09 August 2023 7:56
We count everything out and an Indian lady working cash sighs, brings out another person to work and then makes us count again. We start counting and Half way through, she mixed it up again. We restart counting and midway through lo and behold. She mixes it up again. I then tell her that she mixed it up two times after it was already counted and we left. We returned with our friend Tabs who works for Bee clean who is currently active supervisor, and we pre count 7 dollars with her. We get to the supervisor and he insists he can’t do change cuz it’s to busy and his register isn’t opening. We go to the next till over and an older woman said her register also wasn’t opening. Tabs then asks if they need maintenance to be called and the supervisor then UNLOCKED the register they apparently couldn’t open. The older lady counted our change that was pre counted and took the rest with 0 issue. Your workers are disrespectful to customers who apologized for an inconvenience that could have taken 2 minutes, and continued to be rude and make it take 5 minutes and not even complete the transaction.
03 July 2023 11:07
The claim of this man that he does not believe except in what he sees is wrong and he is the first one to deny this himself. He believes in many things that he does not see but only sees their impact. For instance, he believes in gravity but does not see except its effect, and believes in the electric current but does not see except its impact, and so on. Therefore, a person who ponders upon the world around him knows that this universe has a Creator. Allaah says (which means) : {We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and their selves until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'an) is the truth. Is it not sufficient regarding your Lord that He is a witness over all things? }[41: 53]. It is impossible to believe that something exists by itself without someone having created it or made it. A person who ponders over modern inventions would know that they can't exist by chance. So if this is impossible, how can it be possible for us to believe that this world with all its precision, system, and order exists without a Creator; a Creator who is Perfect from all deficiencies and imperfections? Allaah says (which means) : {Were they created by nothing? Or were they the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they have no firm belief. }[52: 35-36]. In addition to this, every creature has a natural predisposition to believe in his Creator, and he requires Allaah and in need to return to him at times of difficulties and hardship no matter what his current inclination may be. Allaah says (which means) : {And when they board a ship, they supplicate Allaah, sincere to Him in religion [i.e. Faith and hope]. But when He delivers them to the land, at once they associate others with Him. }[29: 65]. Claiming that the reason for development is disbelief in Allaah and His religion, is a wrong claim that has no foundation. On the contrary Islamic religion advocates progress in all fields that are important in our worldly life and our religion and the Muslims did not deteriorate except when they neglected their religion and abandoned a good part of the message that was sent to them. It is indeed wrong to believe that the situation of Muslims today accurately reflects the importance of Islam. So if a person wants to judge with justice he has to look to the first generation and the generation after it when the nations of the world were under Muslim rule. Western countries and others did not develop in industry and other important innovations until they utilized the sciences developed by Muslims many years ago.

The testimonies of the just western people testify to this. Moreover, atheists and non-Muslims have not reached this technological progress because of disbelief and abandoning the Religion of Allah. But they have reached this status because of their effort in reaching and obtaining the utmost of this worldly life. Allaah says (which means) : {Whoever desires the life of this world and its adornments — We fully repay them for their deeds therein, and they therein will not be deprived. Those are the ones for whom there is not in the Hereafter but the Fire. And of no effect is that which they used to do. }[11: 15-16].

Allaah knows best.
24 June 2023 22:39
Popular place. Lots of people in line up, but tge 2 cashiers were fast. Thank you. Good stuff, good people.
23 December 2022 5:00
Very unprofessional and rude behaviour from the staff. They just don't care and have no idea about the products they carry and where it's located. The body language and attitude of the stuff was pathetic to say the least.
03 November 2022 7:52
Normally a good store with lot of home, kitchen accessories with cheap prices. Recently had a bad experience due to their no return policy. The home product that I purchased was damaged inside and when I went back to return they where not willing to refund. They gave me option of exchange but unfortunately there were no stock of the same thing I purchased. The manager said there is nothing they can do and I had to leave the purchased good at the store with no refund or exchange. The manager was not helpful in resolving the issue.
21 September 2022 16:46
Was there with my daughter this evening. The usual stock at competitive prices and absolutely no clutter.
One young lady working the till on her own was extremely helpful to my daughter.
Has a smile for everyone. ️
15 September 2022 2:13
Very professional sales man. Knew exactly what we wanted. No 2 hr wait. In and out. Love the personal real service. Keep up the professional business and great attitudes with training your staff.
12 July 2022 17:39
You can't beat the prices, quality is questionable but if you choose wisely it is the way to shop.
11 June 2022 23:10
This dollarama has a good selection of kitchenware, art supplies and beauty supplies. Store is just a bit too small so it's often over crowded and the line up gets ridiculous
06 January 2022 2:38
Popular place. Understaffed but who isn't these days? Shelves getting empty but so are other places. But good stuff, good people.
28 December 2020 23:19
Awesome help from the cashier today locating something I couldn't find, mini Santa hats for staff at our hair salon!
16 December 2020 16:16
Enjoy this Dollarama usually, but today was out of stock on a usual.item I buy, understandable with Holiday season upon us though. Also cashier muttered, didn't seem interested in small talk, "how's your day going? " Basic human interaction. "Have a great rest of your day" "yeah" okie.
But again could be an overwhelming day.

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