24 November 2023 11:59
I am so incredibly grateful to God for this church and its community. In such a short period of time, my life was changed, and my desire to seek God has deepened. Years ago, I remember when I used to pray endlessly about having a community. I would tell God about my desire to have friends who saw me for who I am, and didn’t use me for their own happiness or gain. As I look at how my life is now, I see how much God knew my desire, and how He led me here unexpectedly.

With every biblically rooted sermon and teaching, I’ve been able to personally witness God move in peoples hearts, lives and families — including my own — and experience His presence. God is using Crave Church in ways where lives are being transformed, people are drawing closer to Jesus, and families are being united. Not everyone here is perfect, and like every other church, community or organization — mistakes happen, and people have their own experiences. But an imperfect church is God’s way of showing us the fleeting, false hopes that are powerless and unable to satisfy us. In my personal case, my experience here continues to change my life for the good.

God calls us to come to Him as we are; broken, imperfect and challenged. If I never joined a church until I found one that was perfect, I wouldn’t have joined one at all. Crave Church and it’s community understood me for who I was, and as I allowed myself to walk alongside other imperfect believers to grow in my faith-walk with Jesus… I see why God encourages us to not walk alone.

I thank God for allowing me to be a part of a church that is transparent with the need for Gods word, Gods presence, accountability and community. The church is a true blessing for our generation, and I pray that people see His love through this house as much as I do as well.
18 September 2023 4:54
In a remarkably short period of time, Crave Church has profoundly transformed my life for the better. It is undoubtedly the divine presence of God that permeates in this ministry, and it’s evident within the individuals who have been coming to Crave. Each person shares one vision and mission: to create a space of Grace for other imperfect people and a desire to build an intimate relationship with Jesus.

The passion of the people here, the word, and the holy moments I get to personally experience when we gather on Sundays and Midweek Experiences has been nothing but life changing and has diligently nurtured my personal spiritual growth, for which I am sincerely grateful for. This church is undeniably an immense blessing for our generation by God. Love this house so much.
31 August 2023 12:21
The pastor calls me his daughter and takes credit for saving me at my lowest points when it wasn't him or the church but God (-‸ ლ). I love this church but I have to put a 1 star because I hate how they only try to talk to me or get close to me because they want to get information about me (˵¯͒¯͒˵). Other than that, I love this church! °˖ (⁰⁰) ˖° everyone loves me because I will never grow up and I'm cute and tiny!
06 August 2023 17:52
Oh, where do I even begin? Crave Church has been my happy place since 2019, and it's still going strong! From day one, I knew I had stumbled upon something special. The love and grace of God just radiate through this place I get to call Home.

Walking into Crave Church for the first time felt like coming home after a long journey. I was immediately welcomed with open arms, and it wasn't just a superficial greeting; you could feel the genuine warmth and acceptance from everyone. And that, made a difference.

The worship services are something else, and every Message that are being preached ALWAYS lead you back to an intimacy with Jesus.

But you know what makes Crave Church truly special? It's the sense of family. From potlucks to prayer nights, we've shared laughter, tears, and everything in between. They've got your back through thick and thin, and that's something you can't put a price on.

To sum it all up, Crave Church is like a big, warm hug from God. From the moment I set foot in this place until now, it's been a journey filled with love, grace, and a sense of belonging. I honestly can't imagine my life without this incredible church family, and I'm so grateful for the hands of God that are upon this House.
02 August 2023 15:16
Have heard good feedback from this church which is awesome however, a few unique members holding on to power need to learn not to judge people based on their clothing attire or lack of it especially during hotter seasons.perhaps the headship of church should train those under them to not be shallow and perhaps, or perhaps as last resort, let them go.those few bad apples will for sure ruin the whole tree.so having said that, for those seeking a progressive church, please practice caution!
01 October 2022 0:08
Great place to be a part of a real genuine friendships! And also have great excellence in every Church Experience.
26 September 2022 5:33
SO THANKFUL for this house!? Definitely filled with the presence of God and the atmosphere of family is so tangible!
23 September 2022 12:44
This church made me realize THAT MY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD IS NOT ONLY A SELF THING BUT ALSO A COMMUNITY THING. This community helped me to understand that God didn’t intend us to live in isolation. He specifically designed us to CRAVE relationships with others.

So blessed to have this community and family!
21 September 2022 6:44
About two weeks ago, I came to visit Crave Church for their 10th year anniversary with my wife and kids. The entire night was wonderful and very well executed. They had a red carpet Gatsby theme that gave my family a fun reason to dress up.

More than that, you can truly feel the sense of purpose that drives them and the love that they have for one another. That night, the room was full of celebration and joy and the message spoken by Pastor Marlon was insightful. I recommended Crave Church to anyone who is serious about looking for a church that feels like family!
20 September 2022 20:33
I've been a Christian my whole life, yet I never really knew God until I've been to Crave Church.

I used to be very active in my old churches, leading on sundays, but as soon as I'm done for the day, I'm back to the 'WORLD' again. Due to this, I've been to 10+ churches trying to really seek God while struggling to get out of the same sinful patterns.

It was in 2021 that my life changed. Through God's grace, He showed me His true self through Crave Church's people and leadership. Through their people I felt God's love and grace, and through their leadership I grew closer to God and found His true words.

I've never felt more comfortable sharing my struggles as a Christian and never felt the desire to be spiritually fed everyday until I got shepherd in their house.

Crave Church has really allowed me to look at Christianity to more than just a Religion, but as a Relationship with God.

If you reached the end of my review/testimony and felt a tug in your heart, know that it's not a coincidence. This is God calling you. If you're looking for a family in Christ, a Church in Vancouver, We welcome you with open & loving arms.
14 September 2022 10:33
I’ve been coming to this church since Feb 2022 and I can definitely say that this is the best church I’ve been to
19 December 2021 4:26
WOW The presence of God REALLY is here. Church should be enjoyed, not endured and I really see that here. Church can actually be fun What I love most about going to Crave is that it’s more than an amazing Sunday & MidWeek experience. It’s also for building deep meaningful friendships with people, supporting each other and helping to build our individual relationships with God?
14 December 2021 1:56
Before coming to Crave, I had been trying to heal from a dark time in my life and was searching for a new church to root myself in and start over. And at the time I had heard about Crave before but had doubts about it initially, however God kept placing this church in my heart and kept convicting me to sign up for a city group and check it out with my own eyes before crossing it off and Im so glad I listened to him! Ever since coming to Crave, my relationship with Jesus has been restored and deepened immensely. Ive experienced so much grace, healing and peace that I can truly say God is definitely working through this church to reach peoples hearts and I’m so grateful to be part of it! If you’re feeling down, I really encourage you to come check it out. There is grace found here.:)
09 December 2021 13:29
It was really difficult to live alone in Vancouver with no friends at all. My ugly past and anxieties that never leave my head have tormented me, but as soon as I went to Crave and joined summer nights, building bridges, midweek, and Sunday experience, I met a lot of great individuals who turned out to be my family. Being part of Crave is a life-changing event for me because it accepts me for who I used to be and has given me a space of grace. Through Crave Church I was able to put my bad habits, my past, and my anxieties at God's feet and completely surrender everything to Him. Now, I'm still flawed and I still make mistakes, but I always go back praising God and falling in love with Him each day.
04 December 2021 21:11
I've been coming to Crave Church since the beginning of the global pandemic and I can honestly say that this church is my home.

God lead me to this church after going through so many difficult things in my personal life and ever since I've joined my life has turned for the better. At Crave, you'll feel like you're apart of the family the moment you step foot in the building. The people here are so welcoming/caring and the leadership team is world-class!

I thank God every day for leading me to this church and for allowing me to be apart of the ministry that they have here because He's doing amazing things through this church and it's only going to get crazier!
02 December 2021 10:20
COME and join us every Sunday and/or Thursday. That's all I can say. If you are reading through the reviews to help you decide on this church, just go and experience it for yourself. Experience the love, the grace, the transformation that I and the people here have felt ever since coming to this church.

This is truly the one of a kind church that you could ever be part of because this is your SPACE of GRACE where you can get to know who God and Jesus really is. That was how it was like for me. The sermons preached by Pastor Marlon just speak so much life into me every time.
A change in the atmosphere can be felt during worship because the presence of God is present, and there is hardly anything that could beat that moment. And the people? The people are such wonderful, genuine human beings I can share life with, be open with and create memories with. The people are not church members; they are FAMILY.

This is a HOME that nurtures and grows you and your soul, and YOU can be part of this FAMILY too.
26 November 2021 19:45
So proud to be part of this church. After church hopping for the majority of my life, I finally found a place to call home 2 years ago. A church that really embodies what they say “this is family. This is home. Welcome to your space of grace”. Not only you’ll feel most welcome, but they ensure that all their church members continue to grow in all aspects. I’ve grown more the past two years being in this church despite being christian all my life. Their principle and main goal is to have a personal and intimate relationship with God. Its a church where once you get connected, you wont stay stagnant. As christians we are meant to continually grow spiritually, otherwise, we wont ever get to our calling. It’s a church where they instill in you a vision that is for the eternity. To focus on souls, to be passionate in spreading the gospel, to always align your will to His. His presence is always so tangible. EVERY. EXPERIENCE. Try this place, you wont ever regret it! It’ll transform your life where you get to a place that you will be content whether in much or in nothing. You will also get to discover the gifts God has given you, and will get to maximize it and use it for His glory. Not to mention the fun we always have. Photo collage for proof. Bahaha. City groups are the best BTW.
21 November 2021 16:26
If you’re looking for a home church, Crave Church is it. Been a part of this church for almost two years now and I can confidently say this is home. This church creates a genuine space of grace for every single individual and it truly shows. Come and see for yourself. I promise you, you’ll never look back! God bless!
21 November 2021 4:35
This church has impacted my life in amazing ways that I never thought possible nor thought I deserved! I can honestly say God's hand is on this house!

I remember around this time last year I was broken and lost, but God directed me towards this church and man, all I can say is that it's been life-changing ever since for me and for everyone that I love and care about! Not only that, but also it has been a blessing, an honor and a privilege to know and to serve side-by-side with people who love Jesus, the same people who I now also call my family.

To be honest, you should come see for yourself what God has been doing in Crave church, it's nothing short of a miracle being part of this Space of Grace!
20 November 2021 0:10
Crave Church is an intentional church that doesn’t only have a Christ-centred vision, but a church that undoubtedly lives out its mission.
It is a church that exalts Jesus and the preachings are solely based on the bible and not what the church wants to hear.

Pastor Marlon is a leader who has a heart for the people and who is very passionate about bringing them to the feet of Jesus. He is someone who genuinely cares about the people in this church - loving us, teaching us, guiding us, and leading us closer to God. I have only been a part of this church for just over a year but the amount of things that I have learned and my spiritual growth is ineffable.

I remember the first time I have stepped into this church and I instantly felt part of the community- it was very welcoming, just like a family. A family that worships together, prays together, eats together, reaches out to people together, and does life together.

Crave Church definitely embodies its vision - creating a space of grace for imperfect people to crave God.
Highly recommend!
14 November 2021 22:28
I am so grateful to have found and be a part of a church that cares so much about people and their spiritual growth. Being in this church helped me so much in knowing Christ. Im am proud to say that this is my home. A space of grace for an imperfect person like me to crave God.
31 October 2021 20:23
This church is amazing! Filled with amazing people, but most of all, filled with grace. This is a place where you can be yourself, grow and do life with others.
25 October 2021 22:03
This Church is amazing! If you are looking for a church this is the place to be! This church helped challenge and impact me in areas of my life that I would never think of being comfortable in. The atmosphere is unbelievable and just makes me (and many others) feel like we are at home. I cant wait to see what God will do through this Church next!
22 October 2021 0:17
Crave church really feels like home. The people are very welcoming and they always make you feel like you are in a safe place to be vulnerable. I can really see how God’s hand is in this church and how anointed Pastor Marlon is with every sermon he has preached. The sermons never failed to speak to me and pierced through my heart (in a good way). I recommend this Church, if you are wanting to grow and strengthen your faith with God and your relationship with God.
21 October 2021 16:10
This place has impacted and challenged me for the better! So glad to call Crave Church my home!
17 November 2020 4:13
Amazing place with great people. Been a part of this church since the beginning and it's a great place to find true meaningful relationships. You really have to try it if your looking for a family and community. And for those in the Faith, I the word is amazing, relatable, current, but also sophisticated at the same time. Check us out CraveChurch.org

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