20 May 2023 16:31
OMG. This company is a SCAM and should be investigated by the BBB for their deceitful business practices. A salesperson came knocking on my door this afternoon and outright LIED to me. The salesman portrayed himself as a FortisBC employee. He wanted to look at my FortisBC bill to see if I would qualify for a "government rebate" on natural gas. He said he could help me apply for the government rebate - so I agreed. Next thing I know, I get an email indicating that I was locked into a 5 year contract at inflated prices! The saleperson absolutely LIED, was UNETHICAL, and full of DECEIT. I immediately emailed Easy Energy and told them that I wanted to cancel the contract. They allowed me to cancel because it was within the 10 day cooling off period. I also called FortisBC and told them about this incident, and that I wanted to remain with Fortis. This stressed me out and wasted my afternoon. Shame on you!
16 May 2023 3:05
This company is scam they lie to you to get you to sign a contract stating they are going to save you money if you switch from fortis to them … the gas price is exorbitant. The gentlemen that are their door to door are excellent at their job- which is convincing the house owner it’s in their best interest. They don’t come off as scam … but if you read their contract you will see it’s not true to form and they don’t actually show you the page with the rate of gas they fold it up and have you sign ….

Rule of thumb if there is someone coming door to door take the information do your research and get back to them if you are interested. Don’t let them pressure you….
10 May 2023 14:34
In my personal experinece ive found this company to be extremely Predatory to old people, taking advantage of the vulnerable and charging more.
18 April 2023 11:11
This is a huge SCAM. Do not sign anything, they represent that they are affiliated with Fortis but they are not! You will pay a huge premium on top of what Fortis charges. If you have signed a contract call BC Utilities Commission and they will help you.
13 April 2023 13:16
Scam scam major scam they lie they say that they work for fortis, and they don't. They don't even work with fortis, They are an individual company that lies, they do not keep your rates low and its not just a servicethey put you in a contact without knowing it. They lock you into rates that are twice the price of fortis, and The lady that answers the phone is beyond RUDE. She lied about the current rate fortis is charging, compared to theirs! Her customer service skills are at best, that of a beast, a dirty boar.
31 March 2023 14:06
This is just a scam. Locking you in with a higher rate for 5 years. Very minimal information provided.
30 March 2023 13:28
Scam stay clear of these people. Lies all lies. British Columbia Utilities Commission is just as bad. And Fortis is absolutely useless, stay clear of this fraud. Shame on all of these companies and our government.
29 March 2023 23:52
This is a SCAM don’t sign up. I have looked at the figures on FORTIS website. They were signing up people for $6 per GJ back in 2016 when fortis was offering gas at $1.14 per GJ and even today the fortis rate is $5.16 and easy energy is at $8. Do the math. Check the details on fortis bc webisite. And all the positive reviews they are the people who work with easy energy. “DONT SIGNUP OR YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET”

They try to confuse“Natural gas” and “Renewable Natural gas” they’re both different. NG is $5.14 per GJ and RNG is $14.70 per GJ. No one buys RNG from FortisBC. Don’t go by the price for RNG.

Always look for price for NG. RNG is environmental friendly.
05 March 2023 13:16
Excellent company, fantastic rates, and the sales rep did a great job explaining the program. I had been approached before by another company but I staid very confused about the customer choice program.

These guys and gals made it very easy to understand and now my bill wont go up with the raising market prices.:)
23 February 2023 8:30
They should add an "Sl" to the start of their name.

The salesman AND the phone representative both misled me about how their service works. They mislead you into signing up by saying things like "the rate on the contract is only a cap rate" and you'll get the best rate, etc, making it sound like it's a protection against supplier rate increases. In reality, you will start at a much higher rate and be locked in for 5 years. There's a chance commodity prices will increase and they can save you money, but instead of being transparent about their service, they make it sound like you'll immediately be protected against price increases, ignoring the fact that signing up with them immediately increases your gas rate by ~60%

I asked for copies of my recorded conversations with the phone representative that called me to confirm enrolment (I wasn't going to enroll until he called), and they said they only have the portion of the phone call in which I agreed to the terms. I followed up to request the full call and was told their legal team advised them that they only have the one call recording, and the full phone call does not exist. They offered me a chance to cancel after one year with no penalty since I did not cancel within the initial 10-day window. Had life not gotten in the way, I'd have done more digging and cancelled.
12 January 2023 21:09
I just wanted to say thanks easyenergy I locked in two years ago and it’s smooth sailing for the next 3 years fortis bc has past the price that I locked in at and I’m saving on my equal payments 35 dollars a month compared to my Neibour that lives in the same complex and our consumption is the same. Thanks again easy energy.:)
29 August 2022 0:43
This is a scam! Same experience as all the other one star reviews. They mislead you, lie, then jack up your bill and trap you in a long contract you dont even know you signed. My house is now sold and they want me to keep paying them.
13 July 2022 16:34
Huge scam dont believe anything they say.company even posts fake 5 star reviews.easy employees get a life
09 July 2022 14:47
Don't be fooled by their promises, it is a setup. Like most people if you don't thoroughly read the contract you will be signing at a locked in rate that you would never agree to otherwise. What they "TELL" you sounds great, but what they trick you to sign is ridiculous. Switch bait operation that nobody will ever save $$. Good talkers, but scumbags / scammers.
03 June 2022 0:09
What a total scam. No truth to any ratings above 1 star. Their whole operation is a trick. Pathetic.
14 May 2022 19:13
What a joke of a company. No clue how they exist, it is very clear how they operate. No office, fake 5 star reviews, obvious lies and tricks to sign you up. Hopefully you didn’t fall for it is all I can say. Competition Bureau is who needs to help you if yes. Not sure how con artists like those working for this company can sleep at night, must have no morales and no consideration for others. Karma will eventually catch up with them.
11 May 2022 17:39
Pathetic! Positive reviews make no sense thus 100% fake - there is no way anyone has saved any money if they switched - it is IMPOSSIBLE if you do the math based on fortis rates and sleazy energy rates over the past 10 years. SCAM. Don't be fooled by these idiots.
06 May 2022 22:55
Anyone know where their office is. I heard owner works from home in white rock. Address?
06 May 2022 22:52
OMG what a scam. All lies, beware they try to fool you. Sounds great but definitely is terrible. I went to their office but it doesn’t exist. WTF. Lucky for them. And all their good reviews are BS. They need a wake up call
28 April 2022 0:29
0 stars. Disgusting scam. Don’t believe any fake reviews, do your research it is obvious. BBB has most honest reviews, only a few obvious fake ones there written obviously by owner
23 April 2022 15:53
It's a SCAM. Fake 5 star reviews that are bought, how pathetic. Don't fall for it or you'll be sorry.
22 April 2022 18:32
How does this company exist? They tried to trick my wife, said they worked for Fortis and we were eligible for a rate freeze. She asked at what price and they said the same we are paying now or less which is a lie. She saw the contract, it was with Easy Energy not Fortis and they didn't want her to look at it but she did and it was a big agreement but she did find the price offered after looking for some time and the price freeze was way more than we pay. She slammed the door in their face.
18 April 2022 16:22
Scam, don't be fooled, they are very tricky.original chat is encouraging but then they will get you to sign a different deal.shame on you
07 April 2022 18:32
Report them to Competition Bureau. They will deal with this scam. BBB and BCUC and Consumer Protection don't do anything. Very disappointing that a company like this can get away with what they do. Let's end the bs, do your part if you're a victim and reach out to Competition Bureau.
02 April 2022 2:13
Huge scam! It’s a trick/trap. No happy customers. Don’t believe the obvious fake 5 star reviews. Do your research and you’ll avoid. They appear professional but they are good scam artists. It’s a setup and check Access Gas. Same guy Tom Dixon involved. Check BBB, only a few fake reviews there. Yes they are 100% fake.
18 March 2022 15:46
Fake positive reviews. There is no way they have any happy customers. They were all tricked into signing a ridiculous agreement. Huge scam operation run out of Surrey. BBB is where the reviews are truthful.
21 February 2022 7:48
Knew exactly what to look for in their assessment. I will be passing their information along to my contacts.
19 February 2022 19:43
Wow what a deceitful company.how do they exist. I and 9 others are preparing a civil suit.time for the owner to be out of business and/or in jail.lawyer says 100%, he let me even talk to a judge for what we need.if you have been screwed over don't give up, help is on the way.
19 February 2022 19:23
I'm the owner Tom Dixon. I have no morals and don't care that I rip off every one of my customers. I hire agents to call or visit you and they trick you by making you think they are Fortis and will freeze your rates to protect you from increases. What they don't tell you is the "frozen" rate is 2-3 times higher than Fortis and that they are Easy Energy. You think you are signing a no risk deal with Fortis but you sign a ridiculous agreement with my company and as a result I rip you off and you can't do anything about it. Too bad so sad for you. I will never get caught, I have done this for years. Yes I can look myself in the mirror, I am a narcissist.
19 February 2022 6:12
Thank you Easy Energy. Your analysis helped us shift to a more optimum plan based on our consumption.
05 February 2022 11:49
Look at the reviews they are from the same person with the name user scam! Looked at my bill found they signed me up after my wife said no to them looked at my bills and found my cost is $2 per gj over what my old company was charging
16 February 2022 17:36
You are absolutely right. I worked with a marketing individual (not from Easy Energy) and saw him write out positive reviews and false names - (t was for a school). Take a look at the Better Business reviews 1.31/5
01 February 2022 7:50
Based on our usage pattern, my husband and I found out that we could cut our company’s gas costs significantly if we switched suppliers.
Easy knew exactly what to look for in their assessment.
01 February 2022 3:41
Highly impressed with the discrete job done by Easy Energy. When we signed the deal, they first understood our operations and energy requirements and accordingly gave us the best product
24 January 2022 18:28
Easy Energy is an awesome company. They make access to energy as cheap and as easy as possible. Good work all around.
24 January 2022 4:25
Our company was losing due to the huge cost of natural gas. We went to Easy Energy’s team. They advised me and helped me learn about the details of the solution.
Now we are making a profit. Thanks for the energy assessment.
23 January 2022 8:55
I had issues with my pricing for the last couple years. Told my neighbor about it and he referred me.problems are history now!
20 January 2022 19:26
Complete satisfaction! The team was great at what they do. It is the best energy management service I have ever used. Highly recommended!
18 January 2022 3:23
As I have started my new business, I was worried about how to manage energy effectively.
Then someone referred me to Easy Energy, and now gas is not costing me high. I am very thankful to them.
12 January 2022 13:55
Thank you for helping us project our natural gas consumption for the next year. It has helped us budget.
08 January 2022 10:24
I was looking for affordable energy services. That is what I got from Easy Energy. They have greatly helped me to rework on my budget and I have saved a lot.
07 January 2022 8:42
Our business institution is doing well now. This becomes possible from the right advice of Easy Energy's team. They are really helpful.
05 January 2022 16:59
Easy Energy’s team has a brilliant idea in energy assessment. Our company is really grateful to them.
05 January 2022 2:29
Do not be fooled into signing the agreement.
The sales called our company and tried to trick us into signing an agreement that he emailed to us, saying it's to register our account for future communications.
It's a LIE.
It's an actual agreement to switch from FortisBC to Easy Energy, without disclosing the rate or the terms beforehand.
03 January 2022 13:51
It was excellent to be kept informed like this and I did get a response within the revised timescales. My issue was resolved at this point and I had no further queries.
30 December 2021 12:53
The services offered by Easy Energy Services are Fast and reliable. If you are interested in speed and accuracy in getting all your energy needs sorting out, then it’s time to give them a try.
30 December 2021 7:38
I am a regular customer at Easy Energy. I have been making purchases from them for the last two years.
Their services are always awesome and you should get to try them.
30 December 2021 5:51
I found Easy Energy to be informative; the customer service is very courteous and friendly. I would recommend them to family and friends.
28 December 2021 15:45
Energy is a very important aspect of my business. I rely on it a lot and without it, it becomes exceedingly difficult to function. With Easy Energy, I’ve come to realize the fact that I have a highly reliable and capable energy partner.
28 December 2021 7:21
One ought to use Easy Energy for all the natural gas related needs. You will not regret your decision about using their services. Highly recommended
26 December 2021 13:41
Our team worked closely with Easy Energy’s team to prepare a procurement strategy for natural gas for our business. The were professional and went beyond their way to ensure we had the right match. Thank you very much
07 December 2021 21:34
I worked with an energy management firm in the past. The results were less than impressive. I’m looking forward to working with Easy Energy and having their agents prove my skepticism wrong.
06 December 2021 18:35
What great customer service from Easy Energy. They offered the best value for my money, friendly staff, all questions were answered promptly, and bills are easy to read and understand, Thank You!
06 December 2021 12:53
Easy Energy is a company that prioritizes customer satisfaction. They have a great reputation for prompt delivery and they give good value for your money
19 March 2021 1:55
First of all the salesman was not following any COvid protocol, no masks, and no distancing, then he never mentioned that I have to CAD4 per GJ where as the current Fortis BC rate is CAD 2.88, luckily I called them and got it cancelled. Guys, please be transparent and don't provide false and ambiguous info.
13 March 2021 12:59
I found out you can register both home and business Fortis bills for customer choice. I'm testing the program on my home first to see how much I save. The door to door energy advisor acted professional.
06 February 2021 7:43
I like having consumer choice but these door to door salesmen are untrustworthy.
Almost took advantage of my partner before I discussed more. Salesmen made my partner think she had to give him our Fortis information.

During Covid, Salesmen had his mask on only over the mouth not his nose as well.
02 February 2021 3:36
At first I thought it was a scam.you have been warned.it is a scam.how come so many 5 star reviews. You have been told its a scam. So go ahead and sign up. And dont complain when you find out the hard way. But so many good reviews. You can purchase 5 star reviews as easy as a phone call away. Are you convinced yet. And the DO NOT work for fortis in any way shape or form. I can see the headlines. 90 year old grammma gets taken in by easy energy inc, scam scam scam scam
18 January 2021 21:50
Aviod this company, the rep will try to convince you in a missleading manner, and the cost of gas is way overpriced.
15 January 2021 10:56
I love this program! They made the price of my gas to stay on where It is! Now, I don't need to hold back when I wanting to use my furnace!
12 January 2021 21:38
It's a scam. Easy Energy told me at the door that they will protect my current rate for 5 years but when I read the agreement, the rate was 2.5 times my current Cost of Gas rate with FortisBC. I'm happy I didn't sign and now will report them to Consumer Protection BC for false marketing and a predatory contract.
06 January 2021 1:29
They freeze my Fortis Bills. I did not know that there is such program that can lower the risk of fluctuating price.
03 January 2021 7:31
I was paying $124 every month for my Fortis BC bills. It's been a head ache for me because my business is startup. Because of Easy Enegy, my bill wen down to 50% from what it was. I'm so glad that discussed me about this option. Thanks a lot!
19 December 2020 2:17
Absolutely terrible. Employees should not be going door to door in the middle of a pandemic especially WITHOUT a mask. The employee asked for my fortis bill and did not present any sort of identification. This company needs better COVID protocols and should not be asking people for personal bills. She would not leave until I told her that I was not going to be able to find a bill.
04 December 2020 13:16
I'm happy to register for rate protection. With Customer Choice, I can always ask for a rate reduction if prices decline.
01 December 2020 7:14
I have already compared the rates that Easy Energy has from other companies, and they have the lowest rate and fair contract! I'm a satisfied customer here!
28 November 2020 21:36
Dishonest salesperson will mislead you into thinking that they're part of Fortis. They're not. Dishonest salesperson will lie and say that it's a renewal. It's not. Fortis will have to increase their rates 400% in order to match Easy Energy's rate. Scam! Oh yeah, there are a lot of fake 5 star reviews on here.but you knew that.
20 November 2020 9:35
Customer choice really helps people like me who struggle. I really need this kind of program to make sure my bills stays the same and don't surprise me anytime.
15 November 2020 23:36
It think this is a perfect timing to freeze our gas rate as prices of Fortis might go up! Thanks Easy Energy!
14 November 2020 23:01
People that think they're scammers, should really take a second to listen to what these guys have to say. I've dealt with natural gas marketers in the past, & they've all been incredibly slimy. Easy Energy was my first experience with a gas marketer who was actually honest, & helpful. Took the time to explain the program in full detail, answered any questions i had without becoming annoyed, super personable salesmen who actually spend time trying to connect with you as a person. Not gaining a crazy amount of savings, however i at least now know that my bill cannot go up under any circumstances. If you have problems with your natural gas bill, i HIGHLY suggest looking into the customer choice program, just make sure you're doing it with the right company, cause some of these guys will try to scam you. I wouldn't recommend any company for this, other than easy energy. Only company i've had a pleasent experience with in regards to the customer choice program. I've been approached multiple times by door to door salesmen, & thankfully i read the fine print before signing up, however with easy energy i didnt need to look at the fine print because they explained it all for me, the good, & the bad. Rather than making it seem to good to be true like a lot of these companies do.
02 November 2020 22:46
Dishonest salesman. Charging us 4x the amount fortis BC costs and trying to pretend they are saving you money. Avoid at all cost. They use fake 5 star reviews.
02 November 2020 0:20
Informative conversation about rates. Stabilizing my rate seemed like a reasonable thing to do during this pandemic. Zero risk with the program's low rate guarantee!
11 September 2020 21:17
Predatory tactics, they will come to your door offering a lower price. HINT: It's not. Scammers with a bunch of fake reviews. SEND THEM AWAY.
26 April 2020 15:42
Great experience! I'm so happy that I chose East Energy to help me on my gas bills! Now, I don't need to be worried on the fluctuating rate which gives me the peace of mind! Thanks!
09 April 2020 8:14
Most people thought that they've been scammed, but they should really understand how It works guess what? I'm saving almost half of what I have been paying before. I will definitely share this to all of my friends and relatives~!
11 March 2020 10:26
It kinda Irritates me because, I don't want anyone knocking on my door like that, but still they did not disappoint me. I got a 5 yr deal and so far so good!
06 March 2020 23:39
I was a little bit hesitant to sign up at first but now, It is my second term with them! Looking to have a longer business with them! Would definitely recommend this!

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