22 October 2023 3:29
It is really high level of service here: front desk, rooms, kitchen. Lots of entertainment. Private rooms with AC/heater and fridge. They supply hand soap and laundry detergent. You need to bring shower staff.
Cons: Fan in washroom is constantly ON. No special switch. It is only public WiFi. No option to plug personal router
28 July 2023 8:08
One of the best camps I've been to, and worked from.
You get your own washroom, toilet, shower! Yessss!
You can read other reviews about the food.
The whole site is surrounded by beautiful BC mountains.
I'll leave it at that.
03 July 2023 10:52
Ended up visiting just a couple nights for some construction inspections. Got food poisoning or something and barely made it on the plane home again. Was told there was a GI illness going around by the clinic staff after I spent the morning puking everywhere.
17 June 2023 17:24
The food is terrible, probably the worst camp food I’ve had in 10 years, most of the time it is cold, plates and cutlery don’t get washed properly, often they are dirty before you grab them.
13 June 2023 17:41
Amazing place. I have stayed in medium and horrible places. I got to say going forward this is how all camps should be. This transition has been amazing. The workers and the staff are great.
29 April 2023 7:24
Rooms are well insulated and clean. The food is average and the quality seems to be fluctuating every month, could be better.
09 December 2022 5:58
Decent camp accommodations, everything is nice and new. There's lots of food options and good gym facilities
01 December 2022 11:14
Honestly, best place i will ever see where staff were been treated like a king, this is awesome more than five star i give it seven stars
20 November 2022 7:58
As far as work camps go, this one is really good. It had good amenities and activities.
Downside is that there is no town bus any longer.
07 November 2022 7:06
Meals are terrible. Many have dietary needs. Need better selection and options in the gluten free.
I was looking forward to weiners and beans but they even screwed that up. Just added raw weiners to pork n beans without cooking it. What a joke
Not enough smoke pits either
25 October 2022 4:42
Worst camp I have ever been at. Been up here for 2 or 3 months now.

The quality of the food is extremely low. (food has gotten worse since I wrote this, they made major cuts to lunch item availablilty)
They are significantly understaffed both in house keeping and in the kitchen. But they have more security guards than a federal minimum security facility (seriously, cut back security and hire more kitchen staff)
The rooms are very poorly cleaned.
They attempt to use chemicals to cover up odors, but that barely works and the rooms frequently reek of B. O.
Due to the high number of complaints they just end up doing nothing. If you complain or ask for a room change "too often" in their eyes, they literally try and revoke your access to the camp. (basically try to get you fired)
The only positive I have is that the rooms are quiet. Unless you are near a stairwell or laundry in which case then it's always noisy.
24 September 2022 10:30
This is my second review of this camp. Last time I spoke highly of it here. Today is the second night in a row I have thrown out my dinner because it was so bad. Last night I could hardly cut my chicken leg it was so tough and dry. Tonight it was the same act with the cold roast beef. Dinner vegetables are usually watery and bland of the frozen variety, or shredded mush cabbage or spinach. There is no variety as the menu is a repeat every week with no imagination. The vegetables in the bag up room are short of animal feed and are far from fresh. As with the dinning hall, there is no variety and by the end of your rotation it's not fatigue from working hard that has you aching to go home, it's the desire for a good meal. As this camp is now getting well used, the beds are lumpy and uncomfortable and the pillows are breaking down and unsupported. The work itself is good and the pay is not terrible, but the quality of camp is in a fast downward slide and that alone is enough to keep an ear out for another job. An honest days pay for an honest days work as they say and there is plenty of it out there aside from this.
27 May 2022 3:43
Worst camp food in all of Canada food poisoning is the normal when eating the food in camp. Kitchen staff seems to not have a basic knowledge of anything in the kitchen
23 May 2022 5:11
For reference I have worked in the oil sands for over 11 years, firebag, forthills, baseplant, husky sunrise, surmont 2, cnrl, jackfish and cenovus and kearl.
CVL is the best camp I've stayed at.
The food is good and some times great and very rarely is there anything bad.
The rooms are nice, each one has its own bathroom. The cleaners do a good job and i feel very comfortable here.
The camp staff are very nice to deal with and security is also very friendly.
Internet is really good though the wifi has issues with discord.
21 May 2022 2:04
Food is aweful … was good before Christmas but seems they changed a bunch of stuff around and is self serve now
20 May 2022 23:38
Since January 2022 the camp went way downhill. Edit: got food poisoning last shift and had to miss a day of work. Other people on my shift have also gotten food poisoning and lost hours. Besides the the tiny and loud rooms its a pretty nice camp but they need to bring the quality of the food/cleaning back to what it was before 2022 when they got rid of alot of their camp staff and made it like every other disgusting camp ive been too.
12 May 2022 19:29
Compared to the camps in the Fort McMurray oilsands industry, this camp is outstanding.being a new complex also helps.

The only problem is it's self serve food at dinner time. Be sure to wash your hands before dinner and sanitize before you eat, to avoid gastro intestinal and Noravirus problems due to surface contact contamination.
12 May 2022 14:17
Rooms are good. Food or coffee not. My stomach could not handle twice in four weeks. Laundry is horrible. Too many guys just throw others clothes on table to use the machine. Not to mention you have to check out room in the morning last working day.
07 May 2022 19:35
Food is cold most of the time. Camp rooms are not clean regularly. You get a lite clean 3 days in then on the seventh day in you get clean bedding and towels.
04 May 2022 13:28
Something needs to be done about the unsanitary food conditions. When SEVERAL people are getting salmonella poisoning it's definitely NOT ok. I'm terrified to eat here.

It's so bad I want to give you a zero, but that's not possible.so I give you a one.

Soon to become one of the worst camps I've stayed in.
- Food and Health safety are GREATLY overlooked.
- Water tastes like chemicals.
- Room was filthy this time, red goo all over my shower.
- Cold Air blowing even though my temperature is on heat and set at 21!
- Beds are very small and I'm a small human, the bed sheets are extremely uncomfortable and don't even get me started on the pillows.
-The women's gym is small and lacks equipment, while the men's gym is perfectly set up other than the fact that they don't replace the missing cable clips.
- Way too much security, legit feels like a prison. Especially when we can not leave for town or have anything brought in (such as food because you know.the food here is awful)
- Oh, and the bar. $13.50 for one shot and $15 for 8 wings.why would we not drown our sorrows with overpriced food and alcohol.

I could go on but I'm not going to waste any more time.
03 May 2022 11:06
Was a good camp when I arrived last year but has steadily gone down hill with less restrictions In place. Grabbed some chicken from the dinning hall put it in my room fridge for the next day had a couple drumsticks felt ill that night missed a few days of work because of it a night of violent vomiting and diarrhea will really change your perspective. They seem to have more security than kitchen staff.the quality taste and eaze of breakfast and super has gone down to the point of me not even getting two meals a day anymore. The rooms are hit and miss cleaning schedules are sporadic aswell as the quality of linens in your room so be prepared to bring your own. You see a few staff trying hard but morale looks low and turnover seems high.
27 April 2022 15:51
Used to be a really nice camp. Facilities and rooms are great.but since the new year the food has gone to self serve and to say its not good is being kind. The quality has gone way down and it's also not sanitary at all with serving tongs getting dropped in the food trays, very little oversight on hand sanitizing and less staff to deal with it. Morale has also gone way down
26 April 2022 2:32
This camp was much better in 2021. The quality of care has gone down in all aspects. It's sad but I used to brag about this place but definitely not anymore.
25 April 2022 22:22
I'm reading alot of these reviews and I'm actually happy to see that the clients are unhappy.
I worked there for a yr and come the new year we did lose alot of staff and had to work like 3 ppl but then new management came in and slowly staff were coming back
But what's more important filling up peanuts or sanitizing, I was told to fill peanuts.
I always sanitized and I always sanitized the tongs.
I'm no longer there but alot of you (clients) know me from grab and go.
I ended up leaving (quitting) mostly due to management telling me how to do it when I know my job, telling me just stressed me out and this is why I'm no longer there.
Met so many nice people and want to thank you all for making me feel that I did do my job.
Cheers to all you men and women that work away from home.
16 April 2022 10:43
I’ve been in this camp for a 18 months. Up until this January I would recommend this camp to anyone. Great new camp. Great amenities and a great selection of good food. When I came back to work in the new year all the selection was gone. The quality was way down. They have gone to a serve yourself buffet style and done away with the a la carte menu. The tongs that you serve yourself with don’t have a holder like in any other buffet. You just put them in the food. Once the food gets low the entire tong ends up sliding down and laying in the food. It’s so unsanitary. It’s absolutely disgusting. Everyone is complaining but nothing is happening. I hope there is more work coming up somewhere else so I don’t feel like I have to endure such poor quality food.

Here’s a recent pic. I love 100 peoples hand germs in my egg whites. So disgusting.

Three weeks from previous pic no change. Even worse unsanitary food conditions. Now the tong handles are just completely in the food. With no chance of the handles staying out due to the fact they are too small. Don’t come here. I really hope things get better soon. This project needs help or the mass Exodus will get into full swing. I have already have had a few friends leave.
11 April 2022 23:25
The food here is horrible it’s making many of the workers SICK. Nothing good about it. Bussing schedules are brutal, arrive 30 mins early for work on your own time. Way to much security, makes you feel like you’re in prison. Extremely small beds. But the quality of the food is horrendous.
02 April 2022 17:34
This place has gone down hill. People are getting raw chicken sandwiches. The other day one of my co-workers bit into a raw hamburger. The cucumbers taste like some type of chemical. The pub is taking advantage of the workers as well. Beer is almost $10, they put eight wings up to $15, and now if you want beef or chicken with your nacho's, you have to pay an extra $4.50. Especially now that everyone is isolated in camp. It's to the point that breakfast is probably the only good meal of the day.
01 April 2022 6:16
Food is absolutely trash now. Like others have said tongs in food, when asked about it they replace tongs and leave contaminated food. They scrape out the dried crusty pans on top of the fresh new food. There are cracked handles on some of the ladles that are harbouring who knows that germs. They have had massive COVID outbreaks that don’t go reported. They preach safety on site but turn a blind eye to the dirty rooms, the food that gets you running to bathroom after every meal, relax all worksafe bc rules to cut corners. They don’t allow you to leave camp unless it’s a medical emergency to hospital and even then has to go through there paid nurse. The security Have full control and if you say or even look at them weird your getting kicked out of camp. Guys are quitting because of the conditions.
23 March 2022 23:31
This camp has the potential to be one of the best remote lodges in northern Canada but unfortunately its current state and new changes implemented have driven the quality and morale to a new low.

The cleaning intervals are infrequent and on more than 1 occasion I've been assigned rooms that have not been thoroughly cleaned after the previous guest. I've had food and dirt visible in the heat vents that blow air from below the window directly beside the bed, bags of leftover food left under the bed, body hair in the dresser drawers where my clean clothes should be stored. There is an apparent lack of staff, care and / or training.

The food has recently been moved to self serve buffet style which is poorly supervised and managed. Tongs pass through multiple hands and the people using them seem to be oblivious to proper etiquette. We do have to sanitize prior to kitchen entry, but that doesn't stop people from scratching their post-work body parts before reaching out and grabbing tongs, some of which fall completely into the containers of food, only to be returned to their upright station without replacing the food or the tongs with clean ones.

They've put together an excellent building with LOTS of recreational options but the positives are strongly overshadowed by the kitchen & food handling protocols.
16 March 2022 9:56
The lack of food safety standards here is disgraceful. Food is cheap overcooked trash and the drinking water tastes like strong chemicals
16 March 2022 6:40
I would give it 1 star but the rooms are good. The kitchen and dining area is a very un-organized mess now after the new year. Seems they laid all of their staff off and the place is pure chaos. No one is happy and they just live in their own fantasy telling us we love it here…. Covid is insanely out of control here and how do they react to that? They eased up more restrictions. All of our voiced concerns are just over ruled by the dog at the top that doesn’t care. Almost forgot to mention that there’s never enough food items stocked and most of the time you’re standing there waiting for dinnerware
12 March 2022 17:49
Had potential with such a large and new facility. The food is low quality and buffet style serving. The tongs end up in the food far more often than they should, especially during a pandemic.

To add to it, the single beds aren't quite big enough for most. It's a wonder how they have as high of a rating as they do
08 March 2022 13:01
CVL is definately better than just a home away from home. The gyms, activities, movies, pub, cafeterias, front end staff are all top notch services. The grounds are beautiful, as is the scenery.
The random negatives do not outshine the many many positives and important inclusively.

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