09 January 2023 5:45
Dr. Prest is absolutely a terrible specialist. She failed to help me and I had to go to USA for diagnosis and treatment because I was suffering and she refused to do the endoscopy because she said, it's very normal what I feel which was not true as I was in a serious pain. They never answer a phone call, their front desk is terrible.
18 September 2022 10:11
All my interactions with the receptionist have been great. As a clerk myself, I can tell she is really busy but is efficient. I am always satisfied with her service. Thanks for helping me with my mom.
30 June 2022 11:20
The Receptionist Brenda is very very rude lady. From day one she is so loud and impolite. I am waiting from last 1 year to see the doctor and they are always postponing my appointment. I have never met the receptionist in person but her way of talk is so unprofessional. She always gets frustrated over the phone without any reason. She is one of the ill-mannered receptionist I have ever talked with.
29 December 2021 4:32
Not surprised to come on here and see the terrible reviews of the receptionist. Absolutely the rudest person I have ever spoken too with not a tad bit of professionalism. I truly dont understand how she has a job.disgusting
01 December 2021 7:08
Please note I am giving Dr. Prest herself a 5 star rating. Other aspects of her practice, such as the office experience, the quality of the receptionist, etc. I will address separately in the review.

Dr. Prest's been my gastroenterologist for many years now and I've been very happy with all she's done for me. She's been attentive and kind and generous with her time. She's put a real effort into improving my situation and I'm in her debt for that. So, yes, she gets 5 stars from me.
Her office is, in fact, pretty substandard in comfort and appearance. It's far too small (only a handful of chairs) and you will have to stand if all the seats are occupied. The room's dingy and run down, for sure.
Wait times can be significant and the doctor isn't always on time although I have been pretty fortunate in that regard. Many others have not been as lucky, clearly, if the reviews are any indication.
And finally we come to the subject of the receptionist who many people have commented on already, here and other review sites. She is, in my opinion, the biggest negative to having Dr. Prest as your gastro doctor.
She can be very unpleasant to deal with, makes virtually no effort to be helpful, in person or on the phone. The office is nearly impossible to reach via phone, in fact.
95% of the time calling the number simply returns a busy signal - sometimes for the entire day. When it's not a busy signal the phone just rings unanswered until the voice mail kicks in. And she does not respond to voice mails left. She makes a concerted effort to limit, or eliminate entirely, any incoming communication. All in all it's a terrible way to run an office and I marvel she has kept her job so long.
Too bad Dr. Prest doesn't read her reviews here and elsewhere. I wonder if she even knows how poorly her receptionist's skills are in dealing with her patients.
22 September 2021 23:06
Terrible experience with Dr. Prest. Waited months for an appointment which is normal for a specialist and spent 5.5 months "working with her". Had a consultation, a follow up, a x-ray, and a call from reception. Came to a specialist for my issue and I advised that the medication offered to me by my doctor was making me sick and not an option going forward in my life, desperate for a solution for a gastro issue that effects me daily for years now. After 11 months into this process her solution for me (which was relayed to me by her receptionist reading me an email over the phone) was to take the VERY MEDICATION that has been making me sick, every day for the next few months and then to take it every second day. How is that acceptable care by a specialist or any doctor for that matter? What an absolute insult. STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS DOCTOR!
20 October 2020 17:06
For everyone who has been complaining about the receptionist and Dr. Prest, I honestly have found my experience very opposite to others.

A little bit about my history: I have been having stomach issues since I was 7. I was receiving treatment for something back (can't remember exactly what) in Toronto for 3 years. My doctor advised my parents and I to find a doctor over here, in BC, to continue treatment. I arrived and immediately went to different doctors to request to continue with treatment, but they denied it and said I was fine because all my results would come back "positive". I kept experiencing stomach pain to the worst so I would return and insist them to find an answer to my problem. Each doctor would run tests and when they found "nothing", would brush me off and say I was fine, even though these problems were making me malnurished and in constant pain.
From the age of 10-27 (I am now 29) I kept experiencing pain until the age of 27 when I started seeing small but noticeable changes in my stool. I went back to my family doctor (I thought overall he was good because the symptons I was feeling weren't as severe as before so I was convinced they had magically went away. I saw positive changes in my weight and overall health, so I thought maybe it went away afterall) I explained how I noticed these changes. He proceeded to run some tests and found yet again nothing.
It was until middle of 2018, I started noticing these signs weren't going away but only getting worse (keep in mind the first tests I did had positive signs to my problem and instead of looking further into it, he just ignored the signs and told me nothing was wrong - much of a pattern lol) and that's when I got worried.
I went back to my doctor and asked to run the tests again. That is when he got worried and said to me (this part makes me very upset) "why didn't you come sooner? ! " I shrugged his comment off because of the history here and how negligent these doctors have been with the constant "you're fine" words that would come out of their mouths, and how they could find nothing wrong with me. So instead of coming sooner as he asked, I told him I thought it wasn't a problem.
He then sent me immediately to run more tests, to see a specialist to the problem he found, and that is when I met Dr. Prest, on October 15,2018.

My experience with the receptionst was positive and she was very nice to me and has continued to be nice to me; very caring actually. I feel confident she cares about my well-being because she noticed how much I was hurting. So when I call to request for more medication, she's gone above and beyond to help me with the constant follow-ups. And no, not 3 hour wait times when I've come to the office for an appointment.

My first meeting with Dr. Prest was amazing. She was very concerned, asked me a bunch of questions about my symptons and then at the end she asked how long had I been with these symptons and pain. I said, "for 18 years now.no doctor has been able or even wanted to find what was wrong because I was told I was fine. " I started to cry a lot and she looked even more concerned because she couldn't believe I had been living with that much pain for that long, and said she was going to do everything she could to find what was wrong.
After more tests she found I was positive for ulcerative colitis. I went back to her office and at the beginning of 2019 and I finally started treatment. She did explain I will be on this medication on a consistent basis because it's chronic since no doctor has treated me for a very long time, and wants to reduce the risk of further problems (if you catch my drift). I had a follow up in March, which confirmed even more I have this sickness.

If it weren't for her and the receptionists' services/care, I would have gotten worse. I am beyond thankful one doctor finally heard my cry of desperation.to know I mattered to them, and continue to matter to them is relieving.

So honestly, she is the best doctor I have ever had and I am so much better because of her and her receptionist.
09 October 2018 23:26
Waiting times are atrocious, hot summer no a.c. Didn't help. Not enough chairs either. Three hour wait. She's a good doctor but the wait negates that.
24 March 2018 14:48
Dr. Prest is a very lovely woman. However, the receptionist here consistently has so much attitude. She is the most rude and frustrating person I've ever dealt with at an office before. You can even hear the negativity in her voice when you call the office and hear the recording she leaves. I have no idea how she even has a job that requires human interaction.

This office doesn't answer the phone and they don't do emails. Fax only. We are not living in 1985. I do not recommend going to this office. Especially because the receptionist is so arrogant and disrespectful, it's unbelievable.

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