10 January 2024 4:06
I would definitely recommend this trip. It's one of the most wonderful experiences I've had so far. I really regret not being able to stay longer. Now, one of my goals is to travel the world while learning new languages.
Ef Canada Vancouver
Conseillère: Dounia
19 October 2023 15:13
Absolutely horrible. Everything is bad with ef, literally everything. Courses are useless, employees are rude and clueless, residences are disgusting, etc.even the 5 stars reviews are false as they bribe students into giving them a good review
15 October 2023 17:12
Overall stay: astounding
EF itself: humdrum and mediocre
But (t) as you can see I've learned some new vocabularies
03 October 2023 8:20
Ne partez pas avec EF. Ils font que ça pour l’argent! Je devais partir 4 mois à Vancouver mais je suis rentrée après 1 mois tellement c était catastrophique.
Je suis arrivée dans ma résidence et déjà là cela m’avais mis un froid (sale, endommagé, service a désiré…), je savais déjà à quoi m’attendre.
À EF vous avez aussi des differences de traitements entre les semaines d’arrivées. J’avais juste eu le bus tour alors que d autres (deux semaines après) avaient reçus des sacs cadeaux et partagés une pizza tous ensemble!
La priorité des bonnes classes était à ceux qui avaient payés plus cher, notamment ceux qui faisaient le Cambridge. Moi, ne faisant pas le Cambridge, avait cours sur des chaises avec un bureau pas plus grand qu’un iPad…
C est dommage les professeurs ne sont pour la plupart pas des natifs anglais. J’avais aussi l’impression de ne pas apprendre énormément en cours…
Les activités proposées sont également à désirer. Par exemple, j’ai fait le pont de capilano. On a marché 10 min et après on s est assis parce que la guide (EF) n’avait pas envie de faire plus et de même pour l’activité jeux a sunset beach où on s est arrêté dans le premier parc parce que la guide n avait plus envie de marcher… C’est dommage.
Si vous devez partir, je ne vous conseille pas EF. Partez avec un autre organisme ou dans une autre école.
12 September 2023 20:42
J'ai vécu une expérience merveilleuse pendant trois semaines. Notre leader, Maroussia, s'est montrée extrêmement bienveillante et attentive en cas de problèmes. Un grand merci à Maroussia
22 July 2023 3:51
The staff is bad, the classes are bad and they are thieves, surely they don't comply and they throw you out on the street, they also slurp you so that you give them a good opinion, they are thieves and scammers and they bribe
16 July 2023 4:45
・Staff's response is quite bad.
・There is no cooperation between staff members.
・I have forgotten what I said many times. Or forget about it.
・When I told him that I was sick, he reluctantly told me that I was sick again.
-Failure to meet consumer demand
・Even when I got sick in the area, they didn't take good care of me.
・There are many children who live far from school.
・I have a contract with many houses that are unsuccessful.
・There was a teacher who raised the level of the class without permission because there were too many students, but told me to go to a lower class because I was not at this level. Too selfish.
・It's called scholastic compensation, but if you take a test, everyone's level will rise to 99%. If you are absent even once, you will lose all academic compensation. (Even if you are sick and have a cold)
The Japanese staff didn't mention that at all, so when I complained, they said that I had told them what I had said when I signed the contract. (not saying anything) I'm disappointed.
・The quality of the class is not good at all because there are many activities even though it is said that education is first.
・There was a class that ended more than 30 minutes early, and moreover, there were times when it ended just by introducing myself.
・There was a class that ended with just talking and playing games without opening the teaching materials.
・Most of the Japanese people who came here complained about this language school.
・On the other hand, there were no Japanese who said it was good.
・Even if you say the same thing three times, it won't move.
・ No matter how many times I say it, it won't move immediately.
・EF staff are licking Japanese people who can't speak English.
・There was a teacher who finished a class in 20 minutes.
・There are some bad teachers.
・Some houses say that lunch is included on Saturdays and Sundays, but it is not included.
・Because EF did not pay the host properly, the host's house also had an appropriate meal, or the quality was low, so we had to pay additional wifi and laundry fees.
・It was written as a two-person room, but I did a three-person room
therefore breach of contract.
・I was paid more than 100,000 yen as an additional charge due to fluctuations in the appreciation of the dollar, which was not mentioned at all in the insurance proposal.
・Despite the fact that the course has started, I was paid separately for the isolation hotel due to the coronavirus.
・Even though I paid the host fee all at once, I was asked to pay the laundry fee and the wifi fee separately.
・If you retort, they will sarcastically retort instead of saying sorry.
・There was a time when there were many Japanese people.
・There are many homestay children who commute to school for more than an hour. By the way, I was about 1 hour and 20 minutes.
・When I told the EF staff that there were often rats at my place of stay, they said that it was common for mice to be there, and they said that I would be able to move to the next house in 3 weeks.
・Even though the transfer fee is included, I was sent from the hotel to my house by taxi. The EF staff snapped at me and told me to take a taxi and pay my own money.
12 July 2023 7:52
They fulfill everything they offer you from the beginning. The activities are very good and well done. Both the people before you leave, as well as those who are on campus whenever you need them, they help you and offer you a very good service. Without a doubt, a great choice to study as well as to learn. Without a doubt, a life experience, and your best choice!
09 June 2023 6:59
Je reviens tout juste de mon séjour à Vancouver et j aimerais vous donner mon avis. Très bonne expérience, honnêtement c est sûrement une des meilleures périodes de ma vie. EF éducation est un organisme extrêmement motivé pour pousser leurs étudiants dans de nouvelles activités, à tester de nouvelles choses et revenir avec pleins de souvenirs. C est une école qui, pour moi, sert à nous développer mentalement: on apprend un nombre incalculable de choses (pas que la langue). Si vous avez la chance de pouvoir partir, je vous soutiens à fond!
Je ne mets pas 5 étoiles car il reste des choses à améliorer (tel que l organisation et l administration) mais d un point de vu sentimentale j aurais pu mettre 5 étoiles.
08 June 2023 9:07
Une bonne école ou l’on apprend bien l’anglais, les activités sont excellentes et les prof sympathique.
16 January 2023 13:43
I really like it, my teacher Chase is the best, the staff is really nice, lots of activities, so amazing
09 November 2022 10:38
Hallo liebe Leser,
Ich kann jedem eine Sprachreise mit EF empfehlen.
1. Der Unterricht ist cool. Mein Lehrer ist super sympathisch und macht Hecht entspannten Unterricht, wo man was lernt.
2. Ich habe hier so viele neue Freunde gefunden. Durch die Internationalität des Unternehmens, kannst du Menschen aus aller Welt kennenlernen.
3. Ich habe eine super Gastfamilie. Heute Abend haben wir zsm im Wohnzimmer gechillt und einfach über dumme Sachen gelacht. Bei solchen Konversationen lernt man die Kultur und Englisch einfach am besten.
21 April 2019 21:28
I think it depends on you. If you study hard and join lots of activity, you can improve a lot, but if you don't, your skill will be same. But I think it's a big problem that many EF student (especially people who use Spanish and French) use their first langauges. But except that, EF is cool. They give us many opportunity to study English, and also have great teachers. I recommend you to join EF to study English.
09 April 2019 4:41
EF Vancouver is a wonderful school with amazing staff and people. Going here was one of the best ideas ever and really taught me so much more than only English. Would highly recommend this to anyone around the age of 16 to 25ish
16 March 2019 19:07
I do not recommend EF for professionals who value their time.
For young people from 20 to 28 years old it is probably a good place, they spend more time walking, than learning English.

I went to Vancouver with many expectations of studying English and to start in my classroom at least more than 50% speak my language (Spanish), among Mexicans, Chileans and Colombians. The time you spend in classes is very little between 3 hours and some days 5 hours (they are optional). They do not specialize in reinforcing anything, neither the grammar, nor the conversation nor your ability to understand. I learn between 3 and 4 new words a day. At this point many people will say that it depends on each one, or of course I can study many English subjects after classes, but for that case I'd better stay in my country and leave my job and lock myself in my house to study, until now I feel In my country, taking 3 hours a day of English classes, I learned far more than in EF, the idea of ​​going to another country and paying more than 12 thousand US dollars, passages, stays and travels is to ACCELERATE the learning process.

Personally, I consider that when I go to school I go to that, I do not go to social life, and because of my way of being, I do not apply that life outside of classes that EF offers, which by the way is a separate cost. If I do some conversation, it is with an end, not just talk for a conversation. Now when I'm in the city I have to use English to communicate, but it's so limited, so in classes they teach you simple past, perfect past, etc, but at the time of the hour you continue with the same level of English with which you arrived.

The groups are very uneven, there are two sides or many that are for the next level or many that are for a lower level. The filter they use to level is bad.

When I asked why I could not take more hours, I came away with the fact that the courses are designed by several PhDs and that is the time that a person can attend. The truth is that every day in Vancouver a lot of money is spent and it does not make sense to study a few hours.

My partner also came to study at EF, but unlike me she is at zero of English, at the beginning they put her level A1.2, when the level she had to go to was A1.1, she spent a week and they changed her to her level, but already advanced, were so to say more than half of the book used in classes, when I complain about her, since she does not speak English, the director told me that it did not matter because even she learned "something", now let's think for a moment, I mean first I teach you to multiply and then to add? OK is not a good example, so first I teach you the simple past and then I teach you that it is the verb to be (he is, she is) ? I do not know if I let myself be understood, I think it does not make sense. I told him to be a person, that it is good that he learns "something", but time passes and money is lost. This is where you can see that they only see it as a business, the courses are more designed so that you delay in learning so that you will be forced to extend your stay. For my part I would like to go to another place to study, but I think that the contract does not allow me, so I get my money back.

Now I chose EF because I did not have time to do the VISA papers and that is the plus they have, there I also had a problem, since my 6 month course started in January and the visa was given to me the 2nd week of January, to which in the process they told me not to give up my work and I asked them that I needed 15 days to be able to resign by law, I think they did not take me seriously. The day the visa came out they told me that they are traveling tomorrow, which I could not because they had to wait for 15 days, I lost a month, in the end they recognized me only two weeks, but when my group arrived it was already advanced.

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