19 November 2023 6:21
CHANGEpain is a revolutionary pain clinic that has seamlessly integrated modern approaches into its comprehensive care model. The clinic's emphasis on holistic healing is evident through its multifaceted methods, incorporating physiotherapy, trigger point injections, counseling, education, and group classes, etc. This diverse range of services ensures that patients receive personalized, well-rounded care that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of pain management.

The staff at CHANGEpain are nothing short of exceptional. Their expertise is matched only by their unwavering commitment to patient well-being. From the moment you step through the door, you are greeted with a level of kindness and helpfulness that sets the tone for the entire experience. The team's genuine concern for each individual's journey towards pain relief creates a supportive and nurturing environment, fostering trust and comfort.

What sets CHANGEpain apart is its dedication to staying at the forefront of medical advancements in pain management. By incorporating innovative techniques and a holistic approach, the clinic not only treats symptoms but also aims to address the root causes of pain. For those seeking a modern, compassionate, and effective pain management experience, CHANGEpain stands as a beacon of hope and healing.
09 November 2023 17:34
Loved the Dr and staff unfortunately the chairs in the waiting room are very uncomfortable! Some worn out to where you can feel the wood structure underneath.i moved from that one right away and my other option was a 2 seater white super low armless seat. Again worn out and i had to sit in the middle not to sit lopsided.then there were a couple plastic chairs.for a pain clinic you would think the chairs would be comforting not causing discomfort. Please get new chairs! Thanks
03 October 2023 15:32
I have been treated by Dr. Lau and her team for more than 5 years. Dr. Lau literally has been life changing for me as I had suffered for many years with Trigeminal Neuralgia and pills alone were not capable of managing my pain. There is a reason T. N.is called the suicide disease because there were days that I felt I did not know how much more my pain my body could handle.it was no way to live. BUT I kept searching and I found Dr. Lau's Clinic and they tried different treatments until they found one that gave me relief. I will be forever grateful. Dr. Lau. She truly saved my life.
Sandy Letkeman
26 July 2023 17:14
My time at Change Pain has been instrumental in helping me recover from my chronic back condition. Their approach to care is excellent. Their multi level approach that focuses on progressively more intensive treatments has been very effective: starting with trigger point injections, kinesiology, education and life style adjustments and moving towards facet joint blocks and rfl procedures. As a result of the services provided I have been able to return to activities I thought I would never be able to and vastly improved my quality of life. As someone who works with individuals with substance use disorders I am grateful that I have been able to benefit from these treatments without the risks associated with many pharmacological treatments. Dr. Lau is a caring and competent professional and I am grateful for the work done at Change Pain. If you are new to the clinic, be patient and engage with the services they offer such as the group programs. Managing pain takes time and it is a life long endeavour, but trust in the process with the belief that things will get better.
29 June 2023 1:06
I have been a patient at Change Pain for 12 years, with treatment for issues that ranged from all consuming pain, to pain relief that would just make life sweeter. Sometimes high tech interventions, sometimes old established work. I have always been treated with the best possible care, most progressive medical techniques, and conscientious efficiency. Before this clinic I spent twenty years in life blinding pain, now I live in comfort and bliss.
15 June 2023 16:27
I've been going to CHANGEpain since 2019 (4 years as of writing) and I'm very grateful to still be under their care. I feel like I'm being supported by a team rather than an individual. As my case unfolders I am referred to or book appointments with different clinicians so as to receive a diversity of perspectives on how to address complex chronic illness. This clinic is truly holistic in both treatment offerings and their approach. My pain, fatigue, and functionality has improved from their services and I'm optimistic it will continue to do so.

After attending the required group medical visits (GMV) I am grateful for the availability and accessibility of other GMVs, from chronic pain centric yoga, safe movement, and educational classes (all from home!). The physical therapies I receive (TPI, physio, kineseo, acupuncture, nerve blockers) are very helpful. We have discussed more expensive therapeutic options but are taking things conservatively (for health and financial reasons) which I appreciate. It's nice to know what options are on the table and that I don't have to fight for more support. Doctors here have helped me make lifestyle changes and medication changes (including LDN which my GP could not normally prescribe) that have had amazing impacts for me. They even supported me in applying for the disability tax credit.

Even though sometimes appointments feel rushed (they are understandably in demand), I never feel neglected. I genuinely feel cared for and even find I'm getting past a lot of medical trauma I built up from years of not being taken seriously by practitioners. The clinic is snug right now, as they are constantly expanding and offering new options, but they never make me feel unwelcome and this location won't be forever as they are working on a new location that I look forward to getting to visit eventually!

In summary - I highly recommend! I feel lucky to be here! I literally mention this place to anyone I know struggling with chronic illness.
07 June 2023 7:01
With severe back injuries and chronic pain, I have been going to Changepain for treatments. I must say the staff is friendly and the doctors care about their patients. Since pain is unique to each individual there are many treatment options and I have found it’s best to get educated on what is available and ask questions about what will help with one’s specific pain. What I found different in this clinic is the coordination of the medical team and allied health services which help focus on what needs to be worked on. From when I first walked into the clinic in severe pain and difficulty moving to where I am today is a great improvement. Throughout the journey, I learned that doctors and physio can only do so much and I had to be engaged and put the work in as well in order to progress to where I can hike 10km now. Thank you to the team at Changepain for the caring and compassion you proved to all your patients.
10 April 2022 12:11
Had the pleasure of seeing Dr Rite, Leroy, and Ashleigh for chrio, physio, and kinesiology. They were very skilled and knowledgable!
11 March 2022 11:35
Doctor recommended band-aid procedures without doing any diagnostics to identify the root cause of my issue. Told me there was no point trying to see any of their in-house practitioners (physio, kinesiology, etc.) because the wait is so long.
06 December 2021 10:51
I'm a chronic pain patient who had a traumatic injury a few years back. I was lucky to get on with Dr. Lau. I have more ability to function and enjoy life thanks to pain management here. Dr Lau also models lifestyle changes including diet and exercise, and she teaches about all this in classes that anyone can take on Zoom. There are daily movement classes etc too. How many specialists look at and treat the whole person? !
The clinic is super hard to get ahold of, just plan and schedule well in advance! Being a responsible patient gets you respect here though too.
I highly recommend this clinic for those living with chronic pain, and who want control of their life back.
06 November 2021 2:00
A wonderful place of care and healing. Above and beyond what is typically offered in Public Health, ChangePain’s dedicated and integrated team offers what few, if any can.

They have a wide variety of treatment options to fit your needs, and work within MSP and/or private pay options as your situation allows to maximise the available options and treatment modalities.

I highly recommend ChangePain and their team if you have new or chronic pain. They have changed my life significantly and I am forever grateful.

Thank you Dr. Lau and the rest of the ChangePain team
17 October 2021 3:12
The people at this clinic bend over backwards to help patients. Dr. Lem is an amazing doctor, patient, kind, and crazy smart. If you are willing to take doctors' advice, you will walk out better off than when you came in.
16 September 2021 4:22
Dr. Ilana Winrob is not helpful at all. Talks a lot but no real help. Most of their services are not covered by MSP, except an appointment with GP, based on her information. Very frustrated. Don't recommend this clinic. The same medical treatment such as knee injection can be done by your family doctor. Don't waist your time!
04 July 2021 16:20
My time at Change Pain has been my single most positive healthcare experience, yet. I've felt heard, respected, and trusted in my understanding of my body. I'm incredibly grateful for their dedication and expertise; they've truly listened, and have gone the extra mile to provide consistent care. Very grateful for all the staff in each of their roles, and for my with time with the clinic.
18 June 2021 3:26
I assume Changepain pads their reviews, because this clinic is far worse than its reviews imply.

Firstly, they are experts at wasting your time. When they aren’t hours behind schedule, they’re spending half your appointment explaining vague ideas that they have already told you before. Dr. Malcolm Botteon would do just this while literally jumping back and forth across the room while explaining, treating me like a child. He would also make me wait an hour after my scheduled time to tell me information in both amount and importance that were better suited for a short email or call. If they are truly so busy, it is Changepain’s responsibility to hire enough employees, space their appointments well, and be efficient with their time, but they refuse to for one simple reason that I will elaborate on later: money. There are also the five session courses they force you to take. I told my doctors at Changepain that I was already informed on the course topics, even reading the outlines and saying that I knew everything on them. Even so, Dr. Botteon called me uneducated and made sure I signed up for them. As expected, they did nothing for me except waste my time.

In the end, I would’ve been alright with my lost time if Changepain gave a thoughtful and helpful approach to health struggles, but this simply isn't the case. I had received hundreds of trigger point injections in the past with no success, yet they still were convinced that this method would solve my pain. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t. My pain only worsened. From reading other reviews too, it seems like the doctors here simply ask where you hurt and stick needles there, expecting improvement. There is no individualistic, thoughtful approach. Just a one size fits all plan that they hype up to give false hope to patients. One time, I came with a family member, and Dr. Botteon had the audacity to tell them that my pain treatments were going successfully when I had explicitly said otherwise. Other times, my doctor would forget about treatments they had planned or quickly move on from a treatment as soon as I expressed even a little doubt, as if they knew that it wasn’t going to work and were trying to move on from getting caught. I didn’t have a single appointment at the Changepain building that didn’t feel strange or manipulative on top of being completely unhelpful.

Now we get to possibly the worst part about Changepain, their motive. Despite their cheery, do-good attitude, it is my firm belief that this place exists solely to make money. This wouldn’t be terrible if they actually made their work worth the money, but it isn’t; moreover, they go out of their way to take more of your money while not improving your health. After the injections found no success, Dr. Botteon recommended ketamine infusions for thousands of dollars each time as a non-permanent solution for one of my least problematic symptoms. This seemed strange until we started asking questions. It turns out the infusions take place at Changepain, so they make money off them. Furthermore, a doctor admitted that those classes that I found no benefit from make them money too. Come to think of it, Dr. Botteon’s dancing around the room for half an hour instead of sending an email makes sense because they wouldn’t make money off of an email. Changepain treats people with real health concerns as nothing more than cash grabs.

I’m sure this place does help people sometimes, and I’m sure that not all their doctors are as terrible as Dr. Botteon. Dr. Rite, for example, I found to be fine, but even she got caught up in the almost cultish rhetoric of Changepain, and I do think ‘cultish’ is a fair word. The overly positive and repetitive phrases, apparent financial motivation, and pressure to stay despite consequences, all of it just makes me sick. This clinic is disorderly, unprofessional, arrogant, and unethical. I hope that Changepain’s staff reads this review and starts taking their patients seriously, and I hope that anyone struggling with chronic illness avoids this place unless it is their very last option.
03 May 2021 1:23
I have been a patient at CHANGEpain ever since the doors opened. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had access to some exceptional physicians at the clinic. Dr. Lau is inspiring, both as a doctor and as a person. She is amazing in her breadth of knowledge and in her persistence in trying to get to the root of complex pain problems. Dr. Rite has a very proactive approach, and her practical advice has enabled me to regain considerable functionality despite my pain. Recently, I have also benefited greatly from Dr. Berkman's care. All of these physicians are smart, helpful, and supportive. They really care, and they've never given up on me. The Group Medical Visits have been very helpful as well. I still have pain, but without CHANGEpain it would be so much worse. I am grateful.
12 April 2021 13:46
CHANGEpain Clinic has been a life changing experience for me. Guiding me through pain education and providing new ways of treating my Chronic pain. They’ve helped me when many others wouldn’t. The CHANGEpain team empathizes and understands the unique situation of every patient. In the short time I’ve been with CHANGEpain. I’ve had more steps forward then with any other Clinic or solo practitioner. The administrative staff and specialists care greatly about their patients and work. I wouldn’t be where I am today without CHANGEpain. I feel like I’m finally going down a road of peace and understanding. I’m starting to believe in myself again. I'm starting to see the light, in my fight against my chronic conditions. CHANGEpain Clinic is the best of the best. Much Love to you guys. Keep up the amazing work!
08 April 2021 20:32
My husband is a disabled veteran. After 22 years of trying to get a treatment that did more than mask the pain, he was running out of options. His OT had even dropped him as a patient as he was tired of the billing and approval challenges with Veterans Affairs! The compassionate, caring and professional healthcare team at CHANGEpain has not only turned his life around but also that of our young family. They are also "veteran-friendly" and are currently participating in a pilot project with Veterans Affairs.
Yes, maybe they can't always answer the phone right away - due to COVID the team is frantically sanitizing treatment rooms between patients and continually juggling appointments to meet COVID restrictions. (I have been there and watched in awe). All this in an effort to make sure that the people that depend on them for treatment and pain relief are able to continue to come in for desperately-needed appointments. But they do get back to you as soon as they can and if it is urgent they do prioritize it.
When everyone else shut down during the first wave (my husband's OT and PT closed and so did the Pain Clinic at our local hospital) CHANGEpain kept their doors open and even set up virtual appointment options that meant they could stay in touch with their patients. Recently my family traveled to Vancouver so my husband could undergo a 4 day series of treatments and his nurse was distraught because she wasn't able to come in on the last day. Knowing that we had come all that way, rather than canceling that critical last day of treatment, a doctor and a nurse quietly came in at 5am to get on the phone and juggle schedules and appointments to make sure that he received the pain remediation he needed. Thank you Dr. Brenda Lau and your incredible team for all that you do for to support your patients and their families!
07 April 2021 4:52
I have to redact my previous review. I never knew the volume of patients they had to deal with. Over 700 calls a day. 1 call every two seconds, most of which aren't patients of the clinic.

My experience was like non other. The staff were intensely amazing. What made them amazing was not only their effectiveness at providing excellent care, but also taking a proactive approach into an a different pain management concern of mine.

I will say though, that this clinic is no joke, be a good patient and take a proactive approach in your health and do what they say and make the changes.

Thank you to all of the change pain staff. You're the best and I am a changed person because of the inventiveness and compassion shown to me.
02 April 2021 15:22
This clinic has given me my life back! They are the only place in Vancouver and even BC that can help treat my complicated pain issues. They take such care and pride in their work and highly recommend all the doctors I have seen there. They are highly compassionate and care about their patients and staff. I am forever grateful for their help.
27 March 2021 13:51
I cannot say enough about how amazing this clinic and all of its fantastic Staff are. I literally would not be on this planet still if it wasn’t for them. It can take time to get onboard with them, because they are so needed and in demand, but they are DEFINITELY worth the wait. Since going under their incredible care I finally have actual diagnoses and program and treatment plans. They literally have saved my life.
26 March 2021 4:21
Change Pain is a wonderful, collaborative clinic that is helping me immensely. There is great communication amongst the various practitioners so you don't have to wait and hope that your various therapists are getting the same information. I have seen Dr. Berkman, Dr. Sun and most recently the super talented physiotherapist Keri.

Keri is intuitive, kind, extremely knowledgeable and has the most wonderful bedside manner.

I would highly recommend this clinic to anyone.it is well worth the wait times, they are busy for a reason)
21 March 2021 6:33
After 2 back surgeries, the last of which went terribly wrong (bad post-op complications), I spent the better part of 5 years being passed off from one doctor’s office to the next, each working in their own little silo. It seemed everywhere I went for help it was either more epidural shots or more pills, to little or no avail. After several years of that I was referred back to Change Pain on the advice of my GP as there were new treatments available. I was extremely fortunate to have Dr. Lau oversee my treatment comprehensively, including both my pain treatments and my medication. I’m nowhere near 100%, but for the first time in a long time I think I’m finally making some progress. I also have to give praise to the reception and other front end staff; they’re always so courteous and accommodating, they really go the extra mile for you!
09 March 2021 5:41
Dr. Lau and her team provide outstanding care and the fact that when so many clinics closed during Covid, their dedication to protocols that provide a safe environment while remaining open is such an encouragement! More than just treatment, they provide hope and healing in a kind, listening, and professional manner. I cannot recommend CHANGEpain enough!
08 March 2021 16:18
My wife has been going to CHANGEpain for several years now and I have been with her at every appointment along the way. I have been so impressed with the whole team at CHANGEpain, they work so hard and are so caring, talented and dedicated to improving their patients pain and wellbeing. I honestly don’t know where my wife would be without them. Not only have they been there supporting my wife but I was also allowed to join in on group medicals like Empowering You to Change pain which taught me so much and helped me to better understand what my wife is going through on a daily basis. I’ve also taken several other virtual group medicals for myself that have been greatly beneficial. CHANGEpain not only supports and takes care of my wife but I am always included in the conversation, my thoughts and observations about my wife and her condition are always taken into account and they encourage spouses and family members to be involved. I can’t say enough good things about the team there and how amazing they have been to us.
27 February 2021 21:52
From my own experience the staff at ChangePain “bend over backwards” to do what they can for people with pain. The doctors and integrative pain services have been there to listen, provide up to date information to deal with pain, and are very supportive in the recovery process. I have not experienced what many reviews are saying about not getting called back, but if this does happen one must consider the work/patient load is high so patience and understanding of what the team is doing goes a long way.
27 February 2021 18:51
I have been a patient of CHANGEPain since the day they opened. And a patient of Dr Lau’s even before they opened. I don’t know how to express how much Dr Lau and her staff of Wonderful doctors and professionals have helped me over the years. They are a thorough and caring group of pain professionals that Provide treatment that is beyond measure. Living with pain can be debilitating. Dr lau and her staff understands pain, and have helped me to have a much better quality of life threw their treatment and teaching me ways to help myself to stay as active and well as I possibly can physically and mentally. CHANGEpain staff go the extra mile to help when you need it. I highly recommend change pain to anyone needing help with my.

Sent from my iPhone
22 February 2021 12:14
I don’t know what I would do without CHANGEpain! I suffer from CRPS and rely on CHANGEpain to manage my pain and other symptoms. The staff are so helpful and genuinely care about your health and wellbeing. I’ve seen several of the Dr’s there and they have all been so extremely caring and invested in improving my pain and providing the best treatments, group medical visits and specialized therapies like kinesiology, chiropractic and physio to name a few to help achieve that. I’ve never felt so listened to and taken care of as I do at CHANGEpain. The group medicals that are available and covered through MSP are fabulous and I’ve learned so much from the comfort of my home.
28 November 2020 8:28
There's a lot I could say about how much this place has helped me heal. Chronic pain is really complicated and I had mine from a car accident. I went from 24/7 intense chronic pain to a mild to moderate flare up once in a long while lasting about half a day to a day.

Highly recommend taking the course and absorbing and implementing EVERYTHING they teach there. I also did needling, chiro and kinesiology here. I found all the practitioners to really understand how to talk to me about what was going on. I also did therapy with a psychologist near the end of my treatment period and that really cemented my understanding of what was causing flare ups.

I've had other friends go here and not get the same benefit as me. I think the difference was that I was working on my understanding of what's happening while working on my body - first in the course, then by how the practitioners would talk about what they were doing, and finally with a therapist. The holistic approach is key, and totally worth pursuing. I feel pretty great now.

Hope this helped, good luck!
09 September 2020 2:13
I highly recommend this clinic.

The allied health team, including Sarah and Krista, have many great offerings to assist with pain and sleep.

I've seen a few different practitioners here including Drs. Mahal, Lau and Berkman and feel confidant in recommending them.
16 August 2020 11:48
I started taking the clinic's online workshops during the pandemic. Sarah Jamieson's empowering class alone changed my pain and my life: I can sit, cook and hike again with dramatically reduced pain. I also have a new vocabulary to explain my pain to anyone who asks!

The stretch class with Klara Kroupa is also the first one I've felt safe in in years. I can't wait to visit the clinic in person - so thankful for its work and everyone behind it.
01 August 2020 4:21
VERY HELPFUL! So glad I found this clinic. They know that your pain is real, and what to do to help you out of it, no matter how long you've been suffering. There are so many helpful classes online, these are covered by MSP, doctors, practitioners and they really know what they're doing. You will not regret it. Highly recommended.:)
18 July 2020 11:30
I have been attending their online group medical visits since the start of covid19 and have been so impressed with the quality and knowledge of their medical staff. The information I am learning is life-changing!
13 July 2020 15:37
So far my experience here at the clinic has been great! Everyone is nice. Learning about pain and why's giving me some tools to work has helped. And a whole team to help figure out what is going to work best for me
11 July 2020 6:38
World's best. Not just best in BC and Canada. World's best treatments for pain.
Integrated care by team of doctors provide treatments and education have me mobile and looking forward. Thank you Dr. Khalfan, Dr. Sun and Dr. Berkman.
28 April 2020 19:54
Dr Burkman is one of the best pain specialists around in B. C. He tried multiple protocols to find the one that works best in my particular case. 10/10 experience. Highly recommended!
21 January 2020 1:46
Dr Lem is fine so far but i always show up to my appointment on time and then im made to wait until he sees me.i usually wait about 30 mins for my scheduled appointment.last time i waited over 45 mins! I wish they would respect people’s time a bit more or work on their time management or something
13 January 2020 13:58
Part way though the course “ Empowering to ChangePain” learning different ways to manage myself and my chronic, chronic pain.
The staff and very understanding and helpful

Finally getting understanding and useful treatment
15 November 2019 18:52
Variety of services and practitioners, focus on pain management, classes, nutritional consultations and more.
02 September 2019 20:52
Clinic desires to implement a comprehensive approach for a patient's treatment and recovery. They offer doctors, physios, kinesiologists, educational courses, and other health care professionals in one location. Some of their services are covered by BC Health, but other treatments it is the patients who will pay out of their pocket or with health insurance (some fees are quite high). Free time limited surface parking. Easily accessed by transit. Located in the basement. #letsguide
08 July 2019 23:36
I would recommend to anyone who has chronic pain to attend the empowerment program. Wish I had attended this program seven years ago. I had about five hundreds different treatments due to my pain in both of my elbows and wrists over these years. Definitely have lost my confidence in dealing with my daily pain. However, I am grateful that my doctors have referred me to attend this program. It gives you the tool and resources to learn and gain knowledge and awareness of what you can do and how to handle pain and stress. I really appreciate everything I have learned from this program especially being aware of "Acceptance", "Mindfulness", and "Pacing".
08 July 2019 23:04
I have been seeing Dr Lem and Dr Sun. They are both amazing and are making incredible changes for me. They have helped me regain muscle strength that I thought was lost forever, as well as diminish the muscular pain I have had. They both have the most kind and supportive manner that gives me the incentive to keep on with the treatments.
26 June 2019 4:29
Received around 300 injections by Dr Lam in six sessions. Did absolutely nothing for me except more pain. He recommended another three sessions which would mean another 150 injections. Is this insane or what? I said not a chance. I came here for pain relief not more pain. Did absolutely nothing for me except more pain. I thought that it was way too extreme but I'm not the doctor. Doctor know best? Thanks for nothing Change Pain. I guess now I'll wait for the owner to give me some response about how were so sorry that you had a bad experience. Bad experience is one thing but insanity is another. I have lost partial function of my leg and will never get it back. Hey doctor Lam why don't you let me inject you 300 times and see how you like it. This place is pathetic. Stay away from this place. What really helped my pain in the end was regular exercise. Not the nonsense Changepain has to offer.
27 March 2019 21:19
Despite the negative reviews I've seen here, I honestly feel that I have been supported and treated with compassion since starting at CHANGEpain.

The group therapy appointments helped me to understand a lot of what I had not previously been educated on during my 15 years with persistent pain. I feel that although progress is slow, I have a lot more tools in my toolkit and I am willing to be more patient and understanding toward my body while I continue to experience pain.

Dr. Mahal has been wonderful in terms of TPI. I have high anxiety about needles and she has been nothing but supportive and compassionate with what I can and can't handle. She (and the other practitioners I've seen at CHANGEpain) have never pressured me to do anything I can't afford since they know I'm not working. They work to find solutions/options for me that are low-cost or no-cost to me which I very much appreciate.

I feel that I'm never forced to do anything unless it feels right for me, I am listened to much better than with my GP, and although the pain persists, no one expects me to just accept it as it is and continues to make suggestions that may benefit my wellbeing.

The front-desk is often very busy and it can be difficult to get calls through but the staff is great with doing their best to follow up and make necessary reschedules when it is needed.
28 February 2019 11:23
This is a group of anesthesiologists who think they’re elitists. Dr. Lau made an appointment to call me on a specific date at a specific time and she never called. I call the office to find out what happened but they only have an answering machine. She called back 3 days later saying she thought our phone appointment was on a different day during a time when I would have been unavailable. It wasn’t the first time the receptionist had changed the appointment without notifying me. Dr. Lau said she would call back on another agreed upon date at a specific time, she never called. Very unreliable.

I witnessed them pressuring a senior lady into pre purchasing 100 pelates classes at $90 a session to be held at their office. The woman was obviously shocked and concerned by the cost. All the receptionist would say is “your doctor ordered it”.

They suggested some very expensive procedures for my pain that are not covered under MSP or Pharmacare, when I told them I couldn’t afford them and to contact my lawyer to arrange payment as mine is related to a car accident and would possibly be covered by insurance, they drop pushing the treatments. It’s all about the money with this group.
13 January 2019 2:54
I have received a variety of services from ChangePain, including physician treatments, pain education, and active rehabilitation. TPI is readily used at ChangePain and although it works for most people, it did not help with my pain. What did make a huge impact in my pain management was the work I did with Dr. Rite and Leroy Ho, the Kinesiologist. Leroy actively worked with me over a couple months and was able to adapt the exercises to fit my personal goals and life style. He is very approachable and made my treatment at ChangePain a positive, supportive experience.
22 November 2018 23:22
I am so grateful that I went to this clinic. After all avenues were explored I was thankfully referred to the group therapy at change pain. I was so glad that the doctors actually read my file and really cared about trying to get me pain free or better pain management. I now have a glimmer of hope that I could be somewhat pain free with the right therapies. Thank-you!
02 September 2018 15:03
All of the practitioners that I have met at this clinic have been incredibly helpful. If you are suffering from chronic pain it is well worth asking your primary care doctor for a referral to this clinic, despite the likely long wait list. What I found really useful and informative were all the classes they offered which you can take while on the wait list. Pain is a complicated issue, and the programs at ChangePain do a great job of breaking down all the possible causes and solutions. Of particular note is the nutrition class by Hanna Rakowska. This class was not covered by MSP but worth every penny. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to improve their overall health. You will likely also come away with specific ideas on how to improve various health concerns as well.
01 August 2018 2:17
Because my flair ups are never while I'm at the clinic, my pain isn't taken seriously. I can't sit on my tail bone for more than half an hour, carry more than 10 pounds for longer than a few minutes, nor can I sleep on my back, or in my bed with my husband, in my 30's (which they would know if the doctors would read the 30 minutes survey you fill out for some reason). I've previously had tried 2 different kinds of trigger point therapies over a course of 2 years in another clinic, which I discovered it does not help my condition, it quite often makes the pain sharper and stronger,

I dont feel that I'm being listened to very well or being asked the right questions. Not to mention they only deal with one problem at a time, I happen to have many issues one of which I have been dealing with longer but because the day I went in a certain part of my body was bothering me more, that's the only thing that has been focused on in every appointment.

Unfortunately I dont have much hope for my time there but I will see it through until I'm recommended to pay for something, because if this is my experience now, I'm not comfortable paying for any extra services.
01 June 2018 4:42
I was recommend to see Dr Rite due to lower back pain, something i had suffered with for 4 years - i was to the point of not being able to put socks in the morning. It was extremely frustrating for me and I had almost given up the idea I would be pain free again. I had seen so many other professionals with limited or no results. Dr Rite was very detailed, spent the time to listen and was extremely knowledgeable. Her examinations are very thorough and she is careful to explain exactly what she is discovering. After 4 visits, my pain is about 80% gone; I feel i am finally on the correct path to recovery. After each visit, I have a full and updated set of stretching and strength exercises - with an on line app with videos see how these exercises are done correctly. I could not be happier with my results to date. Highly recommended.

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