23 January 2024 20:04
I have seen well over 40 para-medical practitioners about a spinal injury related to an MVA (physios, chiros, acupuncture, sports medicine, naturopaths, osteo, ortho surgeons, pain specialist, RMTs, etc.etc), none of which helped. I had pretty given up, so I had no expectations of Dr Ash. A few months after seeing him, my pain was completely gone, for good. I still can't believe I was needlessly suffering all those years. I am so grateful for him.
23 January 2024 1:00
If you have a TBI, it's absolutely worth the investment seeing Dr. Ash and his team. Long story short, I suffered a concussion at 5 months postpartum and I had to put off my treatment due to the demands of caring for two young kids. I had tried other treatments for about 6 months which seemed to help but then my symptoms came back with a vengeance a year later.and it really disrupted all aspects of my & my family's life. I took 3 months off from work and dedicated myself to being treated by Dr. Ash. It was tough at first but by the time I returned to work 3 months later, I was completely free of concussion symptoms. It was almost like having a second chance at life because how I was post-concussion was not living. It may seem "expensive" but it's worth every penny being treated by Dr. Ash. You will literally get your life back. And my kids get to have their Mum back - you can't put a price on that
08 July 2023 8:14
We took my mother to see Dr Ash and his team, after her balance became severely compromised and she started having double Vision. We assumed she was having a series of mini strokes but the MRI and CT said she wasn’t. We were at a loss and turned to Dr Ash. After three hours of detailed tests, rehabilitative maneuvers, exercises and minor adjustments. My Mom regained her balance by the end on one session. He left her with a series of at home exercises that she is doing and managing to keep her balance in check. I would never hesitate to fwd anyone to Dr Ash and his team. We are grateful for all they have done for our family. Thank you!
05 June 2023 7:10
Kind, skilled and talented team using leading edge treatments. This will change your life for the better. It changed mine. Cured my POTS in a few weeks after 3 years of suffering, searching + taking medication I didn't need. I'm now titrating off all meds. My heart rate is normal when I sit / stand and multiple other symptoms are lowering or almost gone. Please share this review and website with anyone you know suffering from Long-Haul Covid, Fibromyalgia, Dysautonomia, Centralized Sensitization Syndrome, Nerve pain or any “umbrella undiagnosed neurological” issue. I am now starting to work on vestibular issues with CBPN. Fingers crossed with this too will improve. These symptoms disabled me and persisted for years post a vector infection. This could happen to anyone; post Covid, after a Covid shot or post any viral infections/illness. Most people may not be aware.

The detailed testing I received at CBPN Centers is unparallelled. When suffering from neurological issues and brain fog it’s hard to find the energy, words and remember everything from years of multiple symptoms. In our MSP system, I had never received any assessments like these. Dr. Ash and the team's empathy, compassion + support was wonderful as I struggled to share / remember everything. This felt like a safe space to share everything when in the past I was dismissed. I felt heard and listened to.

After a half-dozen specialists in our MSP system, they tell me I’ve had the “million dollar work up”, “every test they can offer” and “they don’t know”. This was not acceptable to me. I continued to self -advocate and research trying everything, until I found this group.

I am not a doctor, and I honour those who tried to help me. I honour everyone’s health journey will be different and unique. However, I suspect my story is not unique.

I hope sharing my story will empower you to take control of your health and recovery. Feeling gratitude to the angels at CBPN and wishing wellness for all.
19 May 2023 4:48
Do your research before going to this place. These people have completely destroyed my life.

I went for various symptoms from post concussion syndrome, but never, ever had vertigo or heart issues before in my life. After the initial testing, they did too many aggressive, unnecessary procedures on me in too short amount of a time, which pushed my system too far and my heart went into shock. I had heart palpitations every single day for a month, and had to wear a heart monitor, which drove up my anxiety to a severe degree. I also developed vertigo right after their treatments, and it has been continuous for almost 5 months now, (feeling like I’m on a boat 24/7). Other symptoms also include tinnitus, aural migraines, and hormone changes that I never had prior to coming here. After the situation, they persuaded me to come back twice to try to fix the issue, however they made me worse again both times.

They have absolutely robbed me of my young life and opportunities, and I am unable to lead a normal life. I am completely debilitated, not to mention out of pocket for the damage that they have done to me. I still have no concrete answers or solutions from anyone for what they did to me.
26 April 2023 19:00
Doct Ashkan and his team are the nicest people I have ever met here in Canada! The only doctor who understand everything that was happen with this terrible concussion and excellent human! Thank you and Blessings!

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