31 December 2023 19:01
Really friendly receptionist today!
Smiled with every patient that came in and knew some patients by name.
Really impressive young girl!
25 December 2023 2:56
I had an excellent experience with Dr. Nikhilesh Dasanjh at this walk-in clinic. I approached him with a severe headache issue that affected my daily life and sleep. Dr. Dasanjh was understanding and promptly referred me for a CT scan. I appreciated his attentiveness and felt genuinely cared for throughout the process. The efficiency of scheduling the CT scan within a week was impressive. Additionally, Dr. Dasanjh was consistently prompt in phone appointments and getting back with test results. I am grateful for his help and the exceptional level of care he provided.
23 November 2023 18:26
The new Dr. Gregory Wicks is a heavy smoker and does not take necessary sanitary precautions before dealing with patients. Please be advised.
08 November 2023 3:42
I'm very fortunate to have this excellent clinic nearby. Everyone from the frontline staff to the doctors to the nurses are friendly and clear. The booking website could be a little better as I was not able to find a walk-in "in person" for the day after, but fortunately I could walk down in the morning and they gave me an appointment for later in the day. Great service - thank you!
10 August 2023 11:56
Started out okay as the receptionist were really nice. I had to wait about an hour past my appointment time to see the doctor. Finally meet with the doctor and it was awful. My pain was brushed off as not being serious. The doctor took a call in the middle of the appointment that lasted 10+ mins then he had the audacity to rush the rest of the appointment cause he was running behind. Like that was my fault? I expressed concerns about needing to have my eyes checked cause I had surgery on them a month prior. He fought me on this until realizing that I wasn’t going to budge. Told me that I should just book another appointment with them since he’s so busy. The experience was absolute trash! Would not recommend this clinic
15 July 2023 15:46
If you use their useless mandatory online booking system, your appointment requests will go completely ignored for 1-2 weeks before someone actually responds
08 May 2023 0:49
My experience was good by Canadian medical standards. Had an appointment for next day. Waited in the lobby for less than an hour after my scheduled appointment time and I got to see a doctor who took the time to explain things. Receptionist staff was super friendly and smiled a lot.
26 April 2023 0:46
I’m grateful for the work doctors and their offices do and I try to be as understanding as I can about the demand and stress on the healthcare system. However I have never seen a medical office as disorganized and hard to reach as this one. The emergency department has sent medical files upon request faster than this clinic. If you need any sort of important document and note from a doctor here expect to receive it a week or more later. There has got to be a better way for this clinic to organize their patients information, bookings, communication, and medical files. Urgent and important healthcare and support is being lost because of this clinic and their administration system.
23 April 2023 8:17
Similar to many others, I can never get through when calling the clinic. I've sat in the waiting room and I can say, for a FACT, that the receptionist is not always on the phone - I don't understand where the hold up comes from. I had a phone-call appointment today that just.never happened? I received no call, no email - nothing. I'm definitely going to a different clinic moving forward - they clearly don't care at this location.
20 April 2023 17:06
I like their online booking, it's very convenient. The doctors seem a little impatient and rushed but that's most doctors at clinics I've seen. They are concise and helpful.
01 April 2023 7:49
I have been a patient at format clinic for over 7 years now. I have had nothing but an absolutely beautiful relationship with all the physicians that have taken care of myself and my mother. I have quit smoking with the help of Dr. Addy being frank and honest with me, threw out a brand new pack on the spot and never looked back. Dr. Mathew has always cared for all my physical needs as well as my mental health needs. Staff always willing to help with a smile. The office is busy and that's a good thing because it means patients are being treated as people.
28 January 2023 22:12
While their online booking system works well, it is impossible to reach the clinic by phone/email. I had what seemed to be a good appointment for an infection over the holidays when my doctors’ office was closed, but the doctor who attended never sent my prescription to the pharmacy as he said he would. I spent two days trying to reach the clinic to resolve the issue (while very sick), and then they closed for four days which left me with over a week without my prescription. If they made their reception more available mistakes like this could be avoided.
24 January 2023 2:05
Doctor was not helpful. Told me to get a covid test for my son. We came in for a cut in his head. Close your clinic if this is the advice you give what a joke
18 January 2023 8:49
I am really thankful I was able to get into the see Dr. Ademiluyi. I actually drove all the way from Vancouver to see him as this was the only place I could get an appointment. Dr. Ade first did a virtual call/assessment with me and then asked to see me in person. Both, he and the nurse that saw me were kind, knowledgeable and helpful throughout my appointment.

I am only docking a star because I found the booking system confusing and inefficient. I didn't know if I uploaded everything for the intake and then I wanted to recheck my appointment time to which the system said "no appointment booked. " Upon calling the clinic, the main line put me on hold for about 5 minutes and then flipped me to voicemail. I was able to get to the MOA for Dr. Ade who was helpful. Long story short, I think they need a new booking system as there are certainly better ways to do business!
03 January 2023 19:07
Impossible to get in to this place. They say you have to pre-register online for an appt, despite the fact that the website says they don’t accept online registrations. Additionally they will have no doctors in the office, but still keep the clinic open for business. Clearly very poorly run, do not risk the trip.
26 November 2022 12:18
The doctors and staff were good but the process has been extremely painful.

I submitted a request for an insurance form that only requires a signature. It’s been holding up my insurance coverage and putting me at risk.
21 September 2022 2:20
Dr. Dasanjh wouldn't see my 3.5 year old daughter who has asthma because she has a cough. We had an appointment booked but when we showed up were turned away. I explained she has a history of asthma (they could've checked her file) and I wanted him to listen to her lungs. We recently moved back and as many people in BC we don't have a family doctor/paediatrician yet. I guess he doesn't swear by the Hippocratic Oath. Still blaming things on Covid which is now under control. We are all vaccinated (I am 3 times vaccinated) and I assume so is the doctor. But still he is scared to see my little girl. Pathetic.
03 September 2022 10:32
I'm wondering why they don't answer the phone, so I have to go to the clinic to book an appointment. However they are very nice whenever I visit the clinic in person.
26 August 2022 19:30
Dr. Matic is the best. She is so smart, kind and caring. Our family is really lucky to have her in our lives. Foremed has been great at accommodating tha when needing to book an appointment.
26 August 2022 12:53
Foremed has a new appointment booking system on their website that does not send email confirmation for supposedly booked appointments. I do not know if my appointment is actually booked or not. Tried calling the receptionist twice. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon, with voicemail, and still no call back.

Why does this clinic make a simple task so difficult?
02 August 2022 6:58
Ridiculous process for booking an appointment. Hours before you might hear back, sometimes not until next day. I like my physician but I'm thinking about finding another because of this
10 December 2021 1:10
My appointment got cancelled 45min before arrival what sort @$%& is this? If you call this place your phone call WILL NOT get through whats so ever GOES straight to a voice message and you'll not get a call back!
02 December 2021 10:06
I gave them 1 star. They used to be a good clinic, and actually answer calls. Now it's almost impossible to get in to book an appointment. If you miss your appointment call by 1 minute, you are screwed. I have been trying to get ahold of them to book my appointment for over an hour, left multiple messages and filled out the online forms 4 or 5 times. I am so frustrated and want a new family doctor now.
29 November 2021 15:13
Dr. Huang is the worst Dr. I have ever had, his bed side manners are the worst and doesn't follow up with any lab reports, is only in thursday and Friday
13 November 2021 18:26
Dr. Ademiluyi is great. Intelligent and caring. Took the time to listen and understand the concerns. Properly diagnosed me and my son. On the hand, the front desk staff, while being friendly, seem to not coordinate well with each other and appear to be disorganized, which added unnecessary confusion and miscommunication and resulted in more time wasted for everyone involved.
27 October 2021 21:40
Complete waste of time. Filled the form and had set up an appointment with the receptionist. Then they call me that Dr. Huang cancelled my Friday appointment and had to reschedule the following week. Dr. Huang called me an hour later than my scheduled appointment. He’s very dismissive and sounds uninterested in hearing why I had scheduled for an appointment in the first place. He sounds like he just wanted to have the appointment over with. Proceeds to tell me that he can’t help me now because I don’t have the papers from the ER from RCH. Instructs me to call the front desk and have them call RCH. Called the front desk 4 times and there was no answer, they weren’t even closed. Frankly, I don’t see how it’s my job to call the front desk for it considering they have assistants there. Just plain awful.
01 June 2021 20:21
Im not sure why but the doctor and front reception arent very friendly in my opinion compared to the other clinic ive been.
20 May 2021 1:38
The drs are great and very informative!
The receptionists never fax your presceiptions. I have had to wait over the weekend for important medication for my son as the presceiption never got faxed. This has happened 3x now total. It is quite frustrating.
10 May 2021 7:57
Was instructed to get an x-ray from a different place but was not given any kind of requisition form so an x-ray was not possible. Pretty much just told to go away
12 April 2021 21:08
Worst clinic. In the whole of b.c
Stay tuned, two doctors that should have there credentials as a doctor revoked. $$ is all that matters, no concerns for the patients. The staff turnover explains what happened when they go private, and the doctors are not audited. Pathetic!
29 March 2021 7:52
The actions of the people here, specifically Dr Huang, put me into a devastating situation after I reached out to them. These people should be ashamed of themselves. So much for the Hippocratic Oath, go back to medical school.
20 March 2021 21:31
If its an important appointment, be sure to book it more than a week in advance. Telehealth just screwed me
19 March 2021 18:33
I feel so fortunate to have Dr. X Huang as my GP. He is kind, listens with empathy and always asks very pertinent, insightful questions. He is also quick to refer if/when he feels a referral is in order. He is a star and the clinic is very lucky to have him on staff. Thank you, Dr. Huang. Kudos to the great staff too - each of you is so personable, professional and efficient.
05 March 2021 13:58
Absolutely love Dr. Dasanjh. He’s very attentive, keeps perfect track of all my referrals, medications, appointments, checkups, etc. He’s very kind and a great listener. So happy to have him as my family doctor.
07 February 2021 13:15
My interaction with Dr. Dasanjh was cursory and condescending. I was stressed and disheartened by his communication. Also, Kent pharmacy tends to up charge people even if you 100% coverage. I wouldn’t recommend this place.
18 January 2021 0:28
More than one year now. Doctors are very smart and friendly. My family doctor is dr Mathew. He has always been of great help to me and my family. Virtual appointment or in person, he listens the problem patiently and explains the solution in a very easy way. His treatment advices always worked for me. I Highly recommend this clinic.
09 January 2021 11:43
My doctor left many years ago and his patients, like me, were not informed he was leaving, never told he left and were not provided a new GP.

The first new doctor I saw there was for an ICBC accident. I got T boned traveling 50 Km/h and he wrote the other person who hit me was going around 5 km/h. Not only does that math not make sense to me, why would he include that in a report? It made it hard to get ICBC to appropriately look at my accident claim.

I went to another new doctor about a big bump on my face. He tried squishing it, saying it was a cyst and made it worse. So I come back and he says it must be a spider bite and prescribes antibiotics. Still didn't help much and I went back and he offered to cut it open but would not give me a refferal to a specialist.

One day, after waiting 2 hours to see the doctor about the issue on my face, I informed them I had to leave for work. I made a second appointment the next day, and after waiting an hour I asked if it may take much longer to get my appointment done and they offered to reschedule.

When I came back, the manager told me they cancelled my appointment due to me cancelling two appointments. She even said she was there when I rescheduled the second time.

They apparently hired all new staff behind the desk and they all seemed rude except the one guy who helped me reschedule. The old staff never called about test results, not even for my great uncles positive cancer results. Proceed with caution.

The positive: Dr Pawlik was an amazing doctor! He went over your symptoms thoroughly and would look stuff up if you had an unusual or rare issue.
I hope he comes back from the Island one day.
09 January 2021 3:08
I am visiting from out-of-province and needed a form carefully filled out (with accompanying tests) for residence visa application to another country (English translation on the form).

This required a few phone calls, tests done elsewhere, and picking up the form. Everything was done quickly, everyone was excellent, and I couldn't really ask for more.
18 December 2020 20:08
I have been going to this clinic to see my family doctor for about 8 months now. I had such as bad experience last week that I immediately found another doctor at a different clinic. I had an appt for a tetanus shot, and they literally forgot about me. I was waiting for an hour. DURING A PANDEMIC, I had to wait in the lobby, seated, for an hour. The admin staff literally didn't care about me and didn't want to help. I only actually saw the doctor after pestering them repeatedly that I had to go to work and I had an appointment scheduled. The appointment they say shouldn't have been scheduled as my doctor didn't write an order.well.why didn't you tell me that when I checked in, an hour prior? I should mention I was the only person in the clinic seated and waiting. Basically incompetency after incompetency. The nurse did her job, but everyone else did not.
17 December 2020 22:44
Dr Nikhilesh Dasanjh is so wonderful. I feel so lucky that myself and my family is in good hands. I have no words to describe how wonderful physician he is. Full of knowledge and devotion towards his work.
Staff is wonderful, always professional and kind. I want to thanks Dr Dasanjh and the whole staff for working so hard for the community.
02 December 2020 6:06
Dr Adi is really such a smart and wonderful human. He has helped me to find the best treatment for my health issues. He is present, listens and then comes up with the best solution. I would highly recommend him.
27 November 2020 0:55
A few people here talking about Dr. Huang. I've been a patient of his, and I can confidently say, I've never met a more confident and useless person. He is dismissive, unempathetic and acts completely uninvested in helping you solve your problems unless you try to strongarm him. Honestly, don't bother with him unless you have very minor concerns like needing some simple antibiotics or simple prescriptions.

But if you want to ask how I really feel. I feel that you could replace him with a talkbox that says, "refer to specialist". Dr. Huang the kinda guy to put, "MD" as the first line on his bumble/tinder profile, and be happy to tout that he's a doctor, but have no interest in helping his patients. Thank god he stopped at family doctor and didn't make it into a more critical role in a hospital. This boy got lost in the sauce, and now he's just a leech on society. Useless af.
19 October 2020 16:49
The physician name Dr Mathew is very disrespectful and so rush to do your exam to consume more money. I went to certify a document because all the government office are closed first he was willing to sign it then he change his mind and wants me to pay $40. What do you feel if your family doctor dont treat you well?
Good luck you won't see me again Dr Mathew
12 April 2020 19:35
Good clinic. It is conveniently located right next to a drug store, so you can fill your prescription right away. There is also a physiotherapy upstairs.
17 November 2019 13:31
Where are the malcontents coming from?
I just saw two of three real negative review comments regarding Formed
I have been seeing one of the doctors there for years, from the time he started there, and he is good at all steps of doctoring.
And, as you sit waiting for your call to go in, you see other patients going in and coming out with no complaints or angry faces or such.
You also see the receptionists treating everyone seriously and in a good manner.
04 October 2019 18:18
The receptionist is very friendly and awesome.
Dr. Matthew is pretty good. He solve my problem.
16 September 2019 22:13
If zero stars were an option I would have given that, from entering to leaving my experience was cringy.long wait time had an appointment at 4: 30.called in after 40min and doctr came 10-15min late total approximately an hour! I do not recommend the doctors they are so lame.confusing. Staff is rude & unprofessional. Bad Experience! Never going back again.
15 September 2019 12:51
Its always busy in this clinic: # but the fun part is the receptionists infront are very friendly lots of smiley pretty faces, feels like home. God bless this clinic. Would recommend my friends to visit for a walk in -
07 September 2019 0:36
Ive went here several times and the wait is minimal, the front staff are nice and i dr matic and dr mathew who were both very nice and examined me thoroughly, its a very pleasant experience overall
02 September 2019 19:58
Doctors or whatever they are, have no skills at all and are extremely rude. Still don't know how this clinic could possibly be still open.
29 June 2019 8:49
Dr. Matic and Dr. Adi are both amazing! Super efficient and understanding. I'd recommend this clinic to anyone.
01 June 2019 20:51
I was shaking to death. My hands would shake so bad. I was on Cipralex and who knows what else. For anxiety. I went to the dr saying I’m shaking to death. The doctor new I worked in a lawfirm because the tome before this he met my boss. Anyways, as I went to the dr to complain I’m shaking he said, ”are you on drugs? ” Lol. I said test my hair or pee or blood. No way. It’s something with the medication. And he sent me on my way.
17 May 2019 4:32
Doctors are rude and unprofessional. Receptionists don't answer the phone before 9 am, worst clinic to drop by.

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