Our office is now closed"!
How can we have an advisor?
31 January 2023 17:08
Worst people ever. Wait for 4 month the hearing.never listen to landlord. Tenant obviously making lies. Terrible! Terrible! Terrible!
21 January 2023 23:51
When I called to explain my case I have just started to explain it when the guy started with and awful, miserable and terrible behavior. I sincerely felt he was practically defending the landlord.

Now I understand why they have only 1.8 of 5 stars (still think it should be less)
19 January 2023 21:33
When landlords are pricing housing out of most people's reach, this body should be called the Landlord Protection Agency. Especially when they rule 9 of of 10 times for greedy landlords. How are they helping the housing crisis? 70% of secondary suites in Vancouver are illegal!
14 January 2023 9:44
The BC tenancy branch has the worst rules and regulations as the tenants have more control than the landlords. My parents have been following all their rules for distributing notices & they have followed all the right procedures to serve & were told their dispute would be dealt with as soon as possible. The tenants have not paid rent for the past 2 months, are ALWAYS late with the rent & have not paid for their share of the utilites as listed in the "agreement". BETTER ACTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN BECAUSE THIS IS NOT FAIR TO THE LANDLORDS WHO HAVE TO PAY OUT OF THEIR POCKETS FOR PEOPLE TO LIVE FOR FREE IN THEIR HOUSE.
12 January 2023 11:41
These agents abuse people with disablities. It's disgusting the level of abuse inflicted by them. And evidence, oh I have saved quite a lot.

Forcing me to drive when the government has said essential travel only. The RTA agents I spoke with didn't care it was literally said not to be driving. Have this recorded too.

So I guess if I can get in my car, I'll make sure to video the drive so there is evidence to come after you for killing me when it was essential travel only.
04 January 2023 22:20
If I could give the rtb a negative 5 review I would … absolutely nothing to do with the staff, but due to the ridiculously slow process that costs home owners thousands, and let tenants trample all over the basic rights, in any other case would be considered theft. Covid has now made it worse, no wonder people are switching to Airbnb.of all the headache and trauma life already throws at ya no we have to deal with these archaic rules that these idiots have in place.
30 December 2022 9:26
So I was given my eviction notice on Oct 2. I filed my Notice of dispute the same day online. Now today Oct 17 I finally get email saying hearing is scheduled. Then says I have one day to get all documents to landlord in person or my mail. That cant be right? Then says I n eed to provide the Proceedings package to landlord? I for life of me had no idea what it meant. Then after digging through pile of old emails from then in small print it mentions the residential tenancy branch it suppose to of emailed me the Proceedings Package within 10 days of when I filed my initial dispute against the eviction. Then in small print it says if I didnt receive the email within that 10 days to contact them. I missed this little peice of info tucked away in the emails of confusing instructions. So now Im going to have to call them tomorrow which is deadline and ask why I didnt receive my Procceedings Package by email within that 10 days? This is such a joke! How is this a goverment run organization that decides if people go homeless or not? Even the page where you submit your evidence online is very short and confusing and vague and almost impossible to provide evidence because you can only write two sentences. Whole thing is confusing and unprofessional. Its a joke if I ever seen it.
23 November 2022 5:25
Took 2hours to get there by transit. Was hopingg to get help filing as they use to do pre pandemic but nothing done.
I have a brain injuring so paperwork and filing on line is not an option and I really would like to recoup my damage deposit from my dead beat landlord from a year ago.
Guess I am out that money. Not great
RTB needs to improve its service. Not everything can be done on line. Some people especially people with disabities need one on one in person help.
07 November 2022 9:46
Unfortunately, RTB is another arm of the government which is completely broken and useless. I filed my complaint to the RTB and it set a hearing after 3 months (post the end of my tenancy). At the hearing, since the tenancy had ended, the arbitrator even refused to even hear out the issue since it was not a live issue. RTB has systemic issues and its a useless system & meant to only encourage landlords to mistreat tenants in Vancouver.
04 November 2022 4:09
Arbitrator ignored relevant evidence and did not include it in the order. Did not apply the RTA appropriately and awarded monetary claims to the other party where it was legally not permissible. No reasonable way to have a decision reviewed in this case, which is something the RTB needs to seriously address. The judicial review process is not reasonable for most applications and is not conducted in a way that can lead to a successful outcome where it is warranted.

Also have received conflicting advice from their infoline.
16 October 2022 17:05
No help to anyone whatsoever! Something needs to be done about it. We have to wait months and months to dispute a case! Absolutely ridiculous.
24 September 2022 0:15
RTB is a joke. The tenant doesn't pay rent, you have to go through a super long like centuries long procedure. They protect the tenant, not the landlord. No wonder, Lots of seniors have houses, But they don't want to rent out. Well, good luck if you meet the bad tenant.
11 September 2022 20:45
The RTB arbitrator of my hearing was a bully. At the hearing, the Arbitrator was trying to intimidate me to compromise, cut me off and didn't give me enough time to speak, and then made a decision full of errors without going through evidences. They also made the review and appealing process very difficult. There is no justice in this system!
25 August 2022 14:28
What an unfair way to decide a tenancy dispute. You are not allowed to record the call. Arbitrator has full authority and can make an “arbitrary” decision with impunity. There is no recourse. Makes me question the absolute imbalance of power. Totally unprofessional decision with no basis on the facts. Already the tenants have more control than the landlords. In case a landlord does use one of his limited rights for his own property that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, they can just take away that right “arbitrarily. ” If I were a crooked tenant, I would always file to the RTB. May as well, you’ll get a bogus extension on your tenancy at the least, and chances are you’ll win anyways. Even if the result completely contradicts the supposed right of the landlord.
01 March 2022 4:38
These people you talk to on the phone are overpaid if they recieve min wage. Waste of time. Typical government agency. As if renters don't have enough over the top rights, let's give them even more! So stupid!
05 February 2022 23:23
Response times are too slow. Very hard to reach anyone when calling during business hours. Disappointing for an agency so heavily relied on in BC.
01 February 2022 5:00
I think they are doing what they suppose to do. The information line is decent, even in new years' eve, I still get an answer from a pleasant officer.
23 January 2022 12:18
Nothing "fast and easy" about their online dispute resolution process. Information not too clear, and when you call for clarification you sometimes get different info from different officers. We almost missed a critical deadline due to confusing info given.
Technical issues online meant that some important photos were not uploaded. Oh yeah, we also get to pay $100 for the luxury of trying to recover money we are owed, while the person owing the money gets to sit back and do nothing, and very likely will never have to pay. Disappointing to say the least.
18 January 2022 21:28
I'm changing my five star review that went something like this.

The ladies working at the call centre are kind and helpful. Thank you ladies!

To something like this; the employees hired to work the call centers have become very rude, holding too much emotional baggage. Curt responses. Your job's are to help what people can and cannot do. Stick to that! Frankly, the process has become very inefficient.
03 October 2021 20:10
Called about the landlord. I deposited a large sum of money in their account two weeks ago now they will not return it. He has turned his back completely. Many attempts & two of their response was "we are confused. " But will still not return the money. Called RTB, they offered some helpful feedback. Wish the process as faster.
Rent is due & if I don't pay in full, these losers can give me an eviction notice. Wow!
30 September 2021 13:45
Wrote email to tenancy office for help and never got a reply about it from tenancy office.waste of time and money
31 August 2021 21:39
Recently went through a process of removing a tenant due to "landlords use". Tenant left the home filthy and damaged, and also stayed 8 days beyond end of tenancy date before turning over keys. Filed a dispute resolution with all the evidence and photos to support the claim.waited 5 months for the proceeding. In the meantime, the tenant submitted a large package of lies and fabricated stories and documents. During the conference call proceeding, the arbitrator allowed the tenant to ramble on unabated, spewing lies. When I asked to respond, he said I have heard all I need and cut me off. His decision came down two days later, doubling her deposit. Outrageous. My obvious evidence was totally ignored. The RTB is advertised as a neutral body, but my experience is that they are advocates and protectionists for tenants. Now I'm out $1500 and all the money I had to spend on repairs. Ridiculous.
08 July 2021 1:45
Talked to a lady who was rude and unfriendly. I later found out from the city website, that she had actually misinformed me!
28 June 2021 2:49
The Information Officers are knowledgeable and helpful. When leasing property, Tenants and Landlords should understand they are entering into a legal agreement and when faced with disagreements, it requires a legal process to resolve. Doing proper due diligence and setting out clear terms and conditions at the outset of the Lease is what will help avoid problems in the future.
06 May 2021 16:09
After two tenants breaking lease rules, doing damage and then being awarded additional payouts in hearings I am of the opinion that the arbiters are beyond incompetent and an absolute waste of time. I will now be selling one rental property and shifting the other to short term accommodation.
01 May 2021 4:01
Terrible experience, does not work out for landlords trying to get rid of their trash tenants who create thousands in damage. Take months to do anything about it. RTB is biased and in favour of tenants, there will be a larger housing crisis with reduced rentals available because no landlord would want to take that hefty risk.
19 April 2021 15:01
No support for landlords. Never got a email letting me know my direct request was denied due to not having the proper notice. Be nice to email me to let me know ahead of time instead a month later when I followed up. And then they hung up on me and I wasn't even rude.
07 April 2021 12:07
Absolutely a terrible agency for the tenant. If you are a tenant do not even try to get justice. We are seniors and the arbitrator told us they did not believe our Doctor and threw out a Doctors note stating about the decline in our health and recommendation to move out due to a terrible landlord. They also did not honor a signed lease, and sided with the landlord once again. Landlords are able to do NOTHING, LIE and be caught in the lie, and still be awarded in their favor. The arbitrator is GOD and you have zero recourse if you feel unjustly treated. Shame on RTB and Canada.
03 March 2021 4:29
Unfortunately, it's a mostly useless organization where arbitrary procedures overrule common sense and good judgment.

If you have a bad landlord, I suggest you move because they can't do much of anything about it. Your landlord could be walking into your rental unit every day uninvited and the RTB would take at least 3 months to address the issue and it will most likely be only an hour-long hearing that cannot possibly address all the issues.

If you have a bad tenant then you're out of luck and you will have to use the RTB to get an order of possession but it will also take forever, unless you want to take matters into your own hands.

The RTB either needs to be better funded or abolished and replaced with something with some teeth. This half-measured, feckless bureaucratic noise serves nobody except the abusers.
19 February 2021 17:56
If you are reading this please file a complaint before you sign any contract.
The wait is over 2 months.
15 February 2021 1:11
Too many negative experiences with The Residential Tenancy Board to mention. This is a government organization that was in a rough place before NDP came in, and only got worse from there! A lot of my comments are consistent with the reviews I have read on this page. Rude Arbitrators, poorly run & inconsistent hearings, disorganization everywhere, mostly siding with tenants. Arbitrators do not reference law or the Act, they allow their personal feelings to interfere with their decisions and it ends up costing investors and tenants a fortune. The Director is to blame, she is the one who isn't capable of change and ignores you if you make suggestions. Legislation needs to change to make things better! Email or call your local MLA with you complaints and maybe, sometime in our lifetime we'll see change for the good. Until then, avoid the RTO at all costs!
16 January 2021 22:23
Lots of great and useful information on the RTB website. I have always had a good experience with dealing with the Residential Tenancy Branch as a Property Manager and seeking information on behalf of clients or dealing with dispute resolutions, however sometimes it can take several months to get a hearing date, which is understandable with the volume of issues they deal with, but can be frustrating for everyone to have to wait to get a resolution. We are fortunate to have the RTB compared to other provinces.
31 December 2020 1:01
Spoke with three different advisor on three occasions over two days - all were incredibly knowledgable and super helpful. I imagine they aren't recognized often enough for the valuable service they provide.
24 November 2020 11:18
Hours of operation (9am-4pm) make it nearly impossible for the renter demographic which is made up of working class citizens and students to use this service.

The way it is currently setup (2020) everything favors wealthy people and landlords.

This system needs some serious review.
31 October 2020 6:03
I just spoke with someone on the phone about an issue with security deposit and the person was incredibly helpful.
I wish I remembered the name. THANK YOU!
23 October 2020 5:32
Amara went above and beyond for my husband today, with answering every single question we had, with tons of detail. We had a huge problem finding the proper information online but once we had Amara on the phone, we sorted it out within minutes.
The Residential Tenancy Branch should take a note from her & train the rest of their staff to the same standard. Thankyou for everything Amara!
18 October 2020 5:06
The assigned arbitrator admitted she hadn't even read the case in its entirety before the hearing, hadn't examined the attached evidence I provided, wouldn't allowed me to finish a sentence, was condescending, and rude. Her speech was slurred, and she was constantly losing her train of thought. Making me repeat myself multiple times. This was difficult, and frustrating for me. My followup written complaint was ignored. I cannot recommend this costly, time consuming process. In my opinion based on my experience, the whole thing seems designed to fail.
09 October 2020 15:34
Most RTB information officers are helpful, more or less. Except for Jordan. He seems to be clueless and I really do not know how he has been hired! I asked him a few question and his answers could not be more irrelevant!
23 September 2020 11:02
Very unprofessional service from the woman who answered my phone call. Sudden temper tantrum. Best to do your own research or call another organization.
19 September 2020 13:46
RTB is heavily biased for tenants. Absolute waste of time and money. Takes forever to get any where. You get different answers depending upon the person. Oh and they are always behind!
19 September 2020 4:23
So unpleasant customer representative. I havent start filing my dispute but i felt i lost it already. So unfriendly. So bossy.
03 September 2020 4:11
Usually takes a while to get through, but advisors have always been friendly and helpful. Remember they are there to answer questions and advise on the processes and rules in the tenancy act, not to tell you what to do or act as your lawyer.
26 August 2020 13:40
Spoke with a representative with zero mannerism, condescending and useless (no help at all). Nothing we can do about it either.
11 August 2020 1:43
We were wrongfully evicted from our house last year. We decided to take it up with the residential tenancy branch. I don’t know if all the arbiters are this rude but this woman was so very aggressive! She told us that we were “going after” the landlord, instead of the truth which was seeking compensation for our loss of a home. The branch works for the capitalist system and not for the small people. The system truly is broken.
10 June 2020 23:12
I recommend calling 3-4 times for the same question, as the representatives are often misinformed and provide a wide variety of answers. There are several nonprofit organizations in BC that exist to advocate for tenants, so if you are tenant try these before turning to BC Tenancy Branch for information.
15 May 2020 12:07
Worst customer service I have ever received. I feel very uncomfortable talking to the agent on the phone, you will feel like talking to an answering machine and they are not personable at all. Worst worst worst worst phone call experiences ever! Cringe.
06 May 2020 19:54
Very unfriendly service
When I asked I want to appil the employee was not happy and he changed his attitude
And indirectly he tell me I aginst them he should know that is my right when I have reasons to appil
06 April 2020 22:30
Spoke to Stefan today. He was very knowledgeable and was able to guide me. They aren't here to solve your problems or get personal.
17 August 2019 1:45
They mislead me and it all started on a bad note. Everytime I went to the RTB I was told something different. And the dealing with arbitration was a complete joke. Our slumlord landlord lied worse than a 3 year old and he believed her. He constantly cut me off or as soon as I started talking he would say that's not relevant without even hearing me out. We did $40,000 worth of work for the landlord at her request and he seemed we did it for free. Who would ever do it for free? Also the house we rented was over a 130 years old, bought sight unseen by the slumlord and we were so desperate for a place we were made to clean it up. The tenancy board is a joke, the arbitration process is a joke and not to mention we the taxpayers are paying for this.
13 June 2019 2:49
Do not go without a lawyer. Our landlord submitted nothing for evidence but had a lawyer. We lost evennthough the landlord did not adhere to the lease. What a joke this place is.
10 June 2019 12:07
HOPE YOU DONT GET ARBITRATORB KAILA or LAM they are ABSOLUTE IDIOTS HASNT GOT CLUE WHAT THERE DOING! THERE NOT LAWYERS Ive now been to 6 hearings over same issue with Slum landlord and unqualified manager woman from hell. Arbitrators are aweful have'nt got a clue what the laws are even when i read them the home manufacture act very cut and dry, he (arbitrator kalia & Lam) completely ignored it and wouldnt allow my wittness to speak and adjorned it for the 5th time to get permission from the neighbor to access my mobile home! I dont need his permission especially when he's NOT the owner of the property! Then i've emailed the Directors of rtb and 1 month theyve never responded, i also sent emails to the local mlas office who tried to help but selena robinsons office minister of housing and municipile affairs never called back! This is bizzarre! I guess media will be last resort this has held up the sale of my mobile home for 1year.where it ends i dont know maybe have to walk away and let idiot landlord and manager take a heavy loss in 2yrs of court proceedures to get rid of the trailer.very sad this process is incredably disfunctional.see you in the news, dont ever buy a trailer in woodlands kamloops bc. UPDate March 2 /19 This idiot arbitrator got my 6th hearing and completely ignored police record evidance and allowed FRAUDULENT DOCUMENT STATEMENTS BY LANDLORD! Also these ignorant information officers you will get different information from each one of them none of them know what there doing.what a joke.
02 June 2019 1:29
We know you guys are trying your best to protect tenants rights and be fair to everyone but this is the roof on top of our kids and some landlords are demanding extremely high rent and they are not binding by the regulations in regards to rent increase, some even demanding rent in cash and refusing to provide receipts because they are not paying taxes on it you should do something about it this is wrong dont be fooled by this mask of being a victim that landlords always like to put on, claiming all kind of things from taxes too high to this is his right this is wrong they threaten the well being of our kids when we can't afford to pay the rent. I dont understand this greed that is driving rent so high and property prices even higher this is driving people to get in a market they cant afford thus borrowing more than they can afford driving everything to be expensive and unaffordable you need to do something about the bubble is growing bigger and if it bursts it will hurt everyone.
07 May 2019 6:38
As a landlord who treats tenants well, stay the same rent, we did not get the best of a dispute when we were trying to get rid of a tenant who was month to month (had been there for 7 years and deteriorated over the years). For example, this tenant was the one would yell at us if I accidentally burnt toast and he smells it, if watered his plants after 10am - yes my fault for trying to help him but really!? ! We just kept a blind eye while we were living there on the top floor. Whenever the plumber had to go into the furnace room, the plumber said the way this tenant kept the place there was a fire hazard as pizza and other food packages was strewn all over the place and there was barely any place to walk through. In the summer, the sticky fly traps were hanging from the ceiling were full of flies. His cat was not happy and peed on his clothing and our cupboards. We lost out due to the technicality of having taken last months rent without saying that we are not wanting him to stay on. Really! At one point before moving, he asked us if we would pay him to move. And when he moved, he planned to give no notice and did not pay for the last month - said that the down payment covered it. His father who is a "professional" and a landlord, said that he could stay for the whole month without notice. At that point, we were no longer living there; the upstairs tenant who did not like the way this tenant treats the shared space, they kept telling us that he looks like he was moving and only after one or two weeks into the last month before he admitted he was moving. Obviously, he left the place in a disgusting mess plus he purposely kicked in the door/ left us a hole there and another hole on the wall from a few incidents of whenever he felt we were doing something to him situation. Not to mention his girlfriend moved out within the first month of moving which was preceded with blue uniforms coming over. He stopped paying for utilities so there were lots owing there plus he was very often late in rental payment, almost to end of the month at times. There were tons of stuff we put up with but I would like to just say as landlords who are kind and fair, we do not get our fair shake and the Residential Tenancy Branch do not really take into account of the reality of the situation. And at the end there were plenty of damages that we had to deal with/ no point to claim from him, and we were just happy he moved on.
03 May 2019 5:58
The person I spoke to on the phone was extremely helpful and personable. Now I know my rights so I feel good about that.
30 April 2019 20:28
There is lots of greedy landlords that like to put an act of being a victim and of being good and honest then they will stab everyone in the back including the government by raising rent to the point it threatens a child to end up in the streets because her parents can not afford rent and on top of that they put their hands in the government pockets stealing from the government and everyone by not claiming rental income and paying taxes because they all demand rent in cash, shame on you your not a Canadian when you threaten our way of life and the roof on top of our kids this government should criminalize every landlord who acts like that.
19 March 2019 11:24
Don’t waste your time coming in here or exerting any effort to file the case which in the end will favor the lies instead of the truth! Not worth of stress and time. As long as you know the truth that’s what matter. Karma will definitely come to the person that did you wrong. You’ll expect nothing but disappointment with the decision that favours lie & liars!

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