15 July 2023 16:24
Dr Foran is terrific! It is quite amazing how much knowledge he has and how precise he is with his practice. I am very appreciative of how he has managed my upper neck so well. I used to see a my old chiropractor every couple weeks. But now just do maintenance visits once every 2 months or so.
15 July 2023 7:08
My mom went to this place several times as per Foran's advise after a car accident. The treatment didn't work at all and our feeling is that Foran's just wanted the money that ICBC was suppose to pay 5 years ago. Mom ended up up with an $8000 bill and no improvement at all. Very disappointing.
06 February 2023 3:54
Dr. Foran and his team are professional, knowledgable and trustworthy in upper cervical chiropactic care for the oveal wellness. If you are looking for a ultimate solution for your chronic pain, neck pain, headache, dizzness, concussion or whiplash after any auto accidents, here is the right place for you.
01 February 2023 14:44
Many of these reviews read like ads. Owner's negative comments are troubling. Always ask your MD for their opinion/recommendation before spending any money at the Nucca Clinic. Unfortunately, not every person with a condition has the same problem and obviously outcome. There's much to be said about the placebo effect. Notwithstanding, we need more current evidence, clinically based, controlled studies on Nucca treatments where the findings are not scrutinized by chiropractors, but actual orthopaedic surgeons, neurologists and other MDs not affiliated with Nucca treatments.
16 January 2023 21:32
Dr. Foran is knowledgeable and professional in his field of upper cervical care. Dr. Foran is also highly responsible, trustworthy and respectful of each patient who comes for care. He has been very low-profiled while willing to go the extra mile for patients’ recovery.

The initial pre-screening, examinations and consistent measurement before and after the adjustments in each visit are crucial as clinic’s protocol, while have been missing in more and more chiropractic care nowadays. If you are looking for a good upper cervical and spine assessment and treatment to take care of your overall wellness beyond only focusing on symptoms, here is the right place to go.
04 January 2023 23:02
Rating the office experience for exam: Reporting attrocious disrespectful bedside manner, arrogance and discrimination toward patients who are disabled and on PWD disability in BC.
10 December 2022 8:53
My best friend, who has been suffering from different kinds of chronic pain with her body (neck pain, vertigo, headache, TMJ etc.) for so many years, got a huge improvement with her symptoms and overall health after seeing Dr. Foran for only SIX visit! I am genuinely grateful that the NUCCA technique and Dr. Foran's team brought back my friend's life.

Dr. Foran is one of the two NUCCA Board members in Canada. I will highly recommend Dr. Foran and his NUCCA Spine Clinic to anyone who is searching and looking for the BEST care for their chronic pain and overall health!
27 November 2022 0:41
I am so thankful for Dr. Foran and his treatments which have brought back my life with significant improvement in my chronic suffering within only a few appointments. Dr. Foran and his team are the best of the best!

I had been suffering from chronic neck pain, headache, ongoing vertigo, constant dizziness, panic attacks, anxiety, shortness of breath and jaw pain (TMJ/TMD: Temporomandibular Disorder) for almost eight years since my late 20s. After my previous TMJ/TMD treatments, my jaw function improved, but the rest of the symptoms had been persistent or decreased very slowly. My life remained miserable, fighting hard to gain back the basic functions. I could not sleep in a bed but only sit upright throughout the night due to vertigo and neck pain; walking or taking a bus was challenging as any neck or body movement could potentially trigger vertigo or a panic attack; life and work were so hard to bear that I never thought I would be even closed to normal again, all I prayed was not to wast the life I was given to fulfil its purpose. And all these got changed entirely after I saw Dr. Foran. Now I can sleep in bed, and the overall pain level has decreased dramatically and can continue to stay low. I can accomplish most of the daily tasks in life effortlessly, and I can socialize and openly communicate without trying hard to listen and stay focused. There were so much more changes I can list out, but most importantly, I no longer have to pretend to be normal to sustain life but to have the ability to be the person I want to live in life.

Dr. Foran is patient, caring, professional and knowledgeable in his specialty. The initial appointments with the consultation, data collection and X-Ray were crucial in guiding the treatment, which was well worth the investment to make as a new patient. Dr. Foran is a fantastic chiropractor for what he does and how he clearly explains this precise, gentle, non-invasive spinal adjusting technique (NUCCA) that can help with my case. Each step and treatment was clear and well explained so that I knew exactly where I was and where I was heading. After the first adjustment, I already noticed changes in my body.

I strongly recommend Dr. Foran, Marie and his team to anyone who suffers from neck pain, headache, dizziness, whiplash injury, TMJ or other chronic pain. Without health, life is meaningless; but hope and success are not far off.
13 July 2021 14:24
I have nothing but great things to say about Dr. Foran. I came to him because I was suffering from TMJ issues and wasn't able to open my mouth wide enough to eat a sandwich or an apple, and I was in pain every time I would try to eat. I had tried so many other things like acupuncture, ART, osteopathy, massage, night guard, etc. I really went to him as my last hope. He is fantastic at explaining what exactly he is doing and why, and he always checks to see if I have any questions about anything at all. I'm so happy to say that after only around 2 months of treatment with Dr. Foran, I have no pain in my jaw at all and can open my mouth wider than I have been able to for the last 12 months. I am beyond thrilled with my results and I can't thank Dr. Foran enough. I highly recommend him, without a doubt.
27 June 2021 5:49
I was in the depths of despair when I read on an online forum that NUCCA could help with Trigeminal Neuralgia. The pain I was experiencing was catastrophic. It left me unable to care for my 1 year old son, love my husband or do my work as a yoga teacher. My life had stopped. I had a phone consultation with Michael as soon as I could. He was incredibly patient and thorough, answering all my questions and giving me ample time to process what I was about to undertake. I hung up the phone with a feeling of hope for the first time in months. I travelled hours away from my home and committed to six weeks of treatment in the hopes that NUCCA could help me. It took 3 weeks to start to see results. But once the adjustment had taken the pressure off the nerves and they had a chance to heal, the pain very slowly began to recede. I continued treatment for 6 weeks and I am ecstatic to say that my pain is almost completely resolved. I am back home now enjoying my family and my garden and the sunshine. Michael and Marie are wonderful, thorough and professional. I am happy to know that should my pain return in the future I can go and see my friends down south for an adjustment!
28 September 2020 2:25
I'm so grateful to Dr. Foran. His approach to care before even seeing him is professional with an up to date website explaining the need for chiropractic care, complete contact information including a map with directions to his office, easy scheduling of appointments including reminders. His approach to personal care is thorough, precisely locating the problem areas of concern, addressing the problem with care and accuracy. After his adjustment I have experienced not only cessation of pain but ongoing comfort for long periods of time. My injuries were severe, tearing ligaments in my neck years ago resulting in lack of rotation with excruciating daily pain at the time of injury but the gentle Nucca approach to healing saved my life. I regained rotation and was relieved of daily pain however my neck is chronically weak and unstable from a lack of proper treatment at the time of my injury resulting in recurring neck pain and numbness in my arms and hands from normal daily routines and stress but Dr. Foran provides ongoing relief from pain whenever my body tells me it's time to seek help.
31 August 2020 0:02
Doctor Foran is the best nucca specialist.treated me for several years after a bad semi truck accident that caused severe neck injuries. I lost enjoyment of life and ability to sleep and work. Doctor Foran was my only hope to help with any correction to my neck and to regain enjoyment in my life.all the treatments were a huge success. A highly skilled professional. I highly recommend this doctor.
11 June 2020 7:05
I get adjustments regularly to maintain my spinal health due to regular wear and tear from my active lifestyle. I've also had some significant injuries, like falls, bike crashes and car accidents, and would be in rough shape without NUCCA chiropractic. I exacerbated one of these injuries this week after doing an online exercise class I hadn't done in awhile. My neck from my jaw to my shoulder blade was so enflamed, sore and throbbing on one side that I couldn't turn my head or lift it off of my pillow without using my hands to support it, and of course, pain.
I made an appointment with Dr. Mike right away, and following my adjustment, I could actually feel the pressure and inflammation deflating like a balloon. The difference in a matter of hours was incredible. I had constant "7" pain and couldn't turn my head this morning, and now, I almost have full range of motion, and I'm almost pain free. I suspect after resting my heavy head overnight that I will not even remember that I had difficulties sleeping, turning and getting up due to paralyzing pain the previous day. The science and physics of chiropractic makes physiological sense- pinched nerves from subluxation cause inflammation and pain. Correct the misalignment, and the nerves will calm down and stop sending those pain signals to the brain. You can't beat a natural, holistic, efficient and efficacious treatment that restores balance and energy to the whole body using safe methods of calculated force and energy. To me, the evidence is clear: following an adjustment, my pain is gone, my function and my mood improved almost immediately, and my quality of life is reflected in 5 stars
18 May 2020 23:56
I've gone to Dr Foran over the years for chronic next pain and always get excellent relief. I highly recommend him!
19 March 2020 5:38
Having had a serious neck injury years ago, without an adjustment over time my right arm and hand go numb, my back muscles twist and the pain travels up through my shoulder to my neck and I experience debilitating headaches. After Dr Foran adjusts me my body relaxes, I can sleep, write and drive without numbness, back muscles untwist and I am again free of headaches and pain! Thank you Dr Foran!
06 March 2020 11:29
Thank you so much for my adjustment yesterday.my knee si SO much better. It no longer feels swollen and I can bend it beyond 90 degrees without the pressure. My hip is better too. Hardly any pain at all and I can twist my torso to shoulder check when driving again. And all from your work on my atlas. Once again I am amazed.
29 February 2020 6:21
I had forgotten what normal felt like. I suffered daily from feeling off balance and when I tried to work out/get my heart rate up, I would immediately get a pounding sensation in my head, resulting in a headache. I also suffered from daily anxiety which has now substantially reduced to almost none. From my first meeting and adjustment, I felt confident Dr. Foran would be able to fix my neck issue and get me back to feeling good. 6 weeks into my treatment now and I feel like a new person. I'm able to live life normally and not hold back.
29 January 2020 7:46
I was referred to Dr. Foran for concussion like symptoms. I wasn't really sure what to expect and actually had never heard of NUCCA. He confidently told me he could help me after reviewing my files and examining my neck at the first appointment. I will be forever grateful as Dr. Foran has helped me and continues to help me.
06 January 2020 0:23
I have worked with Dr. Foran for a number of years now. His adjustments are exceedingly helpful and his precision in care is excellent. I have received a great deal of pain relief from his treatments and would recommend others to seek Nucca chiropractic for their health and wellness needs.
03 June 2019 1:28
Saw the fee schedule and left. Chiropractic is just traditional manipulation. Go to the east and you'll get your neck adjusted in a spa. Charging $750 for a visit reels of scam to me. Been to chiropractor off and on throughout my life, some good, some bad. It's not the most difficult profession. Charging this much it's likely a technique used to manipulate people into believing it helped in order to not feeling stupid for spending so much.
10 December 2018 1:07
After some very heavy work, work that 20 or 30 years ago would have been a piece of cake, I began feeling lethargic and lazy. That night a splitting head ache set in along with multiple joint pains (shoulders especially) and stayed for 2 days non stop. I could only sleep 2 hours at a time. At the time a didn't make the connection linking the heavy lifting to my pains, but having had Dr Foran treat me in the past, I knew I could count on him for at least the head aches. I made my appointment and was in his clinic with in a few hours.
Laying there he began his gentle touch treatment to the left side of my neck. Although I could hear the adjustment, as always I couldn't feel a thing. Standing up at the end I felt light and comfortable. I don't know when my pain left but sitting in my car about to drive away I realized that my head ache had gone. I rolled my shoulders and felt free again.
Absolutely amazing! Sometimes it takes a few days or visits for my ailments to go away, but this time it was as instant as you could want. In the world of take a pill for this and take a pill for that, it makes so much sense to have a chiropractor physically put back in place, what my physical labour put out.

Conall Barr
01 November 2018 21:36
I can't comment on Dr. Foran's skills and care as I never made it to my first appointment. I had been seeing a wonderful nucca chiro in South Surrey for a few months this year and when I moved back to Vancouver, I decided to try out Dr. Foran. When I first booked my appointment, I asked about his fees and the receptionist was rather evasive to answer, said she'd send me an email with all the information. I didn't think much of it at the time, though this is a red flag. A week later, I needed to reschedule my appointment, I called to ask if they had received my file from my other nucca chiro. When I inquired again about fees, the receptionist again made reference to an email she's going to send me, so I asked her plain right if she can give me an idea of cost and fees. She replied $750. I had to ask, 'Seven HUNDRED and 50 dollars? ', which she confirmed hesitantly. The email I received contained an itemized list of cost and fees, which I felt were excessive and kinda ridiculous. I received a follow up email saying because I'd been a patient of Dr. Kanwisher, the revised cost would be $455 for the first appointment. This revised sheet showed that second appointment is $750 and third visit $150, all of which was crossed out (none of this information was in the first email). When I asked them to cancel my appointment as the fees were too high, the receptionist sent me a $130 consultation coupon to see whether it would help and I would keep my appointment. Yikes.
Once again, I can't comment on Dr. Foran's skills, but the high fees and the lack of upfront disclosure about professional fees and the multiple discounting of his fees to get my business doesn't feel right, it makes me uncomfortable. I feel a misalignment here even before my spine has a chance for alignment with this chiro.
20 August 2018 16:52
How do you spell relief? Dr Foran! He's magic.all these years i suffered for nothing.your assessment is detailed, the man pays attention, he's kind and gentle and listens to what you say. The adjustments are amazing (i had gone to chiro's who kind of guessed at the adjustments, leaving me wondering, whhaaat?) - Dr Foran is the doctor of geometry - it's all angles, babe, either you are in alignment or not.and he's literally got the angles and measurements to prove it. Love yourself enough to do this, go here, get realigned in your body, let your life energy flow through you the way it is supposed to. You will be surprised and delighted at the difference to your quality of life. Truly:)

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